Hertford County Herald A PAPER WORTH WHILE VOL.9 AHOSKIE, N. C., MARCH 151918 ' NO. 7 mm m North Carolina Day was ob served at the Mapleton Gra ded School Friday, March 1st. A prom-am. was given which was very appropriate for the occasion. Professor N. W. Britton, of Winton, made a ve ry interesting talk on the war. A comedy in three acts, "When a Man's Single," will be presented (if nothing pre vents) at Mapleton school Fri day evening, March 22nd at 8 o'clock. Everybody come and see this play for it is posi tively the best one that has ev i er been presented hre, full of ?; humor and wit; and it will hold lone fastened to his seat from beginning to end. To miss it |.Will be to miss a treat. ? Miss Rosa Whitley, of Cho wan College, spent from Sat urday until Monday with her parents- Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Whetley. Mis Dan Parker, of Murfrees boro is spending this week with her brother, Mr. Irving Parker. Mr. Jonas Whitley spent Tu ?sday and Wednesday in Co mo. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Parker and Miss Audrey Parker spent Wdneaday afternoon in Ahos kie. /' Mesdames G- B. Storey and Billie Bunn, of near Mt. Tabor were guests in the home of Mr. E. W. Whitley Tuesday. Mrs. H. P. Gatling called to see Mr. Marcie Parker Monday A^f A??t Ann AibCI UUUU. Mr- ?nd Mrs. Waters and lit tle daughter, of Murfreesboro, spent Thursday afternoon yith Mrs. Waters' son, Mr. Irving Parker. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Darden and baby were in Murfreesbo ro Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. D- L. Parkr and daughters. Misses Emma Kid die k. and Nancy and Miss Clau dia Stephenson were in Mur freesboro Saturday afternoon shopping. Mrs. Underwood, who has been quite sick, is rapidly im proving. Miss Sallie Sewell spent Sat urday night la the home of Mr. Irving Parker. Note of Thanks We wi?h to thank all of our friends for the sympathy and many, many tokens of love ?nd helpfulness that was rendered us during the recent illness of our wife and mother. They were all so sweet and good to us. Especially do we thank eur nhysician, Dr. Green*, and nurs^lfra. Bufrke, who so fai thfully stayed by her and re stored her to health and to her family. * J. P. Boyette and children o Music Concert t?V The music Class of the Ahos Graded Scholl vqill give a iMkert in the school audito Friday, March 22, at & The public is urata S^^P?%at*rs of Hertford Coun Inereby announce myself a candidate for the nomination U?for County Commissioner, sub ject to the action of the Demo cratic nomination. F. G. Tayloe. o To tjl* Voter* of Hertford COUNTY. ^ - \/ I I hereby declare myself a 1 candidate for nomination for Sthe office of Sheriff of the County, subject to the Demo cratic Primary. Blsmark Scull. Deipandtncy Dm to Constipation Women often become nervous and despondent. Whs^ this is due to constipation it is easily corrected by taking an occasional dose of Cham berlain's Tablet*. These tablets are easy to take and have a pleasant ef .*?*-*? -Mm MENOUk NEWS On Wdnesday afternoon, the 6in8t, Mr. Oscar Snipes, one of Menola's best men motored ov er and claimed as his bride Miss Elizabeth Pritchard, one of Aulander's most popular an worthy young women. After the ceremony the happy couple left for a bridal tour to Wash ington and other points North Mrs. Snipes is well and favor ably known here, as she was principal of the school a few years ago, and we shall be glad to have her make her perma nent home in our midst. We wish this couple a long life of wedded bliss. Rev. C. W. Scarborough fill ed his regular appointents here last Saturday and Sunday , preaching on Saturday morn ing and both Sunday morning and evening. On Saturday in conference a motion was car ried to elect three more dea cons. Accordingly, the fol lowing bretheren were elected: J. T. Chitty, Kelly Vinson and C- E. Liverman. Nothing pre venting, the ordination will take ploce on the next fourth Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Eley re ceived a telegram on the 4inst. from their son, Dr. Clayton W. Eley, wno left for France in Novmber, stating that he had arrived safely on this side. A later mesasre stated that he would be at home on the 11th. Dr. J. W. Brown, of Rich Square, and Mr. Robert Brown of Louisburg, sons of Mrs. Ma ry .Brown took a trip from here to Washington City a few days this week. Mr. A. G. Otwel, principal of our school, instituted a reci tation contst among the stud ents and offers to present to the best speaker at close of school a medal. Mr. J. M. Eley went to Bal timore to purchase goods ojj Tuesday of last week, return ing Friday. Mr. Otwell and Miss Beale took the basketball team to Ahoskie on Friday afternoon to play a match game. We learn that Ahoskie won. Mr. John A. Parker, of Mt. Tabor, visited Mr. W. G. Sni pes on Sunday. Mr- H. y. Griffith is not very wel at this writing. We hope she will soon be able to be out again. Liberty Oil Drilling Began Las Monday Actual drilling operations began on Monday morning by the Liberty Oil and Gas Com pany on their property near the coal camp, 10 miles north of Wilsall and according to re ports received yesterday sat isfactory progress is being made. The driling operations are in charge of W E. Adam son, an expert driver, who has had several years experience in the Ohio fields. The compa ny has insalled a modern dril ling plant, equipped with the latest machinery. Sheds have been erected so that cold and damp Weather will not inter fere with the operations. The length of time necessary in the sinking of the well will depend entirely on the formation of the rock encountered and the depths it will be necessary to ko. According to Mr. Adam son, the depth attained may in all probability range from 25 to 100 feet each day. The development of the oil resources of the Shields Valley has been awaited for several years with considerable antic ipation. Government geoli gists who have inspected the field pronounce , it as having every indication of being oil bearing. Through the untir ing efforts of Edgar Potter and associates, a strong company has been formed for the pur pose of determining whether oil deposits exiat in this section. Shields Valley Record, Jan. 24. TIM WMM That DtM Hot Affect tka M Became of ha tonic tad kxttlvc etfect, LAX A Tivs BROMO QUININK ia better than ordinary Qnltiina and doea Ml (NN ncrvow?m nor rinsing p u i AUI. X . 11. X oirci vraa in biio _ town of Woodland one day last week. Mr. Erastus Blow, of Nor folk, spent a short while with relatives here last Sunday. Farmers are taking advan tage of this fine weather, but not many of them have bedded sweet potatoes yet. NOTE LABOR SHACKERS / If there is anything in the rumblings that are coming from the direction of Raleigh and Washington, labor slack ers in Hertford County, as else where have a shocg coming to them. The full utilization of all labor is just as essential to the winning of the war as the work of the engineers and the fighting of the other branches of the army in France. This, at least i sthe opinion that gov ernment officials are coming to. The rumblings from Raleigh ar in the form of letters from State Food Administrator, Hen ry A. Page, to the local author ities urging the rigid enforce ment of the law against va grancy. The State Food Ad ministrator states that it is ve ry highly desirable that labor in each community should be utilized for the production of food in that community and that the local farmers are first entitled to the labor of able bodied men and boys who have not been regularly employed which might just as well be filled by women and girls. , Labor is needed, however, in shipyards, munition plants, and other industries and the presumption from the Food Administrator's letter is that able-bodied men and boys who do not secure employment on the farms and in the industries of the respective communities are likely to be drafted for the more strenuous ana more dan gerous service mentioned. It would be well for every ofte to bestir himself in order that he may become a produ cer in some kind of profitable work. N. W BRITTON, County Food Administrator. o A NEAT PHAMPHLET We have received a very neat little phamplet entitled "Technical Education at State College" which has just been issued from the Regisrar'soffice in West Raleigh. It contains pictures of all the buildings an with full explanations of the courses and of the many advan tages offered there. This is a time when people can better than ever understand and ap preciate the good points of ed ucation in practical, everyday things. SALESMEN WANTED*TO SOUC It orders far I imbricating oiU, irr* men and paint* Salary or (MUii wlon. Addrta the HARVEY OIL ? I OMPANV. Cleveland, Ohio. .