X -w^ """HT1^^^ "TBT* ~TI^L T vrair,vM^iiE* /* 1"" IT* av^FM^K ~^ ""^v* 5?bj UE ^1 fl LJ ^B. ^E ^fl I I ^1 B?--I ^B j * ^EJB ^k ^E m M-4 B-1^ ? ? > ? ? I ? W ? H^l B"^ /M ^1 a i ^ I ^k B mJK/Lm *Jnt^^JKtLmmmimJBmJKtLm,^Bk0 rnmMKLmm J|L* ?JBfc? ^Bfc/ _JKLmmJ^ ?^L? ^ aJk wJHLaf JL? --JL- ?JHLw^B ?JBL. j VOL. 6 - * AHOSKIE, N. C., NOVEMBER^26, 1915. ~M)"Ti Dr. c. g powejj. DENTIST OFFICE OVER S.J. DILDATS STORE AHOSKIE. N. C. Aflnborn* dt Wmbprna Be.,J. B Winborne Stanley Winborne Attorney e-at-Law " MdREREESBORO, N. C. Phone# No. 17 and 21. Edgar Thomae Snipe* Attornri.y-at-l.aw Leans Negotiated ?sal Estate Bought and Sold] Once: 2nd Rtoor J. W. Godwin. Jr, Bldg AHOSKIE. N. C ?J? ?-? . .* f r&- f ' ft. R. ALLEN Healer In SASH, DOORS. BLINDS. WINDOW GLASS. HARDWARE. PAINTS 1 AND BUILDING MATERIALS GENERALLY Wholesale and Retail No. W27 Washington Square HUPROI.K. VA. SASH. DOORS. HARDWARE. PAINTS. LINE. CEMENT, SEWER PIPE. CART MATERIAL. MILL SUPPLIES. STOVES. RANGES AND ETC. CLOSE PRICES. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED AND OBLIGE. E- L. FOLK CO. No. Washington Sonera Sl'PPOI.K. VA. ROGERS & WILLIAMS ? Attorneya-at-Law Prompt Attantion Given to All . Btuintu. AHOfKIE. N. C. - C. Wallace Jones ^ Attorney and-Omenlor-At-Lew - : * ? WINTCW. N. C. Practice in all courta. Loan* negotiat ed. Seecial attention to collections. Located in Bank of Winton * Roewell C Brldger Attorney-at-Law WINTON. N. C. . J. R. EVANS practical Tin Roofer and Sheet - Metal Worker Prices Right. MCKFREE8Bt)RO. N. C. ? J. L. PARKER Notary Public HERALD OFFICE Ahoskie, N. C. Walter R.. Johnson Attobmbt at Law Ahomie. North Carolina Practices wherever services desired las Is. t !i4 llssr kbt liiNiir O. J. NEWBERN, Agent Ford Automobiles, Ahoskie, N. C. Touring Car...'? $440.00 Runabout 3%.00 F. O. IV. Detroit. FOR SALE, e CYPRESS SHINGLES j i > inches to 6 inches ? SO incites also Plastering Laths $2.50 per m. COPKLAND * TATLOR, Harrellsville, N. C. -??? .... A Pine Whoopla* Coujh MMdjr. Mothers, Dr. Bell'* Pine-Tar Honev is just the remedy for you/ children's cold ailments. The fact is that pine is a quick enemy of cold conditions. Its dualities loosen the mucous in the throA, soothe the lungs and open up the air passages. The combination of honey,' soothing and an ideal lonaening pine quality makes this an ideal cough remedy for children. Eash passing year brinjrs for it, new friends. A family of growing children cannot afford to be witb uot it. 3Sc a bottle. Adv. favtcoratiac ?? tha Mi and Sickly IUlaria.ec. ..bftbm felood. Midi apthtvM A tnw Tf?k. tn4 ctuidwn. Mr V- * :- Dorthy Dun ning, (x) Jeasie Mae Dunning, Raymond Morria, Emma Rubr Powell. Harvey Slade. Fourth Grade: U) Mary Aakew, (x) Helen Modlin, Sallie Mae Early, Millie Burden, Earl Her ring, J. B. Johnson, Herbert Wilaon. nun tirade: u) Uliver Cooke, (x> Frank Harrington, - * < > ' : V. L (trth, rrmii??t. C. ?. firry, VlM-ProU**. J. ?. f*rUf, fce. * tnu. ! 1 ? i"$ : Cbe Guarantee Company, inc. | I-. ,, directors: ' * *- *. ttAMMTT. ' m. ' ?? *? ?SMOVM. 4. OAATM, ? A. NM?, W. i. OlMTtt Capital $1,000.00 AIIOSKIE, N. C. a * RIAL ESTATE. INSURANCE. ' | S.TOCAS < r ANO 1 BONOS RENTS AND o COLLECTIONS. ' MON7TAUK ICE. CREAM ] TOUCHES THE SPOT Fills the demand fora dainty dessert, as no other dessert can. It's the choice of mother, father, sister and brother?and the boarders, if there be any. It's one subject upon which the whole family ajjree. That's because Montauk Ice I Cream is so pure, rich aud delicious. Try it: THE MONTAUK COMPANY, INC., Makers of "Purify" lee Cream and lees. 275 Oranby Street NORFOLK. VA. mot-yr picopttt: 8 in this community carry accounts at this bank. Some are check- jf ing, others are savings, while still others are both. We invite YOU to become a member of our bappy family. Checking accounts are the most convenient me thod of paying I bills, and they discourage extravagant habits Saving accounts draw 4 per cent interest, ? Merchants and Farmers Bank 3 Winton, N. C j An Expert Opinion would show that our atock includes the vnrv best varities. We keep nothing but the best quality of grain, hay and feed of all kinds, and our oats and hay are from the choicest crops raised. Prices no higher than you pay elsewhere. S. E. VAUGHAN, AHOSKIE, N. C. { A UTOMOBILE REPAIRING. | T i ? ? Dth you from head to foot. A call 1 <> will be appreciated. i ; Feldman's Bargain Store j | Newsome Block . ? i 3 AHOSKIE, H. C.