Hertford County Herald TUB LARGEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN EASTERN NOU1T1 CAROLINA. II J Vol. 7 AHOSK.IE, N. C.f AUGUST 11, 1916 NO. 30 Dr. c. g Powell DENTIST OFFICE OVER S.J. WLDAY'S STORE AHOSKIE. N. C. Winborne dt Winborn* , Ban}. B Winboriie , Stanley VMnbpfne 'Attornaya-at-I.HW . i MUREKKKSBORO. N. C. Phone* No. TT and 21. Edgar Thomti Snipaa Attorney-at-Law Loam Negotiated Real Batate Bought and Sold' Office: 2nd Floor J. W Godwin. Jr.. Bldg AIIOSKIE. N C." R. R. ALLEN Healer In BASH. DOORS. BLINDS. WINDOW GLASS. HARDWARE. PAINTS AND BUILDING MATERIALS GENERALLY WHoieaale and Retail No. #47 Washington S<|u?re SUFFOLK. VA. SASH. DOORS. HARDWARE. PAINTS. LIME. CEMENT. SEWER PIPE. CART MATERIAL. MILL SUPPLIES. STOVES. RANGES AND ETC. CLOSE PRICES. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED AND OBLIGE. E L. FOLK CO. No, 917-919 Wn*tiintfton Square ftl'FFOI.K. VA. ROGERS & WILLIAMS Attorneya-at-!,aw Prompt Attention Given to All Buaineae. A HOSKIE. N. C. I Jr R. EVANS Prmcticxl Tin Roofer and Sheet MeUl Worker I Price* Right. MURFREESBORO_N. C. ~ \ Walter R. Johnson Attobwht-at Law Ahoskjr. Norm Carolina Practice* wherever xervicea desired! !i4 PImt t. V. Mwli liiMiis G. J. NEWBKRN, A (rent Ford Automobiles, Aboakie. N. C. Touring Car $440.00 Runabout 390.00 F. O. B. Detroit. Roawell C- Brldger' , Altonwi-it-Ua WINTON. N. C. C. Wallace Jones Attorney and Counsel lor-A t-I.aw WINTOW. N. C. Practice In all courts. Loan* negotiat ed. All matters given orotnpt and faithful attention. Located in Bank of Winton- / fl?rrMK IM U: 111. It LP. I. ?r. a. i? s r. i. DR. CHARLES J. SAWYER 2S4 Granby St. New Monroe Bldg. Norfolk, Vibqinia. Practice Limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Will be in Windsor, N. C., the 1st M^av in each month. las-Fas, ft MM, Effsctlv* Lsxstlr* ft Urtr Torte Dom Not flrips nor Dktxrt the Stomach. Ia addition to other properties, Lax-Fos contains Cancan in acceptable form, a stimulating Laxative andTonic. Lax-Foa acts affectively and does not gripe nor disturb stomach. At the same time, it aids digestian, arouses the liver and secretiotll and restores the healthy functions. 50c. ? Good Looks are Easy with Magnolia Balm. \ L#ok >? good u your city cousin*. Nc matter if you do Tea or Freckle Magmllt Balm will eurely dear your akin inAantly Heale Sunburn, too. JuM put a little or your face and rub it off again before dry Simple and aura fa pleaae. Try a bottls to-day and begin the improvement al once. White. Pink and Roee-Red Color. 75 cent, at DruggiAs or by nail direct SAMPLE FREE. tron MFC. CO, 40 Se. M> St. BraeUra. ICY wm-m?mmmm?rn A Welcome to Everybody Mil IBS 1 HONOR THE VETERANS! Ahoskie bedeck* itself in the red. white and blue, symbolizing tbe united spirit of all section* of the one time bleeding America. To day's spirit is one of social better ment. Ahoskie is today bedecked in the red, white and blue, symbolizing the spirit of the' United States- a spirit of unity as told in tbe name. But there was once a time when they were not united states. It was during the '60's. For almost foui years out forefathers?yours and mine-plodded the battlefield and wore out their lives for what has since proven to be a worthless cause, but at that time tlioughC to be a worthy one. Today the stars and stripes flutter about our town. But there was a time when the flag of the Confederacy-Father Ryan's Conquered Runner?bourne by some of our ancestors, arrayed it self before the true American flag the Stars and Stripes?and flutter ed over the battlefield on which the men of the Grey fought and gave up their lives in countless numbers. And yet, tbey are not all gone to their