?/ ' ? c-twmimzx- ' r . - m Hertford County Herald ' A PAPER WORTH WHILE VOL. 9 4 AHOSKIE, N. C., APRIL, 5 1918 NO. 11 ??i "? WILL PRAISE IT TILL SHE DIES Mrs. Flanigan Would Be Cover ed With Cold Sweats and Have to Gasp for Breath. "I'll praise Tan lac the longest day I live, and so will my daugh ter, Elsie, for it's simply won derful the way the medicine has helped us," said Mrs. M. J. Flan igan, 104 Claiborne street, Nash ville, Tenn., whose husband is a well-known employee at the T. C. R. R. shops. "I suffered so much with cold chills and smothering spells that it's a wonder I'm here today to tell the tale," continued Mrs. Flanigan, "and if it hadn't been for Tanlac I don't know that I would. It was three years ago that I had the first one, and .1 have had them off and on ever since. My heart would thump like a trip hammer and then act like it was going to stop beat ing; and after that would wear off I'd get so nervous I could hardly lie still, and sometimes I would turn right blind. "At other times I would be covered with cold ? sweat and would have to be covered up for hours before I could get warm, and then I would get so hot they would have to raise me up in bed and fan me to keep me from smothering. "I would have lumps come in my stomach that felt just like a rock, and no matter how much I was doctored or how much medicine I took, I couldn't keep these spells off, and nobody will ever know how I suffered with them. "While I was taking the very first bottle of Tanlas that knot failed to appear after I'd eat, and I kept right on till I had taken three bottles, and yon never saw anybody in your life pick up and begin to eat like I did. I got so nothing disagreed with me, and the chills, hot spells and blind ness have never come back. "That was three months ago, and I've just kept on getting stronger and stronger and I know I weigh at least twenty pounds more than I did. Before I took it I could hardly lift a broom, let alone do- any real work, but now I can do every thing about the house, and you just ought to see me getting weeds out of my garden. "My daughter, Elsie, was all run down and had no appetite when she began to take Tanlac, but now she's cashier at a pic ture show and is able to work ten hours a day. It's built her right np and she thinWfe it's the finest medicine in the world." Mrs. Pate, a neighbor, came in while Mrs. Flanigan was mak ing her remarkable statement, and said: "Really, I have never seen anyone build up as fast as Mrs. Flanigan has since she be gan taking Tanlac. It's simply wonderful." Tanlac is sold by all druggists. c ? THE GREAT WAR HAS MADE CIGARETTES A NECESSITY. "Our boys mast have their smoke*. Send them cigarettes!" This ia a familiar appeal now to all of us. Among those most in demand ia the no* famous "toasted" cigarette? . LUCKY STRIKE. Thousands of this favorite brand have been shipped to ' France. There is something home like and friendly to the boys in the tight of the'familiar green package* with the red circle. Thi* homelike, appetising quality of the LUCKY STRIKE cigarette ia largely due to th* fact that the Burley tobacco used in making it has been toasted. "It's toasted" waa the "slo gan" that made a great snccwa of LUCKY STRIKE in less than a year. Now the American Tobacco Co. ia making 15 million LUCKY STRIKE Cigarette* a day. A good of this immense pro duction is making tta way across the water to cheer our boys. The Red Cross has distributed thousand* of LUCKY STRIKE Cigarette*. -MY-TISM '? Ud to Mid ? .:aH' will pin v'A mnl'P immediate I u >n?ent. This lit day March, 1>?18. ' W. H. MiM.r.'t, Ad'mr. ' *? ? : ? .1. ? W I&XSJs UNITED statts [ j? FOOD ADMINISTRATION I tmL ? EAT MORE CC~N l ? rfbf. l^jL Jm J * HEALTH ISWEALTHb .T^VT_ TV |( \j STATE BQWPQg|^Mpi^^Wg?Qj OuMtlona on HaaHk. Hy*l?n? u< SaaMBtla* ?t mmI MMIJt cmr M?n frill be answered in these ouiumna or by aifl it iMRaaei to Wf dDot or 6 ?? State Board of Health at Ralelfh and tcvcaMutfll tar a Mi ?part, odMoeoofS uMtap No dia?noaia or treatment of individual aXfl* ?A to oHoei^wf Appetite?Something Not To ' Worry About In most instances a loss of app? tlte li a distinctly beneficial Incident ?f health. Impairment of appetite ta on* ?i Nature's defenses against disease. Lots of functional and organic ail meats are caused by overeating 01 prolonged by overeating or readarefi obstinate to cure. Few, it any. art attributable to lost of appetite. People commonly misinterpret tk? ?lgns. Some malady of mora or leas serious import begins suddenly or In sidiously, and the appetite falls off? Nature striving to rest the body meta bolism, perhaps, by giving the organs less work to do. The Impairment of appetite, however, Is apparent to the Individual himself and especially ob vious to his family or frlanda?or sometimes both. They say nothing ?boat It. it they are real friend*; K ffcey are Just members of Ml family they are prettr ???