Hertford County Herald HERTFORD COUNTY'S ONLY NEWSPAPER A PAPER WORTH WHILE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN EAST CAROLINA Volume XI. Eight Page* Ahoskie, North Carolina, Friday, September 3, 1920 One Section No. 21 ft -. I ? ^ ? .. _ -s iAHOSKIE LOCAN NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Mr. R. L. Cherry waa a visitor in Suffolk Tuesday. Mr. Henry Mitchell waa in Norfolk Tuesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Conger spent Sunday in Ocean View. Mr. J. P. Parker, of Bich Square was in town Wednesday. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Parker ? nice baby girl August 25th. - Mr. John Catling, of Windaor, waa , a visitor in town Wednesday. Mr. D. C. Barnes, of Murfreeaboro, was in town Monday n business. Mr. Bruce Powell has accepted a position with Copeland Drug Co. Mr. J. M. Eley, of ManoU, was a business visitor in town Monday. Mr. L. Lipcitz, of Baltimore, is sp- | ending this week in town on buaineia. Messrs. Bryant Alexander and Ar chie Williams were in Norfolk Sunday. Messrs. J. M. Parker and G. C. Br itton spot the past week end in Norf olk. Mrs. S. M. Applebum is spend-, lug several days this week in Balti more. Mr. G. R. McNeely was in Weldon and Tillery several days this week on business. Messrs. E. C. Hobbs and S. W. Mc Keel spent Wednesday in Hobbavilla on business. Mr. S. W. McKeel return* Tueaday from Wilson flMn ha spent seve. days on business. Mr. and Mrs. R, J. Baker were the guast in the home of Mr. W. R. Brown at Kelford Sunday. Misa Anna Mitchell ef Windsor, ia the guest ia the horns of Mr. and M. Barley this week. lleesrs. John and Gradey Aakew ^ni^k^^ijgy^oflUr-ll^aUe were hi town Wednesday. Mrs. W. E. Daniels, of Arcadia. Mi. is th? (sat in the home of Mr. and Mr*. John Mitchell this week. Mrs. J. T. Parker returned home Saturday afternoon after a month vis it in Aiheville and other points. Mr. and Mrs. L. Dixon ef Ports month, were the guest in the home of ! Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell last weak. Misses Carrie Raw!em and Bart MStthews and Mr. Jim Dardan spent the past week end in Virginia Beach. Mrs. E. L. McDsniel, who has spent - the past two months the guest of relatives n Aulander returned Mon day. Miss Thelma Hinson, of Farm villa, was the guet in the home of Mr. and > Mrs. G. F. Baker several days this week. Mr. Roger Johnson, of Portsmouth, spent several days thia week the guest of his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Johnson. Mr. Dance Themaa renamed home ! last Saturday from Greenville and ?Plymouth where he spent some ttaaa ob business. ? L Mrs. J. W. Jordan, of Duan, N. C. , has aeterned to her home after spend- j tag the week end with her niece, Mrs. J. David Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. C. Greene and Mr. ; and Mis. J. I. Crawford attended the funeral of Mr. Crawford's brother in , Portsmouth Monday. Miss Myrtle Powell entertained number of the young people of Ahos- | kie Wednesday evening at her home , r on Church Street, several games mere | [ played. Thev reported a jolly time. I Mrs. A. V. Greene returned fA>m , Norfolk Tuesday where she had visit- j ed her little girl in a local hospital. , Mrs. W. H. Ward, of Greenville, is , the guest of her sister Mrs. A. V. [ Greene this week. 0? , AN URGENT REQUEST . j: All patrons of the Aheakie High ' School are earnestly requested to be prewnt in * nM Mating ii High School Auditorium Friday, Sep- ' ternber 10th at 8' P. M. We want to J make our school plans the most effee- j tire for our childran. Do your best'' by. your presence, for your children, j! hoip?s. town snd vicinity. N. Wright. .Superintendent. > . ' J Rah-My-Tiea is' a powerful ull. | seftiei it kills the pei... eaammd fre. | lafeeted eats, cam eM sores, tetter. | , For sale by Cope land Drug Co., i \ Ahoskis, N. C. I r Mr. R. L- Phelpa was in Windsor Wednesday. A. L. Hobbs was in Hobbsville Wed nesday on business. Mr. T. M. Condon was a visitor in Suffolk Sunday afternoon. Miss Anna Lee Henderson, of Win dsor waa in town Monday. Mr. S. Hare, of Harrelliville, was in town Wednesday on business. Miss Clarine Scull of Harrellsville was a visitor in twn Monday. Mr.Xurtis Peete, of Lewiaton, was in town Monday and Tuesday.' Mr. John Brinkley, of Hobbsvii' | was in towa Tuesday on business. , Mr. Hallett Mathews, of Suffolk was a visitor near Ahoskie Sunday. Mrs. H. A. Yert is spending some time the guest of relatives in Edenton. Messrs. George Baker and