i EVERYBODY | QETA POCKETBOOK To every person who pays One Dollar on their subscription from December 30th, 1915 to January 8th, 1916, inclusive, we will give away one of our complimentary purses. Saturday, Janury 8th, Will be the Last Day ol This Special Oiler. ?????m&SUmmm ???i With Our *l?ery OBost Wishes i 3*or Sreat J9I6. X c = ? ? JCertford County JCeraid. Ahoskie, N. C. z ;: CABBAGE PLANTS OF EVERY KIND! 5 o ? 0 From October 1st to April 1st. * < > ?* < < ? 51.00 per 1000; 3 to 4000, 85c; 5 to 10,000, 75c. 4 4 * Thousand* of satisfied customers. | * Guarantee satisfaction in every way. 1 > If anything gets wrong notify me. ^ i > Will appreciate vour orders with check. 4 * ? White Orpeny Eggs?51.00 per setting of 15. 4 | JAKE LASSTEB, Rich Square, N. C. ; | GREETINGS | O ____________^== < c ?? C WYNN BROS. l Murfreesboro's Greatest Store < < Murfressboro, - - N. C. 1 I In appreciation of the lib- < eral patronage we have enjoy- < ed during the past year we \ wish to thank our many friends i and Customers and extend to I them the complements of the \ season and our best wishes for i a Happy and Prosperous New i Year. $ Imtm bros. ? I Murfreesboro's Greatest Store ; Murfreesboro. - - - N. C. > ? Entire Stock of Millinery at Half Cost. * ^ ' ? . Miss Naomi T.Wiggins WYNN BBOTHEBS BUILDING. ;. , ? ? .< ^^M^ggssssgsgsl, ... :b | i 1 k ^tr * ^ Get ? pocketbook. | Greetings! Mr. 1916. t Mr. Sol Cherry was in town Wednesday. | Give your town ? boost for every day in the yeur. Dewey Cherry spent Christmas | with his parents in Lewiaton. Mr. J. W. Brown, of Woodland, was ft visitor here last Friday. Mr. Hunt) Ilarrell has resigned at salesman for the Busy Store. - - Mi?.jMae Tsyloe left. Wednes day to visit relatives in Boykins, Miss Venie Howard left Thurs day to visit relatives in Ports - pnouth. Mr. J. O. Carter spent the holi days with his parents in Gates Couoty. , Messrs. Pembroke Baker and Eric Garrett spent Christmas in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lloyd Parker r spent Christmas day in Whaley ' villa, Va. Mr. W. M. Corwin spent the | holiday season with relatives in J Philadelphia. t Mr. Will Myera was the'guest J of his parents in Colerain Satur I day and Sunday. ' Mr*. Pedro Mizell, of Windsor, I was Ithe guest of Mrs. W. R. i Johnson Tuesday. Mr. Clarence Blount, was the *? guest of his parents in Plymouth [ during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Savage [ soent the holidays with relatives ^ at Whaleyvil'.e, Va. ? The Branning Mill has closed t down for the holidays but will re | sume work next week. t Mr. and Mrs. A. Lee Copeland 1 spent several days this week with ^ durents in Dendron, Va. ^ Insure in the Connecticutt Mu 1 tual Life Insurance Company, and ? get Peace of Mind. A record of | 70 years. Nothing to apologize t for. No foreign entanglements. Miss Estlier Pierce, of Ports mouth, was the guest of Miss Mabel Pierce for a few days this ' week. [ Muses Alice end Mary Grant ? Griffin, of Woodland, spent a few ? davs this week with Miss Julia : Odom. t Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Modlin, of ? Burdelte. Vs., spent Monday | night in the boose of Mr. aud S Mrs. A. T. Willoughby. * \ Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sykee, of ? Portsmouth, spent a few days this [ week with Mrs. Sykes' parents, ? Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Futrell. | Mioses Kate Gillam and Fani.ie y Parker of Windsor are the guests I of Misa Doris Jenkins in the home ? of Mr.and Mrs. J. C. Jenkins. | WANTKD?Experienced single ? or double entry book-keeper de I sires position fot 1916. Address ? A. B, C., care Herald Office. . - Mr.- Stanley Leary, of Weldon, l spent a few days with bis mother I here. He also officiated in a mar ? riage in Colerain Wednesday. | Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Best, of ? Whiteville, were' guests in the ? home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert ? Holloman a few days this week. , Miss Irma Boyette. who has i tieen teaching near Raleigh for tlie ? past two months, is at home to , spend the holidays with her par * ents. * Mr. Cyril Pearce, who for the . past few months has been electri l cian for the Ahoskie Light Com ? pany, left for bis home in \Vinton ? Thursday. ( Don't faii to see the play, | I "Fighting for Freedom," given ? by local talent Friday the 7th, * at Newsom's