Hertford County Herald ,? i v. ? "*?*,? ??!?? * *- : , ' 4 * v * ' ' THE LARGEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA. r_^_--r?--r???^?^??????? ? ii i '? i if i . ? , .?._... ? ' ., 1 VOL. 7 AHOSKIE, N. C., APRIL. 28, IVI6. ? . NO. 15 \ Dr. C. G Powell DJENTIST OFFICE OVER S.J DHJM.VS STORE AHOSKIE. N. C. Winborno A Win born* Ban). B. Winborne Stanley Winborna AUorneya-at-Law MURFREEfiBORO, N. C. Phonal No. 17 and SI. Edgar Thomas Snipes Attorney-nt-Law I-nana Negotiated Raal Eatata Rought and 8old1 OBlea: 2nd Floor J. W. Godwin. Jr.. Bide AHOSKIE. N. C R. R. ALLEN i >aolar in BASH. OOORS. BUNDS. WINDOW CLASS. HARDWARE. PAINTS AND BUILDING MATERIALS GENERALLY Wholesale and Retail No. M27 Waahindtoo Square SUFFOLK. VA. RASH. OOORS. HARDWARE. PAINTS. LIME.CEMENT. SEWER PIPE. CART MATERIAL MILL 8UPPLIES. STOVES. RANGES AND ETC. CLOSE PRICES. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED AND OBLIGE E- L. FOLK CO. No. 1M7-0IU tVaahlodtoa Square SUFFOLK. VA. . ROGERS 4 WILLIAMS Attormymt-Law Prompt Attention Given to AH Bnslnaaa. AHOPKIE. N. C. J. R. EVANS Practical Tin Roofer nnd Sheet Metnl Worker Price* Right. MURFREESBORO. N. C. J. L. PARKER Notary Public HERALD OFFICE ^ ^Ahoskik. N. C. Walter R.' Johnson ATTo?!?rr Law Aiiomkir. North Carolina Practice* wherever service* daaired hi flaw J. ?. Mail IiIWm O. J. NEWBERN, A cent Ford Automobile*, Ahoakie. N. C. Touring Car $440.00 Runabout . 390.00 F. O. B. Detroit. PARKER D. BOBBINS, Practical Painter And Alabaatine Decorator Home Six Mile* North Ea?t of Ahoakie. N. C.. R. F. D. 5, Box 49, Ahoskie, X. C. v . ? ? v , t ' * m. R. fierring Contractor and Builder flmmmmd Mtimato* luralshed on r*a?Mt WlNTON, N. C. . r. * n , i ' ... i.. Roswell C- Brldger Attorney-at-Laa WINTON. N. C. C. Wallace Jones Attorney and CrunieUor-At-Law WINTGW. N. C. Practice in all courts. Loans negotiat ed. All matten given orotnpt and faithful attention. Located in Bank of Wlnton* The Aebee of llouw Cleanlnd .'The pain, and soreness caused fev bruises, over-exertion and ?training burin a house cleaning time are soothed away by Sloan'! ?Liniment. No need to suffei this agony. Just apply Shan't Liniment to the sore spots, rut only a little. In a short timt the pain leaves, you rest com fortably and enjoy a refreshing sleep. One grateful user writes "Sloan's Linimeut is worth its weight in gold" Keeo s bottli on hanP. use it against sll Sore ness. Neuralgia and Bruises Kills pain. 25c- at your drug gist. Pflss Cured ta A |?H Days Tour dromM will rdM moor II MM ointment (?n? to eon ur om of ItckJoa attad. MoodMc or ftvtradtac We. to ?to u eak unkindly words. For words so often make wounds, Down in the heart of some one, As you know they'll wander around. Sometime sneech is m. unkind, t When it does not come from the heart. Still it travels from one to an other, And pierces liken dart. Oft times the wounds are not so deep. But thev will always irritate, While you think it harmless gos sip. Yet ruin will be youi fate, So keep your tongue clear of false O^sUrider of anv kind.? Let no ^thought of sin ever-enter heart, Or even cross your mind. If you've a friend in this sinful world, 1 Who lias many faults of his ^wn, Qo speak to him words of comfort, To liira and him alone. Simply tell him face to face, You are sorry his troubles to know. That you're willing to li^lp him conquer, ? This long and deadly foe. Then lie will feel that you are one On whom he can depend For oft a few words of kindness, Will have a glorious end. And then you'll feel you're reward ed. ' For the kind deed you have done, And every one will love you. For their heart you've already won. For there's