* to sine out, en oonragingly, aa members of oaa's family will: "Hfy, what'a the matter ?are you HekT Tau are not eating 1 '?nongh to keep a sparrow alive!" Well. If yon kept pestering a man about his "symptoms" ha will Inevi tably begin to worry about them him ?elf. So, likely enough, the poor fal low does really develop a "bad ease of nerves." We are prone to forget that tti? great majority of ua eat considerably more than we require or can posaibly matabvllii (born u^i, and that a tam porary Impairment oC owr too hiai>i 1 appetite la about ?b? laltout *ta| that no kapvM to aa. UHtlta li aaeh aa Innate atUMmw qf the orpanietn that It Mff 'Hnl) be tampered with, mw la M, with T out tha aMw of the phrafaiaa. Mao* ' UtUa ma aad aoma M? ooaa are a? , qaaaMooabir prodaead br tha rarjJ popular caotom of aoaafcn at*oa? coadlmeate Mka pepper, Woreeatoi aaaea, vinegar and other IrrMaat etto? ulaota apos lood to order to forea *?? ; etomaeh to receive tt. H la aarlalalr a rut event, la kaaM j or dlaaaaa, lor an appetite to laH to call for eM tha food tha todtrtdaal aaa aaeimNate, aad baaaa M la doabtM M . ooe ahoaM avar attempt to what th? appetite wttb medietoee, aateaa br tfc? aiHtoa af a doctor. The aomnon Idaa la toat a pereoc loaaa hla hearty appatMa. iota ran down aa a reeult of aot taking nM cleat food aad dtrakti conaampdaa, anemia, or aoma othar lUnaaa. The troth ta that the person ugriM ooasamptiou, or bMODM easmfa tna ?erne hidden lnfeetioa or undetected ?ouree of potooatac, raaa dowa u s MBMtPMDM. Hd hWM Ml HP*** when the metabolism or oaidtatac ap paratoa ta ee impaired that It eannol aianafte the customary overload of o? trlmeat aa. before. Whan roar appetite teavee T??. doa't worry, aod don't dope. Walt a meal or two aad It will eome baek. Itfca Mary's lamb. U It ila/i a war aad you oaat be happr wMhoat it, tbea the place to search tor It ia la the doctor'* oMce. -JTDOtfT WORR.V ~V (fwt H^BE^BAOO APPETITE LOSTI DONT WORRY. ? Nature la maraly atrlvlnj to raat tha body matabettam. UNJpN NEWS. The recital given here last Saturday night by Miss Golden from Chowan College, was very much enjoyed. Quite a large crowd attended. Misses Jannie Parker and Mat tie Macon Norman from Chowan College are spending a few days with Mrs. A. M. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Benthall and grandson were the guests of their daughter, Mrs. J. C. Britt, last Saturday night. Mr. T. D. Dunn spent last Mon day night in Norfolk, Va. Dr. Raleigh Parker and wife of Norfolk, Va., were the guests of their sister, Mrs. A. M. Brown last Saturday night. Mrs. Wilson Clemens of Glou cester, Va., is spending a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. F. S. Duke. Those that spent Easter home were: Misses Kathleen Vaughn, Gladys Howell; Messrs. Bruce Duke, Claude Duke, Wallace Lawrence, Worth Sears and Leigh Wynne. Mr. Oscar Parker, who has been clerking at Sebrell, Va., being on his way to the training camp at Petersburg, Va., came home Monday to bid his rela tives and friends goodby. Mr. T. W. Sears is spending Easter holidays in Raleigh, N. C. JEFFERSON STANDARD LIFE INSURANCE CO. Aulander, N. C., March 26th, 1918. Beaton Insurance Agency, General Agents, Jefferson Standard Life In surance Company, Boykins, Virginia. Gentlemen This is to express my appre ciation of the business-like man ner in which you have handled the .adjustment of the claim of Mr. iQSy. Rice, deceased, check for same being received through you very soon after the proofs Of death were filed. Again thanking you and with my sincere wishes for the suc cess of you and your very valu able company, I am, Yours very truly, H. M. BURDEN, Administrator. Estate of J. D. Rice, deceased. CALOMEL DYNAMITES A SLUGGISH LIVER Omhes into sour bile, muting you sick and yon lose a day's work. Calomel salivate* I It's mer cury. Calomel acta like dyna mite on a sluggish liver. When ! oalomel comes into