Hall for benefit of [ Ahoskie Band. t Prof. F. Q. Barbee, accompanied ? by his brother, W. D. Barbee. of ' Seaboard, left last Saturday to , to ai>end a few days with their ? parents near Raleigh, | Mr. 8. F. Bowers, who foe the ? past two years haa been salesman I for E. J. Gerock, has resigned his ? position. Mr. Bowers has many * friends ip Ahoekie who regret Jto ? see him leave. I Mr. C. T. Jenkins, of Phoebus. ? Vs.. who has been spending holi | days with refatives near Ahoskie, ! returned to his home Thursday, j- Mr. Jerririnrcatled at our j^ioe i while in town and took with him on^f our purses. Prof. J. I. White, wife and bnjr, of Nashville, are spending the holidays with friends and relatives here. Mr. and Mr*, E- E. Ward, of near Windsor, spent Christmas with their parent*, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Modiin. Miss Clevan Hill, who has been teaching at Wendell, returned laat Friday for the Christmas hol idays at home. Mr. Philip Boyette, who is in the tailoring business at Ports mouth, Vs.. spent Christmas day with relatives in town. Mr. Q. r. Holloman and chil dren. of Victoria, Va., visited in the home of their mother near .Unv>9 a.lew days this week. . Prof, and Mrs. K. R. Curtis and little daughter, of Portsmouth, Va., are spending the holidays with the former's mother, Mrs, L. M. Curtis. Bliss Bessie Feldman will leave for Baltimore, Md., where she will resume her studies in the Peabody Conservatory of Music. Her sis ter, Miss Lillian Feldman, will ac company her as far aa Norfolk. Mr. John Catling, of Windsor, was in town for a short while Tuesday morning. Mr. Catling was on his way to Wake Forest College, where be is preparing for the approaching bar examination in Febuary. * Miss 8 pires, of Rocky Mount, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Brett for a few days last week. She left Monday for Mur fipesboro, where she will visit rel atives for a few days before re turning to AHeskie. Mr. J. G. Perry, of Perrytown section in Bertie County, - was a visitor at the Herald office last Thursday. Mr. Perry now ha? his name on our mailing list, and he also took with him one of our complimentary pocketbooks. Messrs. C. H. Phaup and John C. Goode, former proprietors of the Baanighl Warehouse, left last Friday for '.heir homes in Rich mond, Va. Both.of these gentle men have made a great many friends during their slay in oar town, and it ia the hope of our .people that thoy return for the coming season. - i" Nr. Alphas* Lawrence Fells Dead. Mr. Alpheus Lawrence went out. to attend the Christmas exer cises, at Green's Croaa Church irt Bertie County, Christmas day. While there he fell dead, without uttering a word, after falling. He was about seventy years old.?Re ported. Ahoskie Philatheas. The Philathea Class of the Ahos kie Baptixt Church have found it necessary to begin a new roll next Sunday, apd Itbe.y urge that all old members &e present and that each one bringovith them at least one new member, and just aa many more as possible. ?: ? Cotton Ginned in Hertford County. 1 There wt-re 2916 bales of cotton, counting round as half bales, gin ned in Hertford County, from the crop of 1915 prior to December 13, 1915. as compared ? with 4129 bales ginned prior to this date last year. A. T. Newsome, Special Agent. Receives Purse From Congregation. On last Suuday morning the members of the Ahoskie Baptist Church presented their pastor, Rev. C. L. Dowell, with a hand some purse, containing about twenty-five dollars. Rev. Dowell wishes to express his sincere ap preciation of the gift, and to thank all contributors for their kind and generous remembrance of him. Beware of Ointments for Cqttarrh thatContain Mercury !? mercury will supply destroy theaense of small and completely derange tbe whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on pre scriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good yon can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, man ufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co.. 0.. Contains no mercury, and ia taken in temally, acting directly upon the blood end mucous surfaces of the ayaham. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally *nd made in Toledo. Ohio, by F J. Cheney A Co Testimonials free. Sold hj GruggistS. Price 75c per bottle. Take Hall's Family Mlia for consti pation. Adv. % P====!Ml!!!!! ? !? | F. 7 for benefit of the band. > B Y F u7 Choir. ; Every member of the B Y p U. is urged to be present at' the regular meeting on Monday night ?following the aecond Suudav in January to aid in tbe organisation t,?; P D" *'"?'