HERTFORD COUirnrs ONLY HEWSFAWR A PAPER WORTH WHILE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN EAST CAROLINA H I 'tl' I . . 'I " 1 i ?i s= Volume XL Eight Pages Ahoskie, North Carolina, Friday, August 20, 1920 One Section No. 19 Ahoskie Gives The Confederate Veterans , A> :? y wp j A Great Reception laat Tlmiu /ihntt *! Um StM to 1919, that with a lory ef M M* on the $100 tMa year would n>M At by Ror. C. W. Scar ^HoirV'trl^^a10.^** of to-4 traduction of Dr. Vfeaaefc D. Wtaate*, rL wWth WfwktaMttm a Dr. ytoH?\nl i tfr ferty mtn ntea nd ttm *? net I Jnoment from Um beginlng to to* t*4e? tliat b* did not haw tfc# crowd under hia control. The Doctor waa at Ma ha*. H>a tri bute t? A* Confederate Soldier* waa atrong and forcofttl, and ? while at timoa b* would toaa a ttttlo flow* of humor in hie addraaa, it waaramark able for it* aeriouanoaa, ?MB he"r mako tha vatarana and erry bod* alaa ?qaall with laaghter whan harfalf inelinod. r Dinner waa tarred byfte ladiaa to ?ttteai in eluding tb?- speaker and the members of tha band, after they fcoan tarred aO prtati* ware invited to help themeelret. There waa to ouch tplen di^ly prepared food te hare fad twice the ndaibor wbo prtook of the food ? thinga. With the exception of tM or three Ahoakie furniahad the dinner. In tl?aftehp>on a game of ball waa played between Ahaakie and Kelford. of 6 te 1 in if ofAh^yr r|CM|C AT HI?llfl MILL. The (hat dndual picnic of the third dtotnet 1. O. 0, r? wih bo hold at Bu rden'? MiU, fn Bertie county, n*x{ Tuewiay, Apgutt, *4. It wiU be aa all-day ?kt?ral ba4cet picnic. Kaary . body inWtod to coihe aad bring Itineh. be public ? peaking, flaking, bathing MENOLA NEWS w? / Revival services'ara, ia propiw this ?wk st Msnsia. Ear. Mr. Wkitisy of >?rffmhw is assisting tks pas tor, John P. Cala. Mr. i. M. Hor spent last ?Mk in BiMnon ind erttk Ms eon, Dr. C. *. Misaea En* Worrell aad Hattie Hfj Barton of Rick Iqun mo Mr. Otwell and daughter, Mia Myrti* Ptwell of Greensboro an vis th| tMr aon and krotkor Mr. A. G. OtwoH and fam Hey. , Mrs. Msggi* Brown spent several days lqst weak with Mis. Joka Knight (a AriUta Mis* Eileen Uttle and eoosto. Miss IWH Uttle of Carassvflls, Ga. am ?n a vtalt to the farassa's, sister Mrs. t. F. Saipes. Mr. Tarnea L. Bsr, wbo kas keen spsaliag a part of tSa sammsr in Fkfladalpkia kas rstarned home for tka raaiaiadsr pf vacatln. ? j . Mr. Doagiaa Paikor aad Mr. KaSy Vinaon spent several days hart week in ft* Ceaadaoftsr, Mra. Mary E. TV death angle cams into oar n|i- . dst again last Saturday aftorpoon asd 1 took our dear grandmother sway. j For years ska kas keen ?n invalid. No one knowa the tortass ilk kas saffar sd ami aa oaa kao^rs ks^r sks lsai^s^L to go on this Joarnay from wkfch *? oannot retarn. Ws tovad ker, one snd all bat *? were relived that death, ciassiad ksr mTmM the saffsrii 9 tkat kaa keen kers as Ion*. Wk know , not wky it waa tkat God saw it, to 1st , is asaal-fat it wssssster-dfcs Has as* far from tko ceatary mark. I know tkat sks waa wall capsd for sad I wisk to say in bekplf of all tkat wa apprec iate tko kind ear* given ker ky dear Aunt Ella wfcs far years kss has* aa iii u *11 j ?amwtkfaia ixiTBiio yi? wiw Mvvr Hi anjwHf as ska sad as wars Graadasethor's tor j not oas of tks tkree ever 1st ksr arart i for anything if it