contact with ?oar bile ii crashes into it) oausing oramping and nausea. If 70a feel bilious, headachy, constipated and all knocked oat, just go to your druggist 1 tutd get - a 60 oent bottle o1 Doda on's Liver Tone, which ia a harmless vegetable substi tute for dangerous calomel! Take a spoonful and if it doe* not Btart your liver and straighten you up better and quicker than nasty calomel and without making you sick, you just go back and get your money. If you take calomel today, you'll be sick and nauseated to morrow; besides, it may sali vate you, while if you take godson's Liver Ton* you will wake up feeling great, full of ambition and ready for work or play. It's harmless, pleasant and safe to give to children; they like it ? 0 To the Votn-s of Hertford Coun ty. - ? I hereby announce myself a candidate for the nomination for County Commissioner, sub ject to the ?ctfon of the Demo cratic primary. F, G. Tayloe. * I i a-tM&iE I u, -? HOW TO STRETCH A FOUND OF BUTTER. In this day when the price of butter is soaring around 60 cents per pound any suggestions for making it do more are most wel come to the housewife. Mrs. Josephus Daniels has tried the following plan of increasing the family butter supply with the happiest results and has turned it over to the Division of Home Demonstration Work. This Di vision has also tried it, states Mrs. Jane S. McKimmon, found it good, and in turn, hands it to the public that it may enjoy a thickly buttered slice of bread almost at the same cost that it did a thinly buttered one. Here is the recipe. Cut a half pound of butter into small pieces and put into a bowl and keep in ^ a warm place until soft but not oily. Heat one cup of milk just to the boiling point, remove and cool until luke-warm. Beat the milk into the butter with an egg whip, pouring in a little until all has been taken up. The result ing mass will be light -and creamy and will taste very much like butter fresh from the churn. The color of this butter will, of course, be much lighter than the original pat and will be Jess salty. If a salty flavor is desired more may be added. It is needless to say that this product will not stay fresh very long. It is advisable therefore, to keep it upon ice and to whip up only as much as will be con sumed in one or two days. But ter balls cannot be made of this product as they will fall to pieces in the making, but it caiftlbe molded and cut in squares. Try it; you will And it good and eco nomical. ALL EFFORTS TO FIND RELIEF MET SAILURS SAYS THIS MISSIONARY Well Known Mission Worker of North Carolina and Florida Says Peplas Has Installed New Life In Her. For ten years a sufferer from nervousness and indigestion and unable to find relief in any medi cine, Mrs. May A. Gurganious of 1011 Castle Street, Wilmington, states that upon the advice of interested friends she consented to give Peplas a trial, with the hesult that today she is well on , the road to perfect health. Mrs. Gurganious is well known as a Missionary of the Gospel, not only in North Carolina, but in Florida as well. In both of these States she has been a prominent figure in the work of spreading the doctrine of Chris tianity. In commenting on her expe rience to the Peplas expert, Mrs. Gurganious said: "It's wonder i ful just what two bottles of Pep lac have done for me, I am feel ing now like a new woman and that new life has been installed into me. I get up in the morning feeling refreshed and ready to 1 anything the day may bring i forth. It's a pleasure for me to dress my little girl and get her off to school and then take up my household duties, something I haven't been able to do for al most ten years." uwinsr to lier oonunuer in ,.s health, Mrs. Gurganious found it impossible to continue her relig ious labors and had to give them up sometime ago. Now however taking science, she began taking Peplac, her health is so improved that she hopes to take up this good work in which she finds so much pleasure. Peplac. the ideal reconstruc tive tonic, appetizer, blood and system purifier and, invfgorant hwich is spreading health among so manv men and women of North Carolina is sold and rec ommended by Z. V. Bellamy. Try a bottle: it will do all that )n claimed for it. To the Voters of Hertford > COUNTY. I hereby declare myself a candidate for nomination for ? thp offlcc of Sheriff of the il County, subject to the Demo- J cratic Primary. Bkmark Scull