? ? ?? * COLE RAIN NEWS Mr. Cecil Beashy went to WiNlamston last Tuesday. Mrs. N. G. Phelps and daugh ter and Miss Villa Montague went to Windsor last-Thursday. ? Misses Nell Deans, Ruth Shaw , Britton and Margaret Overton returned to Meredith College last Tuesday, to resume their work. Mrs. Rodney Pierce and her children, of Newport News, Va. are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Beasley. _ Miss Lucy Mitchell of the town of Windsor is visiting at the home of her brother. Doc tor Zack Mitchell. Messrs. D. R. Britton and J. P. Deans went to Ahoskie last Tuesday. Mrs. L. H. White returned to her home last Wednesday af ter having spent tjie holidays I with her parents near Windsor. Messrs. Lass and Cecil Now ell and Estus White returned ^ last Tuesday to Wake Forest College, where they will take : up their school work. Mr. C. B. Morris and son went to Norfolk last Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stokes went to Ahoskie last Wednes day. Misses Ruby Joyner and Ma mie Stokes returned to Green ville last Wednesday to resume thrir school work. Mrs. Hugh Odom, of Ahos kie, spent several days vfith Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Wilson last week. n T% *% - _ _ ? I Kev, d. d. names s moiner died last Wednesday. Burial services were conducted by the Revs. Lineberry and Bristow at the home place last Tuesday ev ening. Miss Edith Phillips, of Hur lock, Md., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Clyde Northcott. Mr. Joe Carroll, of Aulander was here last Thursday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Exom Stokes have moved into their home. ^ Mr. John Phelps, who lived near here, died last Wednes day night, and was buried at his home place last Friday af ternoon. Funeral services were conducted by his pastor, Rev. Lineberry. Mr. Phelps will be greatly missed, a good man, a kind neighbor has been called to his reward. He leaves an af flicted widow, four children, Mrs. N. G. Phelps, of our town; R. L. Phelps, of Ahoskie; Mrs, M. L. Brinkley and Mrs. J. K. Parker, to mourn their loss. May they find the comfort they most need. Mrs. Causey.Hughes went to Richmond last Thursday. Her sister, who had been in.the hos pital, returned with her. ' Mr. William Myers and his ^ A ilir A I a loaf XCtllXlljr , MX AUVDIilV) 0|iCII|. ICtOV Friday in town. Mr. C. L. Henry went to the town of Ahoskie last Friday. Mr. Russell Mizelle and fam ily, of Windsor, moved to town last week. Mr. Joe King Parker, of the town of Murfreesboro, was in town last Saturday. Mr. W. E. White went to the town of Ahoskie last Saturday evening, enroute to Nprfolk, to jsin Mrs. White, who had been visiting her parent#. Messrs. C. W. Beasley and M. JR. Montague went to Windsor last Monday. Notice of Dissolution Notice ia hereby given that die Arm heretofore doing business, at Ahos kie, N. C., (Union), has thfc day been dissolved by the mututal consent of ' the partners. 3. L. Darden will contin ue the business at the same stand; and all those owing the former firm * will make payment to J. L. Darden. J. L. Darden will also assume all debts owing by the late partnership. This 2nd day of January, .1922. | J. C. Brett, ' J. L. Darden. . -0 ? THE GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS is recognized as the State's best newspaper. It gives a news ser vice unexcelled and its editorial page is alwdys clean, broad and interesting. Independent in pol itics, it presents the news and viewB from EVERY angle. On its rapidly growing sub scription lists are the names of the state's best and most for ward-looking citizens. Can you afford to be without this news paper? Forward your trial sub scription. Six month*, Daily A Sunday for $4.50 Sim months. Daily without the greensro^O^A^L? NEWS Greensboro, N. C. % .V. y V- . ? 1 ' Something to Think About \ By P. A. WALKER I , ?Jl THE SOFT ANSWER WHfcN you shall see, feel tad know the sovereign power of the soft answer, you will not hesltaly. *? **"?'? 