E. C. Hobbs wee* lUMI Ml Norfolk S day. ? Mrs. G. L. Willoughby is spending , this week with her mother in Chowan i County. .1 Mrs. C. W. Gaithea, of Hertford, is | the guest of her brother Mr. E. Hayes this week. Mrs. J. N. Vann and sister Miss Iota Wooten spent Tuesday in Norf-. oik shopping. Messrs. E. L. Garrett and J. Stan ley Leary were visitors in Suffolk Wednesday evening. Mr. A. Feldman returned from Ba ltimore Saturday where he spent sev eral days on business. Mias Ruby Rawles, of Richmond, is the guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Cherry this' week. The Ahoskie ball fana played a game with Powellsville Tuesday after noon the score being 0 to 0. Mrs. E. P. Cherry and daughter l Mias Lena, of Richmond, are the guest of relatives in town this week. Mr. dull tfbmm, of Rosema- ) is the guest in the home ot Mr. and . Mrs. A. P. Thompson this week. . j Mrs. E. C. Britton is moving in her , new store on Main Street this week ' which has been recently completed, t Messrs. J. J. Vann and Z. V. Bel-! ?amy are spending several aays in Baltimore and New York on basin**. Watch that label on your paper. To bo on the safe aide it would be better that the last two figure* wore IT Mr. John Askew passed through town Sunday orf his way to Baltimore wherfe he spent several days on bus- i inees. Little Miss Louia* Curtis is spend- : ing this week in PowelUville the gtM*t I in the home of Mr. and Mrs. 3. B. ? Carter. Misa. Dorothy Rawles returned to ber home in Riehmnd Sunday after spending some time the guet of rela tives lwre. Mia. J. C. Bawles returned to her home In Richmond Tuesday after spending several days the guest of rel stives in town. Mr. S. P. Watson, who baa been on the South Carolina Tobacco Market for the past two months returned bome Thursday. Mr. S. M. Applebaum left Wednes day for Baltimore where he will spend ?everal days on business. Mrs. J. B- Randolph, who has been ?pending some time with relatives In , rarboro and Greenville returned to Iter home in Ahoskie Tuesday. Woman Missionary Society will i meet with Mrs. James Freeman at the ' home of Or. C. H. Mitchell Friday ' afternoon at 4 o'clock. All members ire requested to be present. 0 A GRATEFUL LETTER. , It la in trying conditionl like that related below by Mrs. Geo. L. North af Naplea, N. Y. that proves the worth , ?f Chaberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy. "Two years ago laat . sum mer" she says "our little boy had dy lentery. At that time we were living In (he country eight miles from ? doc tor. Our son was taken ill suddenly ind was about the sickest child I ever law. He was in terrible pain all the , lime and passed from one convulsion nto another. I sent my husband for ; the doctor and after h* was gone ,tho-1 ight of a bottle of Chamberlain's Co- 1 1c and Diarrhoea Remedy in the cup- j j >oard. I gave him some of it and he >egsn to improve at once. By the ;lme the doctor arrived he waa out of , langer. ?adv. 1, COLE RAIN NEWS. Mr. J. P. No well vho has bean at tending rammer school at l*ufel Pa rk in Hendersonville N. C. returned home last week. Misses Amanda Baker, Mable Mor iss and Mr. Cecil Nowell went to Ahos kie last Tuesday. Mrs. Reaves and daughter Ruth of Wakefield Va., were the guest of Mr*. C. B. Moriss last week. Mr.Stanley Leary of Ahoskie was in town last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Perry of Har rellsville were visitors in town last Wednesday. i Miss Francis Hendrix of Hertford was the guest of Miss Nell Deanes last Wednsday. Mr. Clarence Rhea of Windsor was in town last Thursday. Mrs. D. R. Brit ton and daughters Lucille and Ruth Shaw with Misses Jancie and Essie Mizelle were visitors in Winton last Thursday. Miss Rose Nowell, Stanley Sessoms and Manley White attended the dance in Windsor last Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Will Sessoms and chil dren of Portsmouth, Va., visited par ents and relatives last week. Mr. John Davis Shatr of Winton spent last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Britton. Mr. J. S. Deans and mother went to Windsor last Thursday. News was received here last Thur sday that the body of Mr. Thomas D. Holly had been rescued from Charles ton harbor where he was drowned ab out three weeks ago, the body was carried to Windsor for interment. Mrs. J. J. Beasley returned from Baltimore last Thursday where she had been buying her fall millinery, she broiyjht with her a new milliner Miss Kate Powell. Miss Siva Perry of Denton Md. is