VokA. ; AHOSKIE, N. C., FRIDAY. AUGUST ^0, 1918 , . ( j , , , , /? , ^L'MBEK The revival at Mt. Tabor Church, was very good. Rev Howell, did tome good pwaching. There vujre nineteen added to the ehureh, $ie , baptizing took place Saturday after- , n .on at Mapleton wharf. ( Mrs. B. Bett, has as her truest , Mrs. Judith Harrell and Mra. V,?v Messrs Charles and Horace Pearce, spent three days in Norfolk last week. Mr. G. 0/ Hare, was at Ocean View, a few days last week. Mr. J. E. Blades, left Tuesday for training camp. Messrs E. B. Vaughn, L. H. Holloman, D. L. Parker, and S. L. Griffith, speut Monday andTueaday in Wffsan, C. Mr. C. W. Stephson, and daughter Mrs. L. H. Hollomm, and little son Henry Web. spent several days at Seaboaul with relatives. Mr. H. V. Parker, and baby are on the sick list. The Psr^onage is completed, and Rev. and Mrs. P. A. Underwood have movtd in. Miss Dan Parker *t Murfreesboro, spent the weekend with her cousin Miss Rosa WW. ley. Meadames T. C. Parker, and I G, B. Storey, were in Mapleton Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Parker, and children were in Murfreesboro, Friday rfternoon. Miss Beula Pierce, is visiting in H*rretlsviUe. Miss Rom Whjtley. is on a visit at her sisters mrs. G. B. Story's, at Wood row. Mrs. Sarah Whitley of Maneys Neck, is the gneat of her daughter M*. S. L. Griffith. Mr. and Mra. E. Britt, spent Sunday in Potecasi. Rev. P. A. Underwood is conduct ing a revival at Baantleys Grove, this week. i Prayer meeting is being held at 1 the Mapleton school building every Sunday night, fcnd we want every body to come. ( Messrs Johnnie Bell, A. J. Bryant and E, J. Baily, of Como, were in Mapleton a short while Monday morning, an rout to Ahoskie, to take Mr. Clarence Beale, who is leaving for the traininp camp. You May Talk to One Man Be* an advert uement in this pupot talk* to the . whole community. Catch the Idea f o ? FRIDAY | WEATLESS ten mo aoun rnw*r%4 o^utSI5^J5Mk^ in - io it Days turn -IniftlM ?HH n,fn?*4 If ?AZC OIATMkNT Mlin to cu< . ^flMi ?# itcttfllft. / Wnd.Wr?<1lr rr rl*fo4*^K^?**.* P?"?? lu C io J fKm a it .. ? 4MMi ?t?*a K .fU J-w. CQB. [ , > ? I - , . j ?,. La . . . front thaw days is bad new? for the German people. Quotation* from German newspapers portray the floom that overhangs the people in the Itrsre cities. Tl?at the people In the small towns, and .country -are equally deposed is not to be doubt sd. The liberty loan bond buyers of the preceding have their share in the success of the ont^pte r.'lies. They furnished the sinews of war not only to fight the U-boats and to bniid ships, not only to raise, equip, and send our soldier* over, not only to supply them and our allies with food and munitions, but more than $6,000/000,000 oftheir money has been loaned to our allies so that they may prosecute the war with vigor and strength. We heie at home have the oppor tunity of sending the Germans some more bad news. The Germans have great respect for money; they know too, that the support the American people give a Government loan measutees largely the support they they give their Government, the moral as well as the financial sup port they give their armies in the field, A tremend. us subscription to the Fourth Liberty Loan will be as dis tressing tu the German people as a defeat for them on the battle field, and it will mean as much. It spells their defeat; it breaks their morale; it means power to their enemies, A subecaiption to the loan is a contaibution to German defeat and American victory. F?r Site One small farm containing 40 acrea. land in high state of cultiva tion Excelent water a new 8 room building for sale to white man only see me at once if interested. 3 miles south of Murfreesboro. N. S. Joyner. Murfreesboro, N. C. 0 0 0 Simple Wash Removes Rings Under Eyes o Ahoskie people will be surprised bow puick pure Lavoptik eye wash relieves blood shot eyes an^ dark rings. One young man who had eye trouble and very unsightly dark rings was relieved by ONE WASH with Lavoptik. His sister was also removed a bad eye strain in three days. A smal bottle Lavhptlk ia guaranteed to benefit EVERY CASE weak, strained or inflamed or in flamed eyes. Aluminum eye Chp FREE. Z. V. Cellamy druggist ? ADV. SUGAR flSS EE SftfflM A toMspooM mum CzPzSSft uwL Ach aul tor ROcky. for t+cKaCa* joaoooooo puaam in y ^ Navy, and that ^y August 1 this number will be increased to 9,000,000 with a steady additkwt to that number from then on. These men not only cease to be producers, but they become con sumers of a vast scale. Thus it is that we are urged t! *' i Summer Complaint. During the hot weather of the rammer month* some member of almost every family is likely to be troubled with an unnatural looseness of the bowella, and it la of the great eat importance that thia be treated : promptly, which can only be done ?when the madietoe i?*ept at hand, Mr. F. t. Scott, Scottsville. N. Y.. states, "I first uaad Chrmberlain'a Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy as much W five year* ago. At that time I had a severe attack of summer com plain and waa suffering intense pain Qne-doeeMttevwne. Other members of my family have aince oaed it with Mke waaHa." rC ?N Ok- ? < . i"v * If You Want RVTOU can get I them by ad-, -? vertising in this E paper. It rraches the best class of S people in this community. U === =' L Use this paper if Syou want some of their business. Use This Paper r mi l P *r ???? To.???*??-??? '". ?d: ? ! Z, .: v? . ,, A.:,i It' I:-, '*% ?'"I