graves. Today Hertford County's remnant of the "Men Who Wore the Grey" are meeting again in their peaceful mission. Today they love and obey peaceful America, and look with horror upon the oattlefields of Europe and the warring nations. They meet on a social mission?com muning together as brothers and companions. And, with these facts before us, who is there among us?we who help to enter tain these men?who would dis courage such a mission?a mission of peace and social intercourse if The wnv in which the people of our County have left their homes ind their places of business to come to Ahoskie answers the questionasked in above paragraph. Everything has been done to make it a day ot genuine pleasure and a joyful re-union of the gray heads, who saw actual aervice in the War of the States. Ahoskie is awake to the importance of the day at hand. She has brushed aside cob wel>s, and draped its buildings, made white its trees, repaired its streets, and with the aid and as sistance of others in the County has provided a wholesome and bounteous dinner and a beauti ful parade. Ahoskie has been given to the Veterans of the '60's and their vssiling friends for the day. MUCH TOBACCO SOLD. Darlington, Aug. 4.?Nearly 100,000 pounds of tobacco was sold bere again today, ape prices are still higher than they have ever been on t|ie local market. About i 20 per cent, of tales this morning brought from 25 to 30 cents a pound, and some of it brought as high aa CO cents a pound. One farmer, Raieigh Odom, sold liis entire barn of first primings at 27 1-2 cents in the lot being 600 or ' 7<J0 pounds. The farmers are all delighted with the price tobacco is 1 bringing in Darlington. it is thought that if the present ' prices hold up during the to > bacco season they will make up for the shortage in the crop occa ? sioned by the recent storm.? Columbia State. I Subscribe for the Herald. ?ftMfcfcMMfefefer^fefeKKfeRm&feftfc I PROGRAM Re-Union Confederate Veterans August 10th, 1916 AHOSKIE. - - N. C. 10:00 A. M. Reception of Veterans apd Guests. at ibe ManlmtUn Hotel. 10:45 A. M. Parade; Starting at Baptial Church, west on Church Street to West Street, east on West Street to Main Street, east on Main Street to Warehouse. 11:45 A. M, Exercises at Confederate Camp. Hon. W. R. Johnson. Master of Ceremonies. Invocation .... ..Rev. C. L. Dowell Music W. O. W. Band of ^Ahoskie Address of Welcome Hon. W. W.'Rogers Dixie W. O. W. Band of Ahoskie Response Hon. J no. E. Vann Southern Songs Ahoskie Quartette Music W. O. W. Band of Ahoskie x? Introduction of Speaker Judge B. B. Winborne ma Address Hon. James S. Manning Kjf My Country 'Tie of Thee By entire audience ROSTER OF CONFEDERATES FROM HERTFORD COUNTY BY B. C. SHARP, HISTORIAN. Below will be found the list of the officers from Hertford County who took part in the Civil War. There are doubtless many minor mistakes in this list, all of which could have been avoided had the printers had "clean copy." Regimental and Staff Department. J. A. lUurell, major 1st regi- j orient, April, 1862; lientebant col onel July 1863; wounded at Chan cel lorsvi lie. May 3, 1863. T. H. Sharp, major 17th regi ment, April 1862; Ijeutenant col onel May 24 1864; wounded Cold Harbor and Petersburg, June, 1862; acting colonel Oct., 1864 to April 26, 1865. <). M. Wynn. lieutenant colonel battillion Go. T. of 3 companies; Dec. 1963. J. J. Yestes, major 31st regi ment. September, 1862-3, resign ed. John W. Moore, major bat. art, Feb. 24 1862. S. J. Wheeler, major bet. com' ?puny, Sept. 1863 J. J. Edwards (Va.), major 68th regiment SeDt. 1863 to Apr. 15 1864. JeBsie Pipkin, acting major 31st regiment, 1864-65. John B. Beale, major quarter master dept. 1862-65. John. W. Faison, (Northamp ton), Adjutant 5Gtk regiment. 