Hertford County Herald i 11!K I .A K( i K> 1 WKKKLV NKW Si* A I'KH \'K\\I! I? 1 N 1 \ - I I i- \ \ ? ? }; I II ? v i: 'I I \ \ Vol h AHO^KIK, N. ( . MARCH 1'., i 'l,. NO. 9 1 | WANTKI) I I % Mine l'ru|M?, All Si/es. * i('?11 ?? i \V i. 11* itt Sterling Mine Prop Co. I Al l.A M>KK. \ C. 1 ? ??** *?**? Any tii-ti Uibe-l->fie* ??f rtHV 11??11, nee < >r writf .! B Mi)I)LIN, Al?o^kit*. N. C. Aj;i-..l- f"i I ' 1111>-' 1 >L,llr- M .1 I III'' < DR C. G POWELL I'HONK N(> 1'' A H OS KI K. N. (J. Edgar Thomai Srvpes Attorriev-Ht Lav* I,Oh I M Nftf ? 11 a t ?* < J Real Roujjht and Sold Office 2nd Floor J W Godwin. Jr . Bldfl ! A HOSKIE. N C. R R ALLEN lit*viei fn BASH. DOORS. BUNDS. WINDOW GLASS. HARDWARE. PAINTS AND Rril.DfN'J MATERIALS . GENERA U.Y VVhofesaU' anil R?*fail No \)27 Wnilii.i(lon K?ninr?* SI I KOI K V A' SASH. DOORS. HARDWARE. PAINTS. I.IME. CEMENT. SEWER : PIPE. C A KT M ATERIA I.. Mil.I. j SIJPPI.IF.S. STOVES. RANGES ' AND ETC CI.OSV. PRICES. M AI!. ORDERS SOLICITED AND ORI.ir.E E L. FOLK CO. No W??hintfli>n Square | SI I FOI K V * ROGERS A. WILl 1AMS Attorneyfl-rtt-I.HW Prompt Atte"tion Civcn to Alt RuameAH A HOSKIE. N C. J. R. EVANS Practical Tin K??nfer and Sheet! Met.?I Worker Prire* Kil'??t. MI:kfkkksb(>K<). N C. Walter R. Johnson A TTi IKS'KY AT [, \ W AlloHKIK. NnRTH (\\U<>l.I\A Practice* wherever service* desired Hnr J W U4wn I'uld nr (i. .1. NKUHKKN, A 4f??nt F<>K!> A I'TOMOHII.KH, AImtkie. N. ( . T?iurinjf Car $3W?.(>0| Runabout iWo.tx? F. < > B Detroit. Roswell C BridgerZ Attorney at-I.aw WINTON. N C. C. Wallace Jones Attorney and ('<'inaellor-At l.aw WINTON. N ('. Practice in hII courts. Lohdh negotiat ed All matter? Rtven urompt and faithful attention. Located in Hr.nk or winlorr ? RUB OUT PAIN with good oil liniment. That's the surest way to stop them. 1 The best rubbing liniment is j! MUSTANG LINIMENT (jood for th* Ailments of '"j Horses, Mule*, Cattle, Etc. QooJ for your own A chef. Paint, RheumiHism, Sprains, Cut?, Burns, Etc. 2'>r. W. $1. At nil Dealer*. Plies Cured In t to 14 Days Vmir 6rnrfU< will rr'-iad money If TKTO OINTMHNT falls to rare enyca*- of Itrhit>a. B1c*diii| or Pro*ruling Pflaa in 6to 14dijri. Xk? Bill application (l?f? Kmb* and R*at. 56c. PROCEEDINGS OF COUN TY COMMISSIONERS The Board >-f Iounty Commission era of Hertford met on the f>th da> of March I'M7, present all of tn? Board except I)r J A Powell Proceedings of last meeting r>-a 1 ! and appr oved, | The (\mimitte on Hills bridge i> continued. I A petition "f free holders of | Murfreesboro School District pr?- - j Sen ted asking for election on a spec ' I ial lax, and on motion, an election ' lis called 11, be hoIor'?|. Office ir, the town ot Murfrcosbor-? J? I Klection officers as follows; J J | - ! Parker Registrar arid J K. Parker j 1 and Isaac 1'ipkin Poll Holders. A jK'tition of free holders "f!v I 'niori School District presented ask j ' ing f-?r election on a Sjx'cial tax.