Hertford County Herald , , / __ \ "t . ? ?' WANTED Mine Prop*. All Sizm. Call or Write to ? 1 Sterling Mine Prop Co".~ AULANDEK, N. C. DR. C. G POWELL DENTIST OFFICE OVER S.J. DtLDAVS STORE AHOSKIK. N. C. ?' ...... ... ft' Winborna A Wmborna Benj. B. Winborna Stanley Winborna Attornays-at-Law UUREREESBOKO, N. C. Pbonaa No. IT and SI. Eifir Thomaa Snlpea ^ Atturney-at-Law Loan* Negotiated Real Eatate Bought and Sold' Oflea: tnd Eloor J. W. Godwin. JE. Bldg AHOSKIE. N. C. a R. R. ALLEN Dealer fn SASH. DOORS. BLINDS. WINDOW OLA8S. HARDWARE. PAINTS AND BUILDING MATERIALS GENERALLY WliolMtle and Retail No. VS7 Washington Mature SUFFOLK. VA. 8ASH. DOORS. HARDWARE. PAINTS. LIME. CEMENT. SEWER PIPE. CART MATERIAL* MILL SUPPLIES. STOVES, RANGES AND ETC. CL09E PRICES. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED AND OBLIGE. E- L. FOLK CO. Ne. IMT-fllO WaaKladton Hqaare Suffolk. va. ROOER8 & WILLIAMS Attornayi-at-Law Prompt Attention Given to All Buaineea. A HOPE IB? N. C. J. R. EVANS Practical Tin Roofer and Sheet Metal Worker* Pricea RUrht. MURFREESBORO. K. C. Walter R. Johnson ATroei?*Y-at-LAw Ahockib. Nobth Carolina Practice* wherever aer vices deaired M flaw J. ?. Mali liiMlu O. J. NEWBERN. ' Agent Ford Adtomobilhr, Ahoskie. N. G. Touring Car i...$440.00 Runabout 390.00 F. O. B. Detroit. RMWtH C Bndgeri Attorney-?t-L*w WINTON. N. C. C. Wallace Jones Attorney and Ccun*?llor-At-La?r WISTO^. N. C. Practice Id all court*. Loan* negotiat ed. All aiattar* given oromnt aad faithful attention. ? Located in Banlk of Winton' - /-? Deafness Cannot Be Cured. with LOCAL APPUCATtONS, u they cannot tha seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or eonatitational diMaae, and in order to cure It you muet take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh it taken internally, and acts directly upon the blood snd muoous surftoe. Hall's Catarrh Curs Is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years snd is s regular ? peescriotion. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood pursers, acting directly on the stueons surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients Is what preduces such wonderful results in earing catarrh. Send testimonials rT. CHENEY A CO.; Propa., Toledo. Ohio. Sold hv Druggists, price 75e. Take Halt's Family Pills for Consti pation. _ * FOR SALE FIVE PASSENGER Stude baker, 1914 model. New generator, new atgrage battery, newly painted, a bargain for quick buyer. Am going to sell. Can see ear at Newborn's Gar ace. A. ILGarreU, Ahoskie. _,t ?_ ^ .. "4 -4 ' .? n mil bub n i in in ran ? ? ii .. % ? ON&YEAROLDTODAY I A short resume of the first year in actual newspaper service as viewed from the "inside." One hun dred and twenty-six new subcribers. Today's issue mark* the be^ili ning of the second year of the publication af the Hbbald under the present management. We are one year old in the newspaper ser vice?this is our birthday. With the lack of better means of cele brating, not being able to give a "party", we beg the indulgence of our readers for a brief resume of the year's work as viewed from our end of the business. Daring the last twelve months, since our advent in the Herald office, oar subscription books have been augmented by one-hundred and twenty-six brand new paid-in advance subscribers, Del; that is. one bundred-^nd twenty-six more than it bad last year at this time. In this same time we have been forced to drop but very few names for failure to renew, And to each one of these who has been dropped every opportunity baa been given to come back into the fold. Our advertising patronage baa been ooe great boom to the paper during the past year. In every oaeof the fifty two issues that has beeifpiibfbhed under this regime, there has been a liberal amount of advertising." The paper that ia well filled with local advertising is the one that fil's Die mission so well defined for the success ?.f the country weeklies, rherever they may be foi.nd. and, we are proud to say that (he greater percentage of advertieements carried in the columns of the Hbbald are those of local business men; in other word?, business men of this town and otber towns in tins county and the very persons that must make our county wbaLjt ia to be in the future and who hare helped to make it what it is today. This is the class of patronsge that has provided the revenue to this pa per,*and it is the very class for which we would ask above all others. Although