1U prlceleaa value lu preserving the friendship of peo ples and nations. - Though a sponsor or all that Is good and noble In mhnklnd there Is an Illogical willingness In most of us to- shun Its charming companion ship and turn - to rougher acquaint ances. . ' - When the world Is Jangling and vicious tongues are spitting fire and brimstone. It is quite natural for us to pile more fuel on the tlaine, re gardless of the spreading conflagra tion, even though It bb singeing .the good names of our friends. We lose our grip on self-respect until calmness comes wtth?after thought, and shows us the error of ur way. Then, as the scales fail from our eyes we become penitent For days we move shame-facedly from pillar to post, avoiding the friends we have hurt And aside from the terror of separation which confronts us. we are tormented by remorse which undoes our nerves and throttles our spirits. As we reflect upon our behavior, we realise that our miseries come from our own workshop. They are not ground out in the mill of fate, tied in bulging bags and delivered at our door, aa apologetic folk would have us believe, but of our own grlnd I Ing?horrible grist filled with worms. ? ? ? Upon those persons who hove habituated themselves to use gentle j words, and to use . In stressful argu ments the soft answer, the sun of good-will shines perpetually. They are courted by the young and thy old for-their frlendahlp and cheer fulness, which comfort and delight in the darkest days of sorrow, and warm in winter's cold. Their Influence for good Is us lm measurable as a mothers love. Perhaps you may have friends among these kindly persons to whom you turn when difficulties torment, life's skeins are tangled and your heart ia burdened beyond 1U strength. If you have, heaven In-' deed has blessed you. Observe the lightness of their eyes, the smile that is ever about the lips, the musical Intonation of the voice when it -answers softly. And as yon do, resolve that you, too, will wet! your tongue te the npft answer that "turneth away wrath." (Ospygrht) THE FRIENDLY PATH By WALTER I. ROBINSON ! # ? DO NT count over your bur dens. They'll seem great > er W yon do. It U always poor policy to ge about trying to find all the dla eoncertlng things along the pathway of lite. Those which are of sufficient importance te command one's attention are sure to bob up without a search. Never meet trouble until trou ble meets yen. If tt's going to overtake you, lfll do - soon enough. It is always good pol icy to be prepared fop difficul ties in order that they may eas ily be overcame. But to be prepared does not mean that , one must constantly go about with strings en hie lingers so that be may not forget any of the problems which are likely to bob ap. Nearly all the stumbling - blocks along the trail followed by humane in thla world are Im aginary. But for their willing ness to admit that they tecesse- i rlous problems, most of the dls j contested Would hsrdly know thst they are battling against ? odds when they actually are. : : "? Because one has to face a trying task or great disappoint ment. does not' mean that he Is more unfortunate than others, nor that fate has turned against ! Mm. No one ever passed down the pathway to the valley of contentment (as they believed It) without working against odds af times and' not Infre quently being displeased when progress seemed slow. The same Is true In the efforts of all who have tried to climb the steep pieces on the way te auc ; cesa, for neither In arriving at ; material goals npr In seeking the peace of comforting sur roundings i Will there, not be some troubles which have to be met. . But when one counts over the burdens which he expects or re grets, the future will usually ap pear to have a darker aspect than Is Justified by develop I ments. If one tries to Bad the bright^ aide, he'll usually be so greatly enthused by his prospects that the bw-dens srtll seam small and "1 yewr ?o face. ?- - ?