Hertford CouQty HeM PUBLISHED WEEKLY VINSON * PARKER ? OWNERS AND PUBLISHERS 1. ROY PARKER Editor W. R. JOHNSON Contributing Editor SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: One Y'ear $1.50 Six Months.... I .75 Three Months .40 ADVERTISING RATES: Very reasonable and made known on request. En edas second-class matter Feb )#: ruary 25th, 1910, at the post office at Ahoskie, N., C., under the Act of March 3rd, 1878.' - Buy a Bond and Beat the il Boche. Ahoskie again provided enter tainment f,or the Superior/Court "courtiers" at ^Vinton this week. You can leave it to Ahoskie tc provide the sensations of Hert ford's Superior Court. / We have an article sent to us by a voter of Hertford County ?'?' a request that w? publish same, s* As we have so many times an nounced' before in political cam paigns we do not carry campaign material once a candidate has en tered the field for any political iji'office, unless paid for aiwksigned as advertisement. These docu ments are purely advertising dope, and as such will be run in this paper, paid for at our reg- j ular rates. I The campaign for the sale of Liberty Bonds of the Third Lib- j erty Loan has been undertaken by the business men of this town and County with a determination Is that Hertford County shall do her part. "Since so many of Our peo ple are wholly or partially ignor ant of the exact nature of these j bonds, the campaign must need lbe one of education and dissemin-1 j ation of knowledge of the exact : * " nature of the bonds. In last j week's issue of the Herald there appeared a page advertisement | I donated for the cause by the pro c, prietors of this office. These have been followed this week by Npaee donations by other business houses of the town and County. I. In order to acquire yourself with these bonds and the absolute ne cessity of purchasing to the lim fe: it of your resources these govern .mcnt securities we ask that you t road these carefullyDon't lct_ E- Hertford County fall behind in t; this campaign. TIME FOR ACTION With the English and Frcnch I armies facing the gravest crisis that the great war has yet know; when Field Marshall llaig tells his men that they must tight v "with their backs to the wall," i when America is straining every resource to place American blood on the battlefeld; when Hertford County's boys are leaving almost ; in a steady stream for training eamps and others in campare be ing rapidly transferred to France; then, that is time that for the J i people of Hertford County who do not have to do the actual fighting to rally every resource and offer everything that they - can ccynmand to the United States 'Government. There must r be no stinching, .self must be sub ordinated to the one great task and duty of aiding this Govern 1 mcnt to execute their war pro I gram with the greatest possible speed. We must turn loose our money; the government must have it, and you and I should give it freely, and without soli citation. v ' ? Since December of the past j year the United States Govern-1 ment has been offering to the! American people securities in the form of War saving stamps and Thrift Stamps. Hertford Coun-1 ty people have been buying them; they have been loaning their mon ey to the' government to be paid back with interest. Men have given their time and talents to wards urging, the purchase of these securities. Now, for the third time since America's entrance into the war, the Government is offering to the people Liberty Bonds, so denominated because they are be ing spent for the prosecution of a war to uphold the right of free dom, liberty, and all other essen tials to the peaceful pursuits of people who make up a democratic nation. The campaign is launch ed with every backing its prose cution. Money is being spent by patriotic persons, without com. pensation, to help place these bonds and their excellent advan tages before the whole populace of the nation. Hertford County is a part of this great nation, and j it is Hertford County's war, just j UKe it is every true American s war. Hertford County MUST aid in this campaign. She must bajy bonds: and she must buy bonds until it hurts. The sacrifice is sniall to what our own boys are withstanding in the form of lead en bullets and the great sub marine menace. The Herald makes a direct ap- j peal to every person who can rake j and scrape enough money to pur chase bonds until their surplus is exhausted. Don't stop when; you have bought a few bonds, j Keep on buying bonds. SOILS OF HERTFORD COUNTY Washington, April 16.?To de termine the nature of the soil types in Hertford County North Carolina, in order that local farmers may be assisted in fitting crops to soils fo best advantage, | the Rureau of Soils of the United States Department of Agriculture, in co-operation with the North Carolina Department of Agricul ture has made a soil survey of the county. The report of the sur vey just published by the Depart ment contains a soil map of the county on which farmers may find,the approximate locations of their farms, and 35 pages of text describing the various soils and discussing their capabilities. The report includes a , brief historical and geographical sketch of the region surveyed and statistics relating to its climate. The system of agriculture now prevailing in Hertford County is that common to the northeastern part of the state, peanuts, cotton and tobacco being the principal money crops. The agricultural commercial standing of the county "?"??I mamIy upon t?e .ittaspe?_, five cotton crop and live stock, and the prosperity of the county varies to a large extent with the price of cotton, which is still considered the staple farm pro duct. Corn is the most important food and feed crop, although the amount now grown is only two thirds of the quantity required for feeding purposes. Soils A study of the soils of the cqunty leads to the belief that all the meat, lard, hay, corn, meal and much of the flour imported] could he easily produced withont any large increase in the acreage now cultivated. With the same attention to the' preparation of the seed bed for small gtain, the cultivation of corn, and the fertiU. ization of these crops as is given to peanuts and cotton, therfc should be an important increase in yields, and with the raising of more l?eef cattle, hogs, sheep, and Work stock, the larger supply ,of barnyard manure resulted in a further increase. The 1910" Wn f ? ?j * sua reported about 32 per eent of the total area of the eountry an being improved land, leaving, approximately 150,000 acrea in forested tracts, woodleta, and fields lying idle. The greater part of the unused area is covered with a second growth o? pine. Practi ealy all of it could be brought un der cultivation and all of it is suit able for pasture. With canalling and clearing the bottom lauds a long the Ahoskie and Cutawhis kie Swamps and the upper course of Poteeasi Creek easily produce as much corn and hay as is ship ped into the county, and probably furnish subsistence for enough hogs to produce the country's meats supply. One of the great est needs of the county is more farmers to use the idle lands. There is little specialization, of crops from place to place as a re sult of soil influences. Tobacco growing is mainly confined to the southeastern part of the county. In general, the subsistence crops are grown largely on the Norfolk, Orangeburg, and Ruston soils, and the farms here are more near ly self-supporting and more high ly improved than those on the Coxville and Porthsmouth soils. This codition exists in spite of the fact that the Coxville and Portsmouth soils are well suited to corn, small grain,'and grasses, and is the result largely of the fact that there is a larger propor tion of farms operated by tenants on these soils than on those of the Norfolk, Orangeburg, and Ruston v i i^a, Hertford County lies wholly within the Costal Plain region of North Corlitja. The soils are de rived from sands arid clay of sedi mentary origin?material brought down from the Piedmont Plateau and Appalachian mountains re gions as the w eathered product of rioeks and deposited on the sea floor when these part of North Carolina was under water. Six series of soils, under the classi fication adopted by the UuitsiV States bureau are recognized in he country. The soils of Hertford county are classed with the ? Coxville; Norfolk, Portsmouth, Orangeburg and Ruston series. In addition to these series, some of which have several phrases, the miscellaneous type, Swamp, is mapped. The large areas mapped as Swamp include alluvial soils, constantly being added to by ma terial brought down, reworded, and redeposited by the streams. Swamp occurs in the first bottoms of al the streams having overflow channels. It is not cultivated, but the reclamation of important areas apparently is feasibly. PUBLIC HAS BEEN STUNG TOO OFTEN AND IS NOW CAUTIOUS Peaple Demand an Overwhelming Abundance of Proof and Often Nothing but Knowledge Gain ed Through Personal Exper ience vrill_ Convince Them of a Truth, Then their Faith in Strong. People are skeptical an AN ANNOUNCEMENT To the voters of Harrelsville Town ship. I hereby announce myself a can didate for Tax Collector in said town ship subject to democratic primary. J. D. LOWE 4wk WHOOPlNO COUGH Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to keep the cough loose and expectora tion easy. It is excellent. ? For Indigestion, Constipation or Biliousoess Just try one 50-eent bottle of LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN. A Liquid Digestive Laxative pleasant to take. Made and recommended to the public by Paris Medi cine Co., manufacturers of Laxative Bromo Quinine and Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic. ? Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local application*, ss they canao' reach the diseased portion of the ear. Ther*- is only one way to cure catauhal dcnfntas. and that la by a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deafneaa la csused by an In flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When thia tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Im perfect hearing, and when It Is entirely closed. Deafness Is the result. Unless the Inflammation can b? reduced an<* this tube rests* ' to Ma normal condition, hearing wlU K destroyed forever,. Many cases o* deafness are csused by catarrh, which Is an inflamed condition of the mucous aur facea Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the system. . We will give Ons Hundred Dollars for any case of Catarrhsl Deafness that cannot be cured by Hall a Catarrh Medicine. Cir culars free. All Druggists. 76c. ? J CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, O EVER SALIVATED BY CALOMEL? HORRIBLE! silver. Calomel is dangerous. It crash Calomel Is quicksilver and act* like dy namite on your liver es Into sour bile like dynamite, cramp ing and sickening you. Calomel at tacks tLe bones and should never be put into your system. Calomel loses you a dayl You know what calomel is. It's mercury; quick When you f?el bilious, sluggish, con stipated and all knoeked out and be lieve you need a dose of dangerous cal omel just remember that your druggist sells for SO cents a large bottle of Dod son's Liver Tone, whleh is entirely vegetable and pleasant to take and is a perfect substitute for calomel. It is | guaranteed to start your liver withouf stirring you up inside, and can not sali vate. Don't take calomel! It makes you sick the next day; it loses you a day's work. Dodson's Liver Tone straight ens yon right up and yon feel great, dive It to th* children because It Is perfectly harmless and doem't gripe ' > ?ii 11 n id , iL_jez= ' Something Hew For Spring And Summer We have just received a complete line of : Men's, Boys and Women's Shoes, Hats, Shirts Collars, Ties, and other late Hab- ' erdashery. : Every Article Has Our "QUALITY SERVICE" Be . hind it, and is There With the Style. ? Our Line of BoyV ClotHing for the Spring and Summer is Complete. I : ^ Carter Bros. & Co. , "The Quality Shop" AHOSKIE, - N. C. s ii pi ii 3^. | WYNN BROS. | t> Murfrecshcro's Greatest Stcre 1 % Murfreesboro, - - - N. C? $ I . I ? Now is the lime to do Your * ? 4 I Easter Shopping. <> 0 % ? Every department is replete with choice selections ? ^ A glance at our magnificient line of A ^ Dresses, including Beautiful Taffetas, <> Satins. Crepe De Chine's, with clever 1 Tunic and Ruffled Shirts, some beautiful- ? + ly Beaded and Embroidered, others in 2 ? smart tailored effects ^ 7 ? PRICES RANGING FROM $10.00 TO $35.00. ? ' T .> Nifty Line of Easter Coat Suits and Coats. T ? Waist in Beaded Georgette, Crepes, X A Satins and Crepe De Chines. | Wynn Bros. | ? _ ^ f My Spring Stock of Millinery is now < ? O ready for your inspection. No special < | ? opening. Yours to serve,