price* on every single thine used in publishing a news paper haey advanced almost one hundred per cent during the year passed, the price of Che Herald remains the same old thing?one dollar per year in advance. Not oiilv does the subscription price remain the name, but also the advertising rates have been unchanged. With the higher prices for our materials, every effort has been made to give our patrons a paper high in thought, pt-ogrersive in speech, well bal anced a* betweed news and adver tising, and above all things, we have striven to giye you the paper you would rather have above all others. In our efforts to give you read able matter, we have been materi ally aided by the consistent and efficient work of some of our re gular correspondents. To these we offer our thanks and our deep est gratitude for their part in making the Herald what it has been under our management. And, too, there have been those who have contributed special articles; to whom we extend thanks and return felicitations. Finally, we are not of that tribe who would bemoan the awful^ fate and vhe penury of the country editor; nor do we revel in reciting to restless and overbearing readers ?f bard times, portraying oursel ves aa the central fiigura in the drama?usually styled "the coun tiy church mouse.". We take a great deal of pride in the profes sion, whose mi..,on it to is help Winton Wavelfetts The Chowan Club met with Mrs. J. W. Boone Monday even ing, September 25. Rev. Braxton Craig, representing Chowan Col lege, waa preaent and (poke on the great importance of freeing the College from debt. The Club pledged two hundred dollarson the indebtedness, one hundred to be paid by January 1. 1917, the re mainder in three yeara. The sub ject for the evening was "Famous Women." Mrs. 8. N. Watson 1 read a paper on the famous worn- 1 en of the Bible. Miss Lodise Vann reed a well prepkred and in structive paper on Women of To day, telling what great and won derful things women are doing to day, giving as examples: Helen Keller, Jane Adams, and Dr. How ard Shaw. Miss Mary Davenport told in a most interesting way of the Famous Women of Chowan College. Space forbids our giv- ' ing the names of the many women 1 who have gone out from this old 1 College and have become famous, 1 not only in our ow.i lead but on the foreign field. During the so cial hour delicious grapes! fruit i punch and wafers were served. i The Literary Club held its first ' regular meeting with Mrs. Louis 1 Daniell on Thursday evening, 1 Sept. 28. This being thf first ' meeting since the organization of tba Club, there was very little business to be transacted, but a ( program was arranged for the next meeting. Don't forget the play in the Town Hall Friday evening at 8 o'clock. "The Face at the Win- * dow", by local talent. Your |*t- j ronage will be appreciated. I A message from the Protestant i Hospital today (Monday) stated | tiiat Mr. G. W. Lowe was improv- i ing rapidly. It is thought tbst he i will not lose the sight of Vitber ^ eye. Mr. D. D, Hale and* little daughter. Dorothy, are expected i home from Raleigh Tuesday, I where the latter has been taking , the Pasteur Treatment. Mr. Robert Lowe went to Nor- I folk Monday to see Mrs. Lqwe. i who was operated on recently for I appendicitis, Mrs. Lowe is im- 1 proving nicely and expects to come home the latter part of. the : week. 1 Quite a number of our people -went to Norfolk we past week to ? witness the "BirthW A Nation", i Rev. S. N. Watnin, Messrs. N. W. Britton, J. W. Boone, I. A. Parker. J. P. Mitchell, John E. < Vann. and Mesdames J. P. Mitch* ell and Willie Daniels will attend i the meeting of the West Chowan Association at Lewiston this week. Rev. J. N. Bynum returned home Saturday from a visit to Washington, D. C. and Alexan dria, Va. Mr. S. P. iTaylor. who has been spending some time in Florida, came home Sunday to visit his family. Mrs. Holland, of Holland, Va., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. H. Jones. Mr. H. B, Vann, went to Nor folk Sunday to visit Mrs. O. W. Lowe. Mrs. A. J. Fearce received a tolegram from her son, Cyril Pearce, who is -a member of the U. S. Army, stationed at Rich mond, stating that his Company would leave for the border Mon day at n&on. ? . advance every good end worthy cease. How can we eXoect to do tbie by humiliating our pridet It baa been a pleasure to^ us to have bees ir. the work and we fee! grateful to every, single person who baa