- A __ H g 1 * _ ^ V w W09M ? M*-M v h^V ? ? ? ? i kRm VI I s^ Jl ^Lpp j^Jl JL JUL. VL^ ; <JiLh JI^L ^mrtKk *5^*TEl ?* W *WI >rr^i5fe i??v j *? - to jW\'; ' w * fl! JT ? _ _ .?, A PAPER WORTH WHITE gljr:rlT'lfr ..lli- - -I r ? - --- I i ' i n ^ ? VdU/T" * * AHOSKIE, N. C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1918 ?^""*' NUMBER 30 ? ?? -?-" ,1 .-*??. *~n ii'if liiiii"""; ? ? ' ?-?j--?? MIT FAK A SHEW A ** Mintv Work Hu Bejun on the Gtonndi and Many Am use nteiift &cored. 4 t?|i *\r? /J PBtPAKB EXHIBITS BOW i-iii At jf\f % o I Yuu Are Adrian to Bagta fra pkriaf far tUa Fair, Which Will ha Am of Baat ' ' I The doubt of holding Hartford County's first annual fair this year is now a thine of the past as plans now are all mapped oat and the buildings in the course of erection. With the good force that is now employed for work on the fair grounds, the buildings will in a very short time be completed and the and the race track rebuilt in first class shap*. The plana call for a main exhibit building, stock build ings. a long line of stab lea. poultry buildings, a grand stand, a judgea stand, the rebuilding of the race track, fencing in the grow* and etc.. The contract haa ban let and the lumber is now being placed on the fair ground. Several very good features have been contracted for already for this yaai, the main one being a sub marine which, will be shown at the Tarboro fair then here at the coun ty fair and froaA here it wfll gv to Ngw York foi a two wOeke" en gagement before goi g to the Florida State fsir.. beaidea this feature a collection of war trophtta war pieturea (all direction from the front) fast racing horses, a good carnival company, and still work is going oa now for getting still grefctor attractions that wflt be announced later on. The prospect* are that the exhib its trill be numerous and interesting and the association sfcfcs that every body send exhibit, begin working now for some of the prises. In a few days the the premium books ?ill be ready for the different exhibits. , t For any information that you might desire, write to the secretary it Winton and he will gladly advise you. Watch the paper for further announcements and begin preparing now, something for the fair. 3 POLICY HOLDERS MEETING We desire to inform the Policy holders of the Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Association of the Northompton Heitford and Bertie Brarch, that by order of the Direc tors, there will be a meeting held in Ahoskie on the 22nd. day of August 1918 for the purpose of attending to all business that sha I come before the Associate at that time. All Policy-holders are res pectively invited to attend. This being our regular annual meeting. Albert Vann, President. v POM Cared la 4 to 14 Dtji Ask Anyone Who Hw Used It. There are families whoalwaysaim to keep a bottle of Chamberlain's colic and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house for nse in ca?e !t ia needed, and find that it Is not only a foed investment bot saves them no end of suffering. As to its reliabit.y ask anyone who has used it. O '.I. The QaMne Ttat Doe. Nut Altec* Tks Head mi mm IK HEM COUNTY The State Board of Health to gether with the County Board of Education, and the County Commis sioners instituted last fall medical inspection of the school children in the county. Dr. R. H. Garry, of Murfreesboro was appointed medi cal inspector, hat be found it took so much of bin time from hi* practice, which suffered on acconnt of his ab sence from his office, that he was compelled to give up the medical inspection work. His resignation was accepted, and Miss Nore Pratt, a trained nurse and member of the State Board of Health, was ap pointed to complete the work. Miss Pratt accepted the appointment, and stopped'two months in the county, completing; the examination, with what Dr, Oaky had already done, of practically all the school children of the county, both white and colored. So far. as a result of the examin tion 13S defective children have been treated, some having been treated in the county and some elsewhere. Miss Pratt made arrangements to nave a specialist come to Wlnton and spead two days, operating on children with diseased tonsils and adenoids. Accordingly, Dr. John Wright, a throat, noee, ear, and eye specialist, with hia nurse, as sisted by Dr. W. B. Pollard and Dr. P. H. Mitchell, physicians ot the county, operated on 23 children affected with diseased tonsils or adenoMs, or both. All the opera tions were pronounced successful, and the children have returned to their homes and are reported to be doing well. Miss Pratt superintended the selec tion of ? suitable building and se curing suitable pmon to asaiat in caring (or the patienta after the operation, and pat the whole thing through in a splendid and aucceas ful fashion, showing fine tact in handling such undertakings. In fact, she left nothing undone, that she could do, to make a splendid success of the medical inspection work, and the treatment of the children. The total coat for each patient was only $10, a direct saving to the parenta of not leas than $20 to $30, if the treatment had been given at the nearest hospital. We hope this is snly the begin, ning of this important work that we owe the school children of our county, a work if carried on pro perly, as has been commenced, will result in untold benefit to many a child that would otherwise go through life hampered, and could not be what he might be, if proper treatment had been given at the right time. # N. W. BRITTON, County Superintendent of Schools. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC The Premium List Of The Hartford County Fair for 1918 ia n?w being arranged and' when completed it will appear in book form of about one hundred pagaa. Any one desiring advertiseing space will please advise the secre tary of the fair association at once. This is one of the best ways of adv ertising every kind of busineaa as there will be two or three thousands of the books that will be mailed out all over the country.. For rest and further information, call on the undersigned- ^; C. -L. Blount. Secretary. ? 0 Let OS do your PRINTING J ]PRO<CL AM A TIOX . i#0 ?v | ...*A S4 BY THE MAYOR TO THE CITIZENS OF THE TOWN OF AHOSKIE, N. C.: _ Due to the fact that there are, at this time, sev eral cases of Typhoid Fever in our town and our City Health Officer has reported the sanitaty condition of our town such that its population is threatened with an epidemic of Typhoid Fever, you are ordered to make survey of your premises and see that same is put in proper sanitary condition condition immediately. After you have thoroughly cleaned your premises it is ordered by our health officer to use lime freely, which is considered an exceptionally good disenfect ant. Failure to comply with this order will constitute a misdemeanor and all offending parties will be dealt with as provided fcy the State Sanitaty Laws. Respectfully, W. L. Curtis, Mayor. Approved f ' Robt. Holloman | J.H.Robertson > Commissioners. Geo. J. Newbern j ? ? ? f ? ? ? *# W ? 1 ? Lime for this Purpose may be obtainedfrom J.C. Jenkins, town Constable. ' Ft"E Mr*. Jonas Whitley returned Wednesday from a two week* trip ti? Norfolk, Portsmouth and Ofcewt View. ' Art. W. C. Petti john of Norfolk ?pent Friday night with lira. S. L. Griffith. Mr.' W. F. Yelverton of Free neat, N. C. i? the guest of Miss Rachel Parker. Mr, aald lira. Billie Pearce, (pent two weeks in Rocky Mt. There will 1? a revival at Mt. "fa bor Church beginning the second Sunday in Amfett. R#r. A. T. How> eli "witt asaitTRe^.'F. A. Uhderwood in the uieellunJ Ella Wfcgins and daughter. Miss Normie, of Murfreeboro, spent Mfeiiday with Sin. H V. Parker. Mrs. Roger Watson of Murfreee-1 bora Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. | R B. Vaughan. ' \ Mi's. C. W. Stephenson is visiting in Seaboard. Mrs. Wilson nee Miss Gladys Brown of Winton is the guest of j Mrs. E. B. Vaughan. Mr. Guy Hill of Camp Jackson was a visitor here last week. Mrs. Marcie Parker and Mrs. Ivey Hare were in- Murfreesbora, Thurs ?_ w Mr. R. O. Whitley and sons, Os car, Linwood, Collin and Gilbert, of Cumo, *ere in Mapfoton a short wMIe Friday morning. ' IC**.v \ Mrs. Clapton Matthews and baby of Dram Hill spent Sunday with Mrs. E. W. Whitly. Mr. E. J. Railey and sons and Master J. B. Furguson of Como, were callers at Mr. Jonas Whitley's Prida* Mr. Cajy Parker of Murfreesboro spent Saturday with Ms son, Mr. Isaac Parker. Mr. J. M. Harriss of Norfolk spent three days withMr. Ivey Hare, Mr. E. W. Whitley and family attended the unveiling of the monu ment of the Late W. J. Parker at Murfreeaboro Sunday afternooh. NOTICE. U ; July 20, 1918 1 hereby offer my entire Farm for tent, with tobacco Barn and Pack House complete. Adapted to Cora, wheat. Cotton, Peanuts and Toboc ea. Any one wishing t? rent Will do wall to ace me at once. 4t. p. W, C. Baby, Ahoakie. N. C. Franca must Import augar today, ?oat of It ftoaft thla aid* of tha ocean, twaw the largaat portion of French autfar beat land la In German hand*. Aa a rimult, the rraneh people hare baaa placed on a aiacar ration of aboat 111 ponnda * jraar for domaatlc naa; ? pound anil a half a month. Thin photograph howa bow tha German BMMfci: ? vVJ^UfL - I I I I p 4. troop*' destroyed French sugar Dill*. Thanks to tbe French ratloflCng "T? tern tbe annual consumption has bees rut to 000,000 tons, according to re torts reaching the United States food Administration. Itefore the war France had an average sugar eroi>- of ?l>ont 750,000 tan* of sugar and hud some left over (or eipvtt. ?rit'-'. 1 'i 'i ' . ? -i ?"??v" v*?.>.