MOT BBI1 MUD. PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY J. k. him ui i. in rum. mfn. J. S. Vinson.... Managing Editor. i. Ror Pabkh Editorial Editor. at AHOSKIE. N. a Subscription Price: One Dollar Per Year in Advance Advertising Rates: Very Reasonable ind made known or request Entered as aeeond-elaas matter Feb rnary 15th, 1*10. at tne post office ?t Ahoskie. N. C.. under the Act of March A 1878 4 What will we Carolinians do for our "Holiday Water" when old Virginia goes dryl More business for Maryland, and the District of Columbia. With the aooroaeh of the new year comes the deluge of resolu tions so easily made and oftentimes more easily broken. It is better that you never make a resolution if you are straightway to oreak it, for when you bv frequent yearly repitition entirely ignore and dis regard your word which has been pledged and often sworn by, your will ooarer is weakened by tb'e ^.process. This is a d-ngerout habit, for it causes a loss of con trol, and muny times weakens otherwise strong and healthy minds. Make resolutions?good resolutions?but have the strength of mind to stand by tbem and set that they are carried out. There is en article in this pi.per? "A Few Public Spirited Citizen* Needed"?that portrays the very essence of the spirit so prevalent among a bfge body of our town citizens. So (nany of our people must see the dollar 'coming direct to their "jeans" before they will "move a peg." They seem to care nothing at all about civic im provement of the. town, nor do they consider the growth of towi industries. They are in the mark et for personal gain in dollars and cents, never for one moment giv ing a thought to aesthetic values. Let's wipe out and fprget tin* spirit! Do more for yoj town and less for your personal gain. Each citizen of our town should resolve to do ell tbet he ceo by word end deed to see to it tliei needed improvements in this town ere mede during the year tliet wilt so be borne. The work of this year is over, end the new yeer is with ue to make it whet we will. Many good things remain undone that should have been done long ego for our town end community. But let us not wail over and bemoan the things that we have failed to do in tlie past. That js not "the way to do things. There is no time like the present minute fur doing good deeds and acta thai will mean much for yot^ your town at.d community. Let's develop a community spirit thai will forever and always tend to develop the best that can be had for our people. A Few Public Spirited Citizens Needed. Ppblic spirited asserts itself in many way s but at the foot of each movement by which the public is benefitted the golden eagle is scratching sround. Then tha pub lie spirited man of any town is the one who does not hesitate to dig down in his jeans and contribute to the social uplift of his com munity. The moral and social uplift of ' things beautiful cannot be estimat ed. Beauty goes hand iff hand with religion. This is shown by i municipal improvements in out towns when the bsriooms .and dis liensaries were put out of com mission some few years ago. Our town shows considerable improve ment since 1910, but is it beauti ful! Are the iron pitcher pumps and wooden drinking troughs for horses on our main street some thing that we point out with pride to our visitors! Is the foot and a half of mud on the same street ap pioved by our public spirited men! Of course we have electric lights fixed ss beacons to guide us saftly throngh that beautiful inud. t citizen* patronise that institution! Certainly we have some public spirited citizens. but wliare are they f Don't t>^ bashful but speak up. and lets put in some concrete drinking troughs, an artesian well and a few loads of sadd on our main thoroughfare. Then how about a cemetery, a city ball, a town park? Even if all these tilings made their appearance tats hope they era on the way. Organize a Chamber of Commerce and then possibly its members will lock after soma of iheee needed improvement". Reported. A Word For and To Our Advertised. Baker and Sumner offer their ilreeling* to their patrons. They always offer bargains to you, Mr. Buyer. Gerock's, the Buay Store, will award tlie orize aet of harness Saturday. Everybody be on hand at 11 o'clock, and see it well done. White in his place of business let him and his efficient crops of sales men show you over his store; you may find some article you have been looking for a long time. W.vnn Bros., of Murfreesboro. are utilizing their advertising space to a worthy advantage this week. They are expressing their appre ciation of a good year's patronage <nd wishing for all their customers i big year in 1916. May their business continue hi grow, and may you aid in its growth during the year 1916. The