visiting Mrs. John Beasley. Mesdames Kate Byrum and sister Mrs. Leary of Ed en ton were the guest of Mrs. Bettie Felton last week. Mr. Milton Norman of Greensboro was visiting relatives in town last Friday and Saturday. Mr. Cecil Beasley went to Cofield last Friday. Mr. Worth Borden of Aulander wag in town laat Friday. Mr*. C. W. Beasley ipent the week end in town. Mr. Stanley Sessoms went to Ahoe kie last Friday on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. Lambreth Win borne and children of Washington, N. C. were visitors in town last Saturday. Mr. Irvin Bhfnchard spent last week en4 in Woodland with his fam ily. , Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Moriss went to Ahoskie last Saturday. Miss Richard of Richmond ia visit ing Dr. and Mia Mitchell. Miss Mable Claire Moriss left Sun day for Cary where she will enter echopl. Mrs. C. L. Henry left last 8unday for Baltimore and Philadelphia to pu rchase her fall and Winter Millinery. The protracted services closed at the Baptist church Sunday morning Rev. Raleigh White preached some wonderful sermons there were 10 ad ditions to the church, five were bap tised, 10 received by letter and one : restoration Baptism at the river Sun day morning. Mf. Cecil Beasley went to Rocky Mount laat Sunday. Misa Lucille Britton left last Sun day for Cary, N. C. where she will j resume her work teaching in the home ' economic departement of Cary High school. Mr*. C. C. Mizelle left Sunday for Norfolk where she wilt visit relatives. Capt Williams of Edenton spent | last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Wilson. Messrs Grady Askew and Louise Holliman were in town last Sunday. There was a large crowd ta attend j the protracted service last week visit-1 or* coming u4 going despite the thr , stening weather. Mrs. J. ? Deans left laat Sunday! for Baltimore to buy her fall stock . Millinery. NOTICE Miss Naomi T. ^iggins, of Mpr freesboro, N. C. wishes to announce Ishea to announce to her many friends ?nd 'Customers that she has moved fr Wynn Bros Building and ia new loc ated la bar new store An the Concrete Block, Murfreeabore, N. C. with an up-to-date line of Fall and Winter Millinery, and with the assistance of Miss Rose Mason an experienced tri mmer of Baltimore, Md., Is better prepared to serve you than ever be fore. Adv ?up . j MURFREESBORO NEWS Bev. J. F. Cale of Roxabel, N. C. is assisting Rev. J. p. Bennett in a revival thia week at Meherin Church. Mr*. Walter Myriek and daughters Misses Charlotte, Bernice and LaeUe Myriek of Statesville, Va. Misses Gh eta and Josephine Folk of Washington D. C. and Miss Elizabeth Eley of Suf folk, Va. were visitor* Saturday of I Mrs. W. C. Ferguson, On Sunday Mr. j J, B. Ferguson and wife of Como ware guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fnrgeson. Mrs. Walter Michenor and son I | Watson of Franklinton, N. C. were I visitors last week of Mrs. Pattie Wat- ! I son. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Debnan and ' daughter Miss. Jessie Debnum and ' 'and son Bill arrived Saturday from Suffolk Va. and are guests of Mrs. F. Ferguson. Miss. Brownie Trader returned home Saturday from Norfolk where she spent a few days with her brother and sister in law Mr. and Mrs. Jim 1 Lea Adkins. Misses May Horn and Viola Step henson of Pendleton are Visiting Mrs. < J. A. Boytte. Mr. Charlie Sewell of Newport Ne ws is visiting his parents Mr. andMrs. and Mrs. B. Sewell. Mrs. C. B. Joyner and daughters Misses Henritta and Grace Joyner who have been visiting in the home of Mrs. Ella Pearce, left Saturday for their home in Norfolk. Miss Sylla Williamson who has been visiting Mr*. B. B. Winborne and Mrs. Stanley Winborne left Tuesday for Raleigh where she will visit rel atives for a short while. From there she will go to Ashville to spend the remainder of the summer. Miss Annie Lawrence of Marion is the guest of her grandmother Mrs. Sue Lawrence. Mrs. Frank Lawrence and children of Goldsboro, N. C. are visiting her mother, Mrs. J. C. Scfcrborugh. Mr. T. B. Wynn is in Baltimore this WMlb ?? ft Mrs. Stanley Win born* entertain ed at a card party Friday evening at her home in honor of Miw Sarah Ha wkim of Charlotte, N. C. who ia vis iting Mias Sarah Vaughn. Mn. B. B. Winborne left last week to visit her sister Mrs. Rosa Winborne at Ronoake, Va. Mr. Collin Svwell of this town and Miss Effle Grant of Winton, N. C. were married Sunday in Winton. They' left immediately for Ohio the home of the bride. Mr. and Mr*. Bertram Watson have returned from their wedding trip and [are at home in the home of Mrs. Pat tie Watson. Miss. N. T. Wiggins has returned from Baltimore with her new and beautiful stock of fall and winter millinery and is now settled in Tier new store on the concrete block Main St. Miss Rose Mason of Maryland her | new trimmer, attired laat week. 0 MENOLA NEWS. Mr. C. W. Parker is at Sarah Le igh Hospital, having undergone an op eration for Appendicitis. He is repor-; ted as doing well. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Eley motored to Portsmouth on Sunday of last week and returned on Thursday. They were accompanied by Messrs, Henery, alnd Stanley Brown and Harvey Vin- ! son and little Miss Ida Belle Baker... Mrs. H. N. Griffith and Mrs. C. W. Parker are in Norfolk to be *ith Mr. C. W Parker. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Brown of Rich Squre spent Sunday afternoon at Mrs. Mary Brown's. Mrs. 1. F. Snipes and children Arra 1 Delia Claire and Robert Finley are j spending some time with Mn. Snipe's fathe*, vJudge Little in Carnesville, Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Benthall and daughter, Mrs. W. E. Whisenant of Woodland and Mr. John A. Parker and daughter, Lois spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mn Messrs J. T.'Chitty, Harvey Snipes 1 and O. P. Snipes and wife attended i th? 8. S. Convention at Republican on laat Friday. ?2 r*0 FIRST DEAD From over seas RETURNED TO AHOSKIE. j Cpl. Albert Hollomsn, collored Co. | C. 344 Labor Bn. died on his way ever j teas and was buried in Liverpool, In- 1 gland, remains was returned to Ahos kie Friday morning, September 3rd. Hollomsn was sent to camp August 6th. 1918, and died October 14th 1918. 0 PERMANENT PASTURES FOR HERTFORD COUNTY. Now that the Stock Law is an as ?ured fact we must begin to make preparations to care of our stock by other methods than we have been in the habit ofdoing. A few acres sod ded down to a good grass and clover mixture will be found to among the most profitable acres on the farm. The secret of success with permant pastures in Hertford County is hav ing your soil well drained, well limed and in good productive state of culti vation. Clover and grass like any other of the cultivated crops do best on the richest and best drained lands but they can be grown successfully on land not suited to intensive cultiva tion. Don't fail to be ready to do your part for the stock law when it comes but begin now and get in two or more acres, depending on the amount of stock you have, of good pasture this fall. Pasture mixtures found most suc cessful in this section: No. 10 Alsike Clover No. 4 Bur clover No. 4 Bed closer No. 8 Italian rye grass No. 8 Bed top grain No. 8 Orchard grass The clover seed should be inoccul a ted with a bacterial cultur for beat results or soil obtained from fields where the clover has been grown and disributed over the field desired to grow it. For any particular write or see your county agent. H. L. Miller, County Agent. THREE RINGED CIRCUS COMING TO AHOSKIE. SPARKS WORLD F^MQUS SHOWS TO BE HERE WEQMESDAY SEPTEMBER ISth. 1920. A real three ringed circus is com ing to town, with wiae Ijona and tigers two herds of elephants. tinun and shi nmj Bamfttg hor^TforSfngled witT human stars and witfr troops of cla mor let loose between thrills. The Sparks Circus which is coming to Ahoalde, on Wednesday, SepUm-j ber 16 is huge and grand and new en ough to warrent the very highest sf praise. Everyone will laugh at the capering clowns, gasp at the fetti-v acts and shudder at the sensations crowded together in two hoon and a half. The biggest and moat daring of the animal acts are the two elephants her ds, one of which includes earth's mightiest monster, Big Zulu "the sky scraper elephant". Less spectacular, maybe, but almost as sensational, are the Harrison bears who are not only natural born comedians, but have been taught such difficult feats as roller skating, riding bicycles, boxing and wrestling, walking the tight rope and even the playing of musical instru ments has been mastered by theae four feeted actors. Just to add good measure to the performance it is in terspersed with a score or more of high class stars or the aerial world. Of course there are clowns and forty of them will surely make you laugh, if you have one stored away in you. Altogether the wonderful pro gram presented under the "big top" of the Sparks Circus will give bound less pleasure to big s.'