Hertford County Herald THE LARGEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA. ? VOL. 7 V. AHOSKIE, N. C., OCTOBER 13, 1916. NO. 39 I ?MB! 'I ???!_ ? I' III I ? WANTED Mine Prop*, All Size*. Call or Write to / Sterling Mine Prop Co. ^AULANDEK, N. C. Dr. C. g Powell DENTIST OFFICE OVER S.J. DILDArS STORE AHOSKIK. N. C. Wlnborne 6c Wmborn* Benj. B. Win born# Stanley Wlnborne Attomeys-at-Law MURFREESBORO, N. C. Phones No. 17 and SI. Edgar Thomas Snipes Attorne.v-at-Law Loans Negotiated Real Estate Bought and Sold' Oflke: 2nd Floor J. W. Godwin. Jr.. Bldg AHOSKIE. N. C. R. R. ALLEN Dealer In BASH, DOORS. BLINDS. WINDOW GLASS. HARDWARE. PAINTS AND BUILDING MATERIALS GENERALLY Wholesale and Retail Na. 1127 Washington Square SUFFOLK. VA. SASH. DOORS. HARDWARE. PAINTS. LIME. CEMENT. SEWER PIPE. CART MATERIAL. MIIX SUPPLIES. STOVES. RANGES AND ETC. CLOSE PRICES. ^ MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED AND OBLIGE. E- L. FOLK CO. Nn. 917-910 Washington Square SUFFOLK. VA. ROGERS & WILLIAMS Attorney?-at-Law Prompt Attention Given to All Botinees. AHOPKIE. N. C. J. R. EVANS Practical Tin Roofer and Sheet Metal Worker Price* Right. MURFREESBORO. N. C. Walter R. Johnson Attorwst-at-Law Ahorkir. North Carolina Practice* wherever services desired !ii Fleer J. W. teSwie t.lHier G. J. NEWBERN, A sent Ford Automobiles, Ahoskie, N. G. Touring Car $440.00 Runabout ' 390.00 F. O. B. Detroit. Roawall C Bridget. Attorney-at-Law WINTON. N. C. C. Wallace Jones Attorney and Crunaellor-At-Law WINTOW. N. C. Practice in all court*. Loan* negotiat ed. All mattera given orompt and faithful attention. Located in Bank of Winton* Deafoess Cannot Be Cured. with LOCAL APPLICATIONS. H they cannot the seat of the diieaac. Catarrh ia a blood or conititutional disease, and in order to cure it you muet talceinternal remedies. Hall's Catarrh is taken internally, and acts directly upon the blood and mueous surfaee. Hall's Catarrh Core Is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in thia country for years and is a regular pe esc nation. It ia compoaedof the best tonics known, combined with the best blood portilers, acting directly on the mucons surfaces, jhe perfect combination of the two ingredients is what prodnees such wonderful results in curing catarrh. Send testimonials fVM F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Props., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggist*, price 76c. Take Hall's Family Pill* for Conatl sation. FOR SALE?FIVE PASSENGER Htudebaker, 1914 model. New generator, new storage battery. ' newlv painted, a haigain for quick buyer. Am going to sell. Can ?ee car at Newborn's Oar age. A. E. Garrett, Ahoskie. ?* ? m ik una in ia I mum on A Hew Business House Mr. V. L- Curtis HavinJ Lar|e Three Front Brick Buiinec Houae Cooatructed on Main Street?A Million Bricka to be laid in the Neat Six Montha-Bnalneae Con ditions Good?Spirit of Optimism Prevails. Tlie ground has been brokeD for the cpustruction of three new brick business houses in Ahoakie. Mr. W. L. Curtis, Cashier of the Bank of Ahoskie, has had the sur face dirt removed from his three lots on Main Street, situated next to the large wooden building now occupied by J. M. Willouirhby. and has already let the cootract to a local contractor for the imme diate construction of a modern business house, with fifty four feet frontage. The building will be only one-story in height. The bricks and other material have been purchased and every single item put into its construction will be the very best and the most modern obtainable. Bricklaying will begin this week and tbe contract calls for its com pletion, both brick and wood work, by the first day of Decem ber. Already one of tbe apart ment* lias been ieased to a reliable concern for a period of five years. Ttie remaining two hare not yet been let out, but it is certain that they will be oceupied by new bus iness concerns by the first of the aporoaching new year: in fact present conditions in Ahoskie de mand a more diversified business. For the past few years building operations in Ahoskie have some what subsided, and there has been a slight lull in the real estate mar ket here. But this inactivity is sow giving way to renewed ac tivity in this line. Reliably in formed business men of this town assert with confidence that at least a million bricks will be laid right here in tbe town of Ahoskie dur ing tbe ensuing six months, be ginning with tbe first