|^' and on motion election is called T-'|^ he held on April 17th. 1917. in the i f School building at l/nion. Klection ' officers as follows; H.J. Brown Keg- I ' istrar and T. W Sears and P .J j'' V'aughan Judges of election. v New registration is order**d for'' these elections in accordance with! 1 the school law On motion Mr O K. Lineberrv * is relieve*] of $ 12..r>0 ass?*ssed against ; him on 191 *> tax list account of ?-r I1 ror in listing income. J M Kiev apjxdnted to invest.!-| ? gate the sale of cattle at the < -un ty home rejn.rts as follows <*att ?? found to have been sold. ()ne cow.. ? . . f'JJ v < >ne heifer . . . 1 h i >o ' Tw?> calves Total . . *7 fr' and on motion th*- clerk is instruct ^ man for the amount. W J Warren is relieved of his j jm>11 tax f??r the year l'.'Ki yn a<- ; *' count of physical defect Mr. H. H .Jones is appoints! a * committee to investigate the need.-* of the Clerks office in the wax of a u typewriter and rt*iw>rt next meeting, ^ of the H??arorted a salt* ofj stray held by H H Jones at *1 ^ all exj>enses allowed by the Board '* amounting to leaving a balance of $1 #?5 due to the Scho fund which was turned !rit?? the ri treasury ? The Clerk of Court pre>?*rt?*l bills of cost for Kebruarv i?-rm ns t | *' house and re|mrt at next met * ? v' ; ,r and if necessary empiov a *ur ? e\-.r t ^ W (i I jHWreflCe presented 111* | bond as constable for \1ane\-. Ne.-k ^ township, which was unar:"???usl\ |t; accepted by the Hoa i ? ? |n t 1;11 which is on file. M The following jur uit. W .1 it Hill. H. T Kdwanls. K .1 Railev. ' \] A. .1. Bryant. R A. Majetfe. W C ? r Lawrence, A. T Liverman. I. I. I" Parker. H R Hritt. W I Reaalrv. H James H Warren. 1) \. H--w?*!l. r< Roland Hill, H R. V'ann. < M ai Hritt. W. I) Shaw, J. A Shaw. S Geo. M. Winborne. Cola Reale. K - I K. Howell. Charlie Dunn. 11 I V Dunn. R. K. Rrale. .1 H < >\i 11 a n? I. u R. (J. Raker. J. T (\.les,,n. L T V Hollomon, K R. Hollomon. Pa\nlih Razemore. W A Thomas. .1 R (Barrett, S .1 Askew. VV I*] Garrett, jtl .1. E. N ewsoine. .1 N. Vann. A R l< Cowan. Jurors for the second week t'i?- "f the most ?-r.j able < >?? 1 ?r is "f the season wa> ;i M!>%he v.a^hand ( ?ij a book in which she -a - .r?- :n ..rm* entence. "How to rr;;i'.;ivr? ? a Hi;> i; ?and" usniK ^nly her inif:a'.> Then ' h?*v were ushered into the par or. vhirh was decorated profusek with 1 'lot- birds. where the> ?-nj"Vwi a ? ran.e..f pro^russive heart.- Mrs > V .1 iJriffin received the prize. a * M-autiful hand ba^ which she im- ? n?*d;ate!y presented t" the Hnnnr?r "he quests were then invited t revealed. The hostess at once ( u: 'ij the vrreen cover from the [ t'-ne. A toast was then vriven b> I J 1 I, C Co|K'land to which the 'I Iride-elect responded!. Then came I v ? . vhtful refreshments consisting i c f L?r, c.,it _ <'^..