Hertford County Herald | ; THE LARGEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA. VOL. 7 AHOSKIE, N. C., DECEMBER 1. 1916. , NO. 46 j ywwwwewwwwfwwwwte : WANTED Min? Prop*, All Sizes. C?ll or Write to ? Sterling Mine Prop G>. ; AULANDEK, N C. , ; i wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwi Any one desiring to purchaae tombeatone* of an.v description, see or write J. B. MOULIN. Al.uakie, N. C. Agent? for United Stales Marbel Gi. Dr. C. G Powell DENTIST office . OVERS.J- DILDAY'S STORE ' * ah08kie. n. c. Winbome & Wmborne Benj. B. Winhorne Stanley Winborne A ttomey s-at -La w MURPREESBORO. N. C. Phones No. 1? and 21. Edgar Thomaa Snipes Attarste programs. The relotion of cotton to Inter national Reconstruction is intelli gently outlined by Hon. E. J. j Watson in the following call for the extraordinary session of the Cotton Congress: ^ , "The eighth annual convention < of the Southern Gimmercial Con- t gress is to be held in Norfolk, ( Vs., December 11-14, 1916. and , the series of sessions will be de- , voted, not only to the most prac- t tical consideration of the vital | questions relating to agricultural j education, to the nduatrics and to ( commerce, but to an interpretation , of the relation of the United States , to international reconstruction j following the close of the world ( war, which has in so many ways , affected American commerce and ; ludustry. It is the purpose during , these sesiotis to review conditions , as they exist today, and looking ; to the futuie< to build a program | that will meet the exigencies of < tremendously changed economic 1 conditions at the close of the world | war. "Homing t::at America possess es was more hfleeted by the out break of tips European war than cotton; nothing will be of more i concern to the future prosperity of i the nation than the future of i American cotton. It lus there fore been suggested to me that it will be the part of wiudom for the , cotton grow/era^of the South, and for men interested and concerned in the present and future of cot ton, to come together on the sec ono day of these general sessions, i for the porpose of taking up all questions relating to the cotton problem, and taking such action looking to the enactment of nat ional legislation or co-operative effort as may be deemed best. ''The last session of the South ern Cotton Congress was held in the city of Washington, commenc ing on August 13, 1914: The Southern Cotton Congress never meets except when there is an emergency call for decisive action. "Another session of the United States Congress is soon to con vene. and I believe that .it is not on ly proper and timely, but neces sary that the representative men of the cotton' belt States Should assemble and discus^ all these prob lems in their relation to internat ional reconstruction, "Accepting the auggestion of the officers of the Southern Com mercial Congress, I hereby call an extraordinary session of the Southern Cotton Congress to be held in the city of Norfolk, Va., beginning at 8 P. M. on Decem ber the 12, 1016, All members of Southern Congress, including business men and banders of the South and all individual growers who mav be aufficently interested^ are hereby invited to attend thie extraordinary session of tlie Con gress." Hertford County Herald $1.50 Per Year Alter January 1,1917 The management of the Herald is forced to do the thing which they have been battling against for several months? Wt must increase the subscription price of this paper to ONE DOLLAR and FIFTY CENTS per. year, beginning January 1. 1917. I "C, At present pric% of news print paper the amount cciUeQed on subscription at the present rate barely pays for the actual pa per used. It is to keep the paper at its present size?the largest in Eastern Caroli na?that we make this increase. j However to all old subscribers who re new before Janunry 1, and to all new sub-, scribers during the month of December, we will send the Herald at the same old price of one dollar per year. Absolutely no sub scription taken at the old price, after Jan uary 1st. Yours for a thankful Thanksgiving, and all together for the very best weekly NEWSpaper. James S. Vinson, Manager, J. Roy ParJcer, Editor, " Hertford County Herald. NEWSPAPER HEN OP STATE TO HAVE A RARE TREAT ^ Chapel Hill. N. C.. Nov. 28. \ large number of the newsoaper iditors of the state are going to step down fur a while from their ?ditorial desk and get together at .he University in December for Fellowship and helnful discussion, f one is to judge from the number if letters now coming in to the lo ?al management from over the state. And not only are the ed tors coming, but the reporters, .he newspaper owners, the busi neas managers, heads of schools of journalist, men in the allied trades tnd special correspondents are all loing to meet for the exchange of deas. Special programs have been prepared to meet the needs of each :Lss of newspaper folkr-ifid the University is planning to * enter tain all to the beet of its ability. Though a winter Newspaper Institute for study is somewhat new in North Carolina, it is not new in the middle and far western itates, where often a week is set iside for just this purpose, and the editors come together by the hundreds. In Missouri, the state from which Walter Williams comes to this meeting with val uable suggestions, the journalists hold a conference of several days at the state University each win ter. The same is true of Kansas, of Wisconsin, of Washington and of Texas, all along with a dozen or more of others. The purpose of the Institute will be for study, and it is held in an atmosphere conducive to study. All the re sources of the University will be available. Care will also be taken that the journalists have a good time, and the committee has pro vided something interesting for every day. Some of the editors have written'that they would re gard it as a calamity to miss any of the program. The general topics to be dis cussed, beginning Thursday after noon, pec. 7* ar0i The News paper ? l Buy your Garments here. 5 ? J. p. BOYETTE, Ahoskie, N. C. % Fire Insurance. Rental Jlgents. 4' The Guarantee Company, Inc. ? W. L. CURTIS, Pres. J. O. CARTER, Secy. & Trees. * ' ^ ^ ^ ^ 4 Vour Attention Please! 1 Whether you eat to live or Jive to eat, this is the j place to buy your provisions. One's Health is Vital, and to insure perfect health, buy your provisions, 4, Here, where you get the most Sanitary and Pure o goods for less money. Anything in the Grocery line can be found u here, and we invite your patronage. u We are giving to our customers a chance to win o a set of china ware cheap. Come and see our deal. Satisfy your inward feelings by buying your 0 groceries at the Pure Food Store W..H. BENTIIAL.L, PROP. . o AHOSKIE, - - - N. C. ? HORSES AND MULES' announcement: We wish to inform tae public that beginning Decem ber the 2Cth, we will have on band for sale and ex change a full stock of good Horses and Mules which will be kept replenished with fresh stock during the entire season. We.appreciate your patronage in the puot and shall endeavor to warrant the continuation of same by-keeping only first class stock. HARRELL BROTHERS Murfreesboro, /V. C. Located in Stables at Rear of Peoples Bank. H ?? ?? ?? ?? ?-nmm mm mm mm ?