% (Copyright) THE TIME TO TAKE PEPTO-MANGAN When You Fool a Little "Off" It Will Brine You Back to Health Some people never need any medicine at all. They are, aa the saying goes, "strong as a bull," They are mighty lucky. Most people need a good tonic once in a while. They take a cold, or through overwork or social activity do not get enou gh sleep; many eat improper food and thus hurt their diges tion. It is mighty wise to take Gude's Pepto-Mangan with the meals for a few weeks and to build up. One cannpt have too much good health. Pepto-Man gan gives you plenty of red bl ood, and everyone knows that red blood means feeling good and looking good all of the ti me. Sold by druggists in ei their liquid or tablet, form.? Advertisement. ^ / ffc 1 If Notice of Sale under Deed of Trust By virtue of the potter and author ity give% by a certain deed of trust executed by G. L. Vann and wife, Annie W. Vann, on the 2nd day of September, 1919, to W. P. Shaw, Jr., Trustee, which is of record in the of fice of the Register of Deeds for the county of Hertford in book 65 on the page 82, default having been made in the payment of the debt therein se cured, the following property will be sold at publid auction, viz: That tract of land lying in Winton Town ship, Hertford County, North Caro lina, and known as the G. L. Vann Home Place where he now lives and bounded as follows: on the South by .the Winton and Murfreesboro road, on the east and north by Elm Swamp and on the north and west .by the "Eli Scott land now owned by R. C. Bridger, said tract of land was former ly known as the Joseph Beale land and contains ninety (90) acres more or less. Place of sale?in front of the cou rthouse door in Winton, N. C. Time of sale?February 1922. Terms of sale?Cash. This the 3rd day of January, 1922. W. P. Shaw. Jr. Trustee. Ju6 0 Notice Sal* of Land under Mortgage ????? By virtue of the powers contain ed in a certain mortgage deed exe cuted by Mrs. Nellie Stephenson af^f husband, to the pndersigned, which mortgage deed is of record in the of/ flee of the Register of Deeds of Herb ford County, book 66 on page 116, the following described real estate will be sold at public auction, vis: That tract of land situated in St Johns Township, Hertford County, North Carolina, bounded as follows: on the east by the lands of E. J. Ger oek, on th* south by. the lands of A. E. Garrett, on the west by the lands of L. M. Mitchell, on the north by the county road leading from Ahos kie to Frasiers Cross roads, being tracts nos. four and Ave of the L. T. Sumner farm which was sold at pub lic auction, said tract no. 4 contain ing 10.3 acres and tract no. 6 con taining 9.9 acres. Place of sale?at the courthouse door in Winton, N. C. Time of sale?Monday, February 6, 1922, between the hours of 12 M. and 2 P. M. Terms of sale?Cash. This 3rd day of January, 1922. Mrs. Bruce B. Brown, Mortgagee. Jan. ? y 0 ? Notice of Sol* undor Dood of Trust By virtue of the power and author ity given by a certain deed of trust executed by H- P. Brett and wife, Sarah Brett to W. W. Rogers, trus tee for the Farmers-Atlantic Bank, which is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Hertford Coun ty, in book 68 on page 67, the fol lowing property wftl be sold at pub lic auction, to-wit: That certaip tract of land bound ed as follows, on the north by the lands of W. J, Vaughan, on the east by the lands of W. J. Vaughan and E. P. Parker; on the wast by the land of J. P. Vaughan, on the South by the lands of E. P. Parker, and knowr. as the W. H. Brown lands, contain ing 117 acres more or leas. _ PUtce of sale?ia front of the door of courthouse at Winton, N. C. Time of sale?Saturday, February 4t!v, 1922, at 12 o'clock at. Terms of sale?Cash. This January 2nd., 1922, W. W. Rogers, Trustee. J6 \ ? Want Ads. ?'Thay Bring RESULTS" HOTECT YOUR FARM HOMES? Insure today against Era, wind, tor nado and lightning, in tha Farman Mutual Fire Insurance Association of North Carolina. Kates amazing ly reasonable. For farther informa tion consult the Local A feat ted Supervisor, L. C. Williams, A hoe Ida, N. C. Je 8 tf. SHINGLES FROM $8.00 to $9.00? Building lime, fresh car load, $2.50 ? per harrell.. Garrett and jernigan, Ahoskie. N26 tf. USE THE WANT AD COLUMN? If you have something to sell or if you want to buy something, the small classified advertisement, at a very small coat, will do the work 1?ftf you. Try the HERALD. WANTED! WANTED!! WANTED!!! The HERALD wants your printing for 1922; and, if you give it to them, they'll give you entire sat isfaction and the price will suit you on every job. Give them a trial. wanted?men.and women to take orders among friends and nei ghbors for the gnuine guaranteed hosiery, full line for men, women and