1 Hertford C ? ?, V" bssss=s= saaammm-ggfegge! A Pi VOL. 9 AHOSKIE, TO PREVENT SPREAD OF COITAGIOUS DISEASE Measles,Whooping Cough and Other Contagious Disease Can Only Be Prevented from Spreading by the Co-Opera tion of Doctors end Every LisZof Those Reporting'ca ses to Quarantine Officer in JoMUy. No individual can control . an epidemic of measles or the whooping cough, but is an ea sy matter for a community to prevent such a calamity. For instance, a few weeks ago, in a thriving rural community, a physician whs called to see a sick child. He said that the child most likely had whoop ing cough. But for two weeks he n4ver came nor inquired to know for sure, and what is ev en worse, he never reported it to the county quarantine offi cer. Meanwhile other cmol dren in the same family con tracted the disease and contin ued to go to school. The re sult is, there are twenty cases of whooping cough in the same neighborhood, one baby death has ocured, and the school has been closed fat a period of 4 weeks or longer. Now this enidemic that has caused a needless death and ?much sickpes that could have been prevented, to say nothing of the time ana money lost by closing the school, probably would not have happened had that physician reported that first case to the county quar antina officer. That was the doctor's duty as prescribed by the State Quarantine Law. It i"" wouM hare been the duty of the quarantine officer to nave had the hoase placarded and the sick child quarantined, also those in the house who had not had whooping cough. This would have prevented the in fection spreading to the school and through the school to the whole community. He also would have given the paren the proper instruction for deal ing with the sick child and the other members of the family and for keeping the disease at this one home and from spread ing. To have observed these rules would have been the fam ily's duty. The neighbors would have been given a fair chance, by knowing that the disease existed in the commu nity, to have protected them selves an their families from the disease. To have done this would have been the nei ghbor's duty. The point to thi? story is tluIF as important as it is for the doctor to have done his duty in complying with the State Quarantine Law, just so im portant is that every individ ual in. any community shall do his duty by the same law. Parents, doctors, teachers, arid the quarantine officer have the same share in makin gthe quar antine law effective. A vio lation on the part of one de feats the whole purpose of the law. In other words, to con trol the spread of whooping cough, measles or any other disease requires the . co-op eration of vefybody in the com m unity. The first duty of every in dividual is to report at once any case of contagious disease to the county quarantine officer for in no other way is he to know where disease exists. He will then give you the further nefeded instructions, which ev ery honest, law-abiding citizen will be glad to follow. These instructions are the only safe guards known for protecting the health of your own family and that of your neighbors' You are fortunate that you live in s State where the best meth ods known have been provid ed to protect yoar children fro unnecesary disease. Cases of communicable dis eases reported to me last mont were: Davis Martin, Mmwjti Neck, Dipthcria. / ???*!, ^ RAILROAD OPERATION MORE SATISFACTORY Railroad Operation Under the Government Control More Efficient, According to Gov ernment Reports. Already a more efficient op eration of the railways taken under cantrol by the Govern ment has ben effected. Du plication service, especially of passenger service, has been eliminated. More freght traf fie is therby made possible. The common use of terminals has avoided much delay and shipment by the most direct routes designated by shippers or dictated by the different railroads' interest or traffic agreements, has saved much time. In short, conflicting corporate interests have all been subordinated to the one trains that move traffic, with the result of a distinct speed ing up of freight. Government operation will be more ecnoomieal. Much duplication required by com petitive operation of the rail roads is rendered unnecessary and other expenses, too, will be eliminated. Director General McAdoo has isued an order, General Or der No. 6, forbidding the use of the railroad revenues for paying agnts or other persons employed in any way to affect legislation or to those who are not actualy engaged in the per formance of necesary legal work, the expenses of persons or agents constituting asocia tions of cariers, unless suchas sociation is approved in ad vance by tiie Director General and payments for any political pulp?l or to directly influence the election of any person or ah election affecting any pub lic question. Free passes are also forbidden except such as are expressly authorized by the interstate-commerc com mission. Deserter Arrested ' Jack Bazemore, a negro, of Union was arrested as a deser ter and taken to Camp Jack son, South Carolina, Tuesday by John W. * Taylor. Baze more, it seems, had registered under an assumed name, or he satted that he had registered, but when he exhioited his re istration crad, it did not bear his real name. He had been in the State of Virginia for some time and had made no attempt to secure his question aire, if it was a fact that he ha and others had been keeping their eyes on him, and when the proper time came, he was arrested under the military laws and carried to the camp where he was presented to the authorities. Mr. Taylor will receive the fifty dolars reward for the capture of a deserter. This case should be a warn ing to any others who are en deavoring to evade the milita law, for sooner or later they will get theirs. e-^* Executor's Notice Having qualHtod as executor of n?, this to to ifttfy all phraons hav ing claim* against said estate to ex hibit the same to the undersigned, duly verified according to law, on or before the 11th day of January. 1910 or thia notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persona in-1 debted to said estato will p Issue J make immediate payment. This January llth, 1018. L. B. MY RICK, Executor of Susadfl J. Myrick, Norfolk, Va. Winbome and Winborne, M Attorneys and Process Agents. ? o ? Meredith Jones, Wlnton, mtJ Ie?. I HermV Jenkins, Aho*ki?\ mcfl Naomii Hill, Ahoakia, meull John Taylor, Htmlbvill measles. fl B. C. Bass Murfraesboro, qfl Jane McRade Lassiter, AH k"" ?E!V"(va, KK.J County Quarantine OfflB WIHTONJEI We thank the edifl kind invitation to coia kie "where there is I our lights will shin Tuesday) and we tfl are no lights as brfl Winton lights. In reply to the last week s Herald the County Com! we have learned aj from good authorn wil be no County] ment in Hertford I y8Mr. H. B. KnoJ most progressive of Win ton, reman workers at the &l most pleasantly I noon, by sendinirM licious apples, til much enjoyed bH present. If al should happenfl tendance at meetings woukfl Rev. S. N. tfl a telegram Sunfl he had receivfl call to the B?H Elow, S. C. M the call undofl E. L. Jen] ?old the Wii R. E. Story, time this dm ed hands in Another bni overlooked T. Newaomi of groceri Co, and tUK moved to til ter. Mr. C. FJ take up hia postoffice afl eral month? thews and ing Mr. lA A lette son stated made bui have rem have red some kilj| confined] al dayg.1 mRmI spent? tea 8