Hertford County Herald t , ] -.;?1 THE LARGEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA. ^ _ - ___ VOL. 7 * AHOSK.IE, N. C., JANUARY 12. 1V17. NO< 52 How to Avoid Colds. Stat* Board of Health Say*: If yoo Have to Coagh ?od Sneeze Do it Behind Your Haa'chisf. Pleaae" Avoid Rock and Rye. The cold Keren will fiid little work to do thia winter in North Carolina if the advice of the State board of health is taken and strict ly *(>;ilied. In response to num erous inquiries received by the Board as to how to cure "bad colds" *nd how to avoid' them, the educational departuient baa pre pared for free distribution an at tractive. illustrated, vest pocket size card ipvinK all the necessary information on one side as to "How to Avoid 'Bad Colds'," and makinK suggestions on the other side as to "How to Cure a 'Bad C^d'." Tiie card carries also an illustration making clear the importance and proper use of the handkerciieif in case of a cold in the following line*: "If you have to cough and sneeze Do it behind your ban'ebief. please." In order to avoid colds, the card says. "Keep away from people with colds. Krippe. "sniffles," and coughs. Live, work, and sleep in fresh air. Avoid over heated rooms, sudden chilling, wet feet, constipation and intemperance. Keep healtny, strong and robust at all times. Weak, "run down," overworked people often fall vic tims to colds which strong healthy people ward off." After suggesting different rem edies for the cure of a cold, the card conclude* with the statement: Avoid rock and rye, catarrah cures, and patent medicines, at least until you are sufficiently re covered to withstand such things." A Beautiful Wedding. A very quiet but nretty mar riage took place on Sunday atter ooon, Dec. 24th in tlie home of Mr. and Mra. F. D. Flythe when their ?i?ter. Mis* Lizzie Flythe tieaime the bride of Mr. W. J. Doughtie. Promptly at 2:30 o'clock, a few rylativea and frieoda of the couple oaring gathered in the parlor which waa decorated with Chriat belia, holly, farna, and narciasua, and lighted by candle*, the bridal parly entered to the atrains of Lobengrio'a wedding march played by MiNannie Neweome. From the two door* leading into the room came little Miaa Annie Doughtie, daughter of the groom, a* flower girl, and little Miaa Koxie Flytbe, neioe of tlie bride, a* riughbearer. Following theae entered tlie bride atteuded by her brother Mr. F. D. Flythe, and the groom with hi* brother Mr. D. T. Doughtie. A very abort but beautiful cere mony waa iierformed by Rev. C. L. Dowell, paator of the groom, tbe ring ceremony being uaed. After tbe word* were spoken that made tbe two hearta beat aa one, Mr. and Mr* Do-gbtie re paired to tbe depot where they boarded the train for Norfolk to apend a ahort honey moon with a aon of the groom. Mr?. Doughtie I* a woman of much executive ability having been pro prietor of a millinery eatabliah ment in thia town for aeveral year:, while Mr Doughtie la a pro gressive former residing about one and a half milea from town. Their frienda wiah them a long and hap py life.?Reported. Strajed Notice Strayed from my ploce about October let, red and white apotted heifer yearling, 2 years old next spring, ear mark, crop In right and under half moon in left. Any informition of her will be reward ed. W. L. Mitchell, Ahojkie. miwiii Yen Need a Oiaaral Taala Take Orova'a Tba OM Standard Oim'i Taatelass Chin Tonic la equally valuable aa a General Tonic because It contains tbe wen known tonic properties of QUINIMB and IRON. It acta on tbe Uvar, Drlvas oat Malaria, Bnrichea the ilcxl and BaQda up^be Whole Syttaca. SOocata. Meeting of Hertford County Coramusionen. The Board of County Commi sioners of Hertford County met