children. Eliminates darning. We pay 75c hour spare time, or 185.00 a week for full time. Exper ience unnecessary. Write Internat ional Stocking Mills, Norristown, Pa. 021 10 times wanted?several good ba3 ket makers for the year 1922. Also one fireman, one veneer lathfc man and several good day men. Write or apply in person to Woods Bas ket A Package Mfg. Co., Milwaukee N. C. J6 St USE HERALD WANT ADS IF YOU WANT RESULTS, tf. C. GREENE representing Building Supplies Corporation, Norfolk, Virginia ?While I am out of town? Send orders direct to the Com pany or see H. L. Bazemore, at Windsor, N. C. Jal3 tf Instant Relief from Scolds, Burns, Cuts, Wounds, etc. CmtdH No Ahohoi. Acidm or Piwir. ikorofo ro DOSS NOT SMART I IT SOOTHES Painful injuries often result from accidents. Mustang Liniment kept always at hand is cheapest and best insurance. Made of purest oils, it penetrates quickly, soothing and healing the affected parts. Sqys$ Mustang Liniment for 30 yens snd find it the rtryUil rtmody in esse of a cut. a burn, a bruiae-ta fart, almost any aibnaot that can be cured by a liniment. In using I think it quite important to rub it well into the pons and repeat the operation at frequent intervals." PniTC WITH 2Se TRIAL BOTTU a XVEsEa KUd brass PM-cnd-Tsbs" TOQDLSTOr. Bjteiraa Nnl? Brad ? crata 28c n 80c - Sl.OO Sold by Drug and General Stems "The Coed 0U Steratty Since 1S4S" MEXICAN ~~ 1? STOP CATARRH I OPEN ?S NOSTRILS AND HEAD Says Cream Applied In Naatefla ReUeraa Haad-Colda at Ones. If your nostrils are clogged and your head is stuffed and you cant breaths freely beaauee of a eold or catarrh, juet get a email bottle of Ely's Cream Balm at any drug store. Apply s little of thie fragrant, antiseptic cream Into your Hoetrila sad let it peaetrata through way air pamags of your bead, ?eeflhu^ and healing the inflamed, swot SJ3a? *h! haw good it feels. Tow oca what aaffsrars rrens Mad sold a and ca tarrh aaad. If, ? dOffc ' ' "v Sal* ?# lul for PI? isle* . Noti? On Monday, February 6th, 1922, in front of the conrthonae d^er at Winton, North Carolina, between the hours of 12 M. and 2 V. M., the un deresigned heirs at law of the late Bettie Watson, dece*sed?will seH at public auction to the highest bidder > for cash, the following described real * estate: Situated in Hertford County, ii St. Johns Township on the road lead ing from the Herton place to Roxo hel; and bounded as follows: on the north by the road leading from the Horton place to Roxobel; on the Ea st by the said public road and the lands of Cephus Jenkins; and of Mrs. Janie Griffith; on the South by the . lands of Monroe Rawles; and on the West by the lands of John Odom and others, and containing one hundred and eight (108) more or less, being the tract of land which the late Mrs'. Bettie Watson died seized and poss essed in fee simple. There is a good growth of timber on this land, and the same is situated within a mile of a church and good school. Any one interested is invited to go and look the property over as it will' be sold on the first 1 Monday in February, 1922, and this land is situated in one of the best farming sections In the state. This 8th day of January, 1922. Mrs. Annie L. Tayloe, Langley Odom, Mary Odom, Clinton Odom, OlHe Odom, Clarence Odom, Linwood Odom, Alma Odom, Heirs at Law. Burgwyn A Pittman, Attorneys. Jackson, North Carolina. J6. 0 RED PEPPER FOR COLDS 10 CHEST ___ Ease your tight, aching phcst, Stop the pdin. Break up the congestion. Feel a bad cold loosen up in just a abort time. "Red Pepper Rub" is the cold rem edy that brings ouickcst relief. It can not hurt you add it certainly seems to end the tightness and drive the conges tion and soreness right out. Nothing has such concentrated, pen etrating heat as red peppers, and when heat penetrates right down into colds, congestion, aching muscles and sore, stiff joints relief comes at ondc. The moment you apply Red Pepper Rub yon feel the tingling heat. In three minutes the congested spot is warmed through and through. When you are suffering from a cold, rheumatism, backache, stiff neck or sore muscles, just get a jar of Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made frpm red peppers, at any drug store. You will have the