COTTON ACREAGE REDUCED Ti 7 D-L-'tfhi J*iy ia?Tlk* ?*?*?'? ton acreage haa b??n decreased ten ' per cent from last year**, indicating , i a crop of 1,454,006 acres, which 11 at ita 88 per cent condition, (much < better than any other states) fore- > casta a yield of 267 lbe. of lint per t acre, or 746,000 bale sfor the itate. '? The entire Cotton Belt reported #1.8 i 1 per cent acreage compared with laat ! 1 year and condition of 70 per cent ' t normal, which forecast* a production ! < of 10,986,000 bales. The heavy, al. * most continous, rains weet of Geer- '? gia have greatly interfered with the ,1 crop acreage and condition. j' This information is derived from 504 reliable reports, the number of < each county varying according to ita 1 cotton importance. It is verified by ' the findings, during field investiga- 1 tions of Frank Parker and Assistant ? Rhodes, specialist in charge of the ' Co-Operative Crop Reporting Ser- j vice, the latter having developed 1 from the state office of the Bureau :' of Crop Estimates. 1 The State crop as a whole fell two per cent in condition during June 1 and ta the time of these reports, June 26, was needng rain and warmer ev enings. In the western and northern territory there was much rain during the early development which stunted the growth. The wet planting season in the east followed by cool nights | then dry weather has left a fair con dition only. The southern counties have a good crop. It is ten to fif teen days late and small. The scarcity and indifference of j* our labor has reduced the acreage and increased tenancy. The seasons ' have not been favorable for the best ! effects of commercial fertilizers, due ' to exess moisture or drought and to ' cool temperatures. There is a good ' chance yet, especially after the rain occurring in most counties about the time of this report. The cultivation ' has been favored by the dry weather ?92 per cent1, chopped?weed aver- j aged nine inches high, now a boat fifteen. . ? | Report of the Condition of g-HE FARMERS-ATLANTIC BANK, ' Ahoskie, North Carolina, at the cloie 1 of business, June 30, 1919. f RESOURCES Loans and discounts 283,185.66 * Overdrafts, secured $75.03; J unsecured $2003.06 2,078.09 1 United States Bonds and Liberty Bonds 20,600.00 ( All other stocks, Bonds and Mortgages 100.00 Banking houses, furniture and fixtures 6,646.08 ? All other real estate owned 262.87 ^ Cash in vault and net anlounts j due from Banks, Bankers and t Trust Companies 39,284.38 Checks for clearing 5,589.70 j Building Fund 25,922.53 j Bond account 5,995.00 j TOTAL 388,564.21 LIABILITIES j Capital stock paid in 22,900.00 Surplus Fund 22,900.00 j Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 4,426.14 Bills payable 20,000.00 ( Deposits subject to check 156,656.23 Time certificates of depositlOO,431.67 Savings deposits* 34,702.09 ( Cashiers' checks outstanding 711.74 ( Certified checks 910.00 Due to State Banks, Bankers and Trust Companies 20,922.34 ( Bond account 4,006.00 { TOTAL 388,564.21 j STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA? <] COUNTY OF HERTFORD, July 8, < 1919. - < I, D. P. Boyett^, cashier of the ( above named band, do solemnly swear 1 that the above stastement is true to the best of my knowledge and be lief. < u. r. Boyette, cashier. < Correct?Attest; ~ f A. J. Earley, Geo. J. Newbern, ? ?G.-GT- PUWBB, ? 8 f Directors. Subsricbed and sworn to before , me this 12th day of July, 1919. . J. Roy Parker, Notary Public. ( My commission expires March 17, J921. 1 Don't Take It For Granted ' that Just because you are In buslnaaa. everybody la aware of tin iaidL Your gooda may be tha IukA tn the market but they will remain on your ahelree unleaa the people are told about them. ADVERTISE If you want to tnorre your merehandlae. Reach tha t buyer* In their home* throuarh ' the columns of THIS PAPER and ou every dollar exneaded you'll reap a haoaaoai dividend. Subscribe to the Herald. $1.