always shadows along the way ' - With plenty of sorrow and woe, So always try to be kind and true. Scattering sunshine where ere you go. E. M. B. COUNT? COmNNCElBNTCON'l TRIBUTOBS FOR PRIZES. The following contributed $1.00 each: Stanley Winborne, Royer Watson, U. Wat yon, W. 8. Nel ion, D. C. BarueiH, L. J. Lawrence, H. P. Gatliny. E- W. Whitley. H. ' S. Bnsniyht, H. J. Vann, F- T. 1 Railev, J. B. Ferguson, E. L. Feryuson, S. P. Wii.borne. .1. O. Askew. E. V. Grissom, X. S. Hoy yard, W. A. Perry, J. E- Askew, J..L- Blythe, J. W. Holloman, W. J. Newtome, M. It. Taylor, I. M. Taylor, A. B. Adkina, John Ad kins. B. G. Williams, W. D. McUlohon, W. A. Thomas, Rob ert Thomas, F. P. Britt, Leon Wyon. R. W. Fairlees, J. T. Chit lv. J. E. Matthews, S. E. Marsh. Mrs. A. P. Sears, M. It. Sumner. J. L. Snipes, T, T. Parker. T. J. Teaster, C. W. Howard. Garland Hale, R. L. Lowe, John E. Vann, John R. Jordan, C- F. Griffin. R. E. Story. W. S. Herring, H. C. Faison, P. S. Jordan. A. S. Mitch ell. Jack Brown. J. W. Boone, II. B. Vann. Rev. 8. N. Wataon, C. F. Mitchell. H. B. Knox, W. D. Boone, F. F. McDowell, J. Northcott. Mrs. J. N. Clark. S. A Ives, R. C. Bridyeratid wife, $1,50 W. M. Edwards, F. M.. Jenkins, W. D. Shaw, C. A. Pearce, VV. L. Darnell. $2.00 each; J. P. Mitch ell. J. R. Vann.'.l. L. Storey, A. T. Newsome, $2.50 each; D. R, McGlohon. $3.50; II. H. Jones, P. II. Tayloe, W. P. Shaw & Bio., Miss Ruth Glover (collected at tiarrellsville). Trustees of Ahos kie lliyh School, $5.00 each; Her riny&Beale, $6.0'); Miss Marie Evans (collected in Murfieesboro Township), $7 00; M'ss Ruth Omo huiidro (collected in Mane.vs Neck ThwnshipV $10.00; Sheriff A. E. Garrett, declaimed* medal; E. J. Gerock, reciter s medal; Board of Educalion, $5,00. Any error in the above will be gladl.v corrected, if my attention is called to it. An itemized state ment of the disbursements of these funds is in my office and onen to the inspection of any one. I take this opportunity to ex press my appreciation of what the people have done to make this our first County Commencements suc cess. I want to thank each and all for aid with a helpful act, and tbe surprisingly cordial support given in money. I trust and be lieve that this outlay will be re turned with a high rate of interest to this county by increasing the interest in our schools and in ed ucation generally. N. W. Britton. Winton Wavelells Busy People Frow ? Rosy Town Compiled one A-ringed by tbe Her eld Correspondent ? ? . i. in. r??- no ? Mrs S. N. Watson and Miss Mabel Lawrence entertained the Chowan Club at the home of the former Monday night, April 17th. "Our State" was the subject. Sev eral interesting papers were read on the Geography and History of North Carolina?North Carolina in Literature and a sketch of John Charles McNeill. An appropiale and instructive contest was held. "A County Affair," in which the answer to each question was the name of a county in North Caro liua. The contest was arranged on cardboard cut in the shape of North Carolina. Mrs. W. Mills Jordan gave the most correct an swers and was presented the prize a gilt copy of the toast of North Carolina by Miss Lawrence. He frbshments were served by Mar garet Mitchell and Lama May Watson. The Operetta, which was to have been given in the school audito rium Friday night, was postpon ed until Tuesday night, April 25. Sunday, Aoril 30th., will be observed as Rally Day in Chow an Church. A special program has been arranged and will be giv , en in place ot the morning service, beginning at II o'clock. The Class from Oxford Orphan* HON. C. *.. HIOTLL1 m OPPOSE CONG. KITCHIN. (Xptriil Windsor, April 22.?Hon. Clingman