Hertford County Herald / THE LARGEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA. ? VOL. 7 AHOSKIE, N. C., JANUARY 5, 1917. NO M ?? " Women in Agriculture WeiMa today an Takinf a Leadin* Part ia Agriculture? European War Haa Evidenced Thia Fact. Acroaa the waters the war liaa ?fleeted some startling changes in the normal atatua .if women- In Uiia country tbe high coat of II v ing haa alao had a marked influence on the character of the occupant* in which women are now finding theraaalyea. In Europe tbe women are not only taking the place* of men in all of the trade* and oc cupations, but are actually rep resenting the bulwark* of their nations by the work they are do ing on tbe farm*. In tbia country the bent and moat recent statistics are startling7))) tbe fact that they claim more than a million women who work on the farms of the United States. As the teaching of agriculture advances and as it takes on, more and more, the characteristics of cultural, educational, liberal train ing. in addition to its vocational aspects, it draw* to itself women teachers, who find in the subject a new outlook for inspiration, for service, for stimulation and for rgward There are now many rural teachers, in all sections of the country, who have made them selves as invaluable to tbe cause of agricultural education as the women in Europe have done ic espousing the cause of their coun try's defence and sustenance. Such teachers are proving to be the solution of the rttral school problem. The writer know* ooe teacher in Texan who haadnnee very thing in the way of constructive agricul tural education that might be ex pected of some of- trained Men. This girl has organised a cow test ing asaocialion in Iter community. She has weededout the star board ers from the herds and has per suaded the farmers to 611 their places with productive cattle. She has taught the boys and girls bow to test seed com. and has persuad ed the entire community to do teeting before planting. She has introduced modern methods of butter making on the farm. she has sifted down the prob lems of poultrv production to the point where the entire community agreed on one breed. She has organized a community center, rural Sunday school, has raised money for a lantern and slides, has inaugurated entertainments, debates and literary societies. This teacher is a fixture in that community. The board of educa tion wiH not let her go, no matter what inducements she may receive. She ia a community asset. When the great majority of our rural teachers survey their local communities and learn that the splitting of the wood, the feeding of the live-stock, the milking of the cows, the caring for the pou! try, the making of the butter and the general attendance to farm choree is not done by the men, but by the women, in many in ttancee, they will perbane feel loathe in lending their intelligence and sympathy to the solution of rural problem*, in order to allevi ate the hard task of rural women, they are accomplishing the most worthy and aigni6cant task in the fir Id of modern education. Cotton Gioasd Ia Hertford Cooaty There were 4004 bales of cotton counting round *4 half.half ibales ginned In Hertford County, from the croo of 1916 prior to Decern ber 13th, 1916, as compared with 9916 bales gipned to December 1st 1915. A. T. Newsome. Special Agent. Strayed Notice Strayed from my. ploce about October lit, red and white spotted heifer yearling, 2 years old next ?spring, ear mark, crop In right and under half moon in left. Any information of her will be reward ed. W L. Mitchell, Aboskie. To Cere a Cold la Oee Day TiWUZiTITl BBOMO Ooi.iw*. II (M?a tk* ChO antekt Hi work* *0 Ik* CaM. I'mffiete rvfwnd midtT If It Wtl to Itn. U.T. QMQVW IfllH Ministers Live Longest A recent investigation made to 6nd what claw of men live tbe longest revealed the fact that clergymen live longer than other men. Mr. Monell Say re, who made tbe investigation, attribute* the longevity of clergymen to their simple life and say that tbe extra yean, wlu-jhtbe clergy accum ulate are the results of clean per sonal lives?lives of sacrifice and abstemiousness. If they were drinkers, they would not livelong, if they were gluttons they certain ly would be short-lived, r Write to ' I Sterling Mine Prop Co. ; Ao.r one deairing to purchase tombeotonea of any deecnptioD, see or write J. B. MOULIN. Alioskie, N. C. Agent* for United SUtea Marbel Co. DR. C. G POWELL DENTIST PHONE NO. 10 AHOSKIK. N. C. _? ) Edgar Thomaa Sn