- 1 ,,.'V?Vh' , . v * '/ ':? ?*' *. ??????*?? Hertford County Herald *, it, ?'? *' 1^?' '** ' * 1 jf ? Lj \ 7-r*wfKlmW'^toMtor'TTfflaffrfrfh*dHWBW 1 1 ?????' "'v1 ' ??., T 1 ' HERTFORD COUNTY'S ONLY NEWSPAPER A PAPER WORTH WHILE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN EAST CAROLINA ???j? i i ? T , ' ' _ Volume XI. Eight Pages Ahoslrie, fyorth foolma, Friday, August 27, 192CV One Sectiou No. 29 ? ? .. *? - 7 ' 1+ , '? ' * ' GENRAL, ASSEMBLY GIVES THREE TOWNSHIPS THE STOCK LAW TUESDAY Ahoekie Townahipa in Chrw the Slock Law BERTIE COUNTY REPRES ENTATIVES FOUGHT BILL Other Townahipa Must Fence in Unless they A4o?t it m Nor ember Election Stock Lew for Wint-jn, Murfiee bora end Ahoekie township*, effective the ?Mt I ?mill of North Carolina W The bill was in trod uo Htrb Stanley Wlnborne of thi. ftamm lbttkewsand Mitchell, re pros Ik Whrtoa, Mnrfraosbero and Ahoskie . townships earied the stack law whan It was voted on in the county seme time see and the Mil pawed the Gen eral Assembly provides that they have the stock law as the voted. The other townships in the county will have a chance to peas it again in the Novem . her PreaVJental election. If they do not paaa it then they ana* neeeas?Sy fence in themselves to kept {heir stock from the territory at those town aWpa that have been>g|v*a the atock law. Matthew, of Bteth, fought hard againit the measure. He said that it would work a hard ah* en his era aOtfsnta for they would have to fence not atreag enough to heve any effect however. The bill peaMd eaafly, get 1 tingthe aupport of nearly the aiiinbaw of the aseaaiUyr There was a very strong asatiment manifest far a state wide stack law. Mr. Win born. fooght krd for the muvt and nmmm hi |iri^ H. Mayor W. L. Curtis, of Ah?Ms was In Raelgh daring the fight for tkt pha sing the mtoart that wood give um voters of Wintoa, Maifi aaalmiu and ASoilde township what they Totad far last spring. SCHOOL OPENS OK SEPTEMBER tSTH PERHAPS. According to Dr. C. G. FMdl^Ob airman of the Board of th? Traateee, the AhosUe High Schaol wfll pub ably a#a on Septanhaa111th. AB the for the Hifh School department. Many improvements hare bean made on the balding and new a<<|> ment has been procured or the school he lobroto*y is Just about coatpMed aad a domestic science depaetsaent for the school haa been talked of. All indietions point towards i good ' and competant faulty. Mr. Wright, the principal, will ha In some tine 1 thi swaek to fret all affairs straighten ed oat for beginning the fall tana. o Watsoa?Harrall , Mr. Bertram Wataon and Miaa Elvs Worrell ware married on Soitday afternoon at 5:80 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. t. Bailey Barnaa on ehorch street Bar. Fred T. Collins, pastor of Ahoekie Baptist eharch per formed the ceremony. Th? marriage Was' eery quite only a few relatives and friends being pre sent. . Mr. Wataon Is a brother of Mrs.' Barnes. Mr. and Mrs. Wataon are promin-* ant young people of Murfreesboro. their future home, OougiatulaUuna and best wishes to this happy yonng They left immedlataly after th? cere- i mony for that place, which will be couple. Per iy?t?My fare together with team and Implamenta for year 1111. V D " ----- - ft i ? ,11. .. Itl . ft a ? ^ L. B. Btiionit rowuiiTUw 3t?pa. r ... V:. * ?? EDITOR OF THE HERALD GIVES ACCOUNT OF HIS TRIP OVER J- Roy Parker ha* fin* trip with Atholot* for Olympic Q^m^i HAD NOT SUCHTEST EV IDENCE OF SEASICKNESS People Crowd the Shore Wait ing the American Ship Come in. . U. S . S. FREH1CK ANTWERP, I BELGIUM. . Friday. A.gast 6. 1920 The U. S. 8. Frederick which left Newport, R. I. on Monday, July 26. bte this afternoon arrived in Ob Belgian port, a *ity of four hundred thousand population and one of Eur ope'a moot beautiful cities. She tied up to tke dock at six o'clock tonight after eleven day* and four boon of trayel from the United States. Owing to low tide whiehT:aught the (hip only a few mile* from this city she wm an I^MM Mfhr tkifl nutniap mm I i*" ?