were peasikie to got< *? - ? r~ 1 aKaad that the circle wae Wafcoa fee) hrfiri CM aaar At to call bar there < Wthin a few aUlaa of each other. Hn 1 uMnOrja BHC WW t DimtV MU? ww rntn yd ?? kopt ?? ' m endowed with a few of the many food traits She wae 80 yoara old. #ld?w of the late J. B. Raffln, and learee three children: C. T. Roffn. Mra. R. V. Ce wan. and Dr. J B. Baflhi. P 1 Nana Cowan. . i ' Aaewar to a Oaf ..I Mat oat by a Daar Bar I rare you Kind Letter and Waa Glad to feel* from you why coma I aat aaat yoa mow ?wg l hart baa >iek But Ba thar Satday waak cama to Bring yoa Some money that that how coma i ant boon i have Bean Sick Ba{ of Sick i aat ferret yoa So ??<* ?r f*e??? The above letter waahamded to the manager of the HatUl the flret of of Aho*fe for publictfon. The ?n*Hah in a little bad and the qpelllifejt nothing to bratf about, bat that* la a' ei*n of honeafy in H. V>'rt SubeeHba to the Herald i'I i i "riJ "t .i . Waleh that label on year taper. Ta ba oa tb* aaft *de it woaid be bettor that the lMI two Sgaraa ware 10. ^ . "T?T- i J ? m ' *? $Wr ? $$g3 MUCH PROTEST AGAINST TAXA TION AS IT IS Weigh., August' l*Vrhe state to set for gu opening of the special sea ?ion of tho |?nml Assembly tomor row morning. Thar* will tp ltttlo work of aa organisation Batata to bo done by either homo bafare tho ipw ial session will bo roady believe Um income tax yield nearly aan?k atugr to take cm of taxee^frin'be 'kit'far ?Mm hI'mI tfaa u a ?nm troai which to ralee tMr mum f|fAr WORK TIm UMfant to the general or dor of tba Iatontote Commerce Cam atota, or the (iiiWna baa decided to pare) it tka aaa af ?limited nan bar of eaal can for haoHag crushed atoaa TMe amendment will not permit tka' aaa af tbeee car* far gatting atoaa to aow projects not already under con struction, bat all work now ia pro greaa any bo reeomad aad will be joat aa aoon aa tba coal can eaa bo cariad ta tba rock quarried for loa^ **? Cbainaan Frank. Pa?a of tba high way oeamieiion aocurod tha amend aiant to tba original draitic ordar aftor a representative of tba coa missioa bad vWtod Raleigh aad gone over tba whole situation. HAVE FILED PROTEST Attorney A. L. Cox and Socratorjr M. R. Baatnan.of tba Traffic Aseocia tion have return ad from Waabington wboro they joined Rata Cxpert W. 0. Wolble of the corporation commiaa-1 tton in filing protest with Aa Intor atato Coaimaree Commiaaion against1 reopening tba freight rata caee ta | which North Croliaa waa Acently: graafed relief from (Incrimination! la favor of Virginia citiaa. Tba tra 9c aaaociation baa alao filed with the! ?t?to corporation commiaaton aa ap-j paal not to great incraaaaa In Inter- I atata until tbora ia him teal adjaat-1 ment of the caae pending in Waahin Uel aaa optional democratic leaden are able to caaao a reversal of eanty ment oa the groanda of political ex pediency ratification of tba Sudan p. Anthony Federal raff race amendment wfll bo M wbelmlngly defeat when It ia submitted to tba lower hoaeo of tba North Carolina Legietl P0WELLSV1LLE NEWS Mr. E. A. Smith, paaaed through town Thuradny nMU to Norfolk. Mn. J? B. Baffin and m Winston nCtnMd homo Tueeday fium leak as n homo by Miss Gladys Jordan, who will people haca at tended the burial o< Mn- Mollie Euf fta Saaday afternoon .at her heate near Mally Grove. \lhe died Saturday afternoon, after Mm ill-frem paral yass for several months. Mia. John Alston >S visiting raiativ ss'ia Norfolk. 