We are purchasing agents for our customers, and un less we buy the best goods obtainable at the least possible price, we are not serving their interest to the best ad vantage. We buy Weber wagons because they are stronger, will last longer, and are lighter draft. Ask the man who has one, Pr let us show you. 3. n. Uann 6 Brother, Ahoskie. n c. /get Ready Nowa /J\ Start The New Year With A Savings Account. ^ a ? ii< EVERYBODY WANTS MONEY at Christmas time,, V but not everybody has as much to spend as they would like. W J Those who started a savings account a year ago and kept it V J up have plepty of money to spend this Christmas, Those W TO who didn't wish they had. a w T THE BEST TIME to begin saving is right now. Deposit W TO what is left from your Christinas buying in this bank, and, V to keep adding to it each week until next Christmas. It is good w 9 advice, the advice that guides you along the road to wealth w. * and happiness, i ; ' W, I THE PEOPLES BANK | ft MURFREESBORO.N. C. Jj? ; > ? CABBAGE ? PLANTS' OF* EYERY' KIND* \ ? <> , ,i i A o From October 1st to April 1st. | ? $1.00 per 1000; 3 to 4000, 85c; 5 to 10,000, 75c. !! $ Thousands ef satisfied customers. < > T Guarantee satisfaction in every way. *' If anything gets wrong notify me. < [ Will appreciate vour orders with check. < , - White Orpeny Eggs?$1.00 per setting of 15. < i I II < 1 LASSTEB, Rich Square, N. C. J RNTAV^K ICE CREAM 1 Vj TOUCHES THE SPOT ?Hie demand fora dainty dessert, as no other dessert can. Hie choice of mother, father, sister and brother?and boarders, if there be any. It'a one subject upon which nthole family agree. That's because MonUuk Ice Sis so pure, rich and delicious. Try it: MONTAUK COMPANY, INC., Maker* of "Purity" Ice Cream and Ice*. ?by Street NORFOLK. VA. MaNIWIMMiaMMMMSMaMMMMeMMMeMMtMIMI ^ A Ford on the road for every car of i another make. More than 900,000 now ; in use?everywhere. This could not k be if the Korcl car had not, and was not F proving its superiority every day, in all parts of the Worfd. The sturdy, light -weight. economical Ford car, useful to ^^rybody, saving money for everybody Reprice within reach of everybody. Iktt$390; Tburing Car $440, f. o. ^^Lale at AHOSKIE, n|^taent. ? 11 11 ' -r , Notice. By virtue of tbe authority con tained in a certain Deed ol Trust executed on the 28th day of April. 1915. by P. P- Harrelland wife Corgana Harrell. to the un dersigned Trustee, which Deed of Trust is duly of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hertford County, in Book 55, Page 23, et seq., default having been made in the payment of the debt therein secured, and at the request of the holder thereof, the undersigned Trustee, will on the 1st day of January, offer for sale at the Court House Door of Hertford County, between the bourn,of 11 o'clock A. M., and I o'clock P. M., to the highest bii? ....?i.. ?.11 i?-? I Trj it! Substitute foflasti ? Calomel. T| H Starts your liver without mki?| you rick tad cm not salivate. Every druggist in Utwn vuur druggist end everybody'" drug, llist tiss noticed a great failing off in the sale of calomel. They all give the same reason. Dodeog's Liver Tone is taking its place. "Calomel is danirerous and |>?o Ple know it. while Dodson's Liver Tone ia perfectly safe and; gives better results," said a promindht local druggist. Dodson's Liver is personally guaranteed by eve|y Druggist who sells it. A large sittle costs 50 cents and if it fails 10 give easy relief in every cave 914, by Isaac Norman and Beesie Norman his wife, which D ed of rrust is dul? of record inth office if 1'ie Register of Deeds of Hert ford County, in Book 66, Pi re 46. Default having been, made n the payment of mid debt acoordi ig to the terms of said Deed of I ruet, -he undersigned, will on theUind day of January, 1916, between he hours of 11 o'ciook A| M.. ind 