1863-5. N. L. Shaw, acting adjutant 17 regiment, 1863 4, temporarily. J. W. Perry, adjutant Wynn's co. 1854-5, (Bertie) H. G. Trader, quartermaster 8th regiment. 1861-2. J. Moore, quartermaster 17th regiment, 1861-5, resigned. J. W. Sessoms, quartermaster 6th regiment, 1864. resigned. * W. D. Holloman, quartermaster 69th regiment, 1862-5. Henry G, Trader, quartermaster Moore's Battaltion, 1864-5. W. P. Beamon, com. Wynn's Battallion, 1864-5. John W. Hutch ins, surgeon, 14th, 59th, and 68 regiments 1861-5. R. H. Shields, surgeon, 19th regiment, 1861-2, resigned. - Starkey Sharp, asst. surgeon Wynn's Battillion, 1864-5 W. A, Vanr., chaplain 31st regiment, 1862-3. And twenty-eight non commis sioned officers and privates making fifty-one in this depart ment, of which twenty-three are duplicates. Company C, 17th N. C. Regiment. 1861-5 Thomas H. Sharp, capt., May 10th' 1861-2 priaoner at Hatteraa. W. B. Wise, lieutenant, captian, 1861-4, resigned, prisoner Hatter as. ?fessic A. Perry, 2nd lieutenant, 1861-2, expired, prisiuner. Hatter, as, J. G. Moore, 3rd. lieutenant, 1961-2, expired, prisoner Hatteraa. L. F. Everett, sergeant', lieu tenant. Captain, 1861-5, prison er Hatteraa. W. J. Latimer, sereant, lieuten ant, 1861-4. died July, 1864. Jno. C. Thomas, sergeant, first lieutenant, 1861-5, prisoner Hat teras. W. C. Parker, sergeant, 2nd lieutenant. 1861-5, pnsonei Hat teras. Jas. E. Everett, corporal, ser geant, 3rd lieutenant, 1862-5. And 133 non-commissioned of ficers and privates, making 142 ir Hertford County, of which foui are duplicates, making 148 net This Company operated from Cold Harbor to Wilmington. This Com pany had 34 others outside Hert ford County, making 177 in all. Company 'F', 1st Regiment, North Carolina, 1861-5 T V/iI-AaaI. Uu 11 t !u nfr. .1 n nt 1861-1, promoted. W. 8. Siieppard. 1st lieutenant, 1861-2, killed at Sharpsburg, Md C. F. Lyon, 2nd lieutenant, 1861 and 2; killed in Virginia. T. D. Boone (Northampton) ser geant, lieutenant, 1861-6; wound ed in Virginia. L. C. Lawrence, sergeant, 2nc lieutenant, 18Q.1-3, resigned to 61 regiment. J. F. Adkins, sergeont, 1st lieu tenant, 1861 6. * And 63 non-commissioned otH cers and privates, making 59 ii Hertford County. This Compan; s.'.rved from Gettysburg, Pa., t Goldsboro, N. C.. This Compan, also had 96ontside Hertford Coun ty, making 165 in alk Company *C' 19th Refiment, 1861 Jas. N. Wynne, 1st lieutenan Captain, June 1861-3, resigned. Henry J. Jenkins, 2nd lieutei tenant. 1861-2, resigned. N.' J. Harrell, Sergeant, 3i lieutenant, wounded and mac orisoner at Five Forks, Va. And 48 non-commissioned ofl : n i if iff in YOU-ARE WELCOME HERE! The praprietora of tLie newspaper office Would welcome the Veter ans and their triends. Call on us today and tee where and how the only paper in Hertford Coun ty it printed. i Editor and Manager of the HERALD greet you, Mr. Visitor! and we invite you to inspect our plant. Don't leave town to day without first having visited our , office. Many of todays visitors have probably never seen the home nor even the proprietors of this home?the home of Hertford i County's only newspaper. The , doors of this office will be open during most of the forenoon and late in the afternoon. Either the Editor or the Manager will be on hand to greet ,vpu and show those who visit us around. Take one of our papers away with you. cers and privates, making 51 in Hertford County, others mostly from Gates County. This Com pany operated from North Caroli na to Penn. Company G. 31st Regiment Infantry, 1861-5 Jessie Yeates, capt., Sept. 1, 1861-2 resigned Dec.. prisoner at (| Kuanoake Island. Jno. Waddell, 1st Lt., 1861, j ? died in Wintnn, Sent. Isaac Pipdin, 3rd Lt. 1861-5, prisoner at R. I. . Julian H. Picot, 2nd. Lt., capt, , 1861-2, expired, prisoner at R. I. 6 S- B. Pool, sergt., 1st Lt., ? i resigned, prisoner at R. I. ? Jno. D. Uatling. sergt., 1st 4 Lt. 1961-5, prisoner at R. I. Jno. A. tilaughtei, sergt., 3rd. ; lieutenant., 1861-4; prisoner at K. i I- I Geo. W. Thompson, sergt.,. 