Hertford ppty Herald j ? - -J 1 ? 1 ? IJ 11 "J-;.'? ? r ? - ' i ?- - -- . HERTFORD COUNTY'S ONLY NEWSPAPER A PAPER WORTH WHILE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN EAST CAROLINA gggBH=3 ','1 lrJ,rgW?ggggg 1 ' _ ii 1 1 1 Volume XL Eight Pages Ahoskie, North Carolina, Friday, April 15, 1921 One Section No. 50 V DEWS III DIGEST COMPILED FOII US OF IHt HERAll ?At the fcwual dinner of the class j of '93 of Yale University at the Yale J ah in New York City, on March 31, < one! Joseph Hyde Pratt, of North I Carolina, waa honored by hie class 1 states of Yala '93 by the gift of a handsome silver game platter. ?The county commissioners of Un-. i fated latt week to ac cept the resignations"of the road com miasionert of that'county, yho had offered to resign in toto. ?Elisabeth City, by an overwhelm- 1 ing majority, voted on last Friday to issae $400,000 worth of bonds for school purpoees. ?Joseph Kilpatrick, running for may or of Kinaton, failad to receive a sin gle vote in the first primary, although 1 ho was the only native born Kinston ian in the race. ' ?A. L. MeCaakill, one time Republi can candidate for Congress from the Sixth North Carolina Congressional District, has threatened to sue the Ra leigh News and Observer for a false : statement, that implicated his son in ' the manufacture of whiskey. . ?Faucette, the first baseman on the State College baseball team, broke his ankle in a game betweent State College and El on. on last Thursday. 1 ?Many North Carolina counties on Mdnday of last weak, sitting as a bo ard of review on real estate valuati ons, voted to reduce the present val uations, this reductions ranging from 1 twenty to fifty per cent. ?Commissioner Wad# of the North ? Carolina Insurance Department has warned the public against buying sto ck offered by the International PetlU- ' leum Company, of Texas. AJT agents 1 of this company are ordered arrested if caught solociting stock in the stately > ,? ^ ' ' *f '\'i? ?Judge-Garland S. Ferguson, hold ing court In Albermarle. last week, issued several bench warrants for the arrest and 'subsequent trial of sever al alleged bootksggers. '' ?Two aditional state bank examin ers were afcinmrted by the Corporation Commission last Friday. They are; J. H. Hightower of Balsigh, and W. C. Crump of Subury. ?Rocky Mount has called off its pro posed Section on the Cty Manager plan of municipal government, which was to have been voted upon at the regular May election. The reason is the existence of technicalities which 1 make another, date necessary. City ! Manager of Noroflk, C. E. Athburner r? will deliver an address on the city ma * nager plan some time this month. ' ??At least one North Carolina town t reports a building boom. A large to- t bacco warehouse, and several new v dwellings will be constructed n Sta- ii tesviHe this spring. Chapel Hill also I reports s real estate boom of immense n proportions. ~ ; V " ' s ?Bankers hf Cstswba County are ex- ' pecting to buy fiu oounty bonds is- * sued for the cmstroctien of good ? roads in that county. f ?Indications point to a large attend- ci ance at the State University Summer a School, and ma-iy applications have a already been received for summer re servations. ci . f ?r t '? ? ^ ? ?> n ?James H. Jones, colored, body gu- b ard of President Jefferson Davis, of n the Southern Confederacy, died at his ^ home in Washington, D. C., last week. C) He was a native of this State ? j. ?Rav. J. R. Hufham, Methodist min- ^ ister of :sbTV. ??? announced e' his candidacy for city councilman of k' his native citjr. D ?By defeating Wake Forest College tt in baseball last Saturday, tbe Univer- C1 sity baseball team It leading m the m State championship scries. However, Wake Forest hat another chance at 0j the Chape] Hill tsvm on the 13th of May. ?W. B. Faircloth, of fempson co?n- j" ty, has ben (iron a thirty day fen- * tence on the eetfnrr roads, ftr fail- p ure to build a sanitary privey, as dl- w rected by law. ?Mrs. Dowfc Wifs of W. C. Dowd, # pt eminent newspaper ana of the city m (f Cia rlotte, has iastituM a soft ag ;J' :Ht . -'vj " ^ S* , >s ? ??4*." W-*" :-V ?'v ? V- ? i t-v- "? ?. 'ft ?in?t her husband for subsistence, and slso in another suit she asks that a deed, signed by her be annulled, hav ing been signed under compulsion by her husband. ?Phillis Dixon, a *n egress of Craven County was 110 years old, when she died one day last week. ?Two editors are slated to bead the North Carolina Railroad, as Presi dent and Secretary. Wade H. Harris, of the Charlotte Obeerver, is expect ed to be appointed president, and Ar chibald Johnson, of the Charity and Children aa Secreatry. The appoint ments will be made by Governor Mo rrison. ?