helped make the work a coveted profession. NORTH MM DIN AST ASSOCIATION NOTICE mh '> Xa, Aniounciog ? Til* Drainage Conteat For Boy*' Agricultural Club* in _ Order to Encourage the Young Men of lb Stat* in Underdraid . age of Their Wet Lead*?Rule* and Regulation* in Force. The NORTH CAROLINA DRAINAGE ASSOCIATION wishes to encourage tbe young men of the state in under drainage of their wet lands in order that they fnay receive maximum yields with minimum etTftt; and that the educational value of the club work may be enhanced. To this end, tbe Aaeociation offers a COLD MEDAL to the member of tbe boys' Agricultural Clubs who submits the most approved plan for tbe underdrainage of a field or a portion of a field. Tbe following rules apply: 1. The field may oe of any size from one acre uo, and may be se lected by tbe contestant frcm any land in wbich be is interested. 2. The plans shall consist of: (a) A description of the field including location, acreage, shape, topography, description of the ?oil and subsoil, present use of the land and present conditions as regards natural drainage. (b) A drawing*or sketch show ing tbe shape of tbe field, location and arrangement of proposed drains, location of the caoal, creek, or open ditch into which the proposed drains are to dis cbarge, and any other points men tioned in the description. (c) Number of feet of tile re quired for each.line with size and coat of tile, and estimated coat of digging and backfilling the ditches. (d) Estimated coat per awe. S. The plana muat represent or sxpresa the contestant's own ideas in adapting a system of drainage bo the field selected, though he may consult others in making Jiis plans and will be furnished needed information upon application to the' vice-president in charge of Hie Drainage, (Prof. M. E. Slier win, West Raleigh. N. C. ). 4. The plans shall be mailed to the Seeetary of the North Caro lina Drainage Association, (Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt7 Chapel Hill, N. C?) so that it eball be in bis hands before the time of the An nual Convention of the Associa tion which is to be held in Creena boro. N. C., November 22 and 23' 1916; or shall be filed with the Sectary on the first day of the Convention. 5. The contestant shall not be obligated to construct the drains as planned, though their construc tion would probalily be profitable. 6. The plans shall be judged by a committee appointed by the Pres ident of the Association, and the award shall be made in open ses sion of the convention. A SUGGESTION ABOUT THE , CHAUTAUQUA. There is hardly enough material either in Ahoskie or Aulander to make the Chautauqua a success, financially. This does not mean that our towns are'dead, commer cially, spiritually or intellectually; but it does prove that the aes thetic nature has never been awak ened. It occurs to me that Ahoskie could have the Chautauqua in the Soring, with say, twenty guaran tors, to which Aulander would add ten more, this eliminating much of the individual responsibility and insure a co-operation on llie part of both towns. In turn, Ahoskie would be expected to co-operate with Aulander. in the fall in a aim ilar manner. A little inter-oommunicatioii and association in this way would cer tainly be stimulating; and, in a de gree, a closer kindership end more cordis! mutuality wouid foiiuw. Correspondence solicited, R. E. White, Aulander, N. C. -i . ? ?*? ? ? ? ? .< ,y ?*>??* mm sih spiht IN IIMN IWj Government f if urea Compiled (or Manufacturers Record Show that in the Year 1915 South Expended Oyer $50,000. 000 on Improved Hifbwaya?Whole Country Mov iaf Forward in This Respect. Detailed report* compiled for the (Manufacturers Record from Govsfment figures which will shortly be issued ahoy tlist during 1915 the South spent over $50, 000,000 upon highway work, or en increase compared with 1904 of 448 per cent. This section is spending annually two-thirds as much ts the $75,000,000 which the Goverment recently voted to spend during the next five years in co-operation with all the States in the Union. Under thia bill, helpful aa it has been in co-ordinating the road construction activities of the coun try?and that is the most import ant feature of it?Florida, for in stance, will secure during the next five years an aggregate of about $850,000, while one county in that state recent'y voted a bond issue of 1,500,000 for road work, which is almost double the entire amount that the