Hertford County Herald ? THE LARGEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA. VOL. 7 \ AHOSKIE. N. C., MAY 19, 1916. N() J I ' I 1 ?_!__ I I - -I L. , .. - Dr. c. g Powell dentist OFFICE OVER S.J DtLDAY'S STORE . AHOSKIE. N. C. rv j- ' " Wmborne & Winborna Benj. B. Winborn# * Stanley Winborne Attorn#va-at-l.aw MURFREE3BORO. N. C. Phones No. 17 and 21. Edgar Thomaa Snpee AUi.niev-Ht-I Jiw Loans Neg'ti-ted Real Rstate Bought and Sold" Office: 2nd Floor .1 W Godwin. Jr.. Bldg AHOSKIE. N. C. , ft. R. ALLEN Dealer In SASH. DOORS. BLINDS, WINDOW GLASS. HARDWARK, PAINTS AND BUILDING MATERIALS ' GENERALLY Wholaaale and Retail No. 027 WalMnllun Square SUFFOLK. VA. \ T~~ SASH. DOORS. HARDWARE. PAINTS. LIME.CEMENT. SEWER PIPE. CART MATERIAL. MILL SUPPLIES. STOVES. RANGES AND ETC CLOSE PRICES. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED - AND OBLIGE. E L. FOLK CO. * No. 017-010 Waahlndlon Square HLTFOI.K. VA. ROGERS & WILI lAMS 1 Attorney a-at- Law Prompt Attention Given to All . Buaineaa. ^ AHOPICIE. N. C. J. R. EVANS Practical Tin Roofer and Sheet Metal Worker Price* Kiiihti MURFRBRSBORO. K. C. Walter R. Johnson Attobnht at Law Aiioakik. Noiith carolina Practice* wherever service* doaired *?4 Hair j. W. C^iiii tiiMlif G. J. NEW BERN, Airent foin Ai'tomobilba, Ahnvkie, N. C. Touring Our $140.00 Runabout 390.00 F. O. B. Detroit. PARKER D. ROBBIN8, Practical P aintrb , j And Alabastine Decorator Home Bis Mile* North F.tnt of Alioakie. N. C.. K F. D. 5, Box 19, Alioskie, N. C. Roswell C- Brldger Attorney-at-Law WINTON. N. C. C. Wallace Jones Attorney ?nd Counsellor-At-Law WINT0.-I. N. C. Practice in all eourta. Loana negotiat ed. All matter*given nrempt and faithful attention. Located in Bank of Winton ft, "'.I,. V' ? > ? S ?rrw mus: *?. 1.1? i r. i. I'M. u?r. i. DR. CHARLES J. SAW.YER 954 Granb.v St. New Monroe Bldg. Norfolk, Vihiinia. Practice Limited to Eye, Ear, None and Throat Will be in Windsor, N. C., the let Monday iu each month. . RUB OUT PAIN with good oil liniment That's the sureft way to stop them. The best rubbing liniment is MUSTANG LINIMENT Good fat the Ailments of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. Good for your own A ches. Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. Hertford County Com-1 missioners Meet The Board ?f County Commis sioners of Hertford county met on the lat day of Ma.v 1916, all mem ber* of the Board present. Proceedings of last meeting read and approved. The commitee appointed to re pair Hoggard Swamp Dam is dis continued. It being the understanding of the board that all Dams areln the hands and under the supervision of the Board of Koad Supervisors. Commitee on Thomas' Bridge continued to receive the work Commitee on repairs to Court House well is continued. Commitee to investigate condf* tion of Addie Miller is discharged, no action being taken. Under ruling of the Attorney General, the Sheriff is agsin in structed Pi co'lect all license tax from all parties handling coal. On motion, it was ordered llutt Winhnrne and Winborne.sod J. A. Northcott be appointed as a commitee to look into the tax list of the late W, D. Newsome for the' past five years and ascertain what atnount is dun on account of Ins fsilure to list prooerly, and re port to Borrd at next meeting. The Superintendent of Health of the county, Dr. Pollard, gave regular monthly reiiortof public health. The following tax collectors made their final settlement for 1916. to wit; B. N. Sykea, Har reilsville, M. K. Sumner, St. Johns, and S. E- Vaughn, \hos kie. The following amounts paid in to the treasury bv the tax collec tors to wit; F. T. Railey, Manevs Neck township ...1974.68 J..J. Parker, M'boro - 6787.22 J if. Lee, Winton 617.90 M. K. Sumner, St. Johns ..1011.80 B. N. SvCes. H'ville 186.40 S. E. Vauglian, Ahor'xie... 1588.07 Totil $11161.07 The following accounts present ed and approved tor |iayment to-wit; A. Briukle.v & Co., 1 barrel sugar county home 25.07 A. P. Seara and Son. supplies to county home 19.27 Willw Pierce, work at coun ty home |. ~.13.(K) Browne alii1 BrojvnTViPPliea county home 4.75 Mrs. M. M. Browne, sewing for county home ? 5.52 J. E. Matthews, supplies county home 9.20 William Hollomon. repairing flat ? ...... 