Hertford County Herajld '1 ? j ? ' ? ?? - ' -- ? ? I THE LARGEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA. r ? . ..'J a. VOL. 8 AHOSKIE, N. C., OCTOBER 12. 1917, ' ~ NO> ^ MEETING OF HERT FORD COMMISSIONERS The Board of County Commis sioners met on the 1st day of Octo ber, 1917, all members of the Board being present. ? Proceedings of last meeting were read and approved. The committee appointed on the boundary line of the County Court house property was continued; com mittee on placing pump in jail well is still continued. H. H. Jones ia appointed a com mittee to secure coal for the use of County. On motion the County Attorney is instructed to investigate the tax es due from real estate and rental agencies in the County. ? On motion W. D. Boone and H. H. Jones are instructed and given authority to receive the bends of W. L. Matthews and W. J. Hill when necessary changes are mad? anJ they are presented. The following tax collectors pre sented their bonds for eollectfon of 1917 taxes which were unanimously accepted by the board, to-wit: B, N. Svkes, Harrellsville; S. E. Vau ghan, Ahoskie, and M. R. Sumner, St. Johns Township. On motion the Board order* the Tax Collector* to deposit what fund they have on hrfffi! every Monday with the Treasurer, the Bank of Winton. Dr. J. A. Powell is given authori ty to repair the ferry house at Boone Harrell ferry. Un motion it is ordered by the Board that the sum of $209 will be paid to J. S. Mitchell toward re pairing the dam at his mill in Har rellsville township; this amount to be paid upon completion lot work and the acceptance by J. A. Powell, commissioner. The County Attorney advises the Board- that the A. S. Nav. Co. de clines to rent the Harrellsville wharf property after ?Iov. 1st, for $14 per month and the attorney is instructed to follow up the matter of collection of the $75.05 already due. ' It appearing to the Board that the law regulating the commissions on tax collectors does not go into fcffect before Oct. 1st, 1918, the Board therefore rescinds its action making the commissions 3 per cent passed at itfiist session. __ . I The Boaid decider*to allow the Sheriff $6.00 for holding July term of Court, 1917. It coming to the Board that the physical examination of all prisoners mtist be made before admittance to the County jail, it is moved and carried that the Connty physician be allowed for each of these exami nations the sum of $3. On motion Thenie Brown is allow ed $20 per month for keeping Par ker's ferry. n. H. jones and J. A. Northcott are instructed to settle with O. H. Britton for building Hill's bridge. H. H. Jones, Commissioner, is in structed and (riven authority to provide necessary equipment for the office of County Demonstrator. The Supt. of Health made his regular . monthly report to the Board. The Finance Committee submit ted report of all finances of the County and settlement was made with the out-going Treasurer, all funds being turned over to the Bank of Winton who is now the County Treasury. Road Supervisors of Harrellsville Ahoskie and Winton townships made , reports requested by the Board. The following account against the County presented and ordered paid: J. M. Forbes, work on bridge,! 19.86 C, W. Howard, bringing pris on<>rs to jail ?T 1.80 John Sumner, repairing tour \ bridges ... 28.40 M. S- Sumner biinftnysprla oners to jail..?. ?,9? J. E. Jones, board prisoners. 34.46 E. W. Gaither, Demonstration work for Sept.i.... 8.38 J, A. Northcott, computing tax list. et?....... .....600.00 Herring ft Vann, prlntlhg VtorC. 9. C 4.26 CAowan * Poanoke Tel. O: phone for Coonty Home.. 16.00 c. & R. Tel. Co., phone for. Courthouse ... 30.00 J. E. Matthews, supplies to County Home. 16.28 Doige Co., disinfecting can dles... - 9.00 E. R. Squibbs Co., antitoxin 32.44 7.50 Mrs- M. M. Brown, sewing for County Home 4.10 Walter Copeland, work at County Home..... 11.60 M. M. Brown, keeping Coun ty Home, 3rd quarter 68.75 Thenie Brown, keeping Par ker's ferry, 3rd qr . 48.00 Dink Jones, keeping Hill's ferry 3rd qr. 69.00 Matthew Wilaon, keeping Tar Landing ferry Sept 22 60 Jack Collins, keeping B. H. ferry Sept.. 22.50 G. W. Bryant, work on flat and bridge 7.15 W. J. Dunn, supplies to Co. Home......... 3.37 Paul Boyette; keeping M'boro bridge 3rd qr... 7.50 Junius Bell, work on bridge. 2.62 Daniel DeLoatch, work on bridge... 2.62 A. E. Garrett, holding Court, July, and supoena jurors15.80 Matthew Wilson; building kitchin, ferry house ?i00 H. H. Taylor lumber, etc...rflff.<>4 W. M. Marsh, supply to Mary Lassiter 3.00 J. C. Benthall, supplies to Carter children.......... 