oue laid on the above mentioned building. Tbe real estate market has already taken a boost, and the present trend is towards a rapid develop ment cf all properties situated in the business section of Ahoskie. For some time certain classes of businesses have kept out of Ahos kie solely because the outsider was to a certain degree skeptical of tbe true progressiveness of the town's permanent growth. They desired to test the pulse of real business in Ahoskie. But, since the building of the-second tobacco warehouse, and the assurance and actual realizition of a flourishing tobacco market here, there is no longer a doubt in the minds of the moneyed men as to Ahoskie's de sirability as the industrial center for 'this section. The tobacco market has already given this town a hundred per cent boost, and has done a great deal towards stimulating business. The recent statements of our local banking institutions furnishes a'good proof of the increasiri] popularity of Ahoskie as the logical trading center. The total resources of these two banks combined, accord ing to their own eworn statements, has increased forty thousand dol lars since their last report in June. Conditions in Ahoskie just now warrant a spirit of confidence in the prospective business man or to the man who is already established here. Tne forces at present work ing for the growth of Ahoskie cannot fail, and a vein of optimism prevails among our own business men. - % tm Qokrint TMImMMMTIi Ntai Became of its tonic sod laxative effect. LAXA TIVR BROMO QUININH is better than ordinary QNiaiM and dees not eaeae smosanns nor Hnatni la Md. Baassmiii i the fall name and look lor the gfcaatnt* oi K. W. CROv*. as * .V*' -v.v '? ? /. '? J STATEMENT of the Ownership, Management, Cir culation, Etc., of The Hertford County Herald Published Weekly at Ahoskie. N. C_ required bv the Act o( August 24,1912 (Matemeat for 8ii Months Ending September 30. 1910. Editor, J. Roy Parker, Ahos kie, N. C. Managing Editor, James 8. Vinson, Ahoskie. N. C. Publishers, James 8. Vinson and J. Roy Parker. Ahoskie. X. C Owner: James 8. Vinson and J. Roy Parker. Known bondholders, mortga gees, and other security holders, holding 1 pet cent or more of to tal amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities: NONE. J. Roy Parker, Editor. 8worn to and subscribed before me this 9th day of October. 1916. D. P. Boyette, Notary fublic. (My commission expires J une 18, 1917" A Friend. -i. A friend is one of the sweetest gifts We have known along life's way. One who is ready to lend a hand To help us from day to day. One who comes mid pleasure or pain. To greet us with a smile. To speak some encouaging words. That always prove worth while. It helps to lighten oar burden Wnen their loving touch we know, When their hands, clasp oars in tenderness, , The touch will help us so. For we all are doomed to misfor tunes At some lime, or some day, And a friend can lighten our sad ness By casting smiles along our way. Just a few sweet words of'comfort. Will help us our burdens to bear. For this world is full of trouble Yes, full of toil and care. For our Father sends these heart aches All along our pathway of life, To make us think of others, And forget our selfish strife. So when we see the storms of life, And the billows arjund us f^oll. Let us think what have we done To help some weary soul. And let us go to work at once, To do the best we can. To speak sweet words of comfort To help our fellow man. Lets go and help that weary one. Whore heart is filled with grief, Speak to him words of comfort They'll surely give relief. Then let us true to our fellowman As a friand try to do our best. So when we die we can always say. To God, I'll leave the rest. E. M. B. larFae, A MM. inactive Laxative 1 liver TMIe D?w Iht firlpe Mr DMrt the Stomach. Ia addition to other properties, Lex-Pot contain* Catcera ia acceptable form, a stimulating Laxative and Tonic. Lax-Pot acta effectively and does not gripe nor dittnrb stomach. At the same time, it aida digestion, arousea the liver and secretions and restores the healthy functions. 50c. RUB OUT PAIN with good oil liniment That's the suietft way to stop them. The best rubbing liniment is MUSTANG LINIMENT Good far the Ailments op Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. Good far your own A chet. Pains,' Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. 