3.50 E. W. Waters, oaid on ac count W. J. Sitterson 2.65 Lawrence aod Kiddiek, shop work &c.. county fiome ...10.30 J. E. Jones, board of prison ers &c 18.81 W. P. Shaw, Jr., and Bro.. chairs court house 5.00 Mildred Duck, supplies to Ben Duck ? .. 1.50 P. 0. Parker, waiting yn grand jury 4.00 Walker Evans & Co.. conntv vouchers 10.71 J. J. Piland. hauling coal 50 A. E. Garrett, Amt.. oaid Stenographer 57.00 H. W. Stokes, 1 barrel! flour * county home........ 6.55 Jack Collins, Keeping B. H. Ferry - 20.00 Mathe r Wilson, keepingTar landing Ferry 20.0o A. E. Garrett, holding April cout;t and\Juror* v.42.10 O. H. BrittoA. Bal., due on Thomas Bridge 50.00 F, D. Flythe, coffin for pau per i 5.00 Town of Winton, electric light bill 1.50 P. S. Jordan, coal for county 9.70 Edwards and Bnuughton, ab stract binders-. ? 12.00 J. R. Armstrong, Winton Ferry April .30.00 R. B. Cross, Maneys Ferry April...' 16.50 Hoggard and Stoke?*-enpplie* to Jerry Parker 2.50 W. M. Marsh, supplies to Mary E. Lassiter 3.00 HARRELLSVILLE NEWS In ?t?ite of the exceedingly dry weather many of our farmer# have 'nearly finished setting out their tobacco crops. H. H. Taylor made a flying trip to Norfolk Wednesday. Many of our people expect to attend the Graduating Exercises at Chowan College Tuesday. Mrs. 0. N. Evans and little daughter. Loo Wilson, visited rel atives in C<'torsi 11 last week. Mr. 8. A. Ives is attending the Wake-Forest Commencement * Miss Lucile Williams returned last Thursday to har home after a delightful four weeks stay in New York City. Mrs. K. H. Jernigan is spend ing this week in Ahoskie. Mrs. L. Cf Culiens from De troit. Michigan is visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Starkey Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Britton and children, accompanied by Miss Patti, from Norfolk, spent last $tindsy in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Askew. s Soil Sumy Almost Completed. During the year soil survey work in theStute has progressed aggres sively. * During the past summer survey* of Wayne and Columbus counties were completed, and work in Anson, Alleghany and David son was liegun during the the fall. Work in the these latter'counties was completed during the winter, and the three parties working in the State took up work in Halifax, Harnett and Hertford counties. At present the field work is being done by three men esch from the Federal and State Departments of Agriculture." It is planned during the summer tq start surveys in Cleveland, Caldwell and Orange counties. J. C, Benthall, supplies to Geo. Carter children 1.90 Mrs. E. L, Darden. supplies to Robert Morria 1.00 Mrs. K. D. Rojferson, sup plies to Gladie Newgnme--- 2.00 J. C. Rentlmll, supplies to J. W. Minton 3.00 C. E. Boyette. supplie s to Mar.v Vaugbnn 2.00 Jenn Jenkins, supplies bi Lathenia Parker 1.00 Copeland and Ta.vlor, sup plies to Mrs. Hill 5.00 Bratten & Co., supplies to Ellja Liverman 2.50 Jeno Jenkins, supplies to 'Adament JoVner 2.60 Hill Bros., supplies to Anna Newsome 2.00 J. W. Williams, supplies to Sue Porter 1.00 H. V. Parker, supplies to Jno. Griffin 2.00 Judie White, support for May ..... ?> 3.00 Pauline Lassiter, support for May 3.00 Pennie .Peele, support for May 2.00 Fee bill April Court ?s follows; State vs Harrell D. K. McGlohon, 5.16 C. N. Pruden 72 M. R. Sumner 4.10 Ella Harrell 2.45 State vs Bryant D. R. McGlolion 2.19 ,1. T. Liverman 15 M. R. Sumner 1.55 A. E. Garrett '? .45 C. N. Pruden 75 M. Early 1.25 U. L. Hollomon 25 R. T. Bryant 25 E. G. Griffin ....r 1.66 D. L. Minton ... 