the let., day of January 1917 ores ent all members of the Board. The proceedings of last meeting read and arnroved. The Committee to rebuild Hills bridge is continued. J no. A. Northcott presented hi* bond . as Register of Deeds com pleted. which was unanimously accepted bv the Board. Mr. Northcott subscribed to the oalb of office before the Clerk of the Court. j Mr. Gerock reported that a ohone could not be placed in the County Hom^ at less cost than $2.00 oer month and he was given authority to place same. The Committee to draft resolu tions on the death of Mr. J. N. Holloman, submitted the following resolutions to wit. "WHEREAS the Supreme Rul er in dispensation of an infinite wisdom, has seen fit to remove by death our co-laborer, Mr. J. N. Holloman: Therefore, be it by the Board of Commissioners of Hertford County RESOLVED 1st; That by his death we have lost 'a wise and faithful counsellor whose foresight and advice were most beneficial to his associates. 'RESOLVED 2nd, That Hert ford County has lost an efficient officer and faithful servant; RESOLVED 3rd. That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the Board of Commis sioners of Heitford County and a copy therof be published in the Hertford Countv Herald." A check for $232.82 turned in by the executor of J. N. H?llo mon dec., for peanuts sold from the County Home. On motion Ken Hardy is author ized to be takeB to the County Home. On motion it is ordered that the Clerk advise the Board of Road Supervisors of the County who have not reported, that unless their itemized report to Sept., 1st. 1916, is made to the Board and published as the law provides, they will be dealtb with as the law directs. The Clerk of the Board is order ed to have tlie vital statistics re cord properly bound and indexed. On motion Dr. Y. M. Barber is elected Coroner for Hertford County and be is ordered to have bond prepared by next fir?t" Mon day. Dr. P. H. Mitchell declin ing to accecpt. Report of Supt. Health received and filed. The following amounts turned over to, to the treasurer by the several tax collectors, io wit: B. N. Sykee, Harr'ville.-$1651.67 W. J.Hill, Maneys Neck.. 712 83 W. L. Matthews Winton. 1690.48 T. T. Parker. Mur'boro 656.02 M. R. sumner St. Johns.. 1760.04 iS. E. Vaughn Ahoskie 1000.00 Total $7361.04 The following juror* drawn for the Febuary term of Court, to wit W. M. Howell, E. O. Sears, Sear borough Barrett, J. D. Riddick. H. O. Martin, J. L. Howell Doug las Vinson, J. H. Ditrden, W. J. Warren, C. W. Gardner. M. E. Worrel. Rufus Story. E. O. Mines John Frutrell. D. M. Parr, N. B. Sewell, H. A. Piland. J. H. Lee, J. (J. Rountree, A. A. Beverly, E, A. CMeaton, W. D. Askew, W. P. Futrell. CI a ranee Chavis, J. K. Modlin, Starkey Sham Sr., W. JO. Jordan, W. W. Britt, J. W. Ad kins, W. O. Williford. J. B. Mod lin, Dennie Jernigau, G. W. Bak er, C. W. Askew, A. Hill, J. W. Newsome. The following accounts present ed and approved for payment, to wit; J. E. Matthews, supplies to County Home ..... $21 00 E- G. Sears, services judge of election..... ...... 4.00 M. M. Brown, sevicea Sunt. Co. Home 4th. Qr.... 68.76 Willis Pierce, work at County Home 11,60 Mrs, M. M. Modlin. sewing for County Home... 4.00 (Continoed on page eight.) Christmas at Confederate Home in Fayetteville There mi no jolity. no fun he cause the oldest inmrte of the home, passed awty to her home, not made by hands eternal, in Hseven. We called ber grandma, she being of e loving disposition. We all loved ber, and mourn her loss. The Saturday before Christmas Day the Rev. T. H. Sutton gave ua a beautiful talk from the aecood chapter of St. Luke. We enjoyed hearing him tell of our blessed savior. The reception hall was beautiful