1 o'clock P. M., offer f<4 sale to the highest bidder for casll tiie Following described real est#*:? A certain tract or parcel oliand n Winton Township, adjoin ill the ands of George Keene, Isaacller ligan, Mac Hall. Zilla Hickdand ithers, and bounded as foilwa: Viz; on the North by the ujblic oad leading from Harrellsvill to iVinton; on the East by the iids >f Zilla Hicks and Mao Halllon he West by the lands of Gorge Keene, and better known as the William Pope Old Koois Pve, ontaining forty-seven acres iilre v J. H. Sessoms and H. K. sessoms to Isaac Norman, whjh Deed is duly of record in Book], 'age 63, Office of the Register jf Deeds for Hertford County. i Tiiis the 23rd day of Decembe 916. 1 Roawell C. Bridger, \ ' Trust? Place of sate, in front of Oout louse Doer, Winton, N. d. To Cure Children'* Cold*. Keep child dry, clothe comfort ble. avoid exposure and give Dr. lell's Pine-Tar-Honev. It ia ?leans nt, soothing, antiseptic, nines phlegm and reduces inflam nslior*. The first doee 1 gives re [ef. continued treatment with pro le r care will avoid serious illness V a long cold. Don't delay treat lent. Don't lot your child suffer. ~T Notice! " if By virtue of a Dead of Truat ?v\A ed by J. 5. Taylor aud wit, ttoea L. Taj or. ou t he 8th da.wnf Februnry, 915, to Stanley iWiiifrne, fruaUe, of record in Heiti rd County, f. C., ?? the of fice h>f the Retfixt* of Ueeda in Boot <5, page 29C, the underaign ed w?n . on the lit day of Jan uary! 1916, aell a. >ublic outcry, for ct-li, the folh ing deacribed property, viz: The Jt of land near the viilace of Cot > in Hertford Counlt, aforeeaid, sued by said J. C.'Iaylpr from I . C- Pi cot for ninety-nine'.vMtra, i which is lo cated the saw and riat Mill k..< Gintn. N. - I . offer for sale, to , ,?ttt.o~t lidiier. for casli, thatce^B Vuiece, i n eel or lot of Innd, ?^B ''id in Inrfree shorn Thwnsli^B umnty I lid State aforesaid. adj^H t 'he nds of Henry Reve^|Mniiin ihnkiiw and P. (i. Park^HSi u.? - North Carolina, 1 Hertford County. J D. C. Barnes, Administrator of Tobe Whitehead. ? Ella Whitehead, Widow. Her man Whitehead, Reymood White bead, Dora Whitehead, EmnaeU { W bitehead, et ala. Heirs at Law. The defendants, Herman White head. Raymond Whitehead and Dora Whitehead above named wiH take notice that an actioo, entitled aa above, baa been commenced in the Superior Court of Hertford 1 County for the porpbse of selling a tract of laud in Jduney'a Neclc Township, Hertford County. North Garoltnar'oieloBging to toe estate of their father. Tube White bead, Deceased, for the purpoaeof ? making assets to pay debts cost and charges of adminisiration, in which said tract of land they are interested jm children and heirs of their father, Tobe 'Whitehead. De ceased. and that the said defend ants will further take notice that they are required to appear before |Lhe undersigned Clerk of the Su perior Court at bis office in Win ton, N. C.i on the 14 day of Feb ruary, 1910 and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plantiff will apply to tbe Court for the relief demanded in said wunhleUt This the 22 day of Deoember. >15. | D. R. McGlohon. Clerk of Ibe Superior Court. UNI OF STATU CfOCERIES 4 upon as Mar atom # ?? fresh. HousslnspMS who j ?? ad spprsolsfs jood lpffee, Tea, Sugar j , Spices 4 GfeCBRIES OF ALU KINDS W*f.orou jhly satisfied ertth ow ? dsrlhsflntperohose. CjLsh Prices to bo I foand in Tcnvn /.P. BOYETTE, ??OS*7?. .V. C. _1_ 1 ???H*mS**9!S& I ?y?/jrBODr| M GET A POCKETBOOK ^ I To every person who pays One I Dollar on their subscription from |r December 30t3i, 1915 to January II 8th, 1916, inclusive, we will give away one of our complimentary purses. I Saturday, Janurv 8th, Will be the Last Day of This Special Offer. I With Oiir VTeiy Siest Wishes I jjjj| %or jf Sreat 7916, j|; fe Hertford County Jferaid. R Ahoskie, N. C: S&5 \\