-Prank Parker, State Agricultural statistician, reports that mufch of the tobacco* of the 1920 crop is still un marketed. Sales for the month of March were record breakers all over ! the State, according to his recent re port made public. ?The John L. Roper Lumber Com pany, of New Bern, will reopen next week, after* having been idle for the past two months. , From June 6th to the 10th the Met hodist Protektanst of North Craolina will wage ah intensive campaign to raise $600,000 for the construction of a college in the State. ?Negroes of North Carolina are op- ' posing the appointment of Frank Lb- 1 nney as District attorney for the we stern district, on account of the sts nd he took in regard to excluding the 1 negro from the Republican party. | ?Col. James H. Young, of Raleigh, noted negro educator and leader of i the colored race in North Carolina, | died at his home last Monday. ?Federal Circuit Judge Jeter Conley Pritchard, of Asberille, succumbed to lbs ravages of pneumonia at hie home last Sunday, after several months of illness. He wim formerly United Sta rts Senator from Ngrth Carolina, an? i has tone been recognized as one of I Ihf leaders in the Republican party in ie South. ; f ?Member* of the Greensboro Cotfn- 1 try ,Club, after a stormy session on., Vet Friday night, voted to prohibt he playing of golf on Sunday at the 31ub. o?: i AN APPRECIATION R is oifr desire to express, in some neasure, at least, our gratitude and lincere appreciation for the many ixpressions of tsve and sympathy 'rom onr friends and neighbors dur ng the recent illness in oar home." J We could not in this brief space ell of the many, many kindnesses hown us, bat we want to say that ( re did not lack for anything it was ] a the power of friends to provide. Ve feel that we can* now understand , sore clearly the meaning of that j cripture which says: "I was sick and ? visited me." And so. for friends rho came to see as, for the many ronderfal trays of good things to eat or beautiful flowers and delicious . raits, to say nothing at the letters, < ards and verbal messages of loVe j nd sympathy, we are profoundly gr- j teful. . To Dr. Greene, our beloved physi- j Ian, we owe a debt of gratitude that s ?e feel we c|tn never repay. He stood s y us faithfully for Ave weeks or mo- ^ s, bringing each day words of com? g irt, encouragement and re-assuran- fl s. May many year.) be given him in y hich to carry on his work of healing c Jo wish also to express our appie? : ation for the services Dr. Wal? | sr rendered us, during the illness of * r. Greene. , , , We can never express our grmti ide and love for our pastor and the ' lurch, for thair faithfulness to is- n ember ue in grayer. Our. hearts ha- a t bean greatly comforted becaure f this sweet romorabrance on the n irt of pastor an J people. { To each one, who haa in any way j slped to lighten the. load for us, we p ould any, He whore wards even the p ver of, cup of water, in His name, C ill look well to your reward. May >u all be among the class that shall tt Jra: i anions in.the sHaa. PeweO and Family. A*U, V 'iMjf.*r ? M ;V. * , I I , J. I ,11..... I ...LU RALEIGH J. BARER DIED MONDAY AT I HIS HOME HERE PROMINENT INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE MAN j . .1* '? Wu Taken Suddenlr by Heart Attack and Died in Less Than Half Hour?Funeral Held at Home and Interment Made at Old Home Near HarreUcrille Mr. Raleigh J. Baker, prominent insurance and real estate man of this town, fell victim to a sudden attack , of the heart at nine o'clock Monday morning, death taking place at his home here, in West Church Street. | He had been suffering for several years with heart trouble, but for the past year or two, he seemed some what improved and his friends and even his dose relatives were shocked at his death this week. The attack came suddenly, snj death occurred in leas than a half hour after he was first stricken. Rev. E. L. Sawyer, pastor of the Methodist Church, assisted by Rev, J. , J. Barker, Conducted the funeral ser vices, which were held at his home | on Wednesday afternoon at one O' clock. Immediately after the funeral the body, accompanied by a long fun eral procession of sorrowing relatives and friends,- was taken to Harrellsvil le, and interment was made in the old family burying ground. The j large concourse that attended the fun eral and burial, and the beautiful ar- * ray of floral wreaths were concrete 1 evidences, of the very high esteem in which he was held by those who were intitmately associated with him. The pallbearers were as follows: I Active, J. N.. Vann, S. P. Watson, E. 3 ' Gerock, %. W. Rogers, R. H. Jerni- I gan, H. H. Taylor and I*. C. Williams; Hbnorary, Jno. O. Askew, Sr., Star- , key Sharps, Sr., W. E. Cullens, B. | Scull, H. C. Sharps and E. M. Woot ?D- . 