state will receive from the National Goverment for road work during the next five years. This is typical of the spirit with which the South is pushing its road-construction activities. The statistics given in our Washington correspond nee on the subject would show that in the aggregate there was expended in 1915 upon the ruial roads and bridges of the United States 382,000,000. of which mors than 50,000,000 was ( expende by the South. This will ; show something of what is being J done towards changing our wliole J country by supplanting iiqpassable | mud and sand roads by great nat- J ional highways. _ _ i "PREPAREDNESS" A HEADL1NER Spectators Thrilled by Bif Feature of the 101 Ranch*Wild Weat Exhibition. (Fraa THE rilUBFLHU (PI.) UflltKR) With bucking bronchoes and bareback riders, the' snapping ri fles and whirling lassoes, skillful cowgirls and whooping Indians, the 101 Ranch Wild West Show with Buffalo Bill, .vesterda.y con tinued to draw many spectators to the show grounds at Nineteenth reel and Hunting Park avenue. ' Recalling in vivid fashion the West as it was a half century ago, j the Buffalo Bill offering never fails to thrill the youngsters and parents alike. The prepardnes* spectacle, one of the features of t.ha uluiw t.ltiu vpar iviib anruin on. plauded. 1 thrilling battle between un brokert ponies and determined ri ders yesterday's crowd found in teresting situations. Desnite the threatening weather of the after noon. and the gloomy outlook foi the evening, both performances were well attended. FOR SALE?ONE SAXON ROADS ter, 1916 Model, Bought this Spring?in good shape, will sell cheap, for cash or good paper to quipk buyer, R. J. Baker, Abo? kie. UrFsa, A MM. IftacOvs Lsxsflr* ? Unr Tonic D*m Not Drips ear DMrtthsSteauck. la addition to other properties, I^ax-Pot contains Caacara in acceptable form, a stimulating Laxative and Tonic. Lax-Fos 1 acta effectively and does not gripe no disturb stomach. At the same time, it aid* digestion, arouses the liver and secretion* and restorea the healthy functions. 90c. RUB-MY-TISM Will cure your Rheumatism Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and Bums, Old Sores, Stings of Insects Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used in ternally and externally. Priest 25c. -g? . - . 1 , % U. Vaughan's "The Quality Store" MURFREESBORO, N.C. 1 ?? 1 , -5R o New Fall Goods are 11 Arriving Daily and You are Cordially Invited to Come and Look Them Over, Whether You Buy or Not. V. VAUQHAN Murfreesboro, C. 1 . J - - - ?.? ? ? ?, ????k. ?' ^X-<S?SSt?SOSOC?tSSC??Sete?eoe<f?t? ????#?#??>*>C?? HI, ; Open a Savings Account Today i: Add to it frequently and your power in dollars increases, ! you will be aroused to a consciousness that you have the ! ability and strength to accomplish much. Think it oyer. ] ! 4* INTEREST ON SAVINGS J ; Bank of Ahoskie : \ AlIOSKIE, N. C. C?6-????+????fr????**we-??*<s6??e?c?e?c??ccs8C8oesMSCS< I. Itran, frw. I'. Tugkai, (k?-Pr*i. r. E. /J\ lijir WitiH, Cuklir. W. 1. Irtltfcra, lu't. Cukltr. ^ J THE PEOPLES BANK I | Ml/RFREESBORO, N. C. 1 4> CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. $25,000.00 9s W $ ========== * I $ ? Is better prepared than ever to take care of X its customers during the coming months when the ? farmer needs financial assistance. It pays to patro- ? A nize a bank so prepared. X Correspondence invited. % Fall and Winter Goods, j ? ' ? i > 'A grand assortment of Pall and Winter Goods now + < > adorns our shelvs. Everything sold at same old prices. <> 4. Buy your Garments here. <> ;> J. P. BOYETTE, Ahoskie, N. C. % #WW#WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW*WWWWW?WW?A<I I M TIE ll?Iim Ml 111 MtlllTITI MfHM TIE mmi H ILL TIE TK1TII Just 80 il is in the retail world. The shopping public must depend upon the honor and integrity of the merchant for safety in all their purchases. For over aixty-uine years this old store has been depended upon by a large and exclusive clientele to ?upt>'.v their wants in Diamonds, Watches. Jeweiry, Silverware, Cut Glass, ect., and we have yet to fail in affording them ab solute safety and satisfaction in every transaction. Like tbe ; Engineer and hip locomotive we are ever alert for the beat in terest of our patrons. Write us today for our beautiful catalogue!. Paul-Gale*Greenwood Co.* Inc. "LARGEST JEWELERS SOUTH" We Sell Victrolas and Edison Diamond Disc. Norfolk, Va.

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