25c. 50c.lt. At >11 Daalm. WON! m COM MISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS The Board of county Commis sioners of Hertford County met on the Sud day of October 1916, pres ent all member* of the Boaid ex cept Dr. J. A. Powell. Proceedings of last meeting read and approved; The committee on repair* to the Court House roof M continued. The committee to build Knight* bridge i* continued. Mr. Boyette reported that he had seen Henry Stephens and that lie could not make any better ar rangement* with(him for keeping Boone Bridge. Tbe following Tax collector* presented their bond for collection of taxes to wit; M. K. Summer, T. T. Parker, B. N. Sykes, S. E. Vaughn, W. L. Mathews, and tbey were sworn in and books delivered. Mr. E. J. Oerock reported two bales cotton from County Home sold for $166.89; same turned in to tbe Treasurer. H. H. Taylor requested of the board to boi row the new flat at Boone Harrell ferry to float en gine) across riv.er; the matter is left with Dr. Powell, with the ap provnl of the board if he sees fit., The board authorises Mr. S. P. Winborne to make arrangements and to draw contact with the Far mers Union to build storage ware house on Maneys ferry property and to charge 5.00 per year. H. H. Jones is instructed to buy ferry ropes for Winton and Par kers Ferry. On motion it is ordered that all road Supervisors be required to render an itemized statement of the receipts and diabursments for past year, on the first Monday in Nov ember and that copy be sent to the Board and copy posted in the township. H. H. Jones and J. A. North cott are empowered to pay balance on lumber and work for Knight's bridge after being completed. On motion, the wages of Dink Jones is increased to 20.00 per month from 1st., day of October 1916. aa ferryman at Hill'a Ferry. Tbe Board ordered that the Sheriff be instructed to send full amouut claimed by the Munaey Trust Company aa due on Murf resboro bond judgment. W. C. Kaby is relieved of the County's part of peddler's tax on account of being an old soldier. On motion it is declared to be the sense of this Board that in or-1 der to secure an expression of the voters of the County on the mat ter of stock law, that the Board of* Election be requested to pro vide a box and tickets at the polls at the regular November -election, for the purpose of ascertaining tbe wishes of tbe people; said ar rangement to tie made without ex pense to tbe County. Report of Superintendent of Health received showing condition of the public healih of the county. The Following h counts presented and approved for payment to wit; E. B. Bizzell, piles for Knights Bridge $48.00 W. A. Liverman, work on bridges 18.09 R. L. Britton, building bridge . . 41.91 Z. T. Chitty, Lumber for bridge 43-74 G. G. Picit, expenses Mrs. Furgerson to hospital.. 3.15 G. C. PI cot. expenses to hos pital taking Mrs. Furger son .... 9.00 H. T. Browne, Lumber for bridges 45.53 J. E. Matthews, supplies to County home.... ... 9.06 T. N. Charles, lumber for \ bridges 6.66 Hertford Co. Herald, Tax receipts .. 20.00 Browne and Brown, supplies Co. Home.... 14.11 Winborne AYVinborne. Col,, Tax from New?ome Est,. 49.81 Dink Jones, Hills ferry 3rd qr. 57.00 A HIE DRAM C# TBI Am FARMFRS To Humiliate interest among tlie farmers of the State and to aid in the dissemination of information regarding the benefits of tj|e drainage, the NORTH CARO LINA DRAINAGE ASSOCIA TION offers a prise of $10.00 to thi farmer who submits the best report of benefits actually received froga tile drains. rte following rules apply: 1. The area reported up< n may be of any size, shape, and location within the state. 2. The report shall include: (a) A description of the field in cluding location, acreage, shape, topography, and deacrintion of the soil and subsoil. (b) A statement of the drainage conditions before the tile drains were constructed and the crops groyn (if anv) with approximate or accurate yields received. fc) - A statement of the present drainage conditions and crops grown with approximate or ac curate yields received. (d) A drawing or sketch ehow ing the shape of the field, location and arrangement of tile drains, lo cation of canal, creek or onen ditch into which the drains discharge, and height of water in the same and any other points mentioned in the description. (?) Number of feet and size of tile used, cost of tile, and cost of digging and backfilling the ditches. (t) Total cost per acre. 3. The reoort shall be mailed to the Secetary of the North Caro lina Drainage Association, (Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt, Chapel Hill, N. C.,) so that it shall be in his hands before the time of the An nual Convention of the Association which is to be held in Greensboro, N. C.. November 22 und 23, 1916; or shall be filed with the Secetary on the first day of the Contention. 