1.50 J. C. Benthall, supplies to Minton 3.00 H. H. Taylor, supplies to Mrs Hill 5.?0 C. E. Bwjtette, supplies to Ma -; ry Vaffghan y. 2.00 H. V. Parker, supplies to Jno ? Griffin 2.00 Judie White, support for Oct. 3.00 Pauline Lassiter, support for October .' 3.00 Adament Joymer, sup. for Oc. 2.50 Starkev Hare, supplies to Annie Burch 2.60 No further business appearing before the Board, it adjourned to meet again on the Ant Monday in November, 1917. S. P. Winborne, Chairman. Jmi. A. Northcott. Clerk. 1 RENOLAREWS OurVhool in moving along nicely under the present management. A Literary Society would he of great benefit, and we understand that one will aoon be organized. Quite a number of our people at tended the Chautauqua at Wood land laat week. $155.00 waa reali zed for the Woodland achool. Mr. Stanley Brown haa returned from Norfolk and ia recuperating from the effects of an operation for appendicitia.', ? Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Eley went to Norfolk on Monday ' to see "Ben Hur" at the Colonial. They were accompanied by Misses Lois Reid and Paulin.- Eley of Union. The Menola wom;n have recently become active in the Red Cross work. Last week they made com fort bags and sent to Winton for the Hertford County boys who were soon 'to leave for the training camps. LittleJxiuise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Snipes, has been light sick, but ia much better at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown, of George, spent Wednesday with Mrs. Maggie Brown. Mrs. Holden and Mias Janie Brown, of Rich Square, met with the Menola bunch of the Red Cross on Tuoday afternoon and took sup per in the home "of Mrs. Harvey Brown. V Mrs. Harvev.Snipes ha* been on the aick list, but is able to be out again. Mrs. Laura Parker U spending some time with her son, Dr. C. G. Parker at Woodland. Miss Pauline Eley spent the week end with her parents here. She was accompanied by Mias Lois Reid. In her home on Saturday evening ?he entertained Misses Rstelle Beale and Ruth Brown, and Messrs. Jake Brown, Harvey Vinson and Henry Brown. ? Mr. Oscar Snipe* says he is to build a barn, for himaelf, but it is whispered around that it will be plastered and painted and have sev eral rooms, porches, etc. In fact, we are expecting to see something very much like a modern dwelling when finished. AHQSKIE POSTOFFICE ACCOUNTING OFFICE . The local postoffice has been de signated Central Accounting Office of Hertford County, In accordance with a recent ruling of Postmaster General Burleson. Under the pro visions of this latest inovation post master Sumner of the Ahoskie of fice will serve as accountant for the other offices in the County. This means that all other offices of the County will be under supervision of this office as regards responsibility of accounts. This office is irf turn responsible for the accounts of other offices, direct to the Department at Washington. ? The Ahoskie postoffice will fur nish bLamps, stamped stationery, and other supplies to the other of fices in theCourty. In pther words this will be Distributing as well as Accounting office for Hertford County. One effect of this order will be an added duty for the Ahoskie post master, at the same time without ' receiving any extra compensation. The order is general and applies to all counties in the Nation alike. i In the larger counties two or more offices are made to act as Central : Accounting Office instead of only ' one as in this County. The ap pointment of postmasters is not af- i fected by this ruling. Appoin tment I of postmasters will be governed by 1 another recent rulin of "Boss" Bur- 1 leson. 1 The following offices are now ac countable to the Ahoskie postoffice: Winton, Murfreesboro, Harrellsville, . Como, Cofield, Tunis, and Earleys. I REWARDS PAID FOR CAPTURE | OF SLACKERS The following telegram of in- ' atructions has been sent to the Di? trict Exemption Boards, governing the capture of those who have fail- ' ed to appear before the local exemp tion boards: * "Number 8216. A reward of 1 fifty dollars is payable for the de- ' livery at the nearest army eamD or ' post of a deserter. This reward is ' in full satisfaction of all expenses 1 incurred in said delivery. A per son who fails to report to his Local I Board for military service at the i ti*ne specified in his order to report is a deserter. A person who fails | to report for military service to the ] Adjutant General of the State by j the date specified in the order of the Adjutant General to said per- , son is a deserter. It is highly Je- . sirable from every standpoint that an effort now be made to "round up . all persons who are delinquent in reporting for military service. It is thought, that if the reward is given the widest publicity, we shall ' have a great force of police officers ' and even of individuals interested in bringing such delinquents under 1 military control. If, after such ' persons have been brought to a mil- 1 itary authority, it appears to the 1 military authority that their delin quency is not willful, they will be forwarded to a mobilization camp, ' and their Local Board will be giv en credit. If it appears that the | delinquency was willful., they will i be prosecuted be(pre court martial ; as deserters. In either case the re ward is payable. Crowder." Services at Baptist Church. Rev. James Long, pastor of the I First Baptist Church of Laurinburg i will preach at the ^hoskie Baptist fhurch, Sunday morning, at 11 o'clock. All members of. this church are urgently requested to attend; and visitors are extended a cardial invitation to atter.d. Rev. C. L. Dowel), the present pastor, resigned several weeks ago, in order to allow the church to se cure a pastor for 4rhole time. Rev. Long is cdming here Sunday upon the invitation of the local Pulpit Committee. ix . ?*, Send your job prig ting to the Herald, Aboskie. N. C. ' ' JIHI i , ... WINTON WAVELETTS The Chautauqua has come and rone. Every attraction wan tho roughly enjoyed. Large crowds attended each performance. Spe cial mention should be made of the helpful and uplifting: addresses of Mrs. Helen Paulson and Dr. Alfred Hutbchins, the platform manager. If we would only abide by what tolJ us we would make better citi zens and have a much better town or community. The Chautauqua was also' a financial success. After pay ing all expenses thirty dollars was in the Treasury. The Chau tauqua will come to Winton again next October. The following paragraph copied from a letter written bv a soldier boy who is "'Somewhere in France." shows tVie true spirit of our boys who are over there: "Life over here sometimes grows monotonous: drilling eight houis a day, especial ly, when you have to carry the O. D. (olive drab) baby on your back, which consists of a blanket, poncho, shelter-hay, and other things too numerous to mention. I am enjoy ing it, though. After all, we hav n't much room to complain, when we think what are over here for, and what the French have suf fered for the last three years. A man has only one time to die and, if he must die, it is as easy to die here as anywhere else, Don't you think that I am intending to- die ?ver here: that hasn't entered my mind. I am coming back." At the regular communication of ^ the Winton Lodge of the A. F. & < K. M. on Thursday evening. Octo- I t>er 4, the officers for the ensuing year were installed. After the in- < stallation service, ice cream and I mke was oerved to the Masons and i their families. Revival services are being con ducted In the Methodist Church this week. The pas tori Rev. Mr. ' Wright, is assisted by Rev. Asa 1 Parker. 8 Several members of the Red Cross met at the Courthouse Friday morning and accompanied the nine toys who were in this call to Ahos de. A nice lunch was given each toy. W. L. Daniel was the only ?ne to go from Winton. Quite a number of people from lere will, go to Norfolk this week see the play, Ben Hur. Mrs. J. W. Boone and Miss Emi ly Clark left Tuesday morning for; Kinston to attend the State meet ing of the U. D. C. Mrs. Emma Perry who has been risiting Mrs. D R. McGlohon left Tor Norfolk Monday. Misses Ina Mitchell and Helene Northcott, J. R. and W. Mills Jor- t ian spent Sunday in Norfolk. ( Prof. N. W. Britton was in Ra- | leigh a few days last week on edu- i national business. I E. M. Turner, who is a radio op- I erator in the U. S. service, located 1 it Ft. Oglethorpe, ix spending a ten I jays furlough with his parents, Mr. 1 and Mrs. I. V. Turner. I W /l-ij- A. J ?- X. mrs. ^arne uwen anu uauftnier, Elva Owen, have returned from a ? visit to relatives In Powellsville. |> MisaJessie Piland, who is teach- 4 ing school in Kelford, spent the ' week end with her parents, Mr, and ' Mrs, J. J. Piland, Mrs. R. G. Bridger left Tuesday 1 for a visit to Kinston, New Bern, ' and Other places, to be gone two 1 weeks. Rev. J. N Bynum left Thursday, October 4, /or his new home in Southport. Mr. Bynum's going , sway is regretted by many friends, i Mrs. C. F. Mitchell, who has been 1 in the State Sanatorium for the j past Ave months, will return home , Friday. We are glad to stats that Mrs. Mitchell'has improved very much. " i Dupoirftxjr When you feel discouraged and desuondeut do not give ui> but take a d<>?e of Ch/vmberUio's Tab lets and you are almost certain to feel alright within a day or tws. . Despondency is very often doe to indigestion aod biliousness, for wblch tbeee tablets are M|>?