1 ' ?W. A- Morris and J.'W. Brown were in team Friday ia interat of tobacco market. \ \ - r The yoaag.people of bur town tho roughly enjoyed the '^aM|tality. of MK and Mia. A. J. Early of Cimno at a lawk party given Friday aight in honor of their guest Mia. lUtert E. Psrry of Nntalk. V *' \ ' Mim Irene Baa* is visiting her ris tor Mrs. C. L. Laris of Nerfo%. .? B. 8. McKoel of AksaUa Wast in to wn Friday. \ \ v MisasS Mildred sad Virginia Carter of GatefriUe are W their broker S. B. Carter in town. with Mr. and tin. Loude Parker. , W, A. Wynne visited relatives qaar Mrs. W. & Tayiae and grand-daug hter Evelyn ware the gaerta of JIto. J. J. Hayss Thaiaday. ? The B. Y. F. U. gave a picnic at Chowan River Taeaday afternoon. The last giWt summsna came V> Mrs. Mollie Rati ea Bate! day AagL 14th at I'M a'slMk, riken she peace : fuBy fail ea that riamhefcfrom which cometk no awakening. Bat her spirit retamed to God srhe genre it 8ka M nMM the rip* old ace ?f (?tr. In hMbaad. Joooph ?nd one daughter Mta a ?orrewh? boot of fileada to mot ud i/mpal Mm wttk them in their baitviMit Dm ehilton ere Mn. Vaatilla CevH tfCimBO.CkM.Mbi at.the bid kMM MM Holly Grove end Joeoph B. Ba?n of Powaileville. / isrt^srsjzsrj: WDM to the end. D. WUUtoa, In Under sad teaching words told of tar beautifW Mfo ond Aw^tor. Six of her fraadeous were poll Won ond boro hor body t*H? Ikat i ijllin plmeo In tho tlmttj ceme tery at the oM homo, than m her many friends and loved one* drew soar the bfer to view tho Ufeleee form for tho laot time on earth, they could not help hot testify to the fact that Ik* world had keen made bettor by her ha via* Hved Is it She bore her afflictions patioatly to tho e*d and (Hod In the triumphs of faith. ^ Ska was a modal wife and an affec tioaato mother Her life was one open kook to tkc faiat and weary. She knew ao tasks too hard or bar dan too (root in administering the best that Was la bar fat the bettor moat of thoee that came within her to uch She Is goae, never more shall w* see har on earth, w? shall never hear bar voice or footsteps again. But in tho morning of the resurrect Ha when tke daad in Chriat shall Hoe we shall meot bar again, and Join the host' Of tho redeemed and sin pra leea to him who gave Us life a ran som far m.' ' This forecast is based on the claim of tho rajaetionist that already sixty one of the one hundred and twenty mom beta at tke lower houee are com mitted to the defeat of tke amendm [ (Continued on jat* T) ORIENTAL OILS HURT U.S. MILLS AND FARMERS Thar* ia to* much indifferace on part of our Southern Farm arm mud in* the matter af protective thair own intaraate and it is not belived that they fully roaljpa tha exceeding ly P"1 ojt ,9ria*tel eoapati I Hon in tha raising of farm produeta, (peanuts, soya beans, baaaa, ate.,) [and are aow branching out into tha railing of cotton, being itimulated by tha improved prica of tha latter style. Moat of oar farmers paaa op tha ia fomaation bainc given than today regard iagthe need af a tariff on paa nata, aa simply a "mm*" and thay 4a last believe it will affect than more I tha* tt haa ia tha past. Tha reaaon far thia, la that thay do sot know tha | . From