4. The report shall be judged by a committee appointed by the President of the Association, and the award shall be made in open session of the Convention. HO COTTON BOLIrWEEVIL KNOWN IN THIS STATE Raleigh, N. C., October 7. 1916. At this season every year farmers find that many cotton bolls are not opening as expected, and in search ing for a cause they notice insects or diseases which they have not seen before. Only too often such "discoveries" are reported to local pa|iers and are given publicity un der suspicion that the "Cotton Boll-weviP' is doing the damage. Mr. Franklin Sherman, Ento mologist in the State Department of Agriculture at Raleigh, wishes to emphasize the fact that while such reports have been current each autumn for over twelve years, and while he has identified scores of insects sent to him under sus picion, yet no true specimen of Cotton Boll-wevil has ever yet been taken in the state, and there is no reason to suspect that it is present. A disease propei ly known as Anthracnose which causes the bolls to rot, has been the real cause of most of the com plaints. Theiloll-wevil is now in the southwestern third of Georgia, not yet in the rest of the state, nor in South Carolina. Mr. Sherman says that it will probably be from five to ten years before it reaches the southern border of our state. E. W. Whitley, frt.. on wire rooc 1.00 Mr?. M. M. Browne, Sew ing for Co. Home 4.00 Willis Pierce, woik County Home., 11.00 M. M. Browne, keening Co. Home 3rd. Qr R8.75 Lawrence^and Kiddiek work {or Co, Home .... 4.OS W. P. Shaw Jr. & Bro., mat trewea &c_ 4.75 J. E. Jones, Board of pris I (Continued on page four) A***+*im*m0i0*i0*+m00iO0ijwi0>00i0*i0ii h<hk?wwwkx?^ j HIGHER AND STILL. HIGHER j] r ? '. The cost oHiving is becoming serious. Prices for the necessaries of life continue to soar, and ex penses generally run higher and still higher. The ! hour for entrenchment is at hand. Waste must be cut out and saving introduced as its substitute. i ' s i j'' J No belter means of Saving can be ; ; found than a Saving's Account in a good banking house. : * : : j CITIZENS BANK of Murfreesboro, N. C. invites your account, large or small. A small ac count becomes the foundation for greater things, as ; "large oaks from small acorns grow." * - / Citizens BanR ? Murfreesboro, N. C. :: Open a Savings Account Today :: ? > , , AM to it frequently end your power wntnllass ioerasani. . ,y \ | you will be aroused to a consciousness tbat yon here the " J '! ability and strength to accomplish much. Think it over. ; ; ; i 4* INTEREST ON SAVINGS ;; H Bank of Ahoskie : I Ahoskie, n. c. ti'i" hw [. Hlltil ' \ri-Tw. ^ r A Itif *iI'n fiikiir. !. I. Mltkn, lii't. '"IIk. ^ | THE PEOPLES BANK I | MVRFREESBORO, N. C. , | jj CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. S2S,000.00 If ?I T f Is better prepared than ever to take care of w m its customers during the coming months when the JK ? farmer needs financial assistance. It pays to patro- Sfy nize a bank so prepared. X V. Correspondence invited. % Fall and Winter Goods. <| T A grand assortment of Fall and Winter Goods now < ? adorns our shelvg. Everything sold at same old prices, < > ? i ????* * T Buy your Garments here. < ? | J. P. BOYETTE, Ahoskie, N. C. \\ WWW#WW*W#WIWWWWfWWWWWWWlWWW?WWWWWl I Tbe Sooth's Greatest WEDDIMGr GIFT" Center For more than six decades this old store has been the mecca 1 for those seeking wedding1 gifts?and there is no feature of ? greater importance to its thousands of patrons that is more at * tractive. We wish to call your attention particularly to our 2 Si'verware Stock?the largest and most varied in the South. 5 You'll find it a distinct pleasure to choosqirotn such a selection j as it affords, while our name on the box denotes a guarantee of ? quality. All orders mailed to uardCeive prompt attention. File $ your request now for one of our new ca'alogs to be mailed later. Paul?Gale*Greenwood Co.* Inc. '} "LARGEST JEWEIJBKS SOUTH" j 5 We Sell Vittrolas and Edison Diamond Disc. Norfolk, Va. j rsivrssiaaaawwaaMwaaaaaaaa^memnWFPihiwWiillwaaiiii

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