<^.1. traws arid Olives served by Misses |> ;.[?!?? Harrell. (Jraee Joyner and larvrurite Hlanchard Th**ri little j,, ;e favors filled with rice were n ?.en t" each vru?*st. and t?? tj ^ ?a.'.s if Mendelsohn W edding i,j 1 :ir<*h rendere<] by Mrs .J. I' (Iriftin j u- Hostess and Bride-elect, amid f, Towers of rice led the jxarty to the \ ttiri^r r x.ni Miss I>ola Outland \ a\?? a toast. The Bride-elect then ave a toast to the hostess after | * hich. h"l ('hocolate and rosettejj ?af? rs were served by Mrs K. V. s I,.mil arid W K Whisenant. Another enjoyable event was a a ,'ien Shower vriven Wednesday af-: ,j ?rn-mn march 7th from thn*e to \ ?* 'Ciock by Mrs. (\ J Vau^han ; ^ . Miss Kunice Pnj*. wh?> was to beL tarried the following dav The v wests were met at the d? ?*?r by 1 lesdames Outland and Vau^han ?id- presented to the bride-elect. > 1 " 'wmK Miss Mary Klla ('ofielandj ? arid from the cl??ak room. we ^ ere served punch in the hall by j ^ lisses L it- ( >ns held the beautiful linen articles | .1 urinjf the toast by Miss Mary Har [ !* ?II the hostess untn-d tin- ribb<>n I [)? 1 showered the jniest of honor, he then responded in her usual } tanning manner. Following her I ^ I is W .1. (Iriffin ifave a toast after 1 f hich M?*sdam??s (' (i Parker and v v'. H S Bur^wyn served us with . ot coflie ^ After the bride elect s t??ast t"| ie hostess we were presented ? |, ?w favors filled with mints. I. Those present were M?*sdamen K | i ) Harrell. W K Whisenant, R K f lurrill. (' <'? Parker. H .1 Purvis. 1 V. J. (Iriffin, .) (' Vau/han. .1. T li opeland. K 1. Stephenson, W N. ? HAPPENINGS Of PAST WEEK AT COUNTY SEAT Colonial Wedding Party En tertained by Committee * H. M. S. Officers Elected for Ensuing Veai l.ocal , News and Personals Re ported to I his Paper. Mes? la Hies. 1' Shaw .I ' 1 Wallace J ' ?' it a i?r- xi-f.v.. ? ? r. part> at the ?; "f Mrs H- ? ?./ |- rnla> nitfht.(1 March . Six tar ?- '.a ;? ;? ..ar pastime. 1 \ft*? r an inter.arM >j?!j ??t? -?1 WfiK-, r ??*'. ??.-.h!:)f!it> w ere | s ?erve<] bv Mis >haw agisted b> ; *?' Miss Mary Var.r At the incr* ?./ ? ? W M S ? *" ?f tne ('howan ? "ru.r --h }? rnla> after-1 loon the f"!i'?win^ n-r- were fleeted fur th?* nKr>?*ar I'res-1' dent. Mrs. Jno F \ ar.fi. Vice- P -^resident. Mr- .! H Lee Seen*- * ary. Miss Willie I?o>ne, Treasurer. 1 Vliss Nan Vann; Orynnist, Mrs. .Juhn 'lark, Liteiary Secretary. Mrs. \' 1 Taylor; leader f V W A and "l Sunbeams. Mrs S N Watsun. "he past year wa- a successful one wirh th?*se societies The W M S I,l ? ?ntributed ?-?'*- ?i'.1 l" ail ? objects. | ' he V W A . an-! the SunU ains > - . - - a f; ( ^riis ;?nni ill ri.- ? c' t h?- m :t r r I ~ SI f Mr W J VHUjr-a!.. a prwrnri.-nt merchant raret I*?'jattractive | \ autfhter "f Mr . and Mrs. < i*-??r^?