<? * J COUNTY COMMISSION- , ERSJMEM The Board of County Commis sioners of Hertford county met on this the 6th., day of August 1918. ' all the members of the Board being preaent; Proceedings of last meeting read and approved; Commitee on repairing ferry House at Harresville Is still contin ued; Repairing the water works at jail and cloeet is continued; The Committee on Bear Swamp ia still continued; On motion Matilda Joyner is allowed into the County Home if deaired. The Board voted unanimoualy to allow Henry B. Laasiter and wife $6.00 per month begining first of August 1918. The Committee on raising tank and covering same and providing Coal Houae ia continued. On motion the Board voted to pav the amount provided by law for examination of School children and no more, whieh ia on basda of $7.68 per 100 children of the total en rollment, wich amount* to $811.26. H.H. Jones, W. B. Pollard and J. A. Northeott are appointed aa a committee empowered to paaa upon the ability of children to pay for operating expense* and treatment by the Spedaliat. On motion it is ordered that the Board offer a reWard of $60.00 for the apprehension and capture of Kred Wilson; This $60.00 is guar anteed by Sheriff Garrett which he l&rlfi hand. "*v ' ' The board after hearing Mr. W, T. Taylor on the question 6f asasfc ment of his timber holding* In Msneys Neck Township, ordered that said holding* be placed at $.'<*o<r. The matter of back taxes on traet part of Myrick land bought by W. T. Taylor ia coatfnwd. On motion, it ia heredy ordered by the *board! that it approve*' the organisation of the Hartford County Pair Association, and it^Articles of Agreement, and heredy authorises its members and officers to proceed to organise in accordance with Laws Chapter 82-Snbeection 2-Section 3868 -3869-Revisal. ? > The Baard votes that the time < for employing County Home Keeper I shall be, hereafter, on first Monday j in August; and that it hereby elects i M. M. Brown for the coming year 1919 at salary of $ 366.00 I , The Clerk of Board is given \ authority to draw check (or Miss Swindell'*services as Home Demon- c gtrater, when, voider cornea in. i J. A. Northeott is added to the t Commiatee with H. H. Jones to look into the matter of taxes on J. U. Carter estate. Report of Superintendent Health received and filed. ( The Board of Commissioners feeling greet Interest in the National j HighWay now being planned; and being In hearty accord with this movement and hereby calls on the Citiaens of Hertford County to njeet in mam at Winton < n Tuesday Aug , 15th., and hear this matter explained by people who have the work in charge and to take such steps as are necessary to secure thia high way. The Following accounta presented for payment, to wit: J. D. Lowe, tax list Harr.._.$70.00 H. J, Browne tax list St. Johns.................. 85.00 G. C Picot tax lint Maneys Neck.............. <55.00 i J. A. Copeland tax list Ahosklo. SO.00 . A.C. Vann tax list Winton . 80.00 3. J. Porker tax list Murfreesboro....... 85.00 Charles and Lawrence Lumber for bridges..... ... 4.94 3. P. Brett Repairing bridges.. 6.00 Charlie Dunn Amt for Mr* J. D. Parker 20.00 F. E. Jones Board of prisoners Ac., ....... 23.00 Vndrew Jones work at Co. Home ................. 20.00 M. M. Browne Guano Ac., lsed Co. Home ............ 72.76 Henry B. Laasiter support for \ugust........ ......... 5.00 I. H. La war en ce Coffin 4c..... I. A. Horton work Co. Mise Nora K. Pratt Kxpenses ind salary . ........ 311.2$ E. Garrett nummontag Wfntom^opurairrCwHaBUny . (Continued ?n Page 2) HIKE 101 COAL CONSUMERS Congressman Small Advises Editor of this Ptper Con cerning Coal Shortage US HADE 1NVESHGATIM Advises Coal Consumers to Apply to Loctt Dealer Early sad tb Sedire Supply of Wood Washington, N.C., Aug. 12, 1918. Editor, Hertford County Herald: f have been investigating the coal situation with particular re ference to household consumption. Have they arranged to secure their supply for the winter T If not. every family should gat busy. Each county hat. or should have, a fuel administrator, who serves under the State Fuel Administrator, Mr. R. C. Northfleet, of Winston Salem. Several county wants whom I happen to know are active and '?aroestesUy striving to secure coal for their respective countiee. Ordinarily it "would appear wiser for house-holders to apply to the local coal dealer who usually sup plies them with coal. The letter is probably co-operating with the County Fuel Administrator. Nj Pennsylvania anthracite coal may be shipped into North Caro ltns. We can only secure bitumin ous and what la known as Virginia anthracite, from the coal mines of Virginia. W. Virginia and Tfennes Now as to the spedsl point in this letter. I fear ear local dlslsrs and householders may not be able tsabtfre aa ample supply for the winter. The longer delay, the greater danger. Active etforta should be renewed and the con sumer should be prepared to peg cash. Again I earnestly ad viae every family to arrange for a supply ot wood, either to use aa a substitute for cost or ft>r partial use. Co operative efforts is securing wood may be advisable. The family which waits until November or December to secure their fuel, especially if we iiave Ta hard winter, may be aub jected to serious inconvenience, if lot suffering. The situation may not be as acute is it appears to me. I hope I am rrong. I advise you to consult your lealer and the County Fuel Ad nirlstratori They know the situa ion. 3'ncerely, JNO. H. SMALL.

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