I Hertford Coiinty Herald I ~ , A PAPE* wdrni WHILE I VOL., 9 * r AHOSKIE, N. C., FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1918 NUMBER 19 ? ' ? ? ? -= ! ? m points (By A. I. DUNNING. Jr.) This ia a plain talk. I hope yon will read it all and pass it on or port it op. Aa you know I am a candidate for Register of Deeds. Maybe yon don't know that I wai fooled into it. YouVemember Mr. Kenny told yon four year* ago if you wonld jive him the office two terms he would not aak for it looser. He also told you he believed in rotation in office, and that what he favored for others he also favored for h imself. ? He told me the same thing: and said if I would help hid run the office he would support me and help me get the nomination. As you know Mr. Kenney's prom ise haa turned out like Germany's 'scrap of paper." On his promiae to me I worked hard for him over three years for a small salary?barely enough to sup* port my family. I refused two oositinns either o^ which would have paid me twice as much aa he paid me. I did it because I believed in his promiae to me. Kotation in office" is a mighty popular thing while you are looking for office, bat when a fellow gets in :'rotation" is not so attractive. ~ I am not i polllientr I don't ask the political bojsea to let roe ran. I'm taking my case straight to the people and letting the oolitician do what they please. There wilf be no "ring?leader" at the polls tor me rounding up the voters. If you vote for me you will do so out of your manhood and hot because some "ring?leader" has worked the trick. I don't ask your vote, because we drink cider together ?At because 1 call you "Jjm" aud you call me Sam"?or because I have befriended ? an old-soldier?or became 1 joined the Farmer's Union and know as much about farming as a rabbit knows about submarines. I try to treat every man with courtesy, but I don't believe in go ing over the country kissing folks' babies to get votes?or trying to make men believe they ought not go to war and that they have been imposed on by the war board. ^ These things are all right in their places but they have been used too much in politics. They mmy be vote?getters with some people, but intelligent people do not expect to ( be "honeyed?up" for their vote. The time is past when men can be herded and voted like sheep who follows the old "bell?weather."and people are tired of being laughed at when the politics ns shoot them in on automobles to Ret a vote. It Km been Mid that there is no use for m#4o run becauae every ign orant man in thia count)- would ( vote for Kenney, because they think he haa helped them out in the war business and haa got them "under hia thumb." A lot of people beli eve he helped them. i I don't know who he haa under hia thumb, but I believe the people ] in thia are interested in a fair deal. . * That's all I ask. I ask you to put youraelf in my ' place and vote juat aa you would 1 want me to vote if our p<-aitiona ? were reserved. If you aaked for J my vote under these condition' I'd , (Tive it to you even If it waa against { my own brother. I have no platform except merit i and right and justice, If the peo- I pie want Mr. Kenney after hia pub lie promise not to aak for the office again it will be aatiafactory to me. If the people aay give it to" him for life you will hear no word ot criticism from me. But I wanted you to know how it is being done, and how a bunch of crafty polticians are using the people to get it {lone. It may be that the "trick" has worked on some people, but I can't believe all of them are willing to be used, or that people are so gullible as to swallow all the taffy fed out to themby wire?workers. Politics is rotten?take my word for It, I would never have gotten into it but for being fooled into it Yon can never tell what your fri end will do to you in politics. I had no way of knowing that I was being used?but I have been used good and hard. And a great many other people are being used too. If they don't discover it now, they will sometime. I may not be the man to"buck" this "ring" dswn here. It's my misfortune that I am not a good mixer, a politican. a clever smooth tongued fellow who can make every man think he's my best friend. ' The funny part about that is, every fellow who gets the "taffy" believes he is the pohtican's beat friend. He has no idea that some times he is laughed at by the very clever gentlemen who treated him ?o nicely to get his vote. Yea, politics is rotten. I have aeen people stand off and ridicule the voters as they were being piled In automobiles to cast a vote for their "clever friends." I have seen country people made fun of as some politican takes them by the arm and leads them around i to get a drink of soda or cider. And every one of them thinka he ia the favorate. It never occurs to him that he ia being made