1.50 (Continued on Pace 4) Keen Your Skis Clear and Healthy. There is only one way to have a clear, healthy complexion and that ia to keep the bowels actiue and regular. Dr. King's New Life Pills will make your com plexion healthy and clear, move your bowels gently, stimulate the li*er, cleanse the spstemand purify the blood. A splendid spring medicine., 25c. at yoiw 1 Druggist: Adv. HEWS FROM HERTFORD COON IT'S CAPUAL. . t High School at Win ton Closes Dr. Hubert Poteat. ol Wake Foreat Speaks. Marriage of Prominent Cou ple.?Personals The Commencement execiacs, which were helu in the School au ditorium Thursday and Friday nights, were well.attended, many baviug to stand in the aisles and on the porches. Thursday night was given to the music class. This concert as usual showed splendid practice and training on the part of the pupils and teacher. Much credit is due the teacher. Mrs. .lames Newsome, for the wonderful progress the students hsve made in music. The exer cises Friday night were opened with the invocation by Rev. S. N. Watson, after which a quartette sang "Sweet and Low." Dr. IluU-.rt McNeill Poleal, the siieak er of the evening, was introduced by Prof. R. E. Williams, as tlie "ida^^f his dreams." Dr. Poleal held the undivided attention of the audience for forty minutes. His subject was "The Profession of GtMid Citizenship", proving that being a good citizen is realy a pro fession. Certificates of promotion were given to those students who had made the averuge. There were six students, three boys and three girls in the tenth grade, namely: Hugh Jones, Edward Kiiox, and Paul Watson; Susie Brett, Ruby Banks, and Bessie Lee. We hope that the eleventh grade will be added before school oi>cns next year. We only have three years in the high school, and we ought to have four. After the address, the four medals were giv en, one in each itsan to the punil making the highest average. Su sie Brett was the winner of the U. D.C. medal in the High School. It will be rememl>ered by many that Susie won this same medal hist year. The medal in the inter mediate grade was won by Earle Liverman. Earle came second to this medal last year. This medal is given each year by the Better ment Association. Mr. Williams announce J that there was a close race f?.r the other two med als, Estelle Clark leading by a mar gin of less than one noint over Laura May Watson, the latter Hav ing won this same medal last year. This medal was given this .tear by Mrs. J. N. Clark, in memory of her father, the late W. P. Taylor. In the primary room there were tlftee who made almost the same grade, John Davis Shaw, Roaaie Lee Snivey, and Richard McGlo lion; but John Davis Shaw had the highest average. This medal was given by W. S. Herring. Miss Maiy Brady won the five dollar gold piece offered by Prof. Wil liams, at the beginning of the ses sion, for the most proficient spel ler. Mention should be made of Lawrence Mitchell, the smallest and youngest child in school, who completed he first grade in four months. Misses Grace Cockerham and Iris Council, teachers in the Win ton High School during the past year, left for their respective homed1 in Elkin and High Point Saturday. Miss Mabel Lawrence is visiting in Union, but will leave Tuesday for lief new borne in Kicnmond, Va. Mr. R. E. Williams stayed over (for the Chowan College Commencement, but will leave for his home in Chase City, Va., Tues day. Mrs. R. C. Bridger entertained Dr. Hubert Poteat. Mr. R. E. Williams, and Mrs. James New some and Miss Mable Lawrence at an elaborate six o'clock dinner Friday evening. Rev. Mr. Bundy, Presiding El der of this District, preached two splendid sermons in the Methodist Church Sunday morning and even ing. He also held Quarterly Con ference Monday morning A marriage of unusual interesl was solemnized at the home of Mr, , and Mrs. J. J. Piland, on Tburs day, May It, at 4:30 P. M., wher MRS. NANCY E. DOZIER. ? t Mrs. Nancy E. Dozier, the last and only sister of Miss Winnie Rooks, paused away on April 1, 1916, in her 90th year of aire. With u? she was generally known as Miss Njincy, and wa* the oldest member of the Harrellsville M.j E. Church. For some time she has not been able to attend her church, but her sent was never vacant when ahe could be there, often walking the diatauce of three ntilea from her home to the church?the House of God ahe loved and cherished ao many years. Her pastors were always informed of her feebleness, and often visit ed her, which she much appreci ated. Her present pastor had of ten visited her, and had left her home only a short while before the end came. While her finan cial means were limited, she never failed to contribute to the pastor's salary and Missions. During liet illness she would of ten say that she knew when the Lord look her sway, she would dwell with Jesus, for