Hertford County Herald ' jj j A PAPER WORTH WHILE VOL. 9 AHOSKIE, N. C., FRIDAY, July, 19 1918 NUMBER 2 6 Ill i NIL I ii sriM: Mr. Gait her, the County Demonstra tor, alter consulting experts, tells how to kill the cotton destroyer. Winton N. C. July. 17 1918. Many insti nces of more or serious damage to*cott3n in Hertford Coun ty have come under the observr tion of the County Agent this season. Lice. The cotton leaf louce is a sucking insect that attacks the leaves and does considerable damage to he fol ate -under such weather conditions as we have experience this season This pest is usually so wide spred that it will be too expensive to spray i for its controll. Shortly after the i lice form there will appear a lavae of a striped bug attached to the stem of the stalk, destroy the lice. In cold wedther it will mature sl owly and this allows the lice more time to ther inch attraction besides nntn irous other social affairs will be ?ffered them. If the boys and girls havnt their ants that they can uae. the Booster flub will be glad to arrange buildings n which they can use their sots or lank it in the style they tisslrsC ows'i tmssiiis sw T?is ?ISwUm* wts?iLniii*JZZ wLsir* ' - -.-a -. - ?*../ ?*? -m. -w PAUL WESSON MAJETTE Como. N. C. July 15. 1918. Many hearts were saddened when news came to this community last Wednesday, that Mr. Paril Weston Majette had died that morning at his home, in Penaacola, Fla., about 5 o'clock. Arrangement* were made to have funeral services at his former home here, now the res idence o' his sister-in-law Mrs. B. P. Majette, on Friday, 12th inat., at 3:30 o'clock, P. M. Many friends and acquaintances of other years Brave expression to the esteem in which they held the dec-eased, by their presence at the house of mourning. Though born and reared her*, Mr. Majette had made home in Florida, during the past 20 years. He is survived by a widow, one daughter one married sister Mrs. Charles J. Paiker, of Raleigh, N C., three brothers.a widowed moth" er and a large number of other near kins-folks. The costly and beautiful casket was born from the house to the old familv burying ground near the residence by the following named active paul-barrers, viz: Mark Ma jette, J. B. Majette, J. M, Truitt, C. J. Parker Jr., James Hart, J. D. Hart, and T, H. Barrett; all of whom are relatives and close con nections of the deceased. The hon orary pMI-barriers were T. E. Vann G. C. Picot, A. I. Parker, J. D. Rid dick, D. men for a long time have been preform ing work formely done by men, and they have done this' work so capable as to compel the admiration of the work. The motion of the various Goverments in turning over such work to woemen, and this loyal pur1 pose has inspired thousand of wom en from all walks of life to enter munition factories, do farm tabor, and embark on scores of other en terprises which go to make up the industrial life of a nation at war. In the country, the part to be ^ taken by women has not yet assum ed the proportions it has reached aboard. The tendency in this dir ection, however, is illustratedin the call recently issued by the Naval Reserves for women vo act as store keepers. Such women will, in a very real and substantial fashion, speed the war progress of iheir country, and hasten the coming of Peace. Women between the ages of 21 and 85, desirous of serving in the capacity mentioned, are asked to communicate with the District Ea rolling Officer, Fifth Naval District 101 W?st Main Street. Norfolk. Virginia. W. Malta*. District EnroJlhw Officer EAT CORN SAVE VHEXT ; . 1 Subacrib* to Um HERALD.