with holly, ropes of green, end Christmas 'sells. The Graham Chapter sent,a oox of oranges; several other chapters tent fruit, etc. Mrs. E. R. Jones, of Aberdeen, sent a box of Christ mas presents to each member of the home. All the ladies received cards and presents too numerous to mention. Tbe Fayetteville ladies planned quite a surprise for Christmas Owing to the death of dear Grand mother McCauley. it has bpen postponed to a later date. Mrs. Hunter Smith, Mrs. Dr. McNeal, and seven I other ladies brought a gnb bag of -presents, and each in mate drew out a present. We cannot thank North Car olina, tbe U. D. CV. and all the friends of this institution enough. Words fail to express our heat t felt gntitude. May God he with them all. An Inmate. 100TB. ANN1VEKSARY A* a result of a" nation-wide campaign, the American Sunday School Union which is now pre paring to hold ita centennial cele bration, has established over one hundred and twenty thousand Sun day-Schools with half a million teacher* and more than five mil lion scholars. The Society Is also pieoarii.g to curry on its work of rural child development on an even scale, in an effort to meet the constantly growing demands from many parts of the country. An intensely interesting series of phamplets has been issued, de scribing the various phases of the organizations' work and relating some of the amusing experiences of its field workers. These pbam phlets may secured upon request without cost. Beginning with its first presi dent, Alexander Henry, the Socie ty has numbered among its offi cers and committee members some of the ablest men of America, in cluding Authors, Statesmen. Ju rists, Financiers and merchsnts. Its headquarters are located at 1816 Chestnut Street, Philadel phia, Pa. Encourage Credit Unions. All over Europe, too, tenanta and other poor people hare been bellied in resent years through the establishment of ( Kuiffeisen bands, or credit unions, or agri cultural credit societies. One of these we examined in Ireland will serve as an example: The farmers of a community had put their savings together, and oat of these savings lent to one another for productive purposes?to buy more stock, or feed, or fertilizers, or machinery, or to hold crops for belter Drjcea, giving in each case good collateral or securing the en dorsement of two good men. thousands of European commun uities bare been lifted from pov erty to independence in this way. Ir North Carolina a considerable number of such credit unions have been organized and are doing ex cellent work. A letter to Prof. W. K. Camp, West Raleigh, will bring full and free information abont them. Now if a Legislature simply passed a law saying such credit unions may be formed, nothing m likely to cojoe of it. And some , wSal the same thing is true right (now about the "National farm Winton Waveletts. A Brilliant Reception Given to the Theatrical Troupe by Mrs. J. N. 2ark?New* of One Week in the mnty Capital. The reception given by Mra. J. N. Clark, at her home, Monday afternoon, in honor of the Theat rical Troune. whh one of the moat enjoyable affairs of the aeajon. The guests were received at the front door by Mrs. S. N. Watson, and shown to the cloak room by little Mies Estflle Clark, daughter of the hostess. On their return to the recei-lion room, delicious fruit punch was served by Mrs. W. P. Shaw Jr. An evening of unusual entertainment had been planned by Mrs. Clark, and was carried out much to the enjoyment of those present. There wero contests, - new year resolutions and music, instrumental and vocal by Win- 4 ton's best musicians. At ten 4 o'clock the guests were invited to < the diuiog hall, which had been 4 made very attaactive by beautiful < potted plants, arranged in artistic 4 effect; and the shaded eleetric i lights and many candles added to 4 '.he brilliancy of the room. A tempting salad course was served. At a late hour the guests departed, all agreeing that Mrs. Clark was an ideal hostess. Those present were: Misses Louise Vanp, Mary Davenport, Emily Clark, Ruth < Vann, Helen Northcott, Thelma Mitchell. Louise Taylor, Gladys 1 Brown, and Kate Taylor; Messrs. W, D. B"one, J. R. Vann, Paul I Watson, Rob Britton, Graves | Vann. John Northcott, W. L. { Daniel, Robert Mathews, and Dr. | Barber,; Mr. and Mrs. W. P. | Shaw. Jr., Rev. and Mrs. S. N. I Watson. " ( a Mix# Newborn, our primary teacher, baa been unable to return to her work on account of the aerioua illness of her brother. The W. M. 8. of the Chowan Church will observe Friday as day " of prayer, instead of observing Week of Prayer. The service will begiu at ten o'clock and close at four in the afternoon. The Christmas offering for Foreign Missions will be given at this ser vice. The Boy Scouts will give a negro ministrel Friday night in the Town Hall at 7:30, under the direction of Scout Master, Rev. J. N. Bynum. W. L. Daniel! left last Wednes day for Raleigh, where he went to accept a position as Clerk in the House of Representatives. W. D. Boone is in Norfolk on legal business. Prof. R. E. Williams spent the week end in Franklin. Rev. S. N. Watson and Q. W. Lowe spent Monday in Norfolk. Mrs- Annie White weat to New port Monday to spend some time with her children, Mrs. Ned John- | son and Rav White. Josey and Lucy Piland, the young daughters of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Piland, are quarantined, on account of scarlet fever. We are glad to report that the fever la in mild form. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bvrd Wil son. of Cape Charles, Va? spent Friday and Saturday here, the gursts of Miss Louise Vann. Mrs. Wilson waa Miss Pat Wal ton and is pleasantly remembered here. I loan associations'' under the new National rural credits law. In hundreds of communities where the people would like to organize under this law, they do not know how td proceed. What each Southern State ought to do right now therefore is to el ect an "organizer of credit unions and National farm loan associa tions" and let him help farmers in organiziug both classes of insitu tions. No 1017 Legislature should adjourn without doing this.?Pro gressive Farmer. Seed n your early and let us print that stationery for you. Brand New Equipment just instal led. WANTED Mine Prop*, All Sim*. Call or Write to s , Sterling Mine Prop Co. ; AULA N PER, S O. 1 Any one desiring U> purchase tombextoneepf any description, eee or write J. B. MOULIN. Ahoekie, S. C. Agent* for United Hlate* Marbel Go. ' DR. C. G. POWELL DENTIST PHONE NO. 10 AHOSKIE. N. C. Edgar Thomaa Snipea Attorney-* t-Lnw . Imm Negotiated Real EaUta Bought and Sold' OSee: 2nd Floor J. W. Godwin. Jr.. Bid* AHOSKIE. N. C. R. R. ALLEN Healer In ?ASH. DOORS. BLINDS. WINDOW GI.ASS. HARDWARE. PAINTS AND BUILDING MATERIALS GENERALLY Wholesale and Retail No. 927 Washington Square SUFFOLK. VA. SASH. DOORS. HARDWARE. PAINTS. L<ME. CEMENT. SEWER PIPE. CART MATERIAL. MILL SUPPLIES. STOVES, RANGES AND ETC. CLOSE PRICES. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED AND OBLIGE. E L. FOLK CO. No. tli-911 Washington Square SUFFOLK.VA. ROGERS * WILLIAMS Attomeya-at-Law Prompt Attention Glean to All Baal neon. AHOSKIE. N. C. J. R. EVANS Practical Tin Roofer and Sheet Metal Worker Price* Right. MURFREESBORO. K. C. Walter R,. Johnson Attorwrt-atLaw v Am**!*. North Carolina Practices wherever sereicea desired Sad Flaar J. E. Mwla lilMiag O. J. NEWBERN, Agent Fokd Automobilrs, Ahoakie. N. C. Touring Oar... ?