*** ' ? navigator aboard had hoped. Ea rly this dMnriag she dropped anchor in the Sheldt River only a few-miles front this city, along the eeaet of Hol land, and there she rswtned until foar O'clock this afternoon. niflcent harbor of this eity she tooted her feg Bern, fired a twenty-one gun salute; and time and again dipped the red, white and Mae to the salt* of 1 ZTSL^'teharbar. TU entire erew came en the "top side" aad quarter deck, nd steed at atteaMto a* ths colon were raised sad lowered, while I the bond fore* the palgian National air any mujr other po trio tic selections i The po palace of the city gained every 1 vantage point to cateh a gtimpee of : the man of war aa aba ?tearned by; stinding oa hoaae tops, is windows, lining the docks, and taaay took to tko small gaaatfese laaaihn andkept abreast tko Alp. Tonight she is doekad for a four to 1 Ana week's stay here; ^but few of the 1 ken owing to the lata hoar of ar rival. Beginning tomorrow, however, half of the ship'i complement will be < adhere ad alternating, each night ' while ia port half of the crew and < officer* will be given liberty. In ad- I dition U> thie regularliberty, each an- < listed man aboard will bo given a five 1 day leave while in port here. Many will go to Van and other points of in-1 to rest daring their Ave day leave. 1 The writer, with four other North Carolinians will take leave on next Saturday. The trip during theae live ' days include Paria and battlefronta. Both Bruaaels and Rotterdam are a?-;1 ceeaible on the regular night liberty 1 and will be visited later. Than ia but little regulation aboard ' the Frederick and the commanding officers and "exec" are both vary lib- 1 oral with ordera for liberty^ to the 1 everlasting comfort of the en Hi ted \* men, who are "having (he times of 1 their life."' Tomorrow will be pay day, the writer's boee, paymaster of |. the ship being ashore tonight to secure' Belgian coin with which to pay off the ' craw. So, oa toawrrew night whan I' the A me Wean niton go as hove they ! will be flashed . . ' The trip aaross was one of the moat successful ever made by even many of . the old heads. The water was calm { ttd. very few cadte of aeaaiekneas ware ^ noted. The writer eecaped. Wed nee day night the Alp struck a squall and f to the discomfort of many, inclding ' myself; bat it tame so lata in the j afternoon that most of as went to , - >J? ? 'XZj ?? , ml . , Ki * MPRfwSVrMPWVfiwait ' ? CJ >ed and *Upt it off, thai avoiding ireaking a clean record. For th? 1 )*at throe days wo encountered tjr >!cal English and French weather- ' lamp, foggy, and cold, shower* falling nterniittently all day each day. On Vodneoday the Scilly Ialand wore 1 lighted In diatance and laat night the 1 ihip waa off the couna of England, I Joae in, tbo lights aahore being clearly ' risible. W The stoat picturesque part'of the ! rip over here was the seenaa of Hoi- 1 and, which were watched pf the sail-11 irs all day. The river Sheldt for sev iral miles ia lined on both sides by Jila little quaint country, with their ' >oautiful grasng grounds, wind mill. I ind groan transplanted forests. As he Frederick posed down tha, river 'i ate this afternoon the Dutoh peuanta j Inad tha ahoraa on either side, waring !i ridly at the sallora and many times ' lollering at thaw, being oily ? few 1 mndred feet away. They had recoiy- j i3 advance notice that the ship wonid mm and they had waited almost all lay waiting to catch a glimpse of tha Vmeric.nbatete.hip , FORMER RESI DENT PRAISED SECTARY NAVY Mrs Dardan received telegram front the Secretary of the Navy PRAISES HER FOR HER WAR WORK ??- ? i Mr* Darden wa? a former Resident of this County and U well know* Mrs. M F. Darden, one of Ports mouth's well-known ins tracts rs who did meat enthusiastic and valued aarrle during the war, *s in receipt of the Navy Joeepheus Danisli. of the follewtag letter frost Secretary "My dear Mbl Darden: " My attention haa keen called to yeur activities daring the recent World War and particularly to the results obtained by yon in instruct in; candidates for the varioas Oft eers* Material Schools ef the Navy In trigonometry and alHei mathe matics and I am informed that those have undergone this instruction, ?ore, without neeptiea, seceeeaful "Tear enthnsiam has been kaao, jrour soccsa phtfTomenal; and is k Indeed a pi seen re to have thin op portunity to thank yon ea behalf ef the Navy Department aad these who bave been an materially benefited by roar untiring offer* as aa educator. "Sincerely yours, (Signed) "Josephus Daniels, "Secretary of the Navy." The above dipping from the Ports' nou th Star will be of Interest of many >f the Hsrmld'a reader* as Mrs. Dar len Is a native of thia coutty and ia well known in thane parte. O Mimas Annie Parker nnd Burn ice Breene, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Jernigan >nd Msears C. A. Perry, Kris Garrett md J. Stanely Leery attended a aup >er given by Mrs. Tom Jernigpn Moo lay evening in honor of Miss Clarine Scull's house guest Mr. C. Greene sppnt last Friday in Norfolk on buslnem. YOUNG BOY WAS TAKEN CARE BY