? This choir Vill be separate and distinct from the regular church choir. and will be composed exclusively ?f Union members., This request is made by order of the President. Leader and Organist and they ask that every member be on band. Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the firm trading as Brown and Snipes, of Woodland, N. C.. has this day dissolved partnership. All ?c counts due the said firm will be Paid to J. L. Snipes, and all credi tors, will look to said Snipes for settlement, aforesaid Snipes having taken over the business. ^This the 14th day^of December, Blrown and Snipes, Woodland. N. C. | Little Child Burned to Dnath. The borne of Mr. Geo. T. Dil day, who residea on route 3, Alios hie, was filled with saduess on last Monday night, by the horrible death of their oldest boy Clarence.j aged about three years. Insome1 wsy unknown to any of the family.' the boy', clothing caught fire and he burned to death. I Mr. Dildav was making prepa rations to move bis family to Colerain. and had returned from that place, fed his team, and had "one 'uto the living room before be found the dead body of the lit Ue child. Mrs, jjjjday_ was iri the KiLchin preparing supper at the time of the fatality, and knew n.fthing of the burning till her bnsbaud returned and'went into the room. It is not kuown exactly how the littleEby-war buffflitnr there were only two younger children ?n the room at the time and they -eem unable to give an account of the affair. When tbe body was found, it was lying in the middle of tbe floor lifeless. I The burial took place Tuesday afternoon at the burying . ground near Hickory Chapel. Oursvm patliies go out to tbe bereaved parents. FIRE AT A.HOSKIE. The building used by the Alios kie Variety Works was completely destroyed by fire on last Friday morning. The blaze started on the inside from a pile of dry shav ings that were lying on the floor, and had gained auch headway be fore it was delected that it was impossible to put it. out. Mr. C. Greene, proprietor of the Variety Works, was busy on the outside of the building, and did not detect the blaze till too late. The fire took place about (en o'clock in the morning, and owing to the dry material on the inside soon burned to the ground. No other buildings were seriously threatened, owing to^he great distance between the burned building and the nearest house. The destroyed building was the property of Mrs. Mary Britton, of Elizabeth City, and was covered by insurance, the exact amount of which is unknown. The stock, .which was the property of Mr. Claude Greene, was covered bv insurance to the amount of three hundred dollars. Several hundred dollars worth of machinery was also destroyed by the tire. RUB OUT PAIN ~ T with good oil liniment. That's the sureft way to stop them. |The best rubbing liniment is MUSTANG LINIMENT Good far the AilmenU qf Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. QodJ for your own A chet. Pains,^RheumatisnY Sprains, 25c. 50c. $1. At all DaaNta. ' II I THe Premium J HARNESS , | i that the Busy Store was to give away free to the person making the nearest guess. Will be awarded to the winner, January first, 1 1916, at 12 M. All per ? son having' made guesses can be pre sent at this hour and see the Lucky Party. Would be glad to | have all present /f ^ the busy store ixfi AHOSKIE'fic- jj ? ?" HAVE YOUR SALARY GUARANTEED More wa^es are lost due to accident and illness tban through lack of work. Put aside a small account each month to safeguard you in time of illness or accident. Inquire of S; D. BURROUGHS, hobgood, n. r. Subscribe for 5>be Herald. ============= To all of our patrons we ex-1 tend our sincere and apprecia- j| tive thanks for the business you have so generously given us during the past year, and may we continue to be your head quarters for the year 1916. - > May the coming three hundred and H sixty-six, days be tilled with bargains j] for the buyer, and may you enjoy the H full benefits of every bargain. j jigain Wishing 2/ou "Jill'' the Sreatest 2/ear ?ver. Truly yours, j Baker $ Sumner t | flboskie, n. e. j Pll?s Cur*4 In ? to 14 D?y? TMlt dramrin irfHTHMi ? J "TO 1 nC Bin BvylvwUvM pi??n ~ El I a