man who have bean in China, . We leant that today there are yet th ousand* of acre* af goad productive land ia the diatrtett ia which paanuta, aoya baaaa aad cottoa are grown, which cap very easily .be plaeed.ua der cultivation. WiU this be done? (Ym, it ia baiag daaa todayjuatai they saa that thair pcadadta will flad a market. TUa land caa be bought far f 12.50 per acre. The Chinese farmer Uvea ia ? dag-oat, aad daaa not need anything asare than a plow and a water buffalo. Ha daaa. aot hire any labor, no, aat even tha cheap fourteen cent per day coolie. Ha aad I hi* faarily work thair little farm, aad ifvfor any raaaan ha aaada help, his ' neighbor cornea aad helps out. | TVy live at tha vary deptha of po verty, ?ad oka oat, a miaerabie ejda tence and aalia. bis paaauta to tha buy er* for whatever tWy can get 2c. 2 11-Se. orSt per pound ao if ia reported Then they at* exported, amiaty to -tha Unied States. aad tha poet haa proven that thay can ALWAYS be ?old ?t Just a little Mt leaa thaa aw Domestic grown paanuta. This |a proven by. the past saaaoa. Up until tha tiaw that tha Oriental Coat; *hi?h was durfe tha month of 1st, oar fanaasa mere 'enjoying tha benefit* afa hearty >1 ease ad for pea nuta at good pricea. Bat juat previous fo tha Ant large airhal af Chinee* '>senate, tha aaarhet took a alump, and it haa been k* a daaserallaed condition eruXmrt of tha loath took im d* muchl^f the (ny aa tkq eoald laadh ||?iwll^nhi>> wero buying what Aa mm CkiaflM paaaata airi?od the price began to slip. Every time paanata wtld reduce their prices ia 'a vain aOtetept to worm the nnta the j Oriental paanata would all* dowa un 'dor thorn Within * Tory (Mr weeks, tba price had slid iloaa tha toboggan aa much aa four canta par pond. Tha | importer* always maintaining a priea from two to throo eonta aad aoma tlmaa four canta par pound undar tha Domaetic prka. | Under thla codition how could you i aspect the manufacturer to buy in large quanttiea? They wore buying I in email Iota, for their immediate ne ada, bocauaa it would not ho buanees for thorn to do otherwiaa. The aame prlncipale ia applied to your purchaao of grocarlaa or dry gaoda. Suppoae you knew that there waa aa over (ap ply of augar and every day you want to the (tore, the priea waa a little laaa each day, would yoa buy a hundred pounds or juat enough to laat yoa a day or two? You would wait until you thought the price had Mt the bot tom. That ia exactly the condition of the market today, aa M hae ita relation to the manuafcturer using either peaaut or aay kind of vegetable ails. Thay know that for tha year ended June Slat 10S0, there had boon Imported into the United State* 148,000,0. pound* of peanut* aad they also kaew that this would have ita effect ia re ducing the price of peanata. The importation ef paanat* In 1417 WW 80,000,000 lb*, thfa jumped to 99,004,409 ia 1411, bat oa occount of the embargo on peaauta durag the war It fall to 10,047.041 >>?., and yot MR. MABEE ON ARMY WORM la to reaponae to a reqaeat from chanty agent H. L. Millar, W. Brae* aent from Ral?igb to IwaWpli the aeriouanaoa of tho outbreak aad to auggMt methods of control. Tho outbreak wu hud to bo ra thor Mattered oat, general, altho, aat as serious as in some other Slutlaaa at the state. The methods of control as snggMt