Ahoskie Supply Go., offei the seasons greetings to their cus tomers, and thank them for theii ilast business. '' Uncle Jake Lassiter says he can sunpply you with any quantity of cabbage plants. Send in your order to bim at Kich Square. He will give you the proper returns. Brown and Snipes, Woodland, give notice of dissolution in this issue. A. P. Robertson advertises his personal property, consisting of farming utensila, livestock, etc., for sale on the 8th day of January. And don't forget tlmt the HERALD is giving awav pocket books. Our columns are full of other advertisements offering the very best there is hi be bad oil the market. You can make no mistake in buying wbat you want from those whose ads appear in this paper. Look tbem over. As we come to the close of the old year, the Herald, feeling grate ful to our?advertisers, wish to thank each and every one for the business they have given us in tne year just now closing. Our adver Using space has been in demand more than ever before, and we feel tbat our sincere thanks and appreciation should be extended hi all of you for what buainess we have enjoyed. May our columns continue .Lo be the bulletin board by which you can let the people know wliut your line is made of, aud the Values you offer in your business. For you. Mr. Advertis er, may the year 1916 be filled with continued prosperity ana liberal patronage. HERTFORD COUNTY FARMERS UNION TO MEET. By order of President Overton, The Hertford County Farmers Union, will come together in call meeting on Wednesday January, 5th, 1916, at Ahoskie, S. C., at 10 o'clock A. M., For the purpose of electing officers, and attending to such other business as may come before the dnion. All locals will take notice and send delegates, as this will be an important meeting. R. H. Overton, Pres. Jas. Hi Mitchell, Sec'y. War I'pon Pain. "Patn is ft visitor to * very boor and usually it comes quite unex pectedly. Rut you keep h smalt bottle of Sloan's Liniment' handy. It is the greatest pain killer ever discovered. Simply laid on the skin?no '"* rtilibing regtilred?it drives the |>ain away. It is really wonderful. Marvin H. Soister, Berkeley, writes: "Last Saturday, after tramping around the Panama Ex position with wet feet, I came home with my, neck so stiff thaW-l eooldn't turn. I applied Sloan's liniment freely and wfcnt to l?ed To my surprise, next morning the stiffness had at most diannpeaiwd. four Moofs after the second sppti* cation I waa a* good as new." March, 1915. At Druggist, 25c. Adv. /B.. . /-*? . .?*. s . . Winton Wavelet Is Bmjt People Free ? Kuay Town flKl C.epilad tit Miipd by M.WXI ? There la a great deal of aickueaa in town; so many cases of the grippe. In noma families there are two or three cpses. On account of so much sickness there have been very few socikl affairs. The Chowan Club had a most enjoyable meeting with Mrs. Wil lie Daniels Monday night, Dec. 27. The subject was Christmas and each member responded to tlie roll call with an appropiate verse. There were also some good read ings on Christmas. At the close of the program a two course lun cheon was served. The Banquet, which was to have been given by Circle number 2 of Chowan Church Tuesday nigl-t, has been postponed until Friday night, Dec. 81. Rev. and Mrs."S. N. Watson en tertained the deacons of Chowan Church, with their wive> and invited guests, at an old fashioned Christmas dinner, Monday even ing at six o'clock. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. .lohn E. Vann Mr. and Mrs. John C. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Turner, Capt. T. D. Boone, and Messrs. H. B. Vann, W. S. Herring, and O. W. Lowe. * Rev. T. S. Crutchfield preached his farewell sermon in the Winton Baptist Church Sunday night. The people of Winton as. weH as the members of the Winton Church regret to have to give up Mr. Crutchfield, for he has made so many friends during the pastorate Of three years here. Rev. T. T. Straight has been called to this church and will begin his work the first of the year. + Rev. D. P. Harris and family Dassed through towir- Tuesday on tlieir way to Elizabeth City, where they will reside in the future, Mr. Harris having accepted work in the Chowan Association. Mrs. W. B. Pollard, whose se rious illness has been mentioned in this column before, is about the NUM. Mr. F. E. Bonn, of Zebulon, spent the week end in town visit ing a "friend." Mr. Robert Matthews, who is teaching at Snow Hi". has come home for the holidays. Misses Ruth and Mary Daven port. who are teaching at Rich Square and Wilmington respec tively, are spending Christmas with their mother, Mrs. Loula Davenport. Miss Luclle White is [spending several days in Norfolk. Mesdames J. N. Clark and S. N. Watson spent last Thursday