MR. M. GEROCK John Kennedy wu Picked up br Mr. M. O. Gerock m Aboakie Tuesday. HE H^D LEFT HIS FATH ER* AND MOTHER Cum to Ahoskie and spent all Hi* money?bad no place to ?leep. John wanted to be a little purai but with all his money cone ana with no proepect of getting supper or having any place to sleep waa to much for him, so John Kennedy, 8year <fcd boy, let his tears flow. That ?m the con dition in which Mr. M. 0. Gerock fou nd John Kennedy Tuesday evening. John's father had sent him on from Suffolk, Va. while he came on to Ah oskie thru the country and iyas to meet John in time for both of them to go to their home near Askewville that night Mr. Kennedy did not sh< up, however, and John was left in Ahoskie to spend the night and get supper any way'he might. Mr. Ger oclf took .the child home withjrfm and is now caring for hiiff. - ? John had stayed around the station since the morning train waiting for his father and had spent all Ms money for dinner. When night cane on and his father had not come ne began to get uneasy an4 was in the midst of a crowd of negro boys crying as tho his heart would break when Mr. Gerock come on the seene. After finding out his trouble Mr. Gerock took him heme with him where he stayed Tuesday night, Oa Wednesday morning hia father still had not arrived and when John told Mr. Cereck' that hewaa willing ot stay on with him, if It suited Mr. Gerock just as well. On Wednesday afternoon Mr. Ken nedy came for Us son. He was very mud distress over the predicament ik which his little son had been left. He had travled nearly to Windsor Tu esday night looking fer him. LIGHTING A BONFIRE Thar* is ? city in Michigan whoaa dtiaana one* raised ? fund of $50,000 to ba spent in what somaona has dea cribad u the busiaess of factory grab bing. The money waa so (pout, k three yaara. It dd not hn? a single aew Mmtry totha town. Whan tha fund waa abeut exhausted tha organ isation mat to wind ap ita affair*. Tha mtoion had baan movad and secured whan a laadag eitisen aroaa. We hava *pant oar mosey, ba Mid, and" wa havan't a thing to show for it. Thia baa aat ma wondering if we ara not on the wrong track. While wa have baan trying to <bring factories her* wa have overlooked our own city. Tha treats ara oat of repair. We hava no parks. Our schools, fire anl police departements are a joke. The city | hasen'teenough civic spirit to light a bonfire. Nov, instead of going oat of business, suppose we all chip in to an- \ other fund and spend that money try- ] Ing to improve our home city. Let's try it for a year anyway. His anthuaiam prevailed. At the and of the year tha results war* such that < Hie organisation Anonced itaslf for an other year, and than a third. ' { Whan the third year had ran its co in* the same leading citisen mad* an other little speech. We spent ISO,000 to gat naw facto ries, ha said, and fa didn't get on*. We hava spent abaat At, same amount | trying to sec how good a town *wa could make of this, and liu ajfriak at ' tha inventory: more than dtfbsen naw ; industries have quitlsy coma in and made their homes bars. We have gained 40 per cent in population. We hav* good streeta, good schools, Mvsr- i si paries, efficient fir* sad police pro- < taction, and we are all toadly and < proudly tolling tha rest of tha coun try that this is the bast city on this continent. Wa not only believe It, but wa kh,ow It, and If callsd on, we eafc prove It?Municipal Reference Library Notea, Naw York. Brown Cleared ' ? of the Charges Mr. Wayne Brown in ? trial n Ahoikit Thursday evening was treed itom the charges brought against him by the At lantic Coaat Line Railroad Co mpany. Mr. Browne waa in the employ of the railroad here and was accuaed of having removed several articles from the freight depot. It was brought out in the trial that Browne had not removed ' the articles from the freight da pot of the railroad campany bat that he bouht the suspected ar ticles from a merchant in Kel ford, N. C. t , ? HERTFORD COUNTY WO MB MISSIOARY UNION MEETS HAflRELLSVILLE Good ProcraM Publiafcod on domaath to ho ALL MEMBERS ARE URG ED .TO COME wfllbtlMUk Harrwll ?nU* this r??r jtm ?>? invited The Hartford Co. Union, will ant with the W. N. 8. of Harrellsville Baptist Church Taeidey, Aifvt Slat its*. The following Program will bo ren HjrU. PIrayar.. Hynu Devotional Services-Mrs. D. N. If sns-Hsrrellsville. Hymn. ^ Tslk-Consocration Miss Beesle Tay loo-Unlos. Sermoa-Rev. R. D. Stophonson, Norfolk, Va. Appointement of Commltteea. Announcements. Toaaday aftarnoon. Hymn. 1 Prayer Service-Miss Mary Thomas, Bethlehem. Tslk-The Power of Prayar-Mrs.