she had lov ed and feared Him all of her many years. Her only regret was to leave her aged sister. Their de yoliou for each other was tender and true, having lived together almost forty fears Her funeral services were con. ducted by her pastor, Rev. J. A. Morris, in the Harrellsville M. E. Church, and her remains were laid beside those of her mother in the cemetery. Many friends were present to attest their remembrance of her. She can say, "I have fought a good fight. I have kept the faith." their daughter, Elsie, became the bride of Mr. \\J. V. Stephenson, of Mapleton. Rev. S. N. Watson officiating. The wedding march was played by Mrs. Luther Hollo man, of Mapleton. The attend ants were: Miss Ruby Cowan, of Poit Norfolk. Va., and Mr. Her man Piland, Mr. Tom Stephenson and Mi*s Jessie Piland. The bride wore a dark blue coat suit with hat to mutch. Miss Piland is a young woman of splendid christian character, talented and well edu cated, having attended Chowaii College for two years. For the past session she has been teaching at Mapleton. The young couple left for the groom's home immediate ly after the ceremony, where a reception was given the bride and groom that evening. Mr. und Mrs. Stephenson will make their home in Mapleton-, Mr. R. B. Hill and voungbaby, of Eure, are visiting Mrs. Hill's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Liverman, Mrs. Douglass Wynn, Miss Maude Vinson of Murfreeslwro, were the guests of Mrs. Willie Daniells Friday and .Saturday. Misses Cliloe McDaniell and Minnie Dunning, of Woodland, are viaitiug Mrs. R. E. Story. Misses Eure, Lang, and John son, of Eure, are visiting Mrs. I. V. Turner. Mr. Herbert Harris, of Eliza beth City, spent Saturday night with Chesley Lee. Herbert was on his way home from Winter jyllc, where he graduated this session. Rev. T. T. Speight left for Birmingham, Alabama, Sunday to attend the Confederate Reunion. Owing to his absence there was no morning service at Winton Church. Prayer service was con ducted in the evening by Mr. N. W. Brittnn. Mrs. Mollie Eure, of Gates County, attended the commence ment exercises. Her, son, Beverly, who lias been in,school here the past session, went home with her. Charles Watson and Graves Vann are at home from Wake i Forest College, where they wers in school during the session just now closing. Mrs. John N. Clark and hei daughter, Mrs. W. Mills Jordan, L spent Tuesday and Wednesday ir . Norfolk. ' Mr. F. L. King, of Wilmington i spent Sunday with his family here ? PROPERTY FOR SALE, t; i i u You can buy a house and lot, with stables on same, and (, a larjfe vacant lot in connection, situated on Main and Railroad V Sleets, rumiinir back to the Town Hall, in Murfreesboro. This i > , is very desirable pro|>erty. ,, | Terms: Cash or on credit.' Apply to <> | JOHN G. CH1TTY, Murfreesboro, N. C." ?^e ? ^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^ ^ ^^ ? Fire Insurance. Rental Jlgents. ? 77?e Guarantee Company, Inc. j W. L. CURTIS, Pres. J. O. CARTER, Secy. & Trea* J COME TO LIFE.-1 Iget Ready Now. % | _ * /)\ Start The New Year With A Savings Account. . _ " _ W | THE PEOPLES BANK f & MURFREESBORO, N. C. g =======^^ u This is the same horse we thought dead. Carefully nurtured by Sam Vaughn's, Hay and Grain, he has returned to his former state. Can You Beat THat? S. E. VAUGHN, N- C Flour and Salt Specialties. H. ?- ? ? ? % Read! Reflect! Rejoice! Respond! % i> ? ? ^ We are now ready to show you our larire and complete a V assortment of tl.e latest ana beat Spring Fabrics. The pleas- X y unwto serve ts ours. The opportunity to save is yours. ? NEW GOODS. OLD PRICES. X | J. P. BOYETTE, Ahoskie, N. C ? \ SAFETY FIRST. I Gome to Winton's Greatest Store to do U your shopping where you can select from M I the largest and most exclusive ^ock. The Latest Style, Lowest Price, and with all a guarantee of Quality. Our stock is coplete in every department, 3 and absolutely dependable in quality. H Dolly Madison Shoes are always first choice M of women who are particular. We also carry Ralstons for men. Just received big stock of Boys Cooler 3 Cloth Suits, which we are offering at very H attractive prices. ? [HERRING & BEALEj Win ton9s Quality Store B