(0. k BIRTHDAY PARTY AT UNION Th* Home Demonstration Club of Jnion met at the home of Mn, Em u Miller Friday, July 1th. This neeting marlu the first year of the ' Community Club work at Union and t waa a pleasure of thoee present a enjoy a dedelicious pound cake nade by lira. Miller for the County demonstrator to ice. Miss Swindell waa present with her coloring and hermometer and soon the splendid :ake put on its holiday appearance ihowing a wreath of pink sweet peas tnd green leaves and bearing as its inishing touches the monogram of he hostess. The Union Club members not only celebrated their first anniversary but nade grateful mention of the decid sd improvement of Mrs. Miller's lealth. For the past few months ihe had been absent on account of erious illness. The Club adjourned to meet at he home of Mrs. W. J. Vaughan in August. Fancy packs of pickles will >e the feature of the next meeting. i?0ll?Tif" DOLLARS A BOTTLE Railway Superintendent .Say* Tanlac Helped Him To Hold HU Job. ( ' "I would give five dollars a bot- ] 1 ,le for Tanlac before I would be i without it," said Joe Owens, divis on superintendent of the Memphis < Street Railway, whose address is Box Street Railway, whose address is \ Sox 131, Memphis, Tenn. " I was getting in mighty bad ihape with stomach trouble," he con tinued, " and was all broken down ind tired out. I was s onervous and 1 lad such awful headaches that I rould hardly sleep or rest; I could ;at but^ little of anything, for nothing tgreed with me; I was simply down ' ind out and don't believe I could ' lave kept my job much longer if I ladn't got hold of Tanlac. "Since starting on Tanlac I have gained five pounds, I eat and sleep ust fine and it has streghtened me ip and made me feel so much bet- f er every way that I cannot say ' inough in its praise." Tanlac is sold everywhere by all eading druggists. (advertisement.) < Report of th? Condition of The MERCHANTS AND FARMERS 1 iANK, Winton, North Carolina, at ' he close of business, June 30, 1919. ' RESOURCES ^oans and discounts $173,807.59 c )verdrafts unsecured 55.24 : Jnited States Bonds and Li berty Bonds 500.00 ( U1 other Stocky Bonds and Mortgages 500.00 "remium on bonds 8.75 tanking houses, furniture and fixtures 8,246.20 "ash in vault and net amounts j due from Banks, Bankers and Trust Companies 103,264.34 "ash items held over 24 hrs. 324.15. "hecjes for clearing 2,116.66 TOTAL 286,382.12 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in 10,000.00 Surplus fund 33,000.00 Deposits subject to check 102,238.22 Time certificates of deposit 12,750.00 Cashier's checks outstanding 126.43 Savings Deposits 101,270.00 Certified checks 37.00 Due to state banks, bankers and trust companies 24,682.05 TOTAL 2M-SA9 19 STATE OK NORTH CAROLINA? BOUNTY OF HERTFORD, Winton "Jorth Carolina, July 12, 1819. I, J.- P. Mitchell, cashier of the | iboxe -named - bank, ?<hr TBlim nly ~ ;wear that the above statement is me to the best of my knowledge ind belief. J. P. Mitchell, Cashier. Correct?Attest: <? W. P. Shaw, Jr., ?W. L. Daniel. Jno. A. Shaw, . Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before ne this 12th day of July, 1919. P. S. Jordan, Notary Public. Vii Printing Want j WE WANT TO KNOW WHAT IT IS \ 1 Putting oat good prtiMtlig ' Is jar trainees, end when ' we sejr gvJ fi tohi1 we 1 don't mean Uir, bat the 1 beet obtainable. U yea t en "ton Miwonif gfre ee a trial aad we wM I Show You NOTICE OF SALE , By oirder of an and judgment of the Superior Court of Hartford, mad* snd entered in a Special Proceeding there pending wherein Lola B. Lew ter Everett .Administratrix pt C. H. Lewter, deceased, ia petitioner and rheodore R. Lewter ( Chariie H. Lew ter and others, heirs-aUlaw of C. H. Lewter, deceased, are defendants, the undersigned, J. H. Matthews, commis ?ioner, will on Saturday, July 12th, 1919 at twelve o'clock M., expose M pubdlic sale in front