' MEETING OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Tha Board of Co-unty Commissioner* of Hertford County met at the Court House in Win ton, N. C., on April Srd, 1922. Present J. C. Taylor, E. W. Whitlsy, E. H. Burs', J. 0. Askew, Jr., and P. G. Tsyloe and J. M. Eley, Chairman. Proceedings of last meeting road and approved. F. G. Tayloe as a committee to have house at County Home moved, is continued. J. C. Taylor as a committee to have court room at Maneys Neck repaired, is still continued. E. H. Eur* as a committee to have office of Home Demonstrator built is continued. E. W. Whiteley as a committe to have boat built for Hills Ferry, is Still continued. J. 0. Askew, Jr., ?s a committe to build flat for Pitch Landing is continued. E. H. Euro reported correction made in tax list of Fred Hare; Com mittee was discharged. The Clerk is authorised to refund to C. 8. Godwin taxes on reduction on vacant lot at Ahoskie from $1500 to $1107. ; v 3 On motion and carried, Mrs. Elsie Stephenson is' wk ..?u relief on $500 error in listing Bank stock in error. On motion Clerk is instructed to refund to Jim Newsome $5.00 error In dog tax. On motion and carried, C. C. Scott is relieved of his poll taxes for 1921 on account of physical disability. Petition of free holders from Hope Grove School district, Murfrees obro township, received, endorsed by the Board of Education asking for election for Special Tax in said district, and upon motion and carried unanimously, the Board orders said election to be held on May 20th, 1922, at the School house in said district; Election officers as follows; Registrar |i. S. Joyner, Judges of election J. O. Carter and L. T. Garris. The question of valuing sheep in making payments account of damages by dogs, taken up the Board again, and upon motion arid carried the Board voted to rescind its former action making the tax list valuation the basis, and voted to leave the price paid for sheep at the valuation placed by the jury appointed by the Board; and that W. L. Mitchell and R. A. Holloman be paid inaccordance with the report of jury in their cases. Upon motion and carried Garrett and Lawrence are allowed by the Board, relief of taxes on $18,200 as error in listing solvent credits in Ahoskie township; the error occurring in placing the amounts on the tax book. J. R. Garrett is also allowed any error found in his tax list on account of property being placed in the Ahoskie Graded school District in error. J. R. Garrett is also relieved of taxes on valuation of $2467 on aceount of some real estate sold from his Ahoskie property which was not deducted from his list at the time of listing. On motion and carried the Board votes to change its former resolution regarding the payments of taxes and settlement of Tax Collectors until the first Monday in June to make their settlements, this ruling to be final. It being brought to the attention of the Board that tract of land, P. H. Simmons heirs was not listed, the Board votes to place valuation of $760 on this tract. ? On motion H. T. Getting is relieved of taxes on one dog, $2.00, error in list inc. It being brought to the attention of Board that l^nd of W. P. Britton in Winton Township waa not reduced >3 1-3 per cent as ordered, the Board allows this reduction to be made now, and that the tract of timber purchased from this land by the Cofleld Manufacturing Co., be assessed at" $4,000. On motion, H. L. Miller is authorised to purchase fertiliser for County Home to the amount of five tons, and that E. H. Eure, Commissioner be Instructed to see that settlement is made for this fertiliser. V. H. Garrett is allowed relief of taxes on valuation of $2600 error In listing real estate in Ahoskie township. It is moved and carried that W. D. Boone and J. A. Northcott be instructed to take up with Clerk of Court of Gates County, the matter of costs in the case of State vs. J. H. Roberson. It is moved and carried that E. H. Eure be given authority to make necessary repairs to the Ferry house at Parkers Ferry. The matter of taxes against the J. C. Garter estate is continued until next meeting of the Board. The additional Bond of the Bank of Winton, Treasurer, $26,000 was submitted to the Board and same was unanimously approved. The matter of County Tax Supervisor taken up by the Board for year 1922, and upon ballot, W. A. Thomas was elected at salary of $100.00. The compensation for list takers to be the same as last year. The Board orders summons to be issued for William Moore, to appear first Monday in May to Show cause why he should not reimburse County for sheep killed by his dogs, sheep the property of W. L. Mitchell. Whereas: The County Board of Education presented to the Board of County Commissioners a resolution passed by said Board of Education on this date requesting that this Board issue bonds in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars for and on behalf of Special Tax School District Mo. 1., in St. Johna Township, Hertford County, substantially in the form as set out in said resolution filed with this Board, for the purpose af erecting school buildings in said district; and Whereas: It was requested by said Board of Education that a proper tax levy be made for the payment of both principal and interest on said bonds as they shall become due. Now therefore: Be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Hertford County, North Carolina, that the resolution passed by said Board of Education be incorporated in the minutes of this Board and ratified by this Board; and be it Further Resolved: That the Board of County Commissioners of Hertford County issue bonds for said School District in substantially the form set set out in sdid resolution and upon the execution thereof, that the same be delivered to said County Board of Education to be sold as the law directs; and be it Further resolved: That at the time for the levying of state and county taxes by this Board that a special tax be levied on the property and polls in said district such as may be sufficient to pay the interest on said bonds as the same become due and the principal thereof at maturity; paid tax not to exceed thirty cents on the hundred dollars valuation of property apd ninety cents on the poll. upon motion 01 J v>. layior seconded oy J. \J. askbw, jr., tne ioregoing resolution was adopted by the following roll call vote. Those voting Aye; J. M. Eley, J. C. Taylor, E. W. Whiteley, E. H. Euro, J. , Bank of Ahoskie "THE OLD RELIABLE" Established 1905 ; ) , Always Conservative? Never Iron-bound LOYALTY AND COURTESY SHOWN* THE YEAR ROUND We pay 4 per cent interest on Savings. ' We charge 6 per ct. interest on Loans. We want your business You need our Protection O AFE ^OUND |^/ECURE . . .. BREAD PREPARATION Pure, wholesome foods, easy to digest, bufld robust health. Horsford's restores to flour the vital phos) hates necessary to health, but which are lost in the milling process. Hors ford's mixed with your favorite flour makes hot breads, cakes, pastry, taste better, mere delicious, more easily SAVE THE RED LABELS aad get vafcaabU PREMIUMS FREE For free Prise List, write Rumford Chemical Works, Providence. R. X. Highly Nutritious?Build* Bone and Muscle