.Irsmall. * o Ahoalde Defeat** Tunis The Ahoskle team easily defeat;, the Tunis team Thursday afternoon on the Tunis grounds, by a 10 to 6 score. Features of the game were the home run of Dixon for Tunis and the pitching of Bozeman for Ahoskie. ? "Rats Pasa Up All Other Food For On. Meal of RAT-SNAF." Their first meal of RAT-SNAP is their last. Kills in few minutes. Dries up the carcass. Rats killed with RAT SNAP leave no odor. RAT-SNAP comes in cake form. Break into small pieces, leave where rats travel. No mixing with other food. Cata or dog* won't touch it. Safest, cleanest, sur est rat and mice killer. Three siies, 25c, 60c, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by Z. V. Bel lamy, E. J. Gerock, E. J. Bell, and the Copeiand Drug <yO.,?adv. 0 71 Remember FT f TW every sdceo ?ab- R S striker help' to oak* (Us M OVER 2,000 SIGN CONTRACT More than 2,000 peanut growers have signed the Exchange contract. Practically all these signers havecome from only four counties, and they represent more than 40 per cent of the necessary number, of. signers to in sure the perfection of the growers' organisation. On account of the early opening of the tobacco warehouses in Hert ford and Bertie, the completion of the campaign in these twp counties will ba postponed till a later date. However, enough signers have already been sec ured to give the necessary 50 per cent of signers m the territory that has been canvassed. This week the campaign will opea in Surry Sussex counties with a series of meetings Saturday afternoon. The following week the campaign will opaa in Isle of Wight and Nansemond Co- >' unties. After these four counties an canvassed, the campaign will then be resumed in North Carolina. It is confiently expected that en ough signers will be secured in Surry and Sussex counties to bring the total number of signers well above'the half way mark and to begin the home stra tch. It is also expected that signers will be secured much more rapidly after the half way mark is passed. This campaign for signers to 1 the contract is under the direction of the Board of Di^etorf of the present Ex change. These nine Directors were elected by the members of the Ki change in their respective counties and <o are the representatives of the gro wers themselves. As has been prev iously stated, the representatives of the Exchange are employed by this Board of Directors, who are the real promoters of the now Exchange. L. n [THREE WEEKS IN BED 1 UNABLE TO WORK DELANCY TAKES T>NLAC AND IS NOW BACK AT WORK AG AIN FEELING FINE. "Whan I began taking Tanlac I had bean confined to my houaa for (oar months, but I aavar fait batter in my lifa than now," aaid William Delanay, wall-known employee of the City St reet Department and who Uvea at 417 Fairview At*., Seattle, Washington. "I had stomach trouble and radi geatkm so bad that everything I ate disagred with ma," continued Mr. D? laney. Gas would form after mil la and causa me to ban the wont sort of cramping spells. I actual]/ suf fered so much I dreaded to oat at afl and I never dared touch meat or any thing heavy. I also had rhenniallaas / all over my body apd it was so bad ia trma-and legs I could hardly gat about at all; than my nenres Want back oa me and I could never get a good night deep. ' "I heard so much good about Tan lac that I decided to try it and it just seewgd.to b* m*de especially for asy case, for every one of my trouUaa left me so quickly it was really amas ing and I am enjoying better health now than I have in years. I have a ravenous appetite, eat anything 1 want and sleep like a log every night. I have gained a lot in weight, too, sad put in a big day's work on the job every day. I feel like a different man in every way and Tanlc deserves all the credit for it. Tanlac is sold in Ahoald* by Z. V. Bellamy and Copeland Drug Co., ia Harrellsville by Williams and Taylor. o CHRONIC CATARRH. Our manner of living makes us very susceptible to colds and a succsasioa of colds causes chronic catarrh a loat hsome disease with which it la aatteMt ed that ninety-flve per cnt at oar ad ult population are afflicted. If J?s would avoid colds or having contiatd ed a cold get rid of It as quickly aa possible. Chamberlain's Cough Baat edy is highly recommended as a cure for colds and can be depended upon. ad*. 0 ?? . , LEST YOU FORGET. Let us remind you that Chamber lain's Tablets not only causa a gentle movement of the bowels bat improve the appetite and strength the d';e-'Un. ? * ..adv.

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