in Suffolk, shopping. Miss Myrtle Pearoe left Tuesday afteruoon for Port Norfolk, to visit Miss Ruby Cowan. [Later.] Mrs. W. B. Pollard, who has been desperately ill for the past three weeks with blood poison, died in St. Vincent's Hos oital, Norfolk, Tuesday, Dec.28. at S):30 P. M. The body accom panied by her husbancT, Dr. W. B. Pollard, and brother, Mr. Adrian Mitchell, will arrive in Winton today (Wednesday), and be car ried to the home of Mrs. Pollard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. S. Mitchell. Funeial arrangements have not been made. - NOTE OF THANKS. I take this method of thanking the patrons of my route for the many favors shown me during the past year. The many little tokens left in the boxes were appreciated. During my five .years of service as carrier on route i, I have hon estly and faithfully discharged my duty, and now hate nothing to regret. While it is true that all the distance has not been smooth sailing, yet the smiles have been cherished and the frowns forgot ten. I am now looking forward, to 1916 with renewed determination to do ev6n better than I've done in the past. Hoping each of you b ave spent a merry Christinas, I now wish for you a happy New Year. A. T. Willougbhy. .JJ ' ' 1 WMMW You IMI Omrri TMto Take drove'* The Old Standard Grove'* Tarial*** chill Tonic la equally valuable a* ? General Tonic became it coatain* the veil known tonic propertie*o< QUI NIN B and IRON. It acta on the Liver, Drive*, oat Malaria, Baricbe* the Blond and Solid* up tbe Wboi*Syrtem. Meant*. Brantley's Brooe news. Tbe Sunbeam Band of Brantleye Grove Church rendered a pro gramme Sunday afternoon at the Church. * . ? Miaa Eloisj Horton ia home from Chowan College to suend the bolidaya.' Mr. L. B. Willoughby of Kel ford ia spending the bolidaya at home. Mr. and Mrs. Coburn of Ply mouth spent a few days at the guests of Mr. an J Mrs. W. W. Willoughby. Misses Jessie and Bessie Horton are visiting relatives in Union. Mr. Copelnnd and -family of Scotland Neck are visiting friends in this vicinity. Misses Nannie Hughson of I Hickory Channel and Miaa White of Mara Hill spent the week-end iu the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Willoughby. Mr. W. A. Ebett of South Nor folk. soent a few days in the home of Mr. W. P. Willoughby. Firewi^ka and balloons have been flying high in uur vicinity during the holidays, t Miss ( Eloiae Horton was the guest of Misses Sarah and Eunice Willoughby-Sunday night. Be careful to think it over be fore you make your New Year resolutions. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cobson visited in the home of Mr. W. P. Willoughby Monday and Tuesday. Clarence Dilday the little ton of Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Dilday was burned to death Monday night. The burial took place Tuesday near Hickory Chappel. RATES,?Om cut per word each Insertion. Payable in advance. * SALESMEN WANTED TO SOLICIT orders for lubricating oils, greases and paints. Salary or commission. Address Tbe Victor Oil CO.. Cleveland, f). DR. W. L. DAVIS. EYE SIGHT Specialist will be in Altyskie at Manhattan Hotel Tuesday, Jan uary 4th. instead of Monday aa, advertised. Will be in Winton Wednesday. January 5th. NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS OF WIN ton township, Hertford County. I will be in Winton every Satur day for the purpose of collecting , taxes which is now due. J. H. Lee, Tax Collector, NOTICE TO AHOSKIE TAXPAY ers?You can see meat the Far mers-Atlantic bank. Pay your taxes before it ia too late.* S. E.Vaughn, Tax Collector, Alios* kie, N. C.' FOE SALE.?I WILL OFFER FOR sale at my home near Powells ville on Saturday, January 8tli, at 10 A. M., the following per sonal proi>erty: One X H. P. International kerosene engine, 14(t. Benthall Picking Machine, in us? part of two seasons, and in good running order, two Team, Horae and Mule, Oarts, Wheels, Buggy, Planters of all kinds, ?nd other farming utei?. silo; also-several head of Hogs. A. P. Robertson, Alioskie, N. C. NOTICE:? LOANS NEGOTIATED on good real estate seeured. A desirable farm 1? miles of Mur freesboro for rent or sale. Oood dwelling and outbuildings. 118 acres, good two horse farm. Win borne and Winborne, Murfrees boro, N. C. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS- PLEASE l*.V your Uses which arc now due and avoid the unpleasantness of forcing the collector'to en force the payment of same as prescribed by law. Respectfully, J. H, Lee, Tax Colleotor for k Winton Tiwnshlp. ::ow To Give Qatahaa To Children. rmhittm* la the trademark mtVn to ae W*? taka anddaea not dtatarb th* Mouek. CMIdniaUke It ?M eerer know II I. Quia,.,.. Alao npaclallv adapted to adnlu win CM not "O onllii.ry Oiimiw. Hm Ml HHlMl IK taaae aarreaaaaaa aar rlaciaf la the kaed. Try It the Bart time aoa B?e.i Ouialne (or any pur paaa. Art tar lean* orlilaal packaee. The eaaaa niUUDI la btowa (a battle. ? casta ? ? North Carolina, 1 Hertford County, / D. C. Barnes, Administrator of Tobe Whitehead, Ella Whitehead, Widow, Her man Whitehead, Raymond White bead, Dora Whitehead, Emmelt Whitehead, et ala, HeiVe at Law. The defendant*, Herman White head, Raymond Whitehead and Dora Whitehead ahuve named will take notice that an actioo, entitled an above, ha* been commenced in the, Superior Court of Hertford County for the porpoae of veiling a tract of laud in Maney's Neck Tpwnahip, Hertford County, North Carolina, belonging to the estate of their father, Tub* White head, Deceased, for the purpoeeof making ee*et* to pay debta coat and charge* of administration, in which said tract of land they are interested la children and heirs of their father, Tobe Whitehead. De ceased. and that the. said defend ants will further take notice tbitt they are required to appear before the undersigned Clerk of the Su perior Court at his office in Win ton, N. C., on the 14 day of Veb ruary, 1916 and answer or demur to the comolaint in said action or the plantiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in Mid complaint. Thistthe 23 day of December 1915. D. R. McGlotton. Clerk of the Superior Court. Notice. By virtue of a Deed of Truet I executed by J. C. Taylor and wife, Koea L. Taylor, on tbe 8lb day of Februnry, 191ft, to Stanley VVinborne. Trustee, of record in Hertford County, N. CM in the of hce of the Register of Deed* in Book 55, page 296, the undersign ed will, on tbe 11th day of Jen uary, 1916, sell at public outcry, for cash, the following described property, viz: The lot of land near the village of Como in Hertford County, aforesaid, leased by ueid J, 0. Taylor from Q. C. Pioot for j ninety-nine years, on which Is lo cated the saw and Qrist Mill aud Oin House of said J. C. Taylor, together with all buildings, ma chinery, and other property locat ed on said land, exeent the Poet office building and its equipments. Said lot of land is bounded by the Murfreasboro and Buckborn road, the road leading from said road to the Como High School building and the lands of O. C. Picot. n The place of sale, on the premisM. The time of sale, between 11 o'clock A. M. .and 2 o'clock P. M. January 11,1916. This December 8, 1915. "v Stanley Winborne. Trustee. Notice of Re-Sale. \By yirtue of the power and au thority conferred by William T. Ward and his wife Mary E , in a] deed of trust dated the firat day of January. 1914, and duly re corded in Hertford County. Re gister of Peeda Office, Book 51. page 21, the undersigned Trustee will sell for cash to the highest bidder at the Court House door un the 7th day of January, 1916, the following tract of land, to wit: The entire William ? I. <Uovd tract, bounded on the west by the lands of MarY E.d White, Watson & Valentine an Chas. M. Cullens, on the north by the lands of Jas. M. Powell's heirs, on the east by the lands of Jas. M. Powell's heirs and N. 8. Hog gard, and on the south by the Mt. Pleasant Mill road and the Harbor road; and containing 200, acres, more or less. It being the | tract bought of Copetand and Taylor by the said Ward. This 22nd day of December, A. D. 1915. Hour of sale: about noon,I H.C.SHARP. Trustee for Bank ot Ha^rellsyille.j U. Vaughan's "The Quality Store" MURFREESBORO, N.C. ? ? e* -7 ? '??? ' ' Fall Aonounaeoi ? Our Fall Stock of Goods is here, and we have everything you want. ? 4 Don! Put it Off, Come Now, and Inspect Our Goods. Our line is more complete than ever. Why Not Buy Everything Here and Get the Best for Your Money? ? . Better shake hands with this opportunity. U.VAUOH M urfreesboro, N. C. A Ford on the road for every car of another make. More than 900,000 now I in use?everywhere. This could- not be if the '<'ord car had not, and was not proving its superiority every day, in all parts of the world. The sturdy, light | weight, economical Ford car, useful to everybody, saving money for everybody ?at a price within reach pf everybody. Runabout $390; Touring Car $440, f. o. b., Detroit. On sale at AHOSKIE, 0. 3. Rewbern, Agent. fiere is Rappiness for You Do You Need a New Suit of Furniture? Get It. It will make you happy?it will make your wife proud and happy-^and your children will be deliriously happy. ? ...? We are ready for the Fall and IWnter Trade?are stocked right up to the limit?and have the finest selections in furniture ever offered in this community. Our Rugs are objects of pride in any home. They comprise the latest designs and weaves, are durable to a degree, and priced to suit even the most modest purse. ? ?^ ^ ??-? ' r-.

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