a scape goat, a tool for hia vote. He juat believes he ia the polltican'a beat friend. It may be that you do not know me. I am very buay and have not had time to explain my poaition to the peoplq, and I may not be able to get out and state my position be fore the primary. But I am willing to leave the matter with you as a voter. I'm willing for you to put your self in my place and vote exactly like you would want me to vote if you were aaking my support. It doaen't matter about my being a Fanner's Union man, or wheather I am clever fellow, or whether we call each other by our firat name or whether I have helped an old aoldier, or whether I kpent the night with you on my Campaign for votea, or fished or hunted with you. The thing you are interested in ia whether I will successfully carry on the office and whether I have had a square deal such as you would aak under these conditions. If you feel like you can vote for me I shall be grateful to you all my life, and if there is any way ltc^i show you how much I appreciate your help, you hava only to let me know Ti. Thanking you for anything you may do, I am, Very aineerely yours, A. J. Dunning, Jr. Political Advertisement ' MAPLETON NEWS The Colored band frorli Raleigh held a concert in the colored church here Monday night and rendered some very good music, a great inpny white people attended. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Whitley at tended the graduating exercises at Chowan College Tuesday morning, i Mrs. Irving Parker left Tuesday to vi?it her parents near Murfrus boro. Meedames E. J. Railey J. B? Furguson, J. Boale and daughter Miss. E. L. Midgette, I. Bfitt. U Bryant and F. T. Rasley of Maneys neck, dined at Mr. E. W.Whitley's Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Parker and children Misses Rachel And Audrey Parker. Mr. and Mrs S. L. Grieffth, and Miss Rosa Whitley, attended the cemmer.cement at Woodrow Graded school Thursday night. Quite a number of people from here attended the "Red Cross Ral ly" at Winton Friday. Mr. J. E. Blades, who has been t ? the hospital for treatment return ed Monday to resume his work. Mr. Eley of Franklin Va spent Friday with his sister Mrs. Nannie Parker. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Storey of Mt. Tabor lection Mr. and Mrs. Joe Whitley and erildren of Maneys neck ?spent Sunday at Mr. S. L. Griffith's. . Mr.Guy Hill, who ia in training at Camp Jackson, was a visitor in Mapelton Sunday. Miss Mattie Hare, of Richmond Va. spent the week end with her nephews Missrs R. D. and G. 0. Hare. Miss Francis Griffith of near Murfreesboro was married Wednes day. to Mr. Petti John of Norfolk. They will make their future home >n Norfolk. Mrs. Jonas Whitley who has been quite sick for the past week, contin ues no better. Evylin Whitley little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Whitley is on the sick list. Ita OdWm T|*t D(M Hal MINI MM Ream of Ita to.lt and lasatlr. ?0act. LAXA VR BRDMOOUlNlNSIabMtartkABMdfaMrr Quinine and dOM Ml C1IM MTTOUMM Ml rinrlaa la haad. *nn?tnb?r |h? lull UM aad to* far tha WMM o( K. W. OBOVg. me. Resolutions. Whereas the dearly beloved pas tor and father of Horton's church, M . P. Davis, has answered a devine call to another field of service, the undersigned committee wish to ex press the deep feeling of the church in the following resolutions. First, we feel very keenly the loss of com panionship and leader of this con* secrated servant of God while we feel that our loss is anothers gain. Second, we are very thankful of having had such a pastor and shep herd, nearly three years,. since the prganazation of thischureh. We also feel very grateful to Bro. Dsvia for his untireing efforts to upbuild this church and community and we are glad to say that his efforts have not been entirely in vain. Third, we wish to ask Gjd's rich est blessings upon him in his new field ?f labor, and that he may long be able to lead men to Christ. Fourth, we desire to have these resolutions published in The Biblical Recorder, Charity and Children and our county paper and a copy to be sent to our beloved pastor and a copy be spread on our Church minuites. Committee: H. W. Greerf A. K. Phelps W. K. Powell Instruction By Food Admin trator. 