of the post borooffice in the tow nof Murfrees. joro, Hertford county. North Caro line t the hightest bidder' for caah, :he following bounde dand described ots of land in the twn of Ifurfrea l>oro Hertford County, North Caro ine, to-wit : Lata Nos. ne, eight, ten and twelve in blck three of tha tee rtain piece >r pared of land known as the Isaac Pipkin "Brown Lot" and which was plotted and plotted and sold by said Pipkin through the Thomsa, Forte Realty and Auction Company, and plotted by J. R .Edmunds, Civil Engi neer by map, of record in Book 46, uage 440 Hertford County Register )f Deds Office; and being a portion >f the lots cd]|vayed to C. H. Lewter )y E. B. Vaughan and wife by deed, )f record in book SO at page 279, Hertford County Register of Deeds >ffice to which deed reference is made Tor more particular description of said lots. These lots are sold under order >f the court to make assets for pay ment of outstanding debts against :he estate of C. H. Lewter, deceased, ind will be sold separately. This the Place of sale?in front >f the post office. Time of sale?12 o'clock M., Sat irday July 12 1919. Terms of sale?Cash. This the 10th day of June, 1919. J. H Matthews Commissioner. WINSTON & MATtHEWS, Attorneys. NOTICE STorth Carolina, Superior Court Hertford County Au(rust Term, 1919 Mary Vann vs. Charlie Vann The defendant above named will ?ake notice that an action entitled as ibove has been wimmmfwl in th? Su >erior Court of Hertford County, *lorth Carolina, to obtain a divorce 'A Vinculo Matrimonii," and that the lefendant will further take notice that le is required to appear at the term >f the Superior Court of said County x> be held on the 4th Monday before ;he first Monday of September, it be ns the 4th day of August, 1919, at t^e courthouse of said County, in Winton, 4. C., and answer or. demur to the :omplaint in said action, or the plain iff will apply to the Court for the re ief demanded in said complaint. This the 12th day of June, 1919. 2. Wallace Jones, Attorney for Plaintiff. D. R. McG. GOHON, Clerk of Superior Court. Hayem' Hmallng Hotmy Stops The TickleV Heals The Throat Cures The Cough Price 35c. A FREE BOX OF GROVE'S O-PEN-TRATE SALVE (Opens the Pores and Penetrates) For Chest Colds, Head Colds and Croup, is enclosed with every bot tle of HAYES' HEALING HONEY You get the Cough Syrup and the Salve for one price. 35c. ^ Made. Recommended and Guaranteed to the Public by Paris Medicine Company Manufacturers of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic Administratrix Notice H Having qualified aa administratrix >f the estate of A. T. Hill deceased ate of Hertford County, North Car ilina, this ia to notify all those hold ng claims against the eatate of the laid deceased to present them to the mderaigned for payment on 'or be fore the 12th day of April, 1920, or Jiis notice will be pleaded in bar of ;heir recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make mmediate payment. This 12th day of April, 1919. Mrs. Rosa I. Hill, Adm'rx. uo at FOR SALE <] $500,000.00 Half Million Dollars of Country, Town and City Property In and near Elizabeth City, Hertford, Edenton, andSunbury, N. C. Also in ai^ near Whaleyville, Cyprtaa, Saunders, Holland, Myrtle, Lummis, Mannings, Franklin and Suffolk, Va. Beautiful city and town property. Farms and timberlands. Anything that the investor or homeaeekar can wish or look for. I have optioned up and am waitingbuyera. Am ready and anxious to deed same. Follow ing is a partial list of farms and other properties: Thomas J. Whitfield farm, 120 acres north side ofNansemond River adjoining City of Suffolk. Wm. Thomas Kilby Farm, 260 acre* 4, miles fromSuffolk. J. T. Williams?Yates Farm, 225 acres, 1 1.2 miles'rom Suffolk. G. Cooper?Willie A. Lassiter farm, 239 acres, S 1-2miles from Suffolk. E. R. Rodgers farm, 60 acrea, 2 miles from Suffolk. Altachul farm, 160 tens, 8 1-2 miles from Suffolk! Jesse