v?i-7 " = DR. C. G Powell DENTIST office OVERS. J WLDAV3 STORE AHOHKIK. N. ?. . : tA/inborno & Winborna Beiij. B. Winborne Stanley Win borne Attorneye-at-Lan MURP3EESBORO. N. C. Phone* No. 17 end SI. 1 ?" ? " - r ' Edgar Thomas Sn'pas Attori>ny-?t-Ti?w Loaaa N*gi>tl*ted Reel Batata Boucht end RokQ omce: 2nd Floor J W. Godwin. Jr.. BM? I AHOSKIE. N. C. ? ? - -e ?? R. R. ALLEN I (enter In SASH. DOORS. BUNDS. WINDOW GLASS, HARDWARE. PAINTS AND BUILDING MATERIALS GENERALLY Wholesale and Retail Ma. 0*7 WaaMadtaa Ho earn MI'PFOt.K. VA. a . ' m - SASH. DOORS. HARDWARE. PAINTS. LIME. CRMENT. SEWBR . PIE*. CART MATERIAL. MILL SUPPLIES, STOVES. RANGES AND ETC. CIXJRt PRICES. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED AMD OBLIGE. E- L. FOLK CO. .Me. #17-910 WeeWedtoo Sqaere XUFFOIJI. VA. . ' ? ? - ? ? ' * 11 I a ? ' ! ROGERS * WILHAMS Altorneye-at-La* Prompt Attention Given to All : ?r " j-**' . ^AHOPKIE. K.?? J. L. PARKER Notart Public HERALD OFFICE Ahorkik. N. C. ^ '? .. ?-}1 i Walter R. Johnson Attorney at Law Audmi*. Norm Carolina I Practices wherever services desired (MhltM fU*t takrr liiUlax ? M? v' h , "**' I f ? v , -'LT5f.. j, 2 - ? i ? I >. * Hi' : G. J. NEWBERN, Agent < V FofeD Automorileb, I Aboskie. N. C. Tonring-Car $440.00 Runabout r. 390.00 F. O. B. Detroit. I it ? (grovtr B. Joyner A ttnrnejr-at- Lew . . Office: 2nd floor W. T. Minton Building AULANDKK, N. 0. ?" " ? . I . PARKER D. BOBBINS, . Practical Painter Am) Alabastme Decorator lioaae Si* Miles North Ea?t of Aboakie. N. C..R.F. D. ft. Box 4?, Aboskie, N. C. Dr. Bell'* Pine Tar-Hooey. For your cold, for your ooujfli, for ySur fwriafc throat, no* and hand, una Dr. Bel!., I'ine Tar Hon ey. Hone.v sooUmsh the irritation. Pine Ta-r cuts the phlegm, thus rahevmg cot4?*thin. Pine Tar Also IU5W as an aoli*ptic. m a re suit relief folio**. Breathinyhe comes eaeier amp fhrther infiitm ?nation ia arroatate',, loaist on Dr. Bell's PifteTiu Honey. !ti< to !? il tpehlawot. Price 85c ? RKlOYABLE SOCIAL WMCTIOII AT AHOSUB. Younf People of Akoakic Egtcrtain ed at a Leap Year Party, Fri day Evening' February 1L One year in foor The girl* adore. 'Tis Leap Year, j'ou know. To be my gueat. v' Tb laugh and jepk,. Upon the dale below, February 11, 1?1?. Tbia little unique yerae was the oaeane of bringing together the so cial net of Ahoakie in a Leap Year Party, given by Miss Mina Hollounan in honor of ber house gueat, Mian Ethel Kelly, of Jack son, on the above date. It w?a indeed a leapyeac. affair, and those iaeaiee. who for four long yeers had bided their time with the fund hot* and eager expectation of ex erciaing their coveted oriv* etedge?u> woo the man of their choice, carried out their role in good order. ' r - The young men quartered at the Manhattan Hotel previous to the appointed hour, there go await the coming of their fair escorts, pre sented a beautiful picture, and a veritable flower garden or a whole sate f|orist establishment seemed to haved suddenly sprung up. Carrying oat the order, the thoughtful and appreciative youDg ladies had generously bestowed upon their favorites liandsouie bo quets of flowers, #liich had been daintily arranged and pinned on by the delicate fingers of the charming recipients. At 8:80 the "Suffragette" ma relied down to the hotel in a body; and while some provided cars for their bovs, others eagerly tftbsped the arms of "theirs" and matched swa.v with them to thai serne of the festivities. The couples were met st the door Miss Holloman, and then shown to the dressing rooms by little Misa Surah Floyd. 'Fiom the cloak rooms, the truest* were ushered into the parlor and intro duced to Mies Kelly, the Ouest of Honor. The color scheme of red and white was Carried not both in the hall and parlur. where the red electric bulbs caused a red tint'to slow in ever* direction. Half hearts were pinned on the lapel of each man's coat, and the other half on some lady, each heart bearing an approoiate verse. After the entoolee had paired off, and enjoyed a few minutes of social chat, score cards were pas>ed around assigning the couoles to tables arranared for Progressive Hearts. Hi ere were ten couples at the five tables, which were placed in the parlor, ball and re ception room. At the end of the contest the tally sheets showed that there Was a tie between the two couples. Miss Minnie Baker and L. C. Williams, snd Miss Beulah Vann and Ko.v Parker. In the final wind op fate favored the former, couple, wb<> were