-A, P. Mustian, Win ton. Talk-Systematie and Proportionate >i living Mrs. A. W. Greene, Ahoskie. Hymn. ' Talk-Oar Raaponsibility in Winning ? the Loat-Mri. P. S. Vann, Chowan Co- 1 liege. Reports of Committees. Closing Devotione. Delegatea from all the churchaa in the Co., are urged to be praaent. Services will begin promptly at 10: !0 o'clock. ? Mrs. C. C. Htggard, President. FAMILY REUNION I _____ i Mr. W. C. Matthews entertained i his family Sunday, the occasion a fa- < mil yreuion, the first for many yean. Those present were Mr. Matthews' i parents Mr. ad Mrs. J. E. Mathews, of ? Bertie County, Mr. snd Mrs. J. 8. Jen- i kins and children, and Mr. Jenkins I mother and niece, Mrs. M. E. Jenkins I and Miss Virgie Jenkins, of Bertie, I county, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mathews ' snd Mrs. Elisabeth Valentine of Nor- I folk, V., Mr. And Mrs. Jaek Mattfiews j snd children, of Lawreneeville, Va.. i Mr. and Mrs. Prosper Powell and ehil- i Aran, of Ahoakle, Mr. John Matthews, I Washington, N. C., and Lydia Had- 1 gpeth. of Ocean View, Va. I Chowan College Has Large Enrollment and It Is Still Growing All Buildins Iut* been Remod eled and new Equip ment Instated / PLENTY OF WATER AND LIGHT TO BE HAD Hard Wood Floor* and Batfc Rooms Have boon Install ed- Other Improvements . ! The "new" Chowan College is near- x i ingcompletion. The date for the (all opening is also drawing near. Sept. 7th will be a busy day for as. The "old" girls will be returning and re joicing over the wondsrfal improve ments in the basement the saetai floor, the thU fleer sad the fourth floor. The halls are beautiful . The floors are the beet that could be laid the old stairway is no more. The ar chway entrance te the new, winding stairs gives grace sad beauty to that part of the building. Every feature of the perior is sttrsetive. The pres ident's offlce, facing the perior, is \? ? credict to the institution. The over heed plastering, the abeence of the ' exposed, wiring, and the new fixtures for t)ts electric lights, all add charmss to the strutorss. The bathrooms am no longer in the beeement, bat are a* * in the buildings, for the convenience of the (iris. The library eoeld hardly | be autde more beeutiful . The two Literary Society Halls-well there can he ae objection at all to them. We are expecting ear girls to take the lead in the Stata in society work. Jut u Wake Forest lands ta bar dabataa over tke Stata and tka aoutharn states, just ao we ire expec ting tka two Literary Sociatiaat a* Chowan College to taka tka land. Tka halls nre randy, and wa believe tka |kk ara roing to Mb food nad ?Mat oar expectations. Tka ftnishing toockaa in tka way at paint ara-feting pot upon tka bofldiag 9 Susiey no girl's College to ao bail ment. Tka large ftftaan-ncra rasspaa ao familiar to all the former students. Her stately trees. Har rlsasir skndaa. Her valrety lawn. AH reflect a charm to the Callage. Sorely tka loring hands of onr forefathers, sa lnviskly assisted by nature, eoald not hare not have laid o*t a batter foundatiea for Literary nd Chriatinn trsang. Chowan College, "The College Beau tiful", is here for bdstaeaa. It la yowr birthright, Will any m?n "sell Mi birthright for a meaa of pottage"? The enrollment haa mora than doub le.) what we had expected, and erery day brings new enrollments. The tO,JlT-gallon tank is hehe nad will be placed upon a steal tower feet in the air. Thia will receive wa- ? ter from a deep, six-inch well. Tka ' Mlis-Chalmers light and power plsaf ?rill furnish It K- W. power to pump the water and light the buildings nad campus. This last announcement will bring joy to many hearta to knew tkat ?rater and light will be abundant. P. S. Vann , o WHISKEY ..STILL . CAPTURED NEAR POWELLS VILLE. ? A well equipped and modern cop ier still with 29 1-2 gallons of con vhskg and nppla brandy were captor ?d by officer* of Hertford and Bertie Dountiea "nlar Powellsvflle Monday. Officers Scull, of Hertford Coanty, ind Askew, of Bertie captared tka ?till. They said that it wss well st ripped ad a perfectly gpod still for naking illicit whiskey, and tkat la kad teen In operation for a good while tefore the capture. A colored ataa ?rhose name is nat know her* waa sec ured with the still Is now lodged la iail awaiting trial. According to rw nors there are other white men who sere baktad ?W MP* tkat will a. to token Into cuatody by the offiifs. (Then the facts becoma well sasigk mown I

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