Hertford County Herald THE LARGEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA. VOL. 8 AHQSKIE, N. C./JANUARY 26, 191L * NO. 2 WANTED Min? Prop*, All Size*. Call or Writ? to i Sterling Mine Prop Co. AULAN'DEK, N. C. I Any one deairing to purchase tombcMtouet of any description, see or write J. B. MODLIN. Ahoskie, N. C. Agent* for United State* M.irble Co. DR. C. G POWELL DENTIST PHONE NO. 10 AHOSKIE. N. C. Edgar Thamaa Smpaa Attorney-at-Law Umii Negotiated Real Eatate Bought and Sold' Office: 2nd Floor J. W. Godwin. Jr.. Bldg AHOSKIE. N. C. B. B. ALLEN Oeater In BASH, DOORS. BLINDS. WINDOW QLAS8, HARDWARE. PAINTS AND BUILDING MATERIALS GENERALLY Wholeaale and Retail No. 927 Washington Square ?. SUFFOLK. VA. SASH, DOORS. HARDWARE. PAINTS. LIME. CEMENT. SEWER PIPE. CART MATERIAL. MILL SUPPLIES, STOVES. RANGES AND ETC. CLOW PRICES. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED _ AND OBLIGE. E L. FOLK CO. No. #11-BIB Washington Square HVirOMI. VA. ROGEBS I Fancy OrooeriM alto. < ? Buy what you w*.nt from the Premier Grocery Store in Town. * [ Our good? are aa good at the beat. ? > J. P. BOYETTE, Ahoskie, N. C. H ? Fire Insurance. Rental Agents. ? " The Guarantee Company, Inc. 4 W. L. CURTIS, Pre*. ? J. O. CARTER. S?cy. A T?m. * * NOT ONE MAN IN A THOUSAND That ever get* a Start in Life doea ao outside of tbe beaten path of regular Saving. It ia the one sure way of getting on your feet. Get a few hundred dollars ahead. It will open the way to better things. Labor judiciously directed and Capital intelligently employ* ed from tbe bedrock of private fortune. Aocountetan be atart ad with ua with any sum from $1 upward. FOB SAFETY. Merchants and Farmers Bank Wlnton, N. C. J .TEST ARRIVED Another Carload of Horses and Mules. We have 25 bead of u nice Horeee and Mulea at can be found anywhere, which will be kept replenished witli fre?h stock during the entire season. Be sure to look them over before buying or trading. We appreciate your patronage in the peat and shall endeavor to warrant the continuation of same by keep ing only first class stock. HARRELL BROTHERS I Murfreesboro, N. C. Located in Stables at Rear of Peoples Bank. patmg?giK?ii)jutm?M?i mmje r "i All "Records Smashed Exceptional values offered at this store for the next few days in Men's, Women and Children's Shoes. Prices ; cut in half. COST PRICES have been resorted to in our ready-made clothing ; department, Men's Suits are going at a sacrifice. We Must Make Room for New Stock I, , ; Don't wait until.they are all gone, come now and get your Shoes or Suit from. Garrett Sr Jernigart Ahoskie, N. C. *