pro nounced the. winnera. A three course supper, consis ting of ice cream and oreamed wafers, hot coffee, whipped cream and fruitcake, and salted peanuts, was then served by the hostess, aided by her sister. Miss Maud Holloman and little .Sarah Floyd. Following this reptst, the follow ing prizes were presented: A box of chocalates to Mies'Minnie Bak I er and L. C. Williams, by Ro.v Parker: the booby contest prize to Miss Margaret Spargerjand G. W. Baker, by J. O. Carter; and a crepe de chine handkerchief to Miss Kelly, by I* C. Williams. I Next came the drawing of small cards by tie young men. telling them of their love fortunes during the present year. These little cards with a small emblem tucked on each one were placed in a for-' tune box, out of which each man. drew out his leap year's fortune. At J1 jSO the young man were mad^ to understand by thair as oorts that they most draw on their opera coats, and prepare t6 be rushed off to the hotel. The -guests then hsda farewell to the NEV FEBflUZER FORMULA FOE FEANUTS. Those farmers who want to one a complete fertilizer lor peanut* and find loose containing potash too high in price may use the folio# ing with very satisfactory results, especially on those soil* that con tain a high percentage of it.soluble potaah; _ ''yJ ' ? _ >' One Ion of ground limestone or marl should be spread broadcast to the acre at once and plowed or harrowed into the soil, followed, at planlinir time, in drill, of the following mixture: 1200 lbs. of limestone or marl, / j 840 " "18% acid phosphate, 100 " " cotton ?eed meal, and 60 " " nitrate of eoda. The cotton seed meal may be replaced bjr any other material carrying an equal amount of available nitro gen. By using the above applieations the soil will receive from 2660 to 2880 lbs. of lime, ur caHum car ta mate, about 100 Ibe. of available phosphate, and about 16 Ibe. of available nitrogen to the sore, with a small amount of potash if the cot ton meal isoused. For best results this entire amount should, as a rule, go on an acre, but the amount may be increased or decreased ac cording to the varying fertility of the soils. ? - In addition to supplying an es sential plant food in itself, the lime will react with the insoluble potash, phosphate. ane nitrogen of the soil and rendered a portion of these elements available for the growing crops. Indeed, lime is now looked upon ae ar/eaHertili zer for all crops, and especially fur those of the legume family, such as clovers, vetches, beans, peas, alfalfa, and so on. The Commisionar of Agriculture will furnish ground limestone and marl to tlie farmers of the ftate at loweat possible cost.' but they must get their orders in early to get them filled on time. Jar. L. Burgess* State Agronomist Is Lime Essential For Coastal Plain Soils? Fur ? number of yaara the Di vision of Agronomy has been con ducting fertilizer end lime experi oienU at the Edgecombe Test Farm, located in the Gatstad Plain section of the Slate, on the N?r folk fine sandy loam type of soil. As a result of these experiments the following results have been found with reference to the use of lime used alone and in combination with a complete fertilizer: .J, . Lime with Cotton. The results show that lime alone has been used at a very small profit. When used in combina tton with nitrogen, phosphoric scid, and potash to make a com plete fertilizer, it showed an an nual increased profit par acre, of $6.17 above the net returns aecur: ed from the use of a complete fer liizer alone- The results show that for growing cotton on the sandy loam soils in the eastern portion of the State, as represent ed by the results A this farm, the use of moderate quantities of lime, particularly m connection with complete fertilizers, will prove profitable. . Warranty Deeds fA- sale at the Herald office 25c_ the dozen 1 entertained them, and who had made it possible for the leap year privelege to be e?rcised and fully realized. The following couples were present; .JL. C. Williams with Miss Delia Do well. Clarence Perr.v with Hies Margaret Sparser, Sid ney Watson with Miss Margaret Hood, J. O.Carter with Miss Mm uie Baker, Arline Mitchell with Miss Agnes Johnson-, George Bak er with Miss Florence White, Ely Overton with Miss-Roberta Crews Walter Gorwrii with ? Mies Bettie Seseoms. Rose \Holloman with Miss Buelah Venn, and Roy Par-* ker with Mihs Kelly. - ' '<*?'?'*t5:p.# xx '? ?*,- . ?* * . v'r?^--' < )n motion W. P. Jerntgan is' relieved of ts>1 iTaxetLlaJtfertford Township year 1915. It is moved and seconded that the County Attorney take.steps to collect the aaxtoit of Col. Lassitar oasts from Rich Square Tgamship. On motiou'B, F. Williams is allowed ref 11id of B MAlaT on small pieca of land sold for taxes in Hsrrellavitle Township; said land advertisad and sold in error as it should not have been listed. W. H. Green, St. Johns Town ship, is relieved of poll taxes year a a * w i I* < ? ' '?* ; ?' ivio error id iihiiq?. Ou motion X H. Morris is granted relief in taxeseiror in list* in*. Ou motion S. L- Minton, St. Johns township and J. H. Warren, Murf reesboro township are reliev ed of noli taxes 1915 on account of Infirmities. , The Board authorizes W. P. Shaw Jr.. to renew the insurance on the Court Hoose for a tern) of five .veers. On motion it id ordered that tlie lease of Dr. Thomas' log lending be discontinued and the Board con siders that the lease terminated laat June (1915). 11. H- Jones and J. A. North cotl are appointed as a committee to sell the old cell in the county jail. J. A. Nortiicottand H, H. Jones are appointed and authorized to pass on bill of M. E, Worrell and and nay same when itemized "and sworn to properly. Petitions from Wa.vland Minton and Annie Daughtrey referred to Mr, J. N. t lot toman, who will investigate and report to the Boerd. Tax collector Winton Township is ordered to proceed at once' to collect poll taxes for 1915 from Abb Wail. On motion an t carried that sum of it. per month be furnished to Pennie Peel beginning with Feb ruary. . ; / '# ^ !' ] On account of illness of Supt. of Health, no monthly report of huaitli conditions made ?t this meeting. Tlie Board proceeded to draw the jury for the February term of court;the name of S. E. Brett be ing drawn, lie was' discarded .,n account of sic Hopes and Commis sioner H. 11. Jones made motion that be be retained ay drawn, but motion met with no second; tlie following jurors were taken, to wit: F. T. Bailey, R. E. Lee, J, B. Whitley, R. tt. Taylor, C. T. Whitley, J. B Worrell, J. S. Law ranee, F, F.'FpfgUeon, C. S. Boy otte, W, B. Gflff lb, E. B. Vaugb (Continued o? page tonr) ?Aplaa'" * kIi riJ A Aulander News 1 ?" ?? ? ? ,, ConpiUd aad Anuifed (at Herald Readen by ou. Regulu Corretpoodem Tbe concert given by the high school girls in tbe school sudito -rium last Friday evening was most enjoyable and could succinct ly be termed a real entertainment It consirted of^vocal, dramntic and instrumental selec'ions. Although tv> charge was in-.de for the prive lege of being one of the audience, refreshments were sold at the close of the concert nrouratn. Miss Annie Donning, who has been visiting Iter sisteik Mrs. \Y. Q. Mitchell, has returned to her homein Norfolk, Va. Miss Helen Hrnuin was in Win ton hut Friday attending a session of the Teachers' Convention of Hertford County. Many of our iteopln are attend ing Court in Windsor tins week. The question of a Routing Mill for Aulander ia being agitated and very widely discussed of late. It would not require such nu enor mous amount to capitalize a plant ne mire way of yettinyon your feet. (let a few hundred dollars sbeud. It will o|ien the way U? ,! better thinus. Labor judiciously directed and Capital intelligently employs ., ed from the bedroek of private fortune. Accounts can be start ed with um with any sum from $1 toward. FOR safety. Merchants and Farmers Bank Wlntan, M C ? jgg Your Account Solicited, Protect ed and Appreciated. j We Pay 4 Per Cent on Time Deposits. i Farmers-Atlantic Bank, flhoskie, n. C. ;? Open a Savings Account Today Add to it frequently aud your power in dollars increases, you will be arog^ toj^opaq^^ tj,at you have the ability and strength to accomplish much. Think it over. 4* INTEREST ON SAVINGS I Bank of Ahosrie AHOSKIE, N. C. *?e+?+o???o+o?????-??????9+???????*??9->+?e9??sso*eo?4s -w,, wwmwm ;: As The Holidays Are Now Over. ] you naturally begin to think of making 1916 the most succei^ful vear of any. _______________________ _^j 1 !* - . And in order to do eo we extend u> you a cordial welcome^ 1 to visit ojir ?tore and let us kelp you make thia year a aucceea) 9 by giviiiK you attractive price* w a general line of up to datav* | merchandise, and by helping you, you help ua. ) Aud so leta be.fiauk and helo each other. . ..* | . 1 Yours to serve, I HOGGARD & STOKES Ahoskib, N. C. 1 ?> mtmvmm ?'?< produce ^he thought' add cost. <