* | Ho{>e, of W??ndiandt were receiv ii here last week. Mr. and Mis. i ''auvrhan will make their home in n nmn u. Mrs. A -J. Tierce went t" N?>r- | ^ oik Sundax t" nie??t her sen, < *yr:I i y Varce who is a member "f the i s'"rf?>lk H!u? 'S, and hasheenstati? <' I' hs. N <1 . t" accept a im?si- n ion with the ('annon Manufacturing e 'ompany | r; Mrs. Wi ] Kiev and children are: p isitinv' relatives in Wa>hinvrt'?n N n Mr Wei.. ,f Scot !and N'eek. is ;i i s 11. r i vr daughter. Mrs Hen>\ ? tj Mrs I I. Hanks is \ !r her ? v ?a rent - Mr and Mr* He,. whu!? r ?? .j!;i*e ,:<*k in (iates ("mmty Mi- A I I'arker and niece, M r* Vlllie h.i'Me!. left Knday for a vi-- (. t ??f >? vi ial weeks m iie??rvrta and : |, 1 !e I..???!i -pending a week with ;t hen N..n, .las H Mitchell, in Wash- : n^t I> ( . returned home Sat | ;t da\ . t intlith. I? H Brown. H W .l?-s j up, Q H inukr, i. Me I >anwl. .!. < ( ' (;i lfVin. <' H ' iriflin. \. ( < ' ( and. K I' Hrnthall, A IV (irifVin.!^ ; T HnMl?\ ( ?' Vaiitfhan. and -I , , (Jutland Misses Mary and Sihyl ^ larrril. Mar^rm-r itand Julia Hlan 1 i ?hard. Marv I'illa < '<>|wland. liracol InvfU'r. I -"la < hit land. V1 att i?? .1 ? >nos. daif H"rnr Kayo }f??ll'?rin'n and , U-t11?- Su?- Mnl'lt'i On March 7th at II .10 a m Mi.sflj Minin' was married to Mr || rV .) \ au^han Several of h?*r (t riends witn?'H8<*d the ceremony i vhich was performed hy th?? bride'v 1 j >ant?>r. U?v .) K Hs|M*rl purpose m ending thi-' ("lass ovei the Stat** ach >?-ar t" vrivt* the i people f N??rth ('ar'thna an ??[?i?? ?rtunity n in "ntrihutin^r more liberally to its upport. A faithful an:t ea?*h year so ir HH possible. Those places de rmvr a visit this y?*ar should send 1 their invitation pr-? ? nip11> fleeting of I eachers of Household Economics. For several years th?* State \e able t<> mould public | pinion in the matter of teaching! lis science Last November at a uH'tmvr in lialei^rh a number of! ?achers ??t these branches met and >rnn*d a temporary organization, lectin^ a temporary president and "Tetar> . and authorized these ?? t?i- | ers to ana'!^1 for and advertise a ieetin>? t" be hcid in t ireensbon?; arly in the >pr in*: The State N?t | ial and Industrial <"olietfe is co-op! rating with these officers in at - j iin^in^ f"'' such a conference, and I ledges ;t* to do all it can t? ? iake the meeting a success Th?-' u-et mg to take place "n a Friday | ud Saturdav during tin- first part t April. l.Uh and 1 1th. and a ten 11i\?? pr? gram writ be cir< i..;it#-d j ? tv shortly Hi'1 best available i i?*n and woimn uh > ar?? aut h??r :ti??s n the subjects of Hous?"hoi11 I.ri rnics will be secured f? ? f the ?? c j a>ioii. who will addresses. and ?ad m r"\ind table discussions in I ,-hich the special problems -f t fie I ^dividual teacher^ u i1' be discussed. ] n?l as far as possibi? , ed For such a meeto / < .t eensborn is ?ar ticularh suite ! ? t'-. ounf -f fie fact of its a< -essib i:v. and be- j ausr MI l [|f I i \ ?