ouickest relief known. OLD-TIME GOLD CUBE? # DRINK HOT TEA! Oct a small padkage of Hamburg Breast Tea at any pharmacy. Take a tnblespoonful of the tea, put a cup of boiling water upon it, pour through a sieve and drink a teacup full at any time during the day er before retiring. It Is the most effective way to break a cold and cure grip, as it opens the pores of the skin, relieving congestion. Also loosens the bowels, thus breaking cp a cold. Try it the next time you suffer from a cold or the grip. It is inexpensive and entirely vegetable, therefore safe and harmless. RUB RHHSM FROM STIFF HG JOINTS Bab Soreness from joints and muscles with a small trial bottle of old 8t Jacob* Oil Stop ''dosing" Rheumatism. It's pain only; not one eaee in fifty requires .internal treatment. Rub sooth ing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" right on the "tender spot," and by the time you say Jack Robinson?out cornea the rheumatic pain. "St. Jacob's Oil" is a harmless rheumatism cure which never disappoints and docsnt burn the skin. It take* pain, soreness and stiff ness from aching joints, muscles and bonce; stops sciatica, lumbago, harfcaehs, neuralgia. , Limber upl Get a M sent bottle of old-time, honeet "St. Jacobs Oil" from any drug store, and hi n moment you'll be free from pains, ashes and stiff, nes*. Dont suffer! Rub Tfcsumaaime sway. PRICE $49.50 SOLD ON A MONEY BACK BASIS J. N. VANN & BRO. AHOSK1E, N C. Nolle# of Solo wader Deed of TnM By virtue of tho powers eoaferred by a certain Deed of Trust executed March 31, 1920, by M. Lessiter to D. P. Boyette, trustee, the said dead of trust bains recorded in the office of the Register of deads for Hartford County in book 65 on page 306, da fault having been made in the pay. ment of the indebtedness therein se cured, the following real estate will be sold at public auction: Lots No. two, in the town of Ahoskie, North Carolina, on plat of land formerly ow ned by Tynan Newsome, said plat be ing on record la the office of the Reg ister of Deeds in book 62 on page 483. Place of sale?in front of the U. S. Postoffice, Ahoskie, N. C. Time of Sale?Between the boars of 12 M. end 2 P. M, on Monday, 23rdday of January,.1922. I "Terms of sale?Cash. D. P. Boyette, trustee. D23 - :?o? Notice of Sola under Deed of Tract by a certain Deed of Trust, executed by C. E. Reynolds, to D. P. Boyette, trustee, which deed of trust is record ed in the Register of Deeds office for the county of. Hertford, in book 66 on page 300, default having been ma de in the payment of the indebtedness therein secured, the following prop erty will,be sold at public auction: Lots No. 4 and 5, in plat of land for merly owned by Tyneel Newsome, be ing located in the town of Ahoskie, N. C., said plat being on record in Register of deeds office for Hertford County in book 62, on page 488 Place of Sale?in front of the IT. S. Postoffice, Ahoskie, N? C. Time of sale?Between the hours of 12 M- and 2 P. M., on 23rd day of January, 1922. Terms of sale?Cash. This December 22, 1921. D. P. Boyette, trustee. D23 0 ( Electricity For Only | $295 TDRICB tells you how inexpensive Willys Light Junior is. USE! tells you what a great convenience it is. IQreat resources guarantee its quality and set vice.' It is large enough for lights I " and Small power uses ? has the wonderful Auto Lite engine - generator. Thousands will profit by huyipt this plant now. Will you? " J. S. DEANS. Dealer ?Cole rein, N. C.? ' ' j? - , V: aifc.--- '?? W' :? - V . . ? *?*f * . /Ag? ft aanaoBuisaaaflff BB Accept BB No Substitutes tor B Thedford's g BUCK-DRAUGHT B Purely n Vegetable S liver Medicine I aaaaaannnaaaS A v r-7?? AJniuitratim Notice Having qualified aa administrator of the estate of the late W. S. Herring of Hertford County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons holding daims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned at Wlnton, N. C., for pay ment on or before the Mtfc dayof No vember, II ?8 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AD persons Indebted to the said estate wfl please make immediate payment te the undersigned. This November II, 1M1. M. R. Herring, adm'r. p ? ; /Ti . w? ?

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