'The State Food Administer Sends, out the following instructions concer ning the sale and using of sugaj: 1.' All merchant when selling sngar in excss of five or ten pounds to individuals who desire it for can ning and presrving purposes must take certificates from the purchaser. Blank certificates can be had bv applying to the undersigned, or to the sugar division of the Food Administration at Raleigh, N. C. 2. All commercial users of sugar, including drug stores, soda foun tain, icecream manufactures bottl ing works, ect. must secure cer tificates direct from.the Food Adm inistration at Raleigh, after they have submitted a sworn statement showing their consumption of sugar last year. Blanks for this sworn statement can be had from the sugar division of the Food Admin istration at Raleigh. N. W. Britton, > County Food Administrator. PARENTS TO NOTIFY OUARANT1 OFFICER, "8^C.V-8. It shall be the duty of 1 every pfcrent, gxrdian, or househo lder, la the order named, to notify ^ the county quarantine officei of the Dime of the school district, of any ' person ih their family or householb ' ?boat whom no physician has been ^ consulted but whom they have reason to suspeet of being afflieted with | whooping caugh' measles, qiphtheria scarlet fever, smallpox, infantile par alysis, typhord fever or other diseas ed declared by the North Carotin State Bo4rb of Health to be infecti oui or contagious." The SUIte Board of Health at a ! meeting held on April 17 at Pine- ^ hunt, passed a resolution, under authoi ity of Chapter 263 Section 8, Public Law* 1917, declaring the ( following named diseases also repor- , table, vis: Measels(both kinds), Chickbn pox Septic sore throat. You are directed to make reports of these and others as required by law and regulations, to the county quarantine officer or to the local officer, as the case may be. In thig connection 1 would state for your information that a very large number of the communicable diseases have been reported to this office during the past winter, and even now the number is large. In many places these prevail in epid emic form. The law and the rul es made thereunder for the control! and prevention of communicable diseases ace believed to be * ample ?nd sufficient. There seems, there fore, to be but one explemation for this condition of affairs, and that, is, the law is not being enforced. If it were otherwise, this condition would not exist; nor would this letter be i necessary. The War Department view with i no little concern this unusual prev. ] alence of communicable diseases among the soldiers arriving at the soveral calhps, who have come from North Carolina. The Surgeon Gene ral request'! that fullest cooperation ( and mutual assistance be given by ( the Board of the Army in order to keep the soldier boys from this state free from communicable diseases. 1 The Board has gladly availed itselt 1 to this policy. In accordance with the request of ' the Board, the Surgeon General of ' the yVrmy has detailed two officers of the Medical Corps of duty with ( the Board to render such aid and *? assistance as may be poasiDle .'or tne better enforcement of the law and ? regulation*, and at the same time supply the Medical Department of j the Ufnited States, with information h regarding the health of the State as j will enable it to better protect the helth of the soldier. Three inspectors, representative r of the Board and the Army, will be C sent to the several counties, to aid 8 and assist In making the law and the regulatios regarding contagious ' diseases more effective. f respectfully yours. g W. S. Rankin v Secretary. t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE t ' Having qualified as administrator of Walter I<ang deceased late of , Hertford eountv N. C. this is to Notify all persons having claims ? against the estate of said deceased ' to exhibit them to the undersigned t on or before the 18th day of May i 1919 or this notice will be pleaded In bar of this recovery , All persons indebters to said estate will please make immediate payment < This the 18th day of may 1918 < Jutra Lang Administrator , Jno. E. Vann atty POM MEETIIIGS Beginning: Jane 3rd. Mr. A. G. Oliver, State Poultry Specialist will five a aeries of illustrated lectures >n Poultry raising at the places tames below. These lectures will >e of special interest to all who are raising poultry either on the farm ?r on back lots in the towns. Every Poultry Club Member in Hertford Couty is urged to here >ne of the lectures. Poultry will lelp win the war and help save neet and beef. Every one lis cordually invited. Monday June 3rd. 8.30 P'M. Oak *rove School, St. Johns's Township ruesday 4th., 8.30. P.M. Harrels rille Schaol, Wednesday 5th., 3.30 ?. M. CremoGraded School tTiursday 6th., 8.30. P.M., M?r ees aoro, Thursday 6th., 3.30. P.M. Union School, Thursday 6th., 3.30. P.M. Menola School Friday 7th. 8.30, P.M- Ahoskie Saturday 8th. 8.30. P.M. Winton, Court House. If it is desire that other meeting be held at points not mentioned in that schedule; after noon meeting can be arranged on days not having meetings at 3.30. P.M. It it desire that be * special meet ing of farmer* from all over the country for discussion of the hog iudustry and if possible to organize a Swine Growers Association Satur day Night. June 1st. For this purpose a general meeting twill be held at the Court House at Wlnton at 8,80 vP* Mr. J. T. J. C. Anthony, State