Hertford County Herald I .H-lJLiUJ 11?1111 . -II I, -L? --*? - HERTFORD COUNTY'S ONLY NEWSPAPER A PAPER WORTH WHILE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN EAST CAROUNA I Volume XL Eight Pages , Ahoskie, North Carolina, Friday, October 15, 1920 'One Section No. 27 m ft ?y?1in n" jit - ? j -----1 - ' - LOCAL NEWS OF AHOSKIE i OF GENERAL INTEREST Mr. Geo. T. Brett, of Windsor, was ; in town Thursday. Mr. Hugh Harrell spent Friday in Cure, N. C., on -buaineaa. The roads in Hertford County are very much in need of wroW. Mr. L. A. Perry, of Colerain, was visitor in town Saturday. Mr. D. R. Britton, of Colerain, was in town Tuesday on business. Large crowds from here arc attend ing the fair at Winton this woak. We are glad to see Mr. C. G. Con ger out again after a weeks illness. Mr. B. S. McKeel spent several days this week in Wilson on^bosineas. Mr. C. H. Mitchell spent several days this week in Norfolk on business. Mr. H. K. Bazemore spent Sunday and Monday in Winston-Salem, N. C. Mr. J. O Joyner, of Greenville, sperff^the week end in town on bus iness. ' Mr. Hubert Askew, of Colerain, was a visitor in town several days this week. Mr. J. B. Modlin spent several days this , as a sutiable stand to make a begin- j ing. AH members are requested to be ( present on Saturday also the public is 1 invited. Leal** Estelle Overton, Dead. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Overton, Louise Eatelle died Monday afternoon at their home on Church Street, aha was IS days old. Rev. J. J. Barker conduct the funeral services at their home Tuesday, afternoon at 2:S0 o'clock and the remains was then laid to rest in the city cemetery. 0 ? The Death of Little Jeesie Mae. WUwe. ! ? The death Angle entered ihe fiom? of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Blowe Sept., 21 and took from them their darling little daughter Jessie Mae. Age 3 months she waa found dead in the bed Tuesday morning the family wishes to extend their deepest sympsthy to the neighbors of the community. Little Jessie Mhe. la safe in "Ih arms of.Jeasus, Safe on his gentle breast. There.by Us love overshadows sweet ly her soul shall reet E. M. B. To b# cm the safe aide K would "We better that the last two figures were f " " MENOLA COMMUNITY FAIR. The Menola Community fair, a forerunner of the Hertford County Fair, waa held Saturday, October the Second, in the |fenola High School building and proved highly success ful from every standpoint. The wea ther was idei; the attendance was all that could be expected, and the exhi bits, according to Mr. Moore, County Demonstrator of Edgecomb County, who was one of the Judges were sur passed by none that he had seen this year. The entire community, with only one or two exceptions, not only brought exhibits, but came out and did their part to make it a grand suc cess. The community spirit was such that the Secretary and various com mittees of the Fair only had to point the way and the entusiastic exhibitors did the rest One room of the building was giv en over to the canning club, and was literally jammed with cans, and jars of the various fuits, pickled, jellied, preserved, sulphurated and all the other kin da of "ated" known to. the canning profession. Just, across from this room was the fancy, and floral department. This too, was well filled with exhibits, both of needlecraft and of flowers. Another room was taken up by the farm Crops departmental Every farm product was well represented even to home cured hams. Especial interest was manifested in the corn and cot ton exhibit, and some splendid sam ples of each were shown. It was es pecially noticeable that all the exhi bits of cotton were from farfas thta are making a sueciality of growing Wannermakers Clevland Big Boll Cotton. In fact thi'entire community is centering its effort on producing this single breed cotton. In the afternoon Rev. J. W. Whit tley, of Murfreesboro gave a splendid address on the Subject, "Community Uplift." This was thoroughly enjoyed by every one, and will n* doubt result in great good to tfce community. In the evening at eight o'clock an entertainment waa given by the young people of the community which was a fitting climax to the day of fun and good fellowship. This consisted of a miscellaneous program of songs, recitations, readings, instrumental so los and closed with a comedy, "MOCK MENOLA?" in which the young peo ple attempted to impersonate the old er onea. The entire day was thorou ghly enjoyed by all, and was one more step toward the goal which the people have set for themselves, namely mak ing this one of the leading communit ies in Hertford County. ?Reported. 0 SUCE3SFUL CO-OPERATION. We are publishing this week the annual statement of the Northampton Hertford and Pertie branch of the Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance As sociation, which makes a most gratify ing showing. This association was organised many years ago and has had a gradual growth until the aggregate amounts of insurance carried is about three million dollars. It has always adjus ted and paid its losses promptly. It has never had but two executive heads Mr. Thos. C. Peele, now nearing 90 years old, who resigned several years ago and was succeeded by a younger man, Mr. Albert Vann. Mr. Vann has given the association the same careful painstaking attention that- he would his private business .with the result that the association hos grown stron ger each year. The total losses the association has sustained during the past six years? from January 1, 1914, to data?has been f%6,866.86 and the total cost for adjusting these losses has -been only $S00.60. This is line example of the beneflta of co-operation. The farmers of No rthampton, Hertford and Bertie have saved much money by organising and keeping up thsi One organisation. MUCH DEPENDS ON HIGHWAYS Prospective Purchaser of Farm Is Concerned About Many Things, More Kspeelaly Roads. A prospective purchaser of a farm t* concerned nlmn? the mlapaahill' of the soil to siMrin- nffrlculttfRtt ? tlvttlfM a?eh as neneral farm ns. Btnch rslstnc, rtaliylnR or market t>r. (Icntnx. noil nm?t Inquire Into condi tions nffcctln* such indiiWrlea. lie Is also concerned ubmit sultsble home llf? for his family. schools, churches nt?o tlie Job. A transportation engineer ?iv* over tK? hauler's conditions thor "H-hly. All hi* 'IIIBetiltles aiTd ad vantages arc carefully considered, and the proper slw> nnlt prescribed. Thus, a trnck formerly rated at two tons may be osed for a four-ton load In the city, while In an unusually bad Mo tion of the country a nnlt with a larger rated horse power capacity may be necessary. If the owner la to prevent wasteful depreciation." In other words, manufacturers are hiking advantage of the experience gained In horse haollng. They real ise It takes "ten horses on loose gravel 1 snd one on concrete." They are sell ing thefr transportation accordingly Pi.'tt n- Corn Into Silo. Corn xliyulil Ih> put Into the alio Jvst Ttx.'iMlcfcly *? possible after It ' I* fciirveeted. ? 1 " : i ?"rfoie Using Plow. I K> ? iixlnjj a new plow, remove , th? m'xIi