Hertford County Herald A PAPER WORTH WHILE VOL. 9 ' AHOSKIE, N. C., MARCH 8. 1918 * NO. 7 POWELLSVILLE NEWS Rev. N. H. Shepherd filled his regular appointment here Sun day evening. > Miss Lucille Williams of Kar rellsville and Mr. Clarence Beas ley of Coleraine were callers in town Sunday afternoon. Miss Lettie Mizelle spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. J. T. Smith of Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Phelps of Merry Hill spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Tay lor. They Wv/re accompanied by Miss Hattie Taylor who teaches there. Mr. "Bob" Rawles of Lewis ton spent a few days in town last week on business. Misses Lucie Tayloe and Min nie Parker attended the basket ball in Ahoskie Friday P. M., Ahoskie vs. Gatesville. Mr. Logan Parker of Suffolk . spent a short while here Sunday. He left in the afternoon for his home in that city. Messrs. "Lem" Mizell and Johnson of Kelford spent Sun day in our town. There will be a "Gypsy Play" and Music Recital at the School Auditorium Friday night, March - ? ? ? ? ? r\ 8th. KveryDoay come, uuars open at seven-thirty. Messrs. W. A. Wymie and J. W. Tayloc attended the Recital given at Chowan College Mon day night. Little Miss Josie Harrell is spending some time with her grand-parentS, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Parker at Dunn Hill, N. C. Mr. Eason, Life Insurance agent of Gatesville, spent several days in town last week. Dr. J. B. Ruffin and sons, Winston and Joseph, spent a few days in Norfolk this week. Miss Mae Belle Wlnborne of Coleraine, spent Saturday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Tayloe. Mr. Loyd Evans left Monday to spend a few days in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Raynor spent Saturday in Coleraine with Mr. Raynor's father, Mr. W. R. Raynor. Several of the ladies, who are members of the "Circle", attend ed the speaking given at Ahoskie last Thursday P. M. Don't forget the Play Friday night. It is one of the "leading events", and we would like for everybody to attend. Resolutions by County Board of Health. At a recent meeting of the Hertford County Board of Ha ith the following resolutions were passed and ordered pub4 lished in the Herald: 1. That in the matter of quarantining Chowan College October 7, 1917, the Board ap proves the way the quarantine officer, in his efforts to carry out the law, and at the same time to work as little inconven ience as possible to the school, handled the case. 2. That the teachers of the County be required now on to kep out of school, until they are well, all children having chicken-poj, mumps, or ger man measles; but this order shall not bar other children in the hornet, that do not have thse diseases, from attending school; also all boarding school i are required either to isolate pupils having these diseases or send thm home until they re cover. S. P. Winborne, Ch'm. N. W. Britton, Sec. o FOR SALE. ' I have a food supply of shingle* on band at all times. at ruj reason able prices. Mill located at Stoney Creek. J. T. Barnes Ahoskis, N C 4t pd 111 rtiru y rtr Ithmmatiam No Tal..'ia, Headaches. Cramps, Colic, Sorai|i?. Bruises Cuts and li'inn. Old Sorci, Stings of Insects Utc Antiseptic Anodyne, used in ternally and externally. Price 25c. MENOLA NEWS A cake warf sold to the highest bidder which brought $9.45. That was for the Red Cross work at Menola. Messrs. Henry and Stanley Brown, Mrs. Mary Brown, Miss Ruth Brown and Mrs. J. M. Eley motored over to Rich Square on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. R. G. Outland is critical ly ill at present. Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Snipes and Mrs. J. E. Griffith spent Thurs day afternoon in Ahoskie. It seems to us t that Mr. Oscar Snipes is wearing a "mighty" broad smile lately. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Eley and Mrs. H. N. Griffith spent Sun day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Brown at Union. Miss Pauline Eley of Union spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. Stanley Brown" left on Monday for Norfolk, where he expects to accept a position. We hope good luck will attend this bright young man. The farmers are taking ad vantage of the beautiful weather and are very busy preparing for another crop. Mr. Robert Brown, principal of the High School at Louisburg, came on Thursday of last week to spend a few days at his home here. The play from Union was postponed on Friday night ow ing to bad weather, and was pre sented on Saturday night in stead. There was a large crowd and a neat little sum was taken in for benefit of the Red Cross. o NEWS FROM CONO The W. M. U. of th.? w a. ? for good. ' '' "' C , ?' J High Soap Pricej A v 'ia^ interest in Hon e Made fcpn || j Women all over the courhy |j I saving money by raaxinj their o? . I soap. Try this;, First, set a larro can * ? Jr.? h ; ??:- 1 kitchen; throw into it all meet t'{.j waste grease, bones rnd other fc.t- ? I chen scrap that bus any creisj i.. ) j it or on it. When the can or jar t> full, reader it (by boiling) and you viH obtain enough dear grease to make a bix batch oi dandy soap, chec;>er anj purer than any you can buy. With Crewe ud N Devil Lye j You will find home soap-makinr so easy and economical that It will , ( be a genuine pleasure. Cn the label of every can oi Red Devil Lye are complete directions for making soap by the cold process or by boiling. Aijbiij Can KeLe Soc? If they have Red Devil Lye and grease. Furthermore, soap making at home pay* big because you buy nothing, out Red Devil Lve ? the other ingredients are actually saved out of the watte thai you have been throwing away. Veu will thank us every time you use Red Devil Home Made Soap. O+mtltmm:- Mean* m?4 mm war Mli'rt on pvHiw twarh-e ?|.r*yitHf fiu.t tr. .* n.e?m^ (fipaM, ??, I r?nrlt? ?n mnkin? mjr mb. Yow? truly, r*. i. ni$ hmbl hi ttu ook. Kout? (, Bin 1mm. (ABh Yrtur Croear. 5