>< isIly valuable. Obtainable even whom IX MEMORY OF BRO. C. L MCGLAUGHAN A consistent member of Holly Springs Baptist Church; son of W. 0, McGlauhan and Olivia McGlau han; was born August 21, 1895. At an early aire he professed faith in Christ and connected himself with Holly Springs Church, and he had consecrated his young _ life for the good of his church and for the upbuilding of God's kingdom. Even in boyhood he was made clerk of his church which office he held,un til God sent his Death Angel to take him home. Bro. McGlaughan leaves a father, and several brothers and sistera, all of whom are prominent in society and church work, to moan their loas. In the early part of this year Brother McGlauhan located in Nor folk, Va., and made many friends imong his associates. Early in Au gust of this year he was strickened with typhoid fever. All was done that could be done by physicians ind friends in an effort to save .this iroung and useful life, but God in lis infinite wisdom saw fit to take lim to himself, and on the 22nd. iay of August he breathed his last farewell to the world. Blessed are the dead in the Lord. Yea saith the spirit; they ihall rest from their labors and Jieir works do follow them. There s rest beyond the grave. If our sarthly house of this tabernacle vere dissolved we have a building >f God, an house not made with lands, eternal in the Heavens." Why do we moan departed friends >r shake when death alarms? 'Tis >ut the vo;ce that Jesus sends to alLthem to his' arms, Now, therefore, be it resolved: 1. That we tender our deepest ove and sympathy to the bereaved 'amily and his beloved church, vhich he delighted so greatly in its lervice; 2. That a copy of these resolu ions be sent to the Hertford Coun y Herald for publication, and a :opy be sent to the bereaved fami-. y, and also a copy be spread upon tur church record as a memorial to he deceased brother. Committee: 3. R. Wilder - H. A. Piland J. W. Perry Dennie Eure. " C. R. Baker Marr ied ? T The following news item appear id in last Suday's issue of the Dailv 'Jews, Greensboro, N. C.: A marriage that will come as a lurprise to their many friends was lolemnized at the bride's home yes erdayat noon, when Miss Mary rhomas became the bride of Charles faker, of Richmond, Va. The jride is the daughter of Mr. C. E. rhomas and has a wide circle of , friends. The bridegroom was orig nally of Reidsville. He is a well mown tobacco salesman. f Miss Thomas wore a traveling mit of blue, with accessories to natch. The ceremony was perform sd by Rev, Carl Craig, of Reids rille. The bridal music was fur. lished by M(as Pearl Ralney. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Saker last on train no. 36 for a bri lal tour to northern cltlea. They will return te Richmond to make (heir home. ?? t i m Kor ? Muddy Complexion Take Chamberlain's Tablet# and idopt a diet-of vegetable ai d ce reals. ' Take outdoor exercise dai ly and*rour complexion will be irrently improved within a few month*. Try it. Obtainable ev erywhere. Adv For Sale Duroc Jersey pigs from registered itock. B. G. Williams, Co field. N.C. tU-4 Wbiaaver Yea Nm4 ? UmmI Toalc Take drove's. The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless ?hill Tonic is equally valuable as a Central Tonic because U contains the w?H known tonle properties of QUININB and IRON. It sets oa the Uv?, Drivr. oat Malaria, Enriches - the Blood sad Builds op the Whole Byeten. 40 casts. ? MMIff ST MI I THE (Ittl CHOWAN F1 AT EDEHTOH, K. C, OCTOBER 23KD TO S6TH, l?t? * Over 94000.00 given a way in premiums and prizes. The management is doing everything to mpke this Fair the greatest fair ever held in this part of the State. Premiums have been increased in most all the Departments, especially in the Poultry and Agricultural Departments.