? ;? f. LOCAL NEWS OF AHOSKIE t Mr. J. C. Brett spent Monday in Raleigh on business. Mr. John Mitchell spent Sunday and Monday in Norfolk. Mr. J. C. Sessoms spent last Thurs day in Norfolk on business. ? Bom to Mr. and Mrs. ?. J. Boyette, Tuesday, June 20; a line girl. t ? 11 * Mr. W. A. Holloman spent the past week-end in Norfolk on business. Miss Janie Parker, of Menola, was a visitor in town Tuesday morning. t f 1 1 " 1 Mr. E. 0. Hines and son William of Winton were visitors-in town Monday. Miss Gladys Pierce left Tuesday for Raleigh where 'she will spend some time. t? > ????? Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Lyon of Wind sor were here Thursday en route to Norfolk. , Messrs. W. A. Copeland and C. E. Myers spent Tuesday in Edenton on business. Miss Elisabeth Turnley, of Mur , freesboro, was a visitor in town last Thursday. l , ? Attorney C. W. Jones, of Winton, was in town Tuesday afternoon on legal business. Messrs. James I. Crawfard and A. M. Brown left Tuesday for a business trip to Raleigh. Mr. L. Lipsitz returned Monday after spending some time in Baltimore and other cities. - Quite a large crowd from Ahoskie visited Coleraine pleasure, beach Sunday afternoon. Attorneys R. C. Bridger and Thad Eure of Winton, were visitors in town Sunday afternoon. Miss Helen Askew left Tuesday for Chapel .Hill, N. C., where she will at* tend the summer school. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Julian Thomas were visitors at Panacea Springs Sunday. > ? Misses Beulah Jessups and Ethel Futrell spent Sunday the guest of their parents at Woodland. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Baker, spent several days in Richmond, Va., last week the guest of relatives. Mr. S. A. Jenkens, of Gates County, spent several days the gueat of Mr. and Mrs. James I. Crawford. Dr. Z. P. Mitchell, of Colerain, spent last Friday in town the guest of his brother Mr. John Mitchell. Elbert Cray, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hill is improving after several days of serious illness. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Powell and children, of Harrellsville, were visi tors rn town Sunday afternoon. ' ?*? ______ Mr. A. G. L. Stephenson, manager of the Aulander Advance, Aulander, was a visitor in town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Taylor and children, of Harrellsