Hertford Conntj HeraW PUBLISHED WEEKLY mx ; tough * ****** 0WNEB8 ANf PUBLISHERS SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: OlM ? ?.60 9U Monti* Three Months 40 ADVERTISING RATES: ? ' , i i Very reasonable and made known on request En ad as laoond-class matter Feb ruary 26th, 1910, at the poat office at Ahoslcie, N. C., under the Act of March 3rd, 1878. '* I Ahoskie women hpve long since demonstrated what they can do for the sake of their boys who are fight; ing in this war, and today the live est war o/ganization within the bounds of Ahoskie is the Red Cross Chapter. They started es about his regular routine of duties that are daily assigned to him, and, at that, he is but a very small part of an infiitesmal cog that works to gether for efficiency in the Navy. Efficiency is the watchword in every work that is undertaken and every aailor knows what he is expected to do and what he must ,d? every day to strengthen and build up an even greater fighting force on ?aa. Our people and the people of North Car . ol '.na should take even greater pride jin thl wonderful record our navy has made in the put few year?, if for nothing more, sorely jve should when we stop to think that a North Carolinian is the commander of the entire naval force?Hon. Joeephu* Daniels. ** iTATllfW Triay^^ FV dayaTthe Base and the _foree that daily "grinda" in this office had more than their usual amount of work to do. Early packed up their bags, jum fuH ol "long green" and sallied forth to TK?r pay offices that are scattered over thrffaUjida 'Mi dt the morn ing and a part of the afternoon waa ?pent in dishing out the feash. And, it waa a great day for the sailon who were fortunate enoagh to get i ?hare in this "pot" of money. To night and for *a few more aAccea sive nights Norfolk, Ocean View and other nearby cities and reeorti will draw'heavily on the P*J> roll that was dished out today, for to night there are but' ffew sailors in that are not taking "liberty,""1!! tjiey can get it, and the dress blue is more in evidence than on th? previous eveningafcfter woA' hoars. One of the moat pieaatag feature* of the camp - life is the entertain ment that is daily furnished to th? boys. Every night ih the week there is one or more high class going on within the baae, and to th? man the Navy "gob" it ia all free. Moving pictures come about twict a week and on other nights of th? week there are speakings, musical entertainments, both instrumental and vocal, and by some of the moet noted artista of the day. On Sun day morning divine exercises arc held within the main building and at each of these meetings good mu sic is one of the attractive features. Each day. between the hours ol twelve and one" o'clock the Navy Base orchestra furnishes music ol the brand known only to the larger town* and citiea. The Baae Orches tra is composed of aorae of the very best musicians to be found in thia country, its members being selected from among many former symphony orchestras. ??o ? Report of the Condition of the BANK OF HARREU.SVIIXE At th^ro?e*lof,bu.in?.CM.y the 10th, 18EES0UBCEg Loans and discounts 5Z'fff'?5 Overdrafts Unsecured 166.60 United States Bands and Liberty Bonds 6,100.00 All other Stocks, Bonds and Mortiracres 2,000.00 Banking Houses. $14*6.80 Furniture and Fixtures, $1,636.06 *,M0.S8 Demand Loans ' ' 960.00 Due from National banks 4,676.81 Due from State Banks and Bankers 29,808.64 Cash Items held 0??r 24 hours 7.10 Checks for clearing 31.80 Gold Coin **'? 80.00 Silver Coin, including all minor coin currency ? 340.74 National Bank Notes and t,-,j other U. S. Notes 3,029.90 {TOTAL ' LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in 7,500.00 Surplus Fund 4,000.00 Undivided Profits, less cur rent expanses and taxes paid 1liami| Deposits subject to check 42,068.42 Time certificates of deposit 47,166.71 Cashiers Checks outstanding 108.62 Certified Checks 22.00 ' ?" f> i'1'ii ? H TOTAL ? 101,883,80 State of North Carolina?Cquntv of Hertford. May 18th, 1818k I.E. D. Callia, Cashier of the above named Bank, bo solemnly swear that the above statement is true Do the best of ray knowledge and belief. E. D. CALLIS, Casjiierj Correct?Attest: ? <1 H. H. TaylW^* Subscribed and sworn to before m?, this 18th, day of Mfcp, 1918. M. E. Taylor, Notary Public. ohi?! 01 Moth balls and moth flakes for the winter things. 1 ' L , All Kind* of DUinfectanta 1? A hundred otHIr things that lighten the burden of house- ' \ ) j . ? - 11 11 ? " I ? ? 11 i Chetr Up, If You Are nervous and despoapondem, weak and debilited, tired morn ings, no ambition, eyes sunken, red and blurred; haggard looking, weak back, lack of energy and confidence for there ia MANTONE i "Makes Tw Feel Good All Over",,, ?f.h: Sold be all Druggut* and Dealers in Medicine I ii v "? m Owing to misunderstanding of our Chair- Z 1 K man of Election board I failed to register my .J , X application as Candidate for Tax Collector so X K i ? my name will not appear in the primary. But V Z it will appear in General election. I regret Z Jr this very much and hope the voters of Ahoskie J i S Towpship will bear with me in this and give me X ? * their support in the fall election. 2 S. E. Vaughn. X , ,,, 11)11'!/". , ..l? II ' -I '#,,1' /.ft ; LAND SALE! ???// 'f i ?1 ? H !"? .1 By virtue ot the power confered to me in the Deed Of Trust executed by 7. H. Stephenson and wif* flora E. Stephenson on March 12th 1017 and recorded in tfee Office ar R eg li ter ,?f Deeds for Hertford County in Book 59 on page 284, and at the re quest of the holder of the note secur ed therein, I will on the Slst day of May 1?18, m front of the law office of Wii> borne A W id borne, Murfrees boro, N. Co sell f* public ouUry for CASlt, the following tract of l*nd in Miirfreesboro Township, county aforesaid, to-wK: The tract of land conveyed in said Deed of Trust, a*fl bounded by tha Meherrin River, the lands of Lewi* Griffith, the Garris land, the lands of 'fc S. Griffith and others,'containing seventy four <74) acres more or loss. It being the land conveyed by said J. H. Stephenson, by J, T, Griffith and wife on January. 4t| 1810 by deed ot record in said county. Thia land will be sold subject to a deed of trust by Mr* Janfe J. '<*iffith (nee Parker) fyr.|lT>q. ur.t ill . Hour of sale: Eleven O'clock A. M This May 1st, 1918. Isaac Pipkin, Trustee. Winborne ? Winborne, Attorneys. ?1, .i- >i ? ii ?' , H ASTOlrlSHZNa RBPOKT . TOE AfrOCTTB The wife of a merchant had (torn- ' ach trOuble sa bad she could eat noth ing' bnt Mast, frdtts and hot WatSr. Everything else ? ? -m-r- . > I Don't Take Just Any Roofinf ?Get the Kind that is Mad* ' not on the "How Fast".but on ih'e "How Good" Principle- ' Then you will never get a poor ft* lifniiTf ' fUrOUtl PAROID ROOFING ia long on the roof because it Is long in the maktnf. Vt tlie only way tufely to make a roofing ahanhitely reliable and 100*. weather-and waterproof. Ahoskie Buildin( Supply Comp.ny ? ' 1 J R U B-M Y-TISM Will iure your Hhenmatisn J ienrnlfto* *He?d*ehae. Cramps, i Zplk, Sprains. Bruises.. Cats and 1 Jurns, Old Sores, Stings of Insecta j 5tc." Antiseptic Anodyne, used in- , email y and externally. Price 25c. I i Say, Tellers Come to "Cfte Qualify Sbof^ p? " . .IHiJMii shapes, and haye your choice of practically every kind of h/*nd ? Sennit#, SplitStraws, Rough braid*, Porto Ricans and Panama*. We Also have the very ( v latest styles in Cap*. Despite the greatly increased B manufacturing costs and cost of materials, our prices, values and qualities are just about the same as last year. ( " ? . ? ? We Have Just Received a Big Line of TRUNKS, 1 SUIT CASES tad HAND BAGS. 1 * r itV. toirl tV ?,'"1"" ' ? .1 ? ? 1 'I ! - Carter Bros. & Co. . i 1 "The Quality Shop" 1 AHOSK1C, - N. C. 1 1 , J t ? ? ? - . t N ; . ; When Banking Pays" ' ' I ? " > / , I. " When you bank with a substantial bank , 2. When there is a penny to spare 3. When you are young < > * 4. All the time , 5. When you bank at ?- , ? _ . ' merchants and Farmers Bank " WINTON, N. C. ?* /l . * ?.?i* hit. . ?. ..*? , . ? ' " ' M urfreesboro's Greatest Store 1 ! Murfreesboro. N. C* $ ? , + > ' _ .1 <> > Spring and Summer Fashions t > Priced to meet the popular demand of war times. ^ ' It V*(iU be well worjth, your time to see our elegant ? array of Dresses in Silks, Georgette, Crepe De <> | Chines, and Jerseys. J *? Wonderful Line of Women's and Misses Taij- < ? ? ored Suits and Coats in Serge, Gabardene, Poplin, ? * > Faffata and Velous. ' | ' * Ladie's Smart New Waists:?Effective Stylec 4 [ > in Georgette, Crepe De Chute and Voile, in aH de- , * | > sirable shades. . > ^ > Correct Fabrics in Silks, Wollens and Cotten > effects in the weaves and colorings most in demand for choice Spring and Summer apparel. Fancy < ? > colored Silks, Taffetas, Mussolens, Plaid Silks, etc. * ( SHOFSt?The smartest 6tyles in Spring Foot- * | > wear ar?'?hown exclusively here. Our models for > spring stamps you a women of fashion by their re- < ? | 'cognized style, leadership and unusual quality. ? > IVfen's and Boys Suits to please the' most fas- * * > tedious. Yours to serve I Wynn Bros. | > r-"" ? k.f-m.u ,j>a in,', mii-iii ihiiwi i , 1, i it,. , ,,,,m , <> t My Spring Stock of Millinery is now S ? ready for your inspection. No special 5 r opening. Yours to serve, 5 | M/SS IS. T. WIGGINS | ? MtRFREESBORO, N. C. - ? 6e amiable. cheerful and good flat J red and ??" are much more likelv ? happy You will find this diffl :ult, If.' Oot impoaalbW, however, vhen you are constantly ? tronhle.l ?ith constipation, lake Chambar ain1* Tablets and .1 ? jii.. /? ? ? i Bait Ranair lor Who?pC?t Couth. "Last winter when my little boy had the whooping < 0bert*.na?t St. Lois, . III. 7"It kept hi* cough loose and re lieved him of -those dreadful cough ing spells. It is the only caiHth medi cine I keep in the honse because L have the most confidence in it" Thi4, remedy is also good for colds and croup. Adv. ( .? . . . . J