-Look the Premium Listover and Everybody bring something to the FAIB. Some of the Premiums offered in the Agricultural D?partment are: For the best agricultarai?exhibit by any farmer af product* grown on his or her farm or farms; First Prize* $10.00, Second Prize $5.00; For the best agricultural exhibit from any School District, First Prize $20.00, Second Prize $10.00; For the best County exhibit from Chowan, Bertie, dates, Pasquotank Perquimans, First Prize $3<i.00. Second Prize $25 Third Prize $20.00, Fourth Prize $15,00. Fifth Prize $15,00. Benson and Berger Shows with their 10c*rla?d outfit to be here Special attention has been paid to getting some of the very best attractions for the Free Acts, and have secured for our Free Attractions Darling's Comedy Circus, consisting of 5 people, 1 Bucking Mule Act. 3 Trained Ponies, and 15 Trained Dogs. Also we will have "Minnie Meier" Champion Lady High Di ver end some first class Acrobats and Trapeze performers. Four Acts each day in front of the Grandstand by these high class performers. Something to please everybody and nothing to offend anyone. Have also engaged an up-to-date, 12-piece Italian Band. Tuesday, October 23rd will bo School Day; reduced rates for all school children from Chowan and adjoining Counties. Ba tes will be published later, but the rates will positively be much lower than the usual rate. Exhibits of Agricultural Implements are earnestly solicited. Space free of charge. Good horse racing each and every day. Some of tb? best hor ses from Virginia and North Carolina and other states are w- ? pected to be here Fair Week and the fastest and b?4t racing evir seen on this track will be pulled off. Let evorybody come to the FAIB this year and make it tbe BIGGEST THINu Chowan County has ever had, F. W. H0BBS, Secretary. Three Pianos FREE! Yes Positively FREE to Promote Agriculture. Three persona entering: the best specimen of Corn or Peanuts will win a nice Upright Piano in good condition, without further obliga tion* Conditions: One Piano for the best nine ears of corn, each edr separately wrapped with lint. One Piano for the beat wrapped package. One Piano for the best nine pounds of peanuts. Members of Minton family cannot enter. Contestants can compete for one or more prizes with the understanding no entries can be returned. Contest closes December 1st, 1917. Entries must be sent charges fully prepaid to SUSIE I. MIMTON of A ulander, N- C. MRS. PHILIPS TAKES I IRON IF BLOOD IS BAD Suffered Two Years With Pellefra Couldn.t Walk About the House Iron Built Her up TELLS WHAT KIND OF IRON TO TAKE Everyone's energy, vitality and general good health depend" so much upon the condition of their blood, iind the normal functioning of the vital organs of the atom ic!). kidneys, liver and bowels the ?lighent irregularity should be corrected immediately. Anyone troubled with their blood, for instance, . is sure to sooner or later experienoe uric acid pains, weak, lame back, lost strength; nervousness; headache! dizzy spells, or some other kindred syiAptoos, and iron has become so wall known as tbe one best reme dy everybody should use it. Tha question is, in what form! Iron is put up by tha chemist in pills, liquid solutions, and mixed with all kinds of elements, including in some case* altogether too much alcohol for tbe good of tbe system. The cheapest, strongest, moat efficient remedy is plain, natural iron, highly concentrated, and bot tled just as nature intended it to be taken J, It is called Acid Irofe Mineral, la aold by druggists in fif ty-cent and dollar bottles. It goes from two to six times as far. It will help the digeaton, stomach, kidnaay and blood. If tbe bowels art inactive a good liver pill like th* A-l-M Pill at SCc, for a gene rous iix? box ia recommended. Peopll with normal bowels aboald a,i _ ^ . la.. " not use iron formed ih combina /tion with Ihxaiivea, A1 toother too many remedies contain purga tives. To indicate bow quickly Acid Iron Mineral will cleanse the blood and tone up tbe general system and renew tbe wasted energy tbe statement, of Mr>. N. ?. Philips of Kershaw; 8. C. ia quoted be low: i '"I began to be troubled with my bowels, stomach and blood a little over two years ago. R fi nally turned into pellagra add at the end of that two yean suffering I couldn't even walk about the house. Mr*. Ella Hunter sug gested I take Acid Iron Mineral and after taking it aix week* and using but four small bottle*, I am up and about my work and gain ing in strength every day. It baa done me more good than any thing I have ever tried and am alad indeed to recommend it to anyone who needs a good tooie or for Dellegra or atomach trouble. A tcaspoonful of Acid Iron Min eral in a glass of drink^pg water after meets mates an .nnutoel, powerful, economical and delight fully invigorating tunic, appetizer, blood and kidney remedy. A large bottle if druggist hasn't it sent prepaid on receipt ofpriee by the Farrodine Chemical Corn., Roanoke. V?. ? ? For sale by Z. V. Bellamy, Ahoakie. Tf.C. Adv. Taken Up. One, dark red cow, mark crap over right ear. half moon over crap Owner can get same by paying for upkeep and corta of ^ advertisement. ^ . i ii

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