*t J II I I ' | 1 ( Irpartmont* ??f at hf Stat** N"i '? .1! ami It h a 1 )lac?' of 1 iivr if-'l f 1?? ? ? ? -i 11? ? 1 tan. iu?nt t<> all \ h? a h" r .i> tiixl it tossihU' ;itt?-H'l. A .. ^? 11? 1 r?t? ??1 If*ntm and |'i 1 t"111 a i .11 < ? ?;? 1 l\ 1 rvr**?I t"krra'.f !??:?' ? f f>>? ill t?-ach?-!M wishing (' 'Mir, ;trmI I h? ? lat tm a r 1' I a!1 ? > 1 ? intf 1 irr r??nl:ally nr. 't. ?; t pn^fi ! I * I?*a^? ? -iiyri' f \ . ? rmt )?>' ? f I >?*iny pi i-Mriit .1 ? ai ? ! a?i?l: ?. I'r??si.li-nt .1 I I u ?: Sf v.- \ rial and Indu^' 1 lai < v? ? ' ? \ H,,M. Nr. : 1 ? >?I fuith. ? ir f t ma ' i< 'II u ill !?? f ? ? w 1 ? ! ?"' I 1 ? ? \ . a , ? 11 n t hr n?-? * f*'\\ a k ? \. r\ V\ 11 U-t f. I I r.alo'inlr 1 '? ? ri 1 rrt 111 Siil^-rt 11??? Ih#* Ht-rtf..nl t'ountv Herald * \ ? mir homo paiwr i A ll( >1 'SM 11 I.I. X ^ ??f "vn; ' tii ? ?- i w ( ? >. \ ur -??!?'< ? r < i <1 pu rcha?e. 2 { I- . . ( I I .?< rrifN I i Hij \ ^ f.rtl y ? ? a ui ? aj ' l'r?*inier (i ? ? ***-i v >torti ill Town. ^ V ^ ' i?' ' 1 ? 11 ?? >t"? a> ll?e ; ./. P. HOYllTTL, Ahoskie, N. C. % STnot one man in a thousand Si n I tiit ?? \ .-r f.'t > :i iii t i L i - out-hie ff the beaten path t>l ii 11 i-1lit*?>n?? ?.ijr?' WHof kr^ttiii^ on your feet. e wtart ?"1 \n it Ii us wit h ;tu\ sum from $1 iipwai l. F< >H SAFETY. u Merchants and Farmers Bank II Winton, JV. C. | ILK)IT WW. I'ruidfit. K * 0ITU1D, Sw-TrMl. FARMERS MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Of North Carolina. NORTHAMPTON HERTFORD. AND BERTIE BRANCH I ti\f? l'rt?Urh?n t? I'ropfrtv against Fire, Wiod, ani Liichtiiag at C#it. * I Director*: I S. Norfleet, Koxnbel. W. J. Hariell, Aulander, 1 I>. N Stephenson, Pendleton, T. C. I'eele. Rich Square, I R. 1'. Thomas, ('"field, .!? W. Jlooiie, Winton. UJe Rave Been Doing Business Since 1897, I Have nut failed to adjust and >r1.11e all losses satisfactory to | tin* claim-. I'lii- bem^ a 11tor of prepardness all farmers should I have their property injured the credit of the Association. We re | sped fully usk all farmer- t S' ? 11? ? ? t h11.vr ? a??? I ahow and t>?*> ??n? 1 salw^mahip ami H It i- a sj>.int}in?" f?>r?*r ;i! w ?t k which is creator than both. (its i v't'F)"Fi)V n 'a i- almost a prov erh ;in.? 11\ the kri?. A iI? has spread. and thoroughly, into every n >ok ? an.I ?i-? i of the nation. L lwer \ u lin e h an ? av< r demand for the car at second-hand. (I' w . i |.a\ > .iii i" visit lis and examine this car rt.e y inmIi'm- consumption is unusually low. i I he tire mi!t?a^re is unusually hijrh I | i.foiv' 1 ar 1 ' lv ?adster Winter Touring (ar. >? Sedan, $ ] 1 V> i \ I! prices f o 1> I )?-t reit 1 3 RAWI.S? (iAk.UiH. / ranklin, Va. jj 9^ Subscribe for Z5he Herald ?"aBa* 1