fd by Mr. Mabee an ss follows: "la most cases where the crope are well sdvsnced the use of pooiaonad bran halt will probably be foand stock' ef fective. ' This is prepared by aiUiag* 100 .lbs. of ?0MM wheat bran aad four lbs. of Anenate of lead; 7 gal lens of cheap malsMse and aboat I gallona of water are ngzad. The wa ter and syrup are then mixed with the poison and bran until a damp crumbly mash is fogmod. Care should be to ken not to got the mixture too wot as it would >e sticky aad dificult to a|>?- . aad . This paison is most efeetlii whin spread in the cool preferably tho evening, as it rotates, its moisture and attractive prapsa ties much longer. Whore the pMfc, are in rows, as cotton, it is hart to spread the poison along tho tows at baas' of the plants. Ia tho caao of yw dag corn or garden truck dustiag with 1 lb. of arsonato of load mixed thoro ughly with every t Iba. of dust lima ia found ver/ effective. Whef?.lt is evident that tho worms are ? nftjuil r aa tjom iafaatod fkld olaaa- heMs can be pcatoctod by a 'a ? raw with the stoop aide towards the dean field. Meet of the worma ate enable to climb eat aad as they m-' cassalato-to fte'lwim % ' n be kille^ by dragging a log along the far row or more easily t\ -salng ?m?. of the above awrtlaeed paaioa along the ditch. The principal dttkaltjr cornea froaa tho fact the worsas are aatieed wUte they aia young aad while coatrol see thode are |is Hill! Many fields tfat were balived to be free ware fouad to Mm damage wad aot yet aotieable aad Aa opportunity time for their destr Where tha Worma Ma largo aa m Inch or ever la Magth Mi have be.> la the AeOd for aeveral days, coatrol aMtlada ago aat aa ptaaMadMa. Th*y aaea fat grow the injary. "*** *9 MWiMMMtatoate |m at aa stated a bora, naar Mm 150,00*. ? miL Ths importation t( Tsgatahla uHa Mp Ha ?fact upon tha priea of pa*, an and cottonaaad. Tha total la portatioa of all kinlu of fata aad oOa ia 1*11 waa 297,l*4,0?*lba. Thk jnmpod sach yaar and ia 4?1? M* ad 911,687,564 Iba. and of this aaa ount 154,000,00 Iba. waa paaaat oJKv 105,808,410 Ifca waa aojra baaa oil aad v 28,694,866 Iba waa cottonaaad ail. Tha flguras for 1980 of eeaiaa ar? not aa yot complotod, bat for tha ft rat quartar up to March Slat, aa raportad by tha Gorarannt tha total amount of fata aad aila waa >5,9*0,000 Iba 'traatar than far tha carraapaadlaff quartar of 1?1?. 1 Flfuraa don't tia. In this eaaa thap apall RUIN far tha Assarican prod ?car of paaaota aad ic??aanil. Thara ia a way OUT; TVs only qa aation ia, "Will tha Amarican farmar, ?taad ap aad aaaort bia rights?" Will ha (tand for tha Amarican organisad labor to ba protactad bp kaoping tha CMnoaa coolia to prodaeo farm pro docu aad ship tham ovar ban at a price that lltarally cuta hia own thcaafc Tha WAY OUT ia to Jain tha U* Mad Paaaat Aaaociatioa of Amariea atthar by Mains your naaraat paanat ?01 or by writing to tha Soaretary, I SaiTolk, Va., Tha local arfll aaa haa tha application blanks, and all it takw is ONE DOLLAR, joia yaar local Allocation. In addition to joining tha United Paaaat Aiaoeiatioa If iaftarartad In matter af protecting tha cottonaaad iadastrp. Yoa ahoald aaa yoar local cottonaaad oil mlU. aad aba write to Mr. Chaa. W. Holmaa eara National Board af Farm Orgsisationa, 1T8I Bya St Washing**, D. C. a