Swine Specialist will deliver an ad dress on Swine in Eastrn N. C. E. W. Gaither, County Demonstration ,Agnt. Winton News. The public oFwinton was, highly entertained on Thursday eavening with a Minstrel presented by Aulan Jer talents proceeds going to the Red Cross fund. All of the teachers of the Winton High School have arone to their res pective homes. The school is for^ tunate in having most of them to iccept positions to return for the :oming year. This has been a very successful fear, The School loss four students who having finished the work here will enter college next fall. They ire Misses Josie Pillan. Frances Story, Mary Brady and Thornton tforthcott, Genevine Taylor was the 'ortunate one In the race for the Scholarship Medal. U- U L. 1 I "ii- nukii jijiieo reiurneu nimie Saturday from N. C. State College. Mrs. Wilson nee Miss Gladya irown ia with her mother during ier husbands absence, he is in Vance with the U. S. Army. * Mr. John A. 'Nothcott Jr. has eturned home from N. C. State College. from which he has just raduated. receivng his ',B. E." 1 egree. He has congratulations nd best wishes from his many riends, that he may have great uccess in his chosen profession. Ve understand he is now anxious o get over the sea with the other oys. ? Miss Bessie Lee is at home for he vacation, from Meredith College Hertford County can well feel iroud of herself, having made so food a reccord In the "Red Cross" Irive. Let us hope that every coun v in the Old North State has done ts well. c Whenever You Need a Otwrtl Toalc Take drove'*. The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless :hill Tonic is equally valuable ss s General Tonic because it coatelns the irell knoWn tonic propertiesofQUININB ind IRON. It acta on the liver. Drives nit Malaria, Bnriche* the Blood and Builds ap the Whole Bystes. <0 casta. POWELLSVILLE REVS Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jordan de ligtfully intertained the young poo pie of the town Monday night May 27 in honor of our boy who left for thh training Camp Wedneday morn ing. Special music was rendered <m the piano and Victrola. Danity refreshments was served at very late hour that* consisted ices cake and home made candy. Those that participated in Mr. and Mra Jordans reception were as follow*. Misses. J. W. Taylor Paul Powell. Savage Hoggard, Kader Bass, these Who left for Camp Jackson Wednes day. Misses Kattie and Lucie Taylor May Hoggard Irena Baas, Mary Overton, Blanch Harrell, Coleraine Ruby Myres, of Ahoskie Lilian Hpl loman, Glizebath Ruffin, Lillian and Lloyd Jordan, Me?era N. A. Wynne J. A. Basa, Ben and Silas HcKell Will Wiggins, Rose Overton Myron Harrell, William Hedgespetch of Rich SQuare N. C. at eleven thirty the gueat departed thanking Mr. and Mrs. Jordan who entertain ed so charmingly. (Reported) Mrs. Hersey Gatling and little daughter Miss Pearl of Mapleton spent a few day's with her farther Mr. J. C. Britton this week. Miss Lade Taylor retaned home Monday after spending ten days in Windsor with Miss Janice Mizelie. We are sorry to report that Mrs. H. C. Waters is real sick ?t this wrtting. tars. J. R. Phelps and children of Merry Hill is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Taylor. Mis. Jefferson Jones of Porth mouth Va. spent a few days in the home of S. L. Raynor she re turned Monday her little daugter Misa. Nati Jones accompained her to spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Wynne attended Ihe Baracca and Philathea Convetion in Windsor Sunday. Mrs. Frank Harden and daughter Miss. Sue, Frank Haren Jr. of Windsor were visitors in town last Wednesday night. Mr. HedgeSpeth and son Mr. William Hedgeapetn of Rich Square spent Monday night in the home of Mp. S. W. McKiel. "The Girls Over There" a play given by the Red Cross will be giv at the school building Mopday night June 3. every one participated In this worthly cume. Remember June 3. Mrs. Ben Jones of Suffolk Va. is visiting her neice Mrs. P. L. Ray nor. Miss. Ruby Myers of Ahoskie N. C. spent Monday night in town. Judge and Mrs. P. P. Winston frave-ao address on the Red Crss here last Friday afternoon to th? people of this town. A nice sum of $90.00 was realized. A Patriotic Play: The Girl* Over Hart. On Monday night June S. 1918 in the achool. auditorium of Powells ville the ladies of this town will present a Patriotic play, "The Girls Over Here." for the benefit af the Red Cross. We earnestly request every body to come and help in this great Red Cross works. Admision 25cts and S5cts Child ren 15cts. Has a Good Opinion ot Cham berlain's Tablets. "Chamberlains' Tablets are a wonder. I never sold anything that beat them," waite F. B. Tree sey. Richmond, Ky. when troubled with indigestion or constipation giva them a trail. C

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