Whitley farm, 350 acres, 4 miles from Suffolk. John King farms, 1,000 acres, 6 miles from Suffolk. Willie J. Brinkley farm, 106 acres 8 miles from Suffolk Henry Parker farm 197 acrea, 8 miles from Suffolk. R. Sam Holland farm, 142 acres, with store and ginand mill buildings with all machinery at Saundera Sta tion. Robert E. Brothers farm, 199 acres. Cypress, Va. W. H. Brothers, deceased, farm, 220 acres, 4 milesfrom Whalpvville Beverly P. Baker farm, 73 acres, 3 miles from WhaieyVji]e) Virginia. Savage farm, 101 acres, Manning Siding, 4 miles fromSuffolk! Nelms farm, 77 acres, Manning Siding, 4 miles fromSuffolk! Cyrus H. Ellis farm, 50 mcroa, Manning Siding, 5 milesfrom Suffolk. Harrell farm, 198 acres, 3 miles from Holland, VaA. G. Harvell farm, 125 acres, 3 miles from Suffolk. W. W. Smith farm, 100 acres, 1 mile from Nurneys Station. Charlie F. White farm. 60 acres, in Bosley, N. C. Ernest S. Benton farm, 60 acres, Wiggins Cross Roads. 3 miles Coropeake N. C. J. T. Parker farm, 50 acres, at Liberty Spring church, 8 miles from Suffolk. O. L. Baker home, store and two large farms, 7milesfrom Suffolk. Jack Baker farm, 42 acres, 8 miles from Suffolk. J. H. Adams farm, 35 acres, Lummis Station, Va. F. H. Hcdgepeth farm, 45 acres, Lummis Station Va. J. E. Gray farm, 100 acres, Kenyon Station, 4 milesfrom Suffolk Rogert Rawles farm, 160 acres, 3 1-2 miles from Holland Va. John Harrell farm, 3 miles from Sunbury, N. C. ' Baker and Bob Hollowell, Parker farm,'174 acres, l,..,jle from Sunbury, North Carolina. Thomas B. Walters home place? 75 meres Hertford, North Carolina. George W. Campbell farm, 208 acres, 1 mile from Hertford, North Carolina. R^\nsi?w Tay]9r 100 *cre8? 3 mttei from Klizabeth City, North Carolina. wu ? Vl vl- ^ Commander Home with aboutthree acres of vacant lot adjoining the High School of fciizabetn City, North Carolina. Dozens of other properties for sale not listed here MR. HOMESEEKER AND INVESTOR I have the finest assortment of farming lands in the State of North Carolina and also Virginia. Thousands of acres of the best tobacco lands, all around Suffolk, thatcan be had in these States. Tobacco is now growing on farms I sold last year. These farms are going at lessthan half price, such lands are selling for in the tobacco belt. Mr. Farmer?If you want^a farm or have a farm tosell, look for Suffolk's Hustling Real Estate Man. Homeseekers wanting to locate in Suffolk, see or write me at nee. Yours for business, 9 H. P. WINSLOW, Suffolk, Virginia. P. O. Box 419, Stopping at Hotel ????????????i?'?????? ir P Atlantic Life Insurance Co. Announces the Appointment of W. L. Curtis as District Agent, Ahoskie, N. C. ? ?> ill S- . * ' ' * it 3 Atlantic is a Southern Company managed by Southern Men in the interest of Southern people.. Atlantic invests its premiums in the State from which they are received. | . ' . Atlantic invests in real estate loans upon city, town or farm property. Therefore: A POLICY IN THE ATLANTIC HELPS THE BUSINESS OF PEOPLT WHOSE BUSINESS HELPS YOUB BUSINESS. Atlantic shows in the people of the territory in which it does business the confidence which those people ah owin it. ' ~ ?. f Alfred M. Bent Company, the Bradstreet & Dunn of the Insurance bus iness in their report on the Atlantic say: THE COMPANY HAS HA DA STEADY AND PERSISTENT GROWTH AND POSSESS AMPLE SURPLUS. THE AC TURIAL METHODS ARE SOUND. fTS INVESTMENTS % YIELD A LARGE RETURN. THE EXPENSE OF MANAGE MENT AND COST OF NEW BUSINESS IS MODERATE. Atlantic Capital and Surplus is 10 per cent of its liabilities. Judge it by the security it affords. That is teh best financial strength?not the size of assets, but the margin above iss liabilities. Atlantic Contracts meet every need of the insurer and include all modern \ additions to the lifeinsurance contract W. L CURTIS BEN S. McKEEL District Agent Load Aent ?? ?

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