3rd 1 ' Lt.. 1861-3 resigned; prisoner at 7 R. I. ? Jno. L. Everrett, sergt. 3rd Lt. J I wounded at Whitehall. And 86 non-commissioned offic- ! cers and privates, making 95 in 7 Hertford County, 17 duplicates, t making 78 net. This Company ? served in North Carolina, Vir i ginia and South Carolina. This . ' Company had 14 outside of Hert . tor County making 108 in all. ' Company C., 3rd. Battillion, Artil- ' lery, Moore's, Feb. 1862-5 ' Julian G. Moore, Capt,, 1862-4, J resigned Sept 10, 1864, J 1 Jessie A, Perry, 1st Lt., 1862, \ resigned. \ i Jas. W. Moore, 2nd. Lt. 1862, \ Jas. M. Powell (Bertie), 3rd Lt. ; , 1862. resigned Sept. ^ Alfred M. Harden, sergt. 2nd. j 1 Lt.. 1862-5. prisoner at Fort Fish- j er. t And 51 non-commissioned offic- : ? era and privates, making 57 in j Hertford County, less 10 dupli- ^ 1 ates, making 47. This Company ^ i served in North Carolna, Virginia, i and Maryland. : * Company 117th Refiment, Infantry, / April 1862-5 ( ' J. M. C. Luke (Va.), capt., n 1862-4, resigned. y Starkey Sharp, 1st. Lt., 1862-3, 0 resigned. y Norman L, Sh?w, 2nd Lt., Capt " 1862-5. Dercy Taylor, 3rd. Lt., 1st. Lt. ' 5 1862-5. t, R. \V. Askew, sergt., 2nd Lt., 1862-5. i- . L. F. Taylor, Sergt.; 3rd. Lt., 1862-5. d And 59 non-commissioned offic io ers and privates, making 65 in Hertford County, 6 duplicates, 5- (Continued on page four) r \ U. Vaughan's " The Quality Store" MCfRFREESBORO, N. C. 1 SPECIAL REDUCTIONS FOR 30 DAYS Palm Beacb and Kool Klotb Suits $7.50 Ualus $5.00. f j tv.V' \ \i ? V XV n' I, iiirT." ff, ' ' 1 ?' V^"' 8 STRAW HATS $1.50 to $2.50 Values, only $i.0to. ^ Special Prices on Mens' and Ladies' Low Shoes. U. VAUGHAN Murfreesboro, N. C. M GUILFORD COLLEGE \ III* Keit Ca-edaratieiil Callege ii tie State. Tkaraagk Traialag. Ilgk ieral Tan. Meal ?catiaa. Curiei ii trti, Stieaeei, ail Ink. Tea laildlag* wltk all IMara Ceaieaiearei. ?fie Itkletie Fwilitiei. Prirei liaally Lew. Special irraagemats far Wartkj StaSeati. Per Catalagae ud fartker iafarautiaa aMreii The President, Guilford College, N. C. East Carolina Teachers Training School \ A State school to train teachers for the public schools ? of North Carolina. Every energy is directed to this one A purpose. Tuition free to alt who agree to teach. Fall Term I begins September 26, 1916. For catalogue and other information address, A ROBT. H. WRIGHT, President, I Greenville, N. C. I Fire Insurance. Rental Jigents. f The Guarantee Company, Inc. VV. L. CURTIS, Pres. J. O. CARTER, Secy. & Trees. \' |j| I. C. Itrio, Pre?. I'. Vnehii, Vif?-Pr?*. P. K. Jeiklis, lltt-Pm. ^ |\ Rigtr Witsitii, Caikitr. W. I. RrCI?k?i, kaa't. Caikitr. djl | THE PEOPLES BANK I | MURFREESBORO, N. C. I | CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $25,000.00 W ft Is better prepared than ever to take care of W g its customers during the coming months when the X ft farmer needs financial assistance. It pays to patro- W ft nize a bank so prepared. ? & Correspondence invited. I Read! Reflect! Rejoice! Respond! < ? We are now ready to show you our large juid complete i , y assortment of the latest and best Spring Fabric!. The pleas- < > y ure to serve is ours. The opportunity to save is yours. /. ? NEW GOODS. OLD PRICES. < , I J. P. BOYETTE, Ahoskle, N. C.

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