1 The deceased is survived by hie wife (of leaa than a year), and four children; Mrs. Carl Mitchell and Mrs. James Robertson of Ahoskie; Pembro ke Baker, of Suffolk, Vs., and Tal mage Baker, of Danville, Va. He ' Is also survived by many other very 1 close relatives. Mr. Baker wos born in October, , 1858, and was the son of the late George W. Baker of Hnrrellsviile. He Was descended from one of the coun- ] ty's most prominent families. Read era of the Herald will remember the I history of the Baker family, which 'j traa published in the Herald several 'j rears ago, and which was written by ] the late Judge Brodie B. Wmborne [ >f Murfreesboro. , Mr. Baker had been married three '? imes, having been married only last ? mar to Miss Margaret Hardy of Rich , Square. He was married first to Miss 8 Sallie Harrell, daughter of Pembroke ) iarrell of Lewiston. She died in 19 10, only a few yean after he moved rom his old home in Harrellsville to thoskie. By his first marriage there re re seven children, four of whom arrive their parents. He was mar ie*} the second time to Mrs. Lillie leull, widow of the late W. D. Scull >f Harrellsrille. She lived only a few ?earn after marriage. There are no hildren by the last two anions. n_ ~ ' 'I ^onmencincnt ExwcUm at the Ma platoa GraM School 1 The Mapleton Graded School com- 1 lencement will be hald on the 22nd nd Slat of April, 1921. P Thursday evening, April 21, Ser lon by Rev. J. W. Whitley of Mur reesboro, N. C. f Friday morning, April 22, at half e> eat ten o'clock, an address by Mr. 2 Yes ton Vann, president of Chowan a oDege. a Friday evening, ^prll 22, an enter- b Unmeet by the acnoo1. The public is ordially invited tn attend the exar- a ises. , a Sukcrlh. to tU MmU. 91-SO. 1 CONFERENCE HELD IN AHOSKIE LAST WEEK A TREAT !?nd -bttroffen to the soil rapidly when ' flowed under, thereby Increasing the 6 ?ertlllty of the aoU to tbaae aseaottoS t; Acton. v f"U. 0 I otic* for Recaption of Application* ) The- Board of Boad Commissioners b or Hertford Count* will meet at the b ourthouse in Winton, April lBth. 19- t 1 at 10 -o'clock for the purpose of ledttng* Road Efcginedr Whdae sal- o rf h fixed at $200*, the engineer to ear all expenses of travel. h The Board will be dad to receive h ppllcations for this position at Its leeMng to be heM on the above date. 9. A. Northcott, Becty. t Winton. If. C., April 11, 1921. FARMER MEETING AT WlNTON ON FRIDAY 3 O'CLOCK MEETING OF GREAT .IM PORTANCE ON FRIDAY i't . c' t Ky Ti ? ? Farmers of Hertford County Are Urged to Attend The Co-Operative Market i n g <3ay Afternoon. , .r " ????>'. J* Vlf,. -V'\ ./*? A meeting of farmers will be held in Winton Friday afternoon at three o'clock, at which B. W. Kilgore, direc tor. of the Extension work of the De partment of Agrcultnre and Editor Clarence Poe, of the Progressive Far mer, will be the principal speakers. At this meeting Co-Operative Market ing plans will be the chief topic, and farmers of this county will be invited to join the cooperative marketing or gs filiation, which is being organised all over the State and other southern ?*atls. Mr. J. Frank F&ehe, Secretary and Manager of the Virginia-Carolina Pe anut Exchange at Suffolk, will also be in attendance upon this meeting in the interest of the peanut exchange which lacks only a small number of signatures to make it a "go." County Demonstrator H. L. Miller is thoroughly advertising the Friday meeting, and is impressing upon all farmers of the county the imperative 'whed of being present. He has been busy the past week circularizing the entire county, and farmers from ev ery corner and nook of the county will be on hand Friday afternoon. *' Messrs. Kilgore and Poe are admit tedly among the best informed men of the South on the problems of the farm and the farmer; and they, to gether with other leaders tn agricul tural pursuits, have worked out a de finite and concrete plan of organita tion for co-operativa marketing, and they are now busily engaged in pre senting the plana to fanners of the entire South, in order to build up a large and strong organisation. On Friday, they will present their plan?which is your plan-t-to^he far mers of Hertford County, and an op portunity will be given to sign the agreement. 0 Sunday School Roport for Sunday, . April I Oth. Colerain, April 14.?Below is my 3unday School report for Sunday, 4pril 10th.: Colerain?Attendance $8, collection, . Harre]lsville?Attendance 71. col action, $11.22, for orphanage. Christian Harbor?Attendance 103, Collection, $24.29, for orphanage. I1 On Sunday, the 3rd., the attend ance at Harreljsvijle was 65, and the ' prae at Christian Hafhor, attendance 6, collection $8.33. ?B. B. LINEBERRY. 0 (otic* of Ro-SoW Under Msrtfif* 1 t.I By virtue of'the power and author- j ty fiven by a certain mortgage exe uted by Junius DeLoatche and wife, ] larah L. Deloathce to W. W. Rogers, j trustee for, C. S. Davie, which is re- ^ orded in the Register of Deads office $ or the County of Hertford in book ( 8 on page 41, the following proper- p y will be sold at public auction, to- - rit: ( Bounded on the north by Sheriff v litchell's' heirs; on the sonth by the wds of H. B. Reynold*, on the east * y the county roe of coarse opt-of-st' ck lace, wo inch vf and a half wide, As has spied it -a trim * garment te he #* ibited at County reiameswunaart.