W. Mitcliell, Be'tie County's "silver-tongu'ed" orator, announced hie candidacy here to day for United Stales Congress to succeed Hon. Claude Kitoliin who has represented this district for the past sixteen years, Mr. Mitch ell was in th?a city attending the County Democratic Convention, and the announcement, which came as a surprise to many of his friends, was made immediately af ter [the Convention adjourned The entrance of Mr. Mitchell promises to create one of the most exciting contests of this year's campuign, as Mr. Mitchell is widely known and prominent in financial, industrial and political circles. He stands squarel.v be hind the policies of the Wilson administration, particularly on the questions of national preistr ednesa and our foreign relations, and his friends believe that be will defeat Mr. Kitchin, whose po sition on these questions, like Bry an's. has produced discord in the official family. However that may be, the chances are that a whirlwind campaign will be wag ed during the next forty days. Mr. Mitchell is a born orator, a forceful speaker, and a powerful debater. He is a deep student of political economy, and an authori ty on national affairs. Moreover, lie is a man of convictions with the courage to state and uohold them. He is a successful banker, merchant, and farmer, and is con nected with the oil mill industry, 11? |..? J .1? u,..,- T ? io uao nci ?cu 111 inc oiaio m luture ms Representative and Sen ator for several terms and is on tbe boards of several colleges and state institutions. Tbe contest will be wstched with interest throughout the entire State. age will give a Concert in the Town Hall Friday night, April 28. Mr. Willie Rhodes, of Wash ington, N. C., is visiting his cous in, Meredith Griffin. Mrs. I. V. Turner and Miss Hannah Eure spent Friday in Norfolk shoppnig. Misses Mary Be'l Parker and Fani.ie May Newsome, of Driver, are visiting Mrs. C. W. Carter. M iss Willie Roone spent Fri day in Ahoskie. Miss Kate Taylor, of Chowan College, is spending the Easter holidays at home. Miss"lrma Vinson, of Chowan ?!nllege, spent the week end with Mrs. R. C. Bridger. Mr, and Mi's. J. H. Lee, Clies ley and Bessie Lee spent Sunday with relatives near Holland, Va. Mis. H. H. Jones and children spent Sunday in Woodland." Mrs. W. Mills Jordan, Misses Lawrence, CockerhauJ, and Coun cil, and J. K. Vann attended the Graduating Recital of Miss Kate Jenkins at Chowan College Thurs day afternoon. Quite a number of ladies from Winton will attend the meeting of the Hertford County Union at Harrellsville Tuesday, May 2. Mr. Robert Britton is home For vacation, his school at Hickory Chapel having closed Friday. Subscribe for the Herald. RUB OUT PAIN with good oil liniment That's the aureft way to stop them. The best rubbing liniment is MUSTANG LINIMENT Good for the Ailments of 1 Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. Qood for your own Aches, Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. 25c. 50c. $1. At all Deafer* ? Fire Insurance. Rental Jlflents. t The Guarantee^ Company, Inc. t i W. L. CURTIS, Pre*. J. O. CAR 1KB, Secy, ft Tr.at? ? ?? ?? ??rwr^wfr. I IN MEMOHJAMl He died and we Resolve: J 1 That we are sorry i 2 That he should have eaten Sam Vaughn's Hay and Grain. 3 That this may be a warning to others like him. Respectfully submitted, ^ Hertford County Herald. * S. E. VAUGHN, Ahoskie, N C jj Flour and Salt Specialties. We a a mwc -? a- -?apgo??- -- ? - -? -? * MILLINERY OPENING | I Vur are cordially invited to examine my Spring and X ? Summer line of MILLINERY, Ladies' and Children's Fur- i i nishings. Madam GraceCorsetsaspecialty. 4 l MRS. E C. BRITTON, Ahoskie, N. C. | .v.v ?