_.$360.00j Runabout 345.OOi ~F. O. B. Detroit. w Roawell C Bridget Attornay-at-LaWj WINTON. N. C. ? i a Mi. a????m'l ? ; C. Wallace Jones Attorney end Crunaellor-At-Laar WINTCW. N. C. Practice in all eourta. Loam negotiate ad. All matter! given orompt I and faithful attention. Located in Bunk of Win ton Good far Conetipallon Chamberlain's Tablets are ez-i cellant for conatipatioh. They are pleasant to take and mild in effect. Obtainable everywhere. mmmmmmmmmmmammmmmi RUB OUT PAIN wfek food oil liniment. That'a the auredt way to atop them. ^The heat rubbing liniment U MUSTANG LINIMENT Good for the Allmmb of I Horace, Mules, Cattle, Etc. || Good fat poor mm Adm. Pains, Rheumatism Sprains, Burnt, *-y -? . 25e.SOc.tl. At all Dsplaw. J , ? rmm mm | ILUM till, tfiilhsl, I. ?. SlTlil), IwTrws. FARMERS MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Of North Carolina. NORTHAMPTON, HERTFORD. AND BERTIE BRANCH (Iim friUetlti t? Csaatrj frsfsrt) igiisit rir?, alii, ui Ugttalsf it (ni. Director!: T. S. Norfleet, Boxobel, VV. J. Harrell, Aulsnder, D. N. Stephenson, Pendleton, T. C. Peele. Rich Squire, R. P. Thotnai, Cofield, J, W. Boone, Winton. Ole Rave Been Doing Business Since 1*97, Hive not failed to edjuat and settle ill losses satisfactory to the claims. This being ? time of prepardnes* all farmers should have their property insured in the Farmers Mutual. We have now over two millions of dollars worth of policies in force, and over ten thousand dollars 11 the credit of the Association. We re spectfully ask all farmers tobavetbeir property insured with as, Albert Vann, President, R. W. Outland, Sec. & Treas. Rich Square. N. C. W. S. Nelson, Afaat Murfreea^oro, N. C I A HOUSE FULL JI t of Staple Groceries awaits your selection end purcbete. i > t> Fancy Groceries also. < ? r Buy what you want from tbe Premier Grocery Store in Town. < \ Z Our goods are as good as the best. < > I J. P. BOYBTTE, Ahoskie, N. C. '? * ^ ^ o ? 0 * ? s e ^ s ^ e e ^ e ^ i ^ s ^ e ^ ^ i e ^ i s ^ m ^ i < ^ ^ g ? ^ e ? Fire Insurance. Rental Jffltnts. ? 77ie Guarantee Company, Inc. \ W. L. CURTIS. Pres. J. O. CARTER, Secy. A Trees, '' NOT ONE MAN INA T H OUSAN DS That ever gets a Start in Life does so outside of the beaten path Q of regular Saving. It is the one sure way of getting on your feet. M Get a few hundred dollars ahead. It will open the way to I better things. j| Labor judiciously directed and Capital intelligently employ- | ed from the bedrock of private fortune. Accounts can be start- I ed with us with any sum from $1 upward. FOR SAFETY. Merchants and Farmers Bank Winton, N. G v B JUST ARRIVED 1 Another Carload of Horses and Mules, jj We have 25 bead of as nice Horeee and Mule* as ran be *found anywhere, which will be kept replenished with freah stock during the entire season. Be sure to look tbem over before buying or trading. We appreciate your patronage in the past and shall endeavor to warrant the continuation of same by keep ing only first class stock. HARRELL BROTHERS| Murfreesboro, N. C. Located in Stables at Rear of Peoples Bank. ? I 1 1-1 38 1^3 ? Reduction Sale On! In order to make room for Brand New goods Now in transit, I am offering all Fall and Winter goods at greatly reduced prices. Everything Myst Go. [All goods sold at COST PRICES for Cash. Practically new merchandise included in this sale. S Everything in winter goods must go to make III room for spring line. Also have some nice gifts JjJ for birthday presents, which were left over from n IXmas, will go at a great bargain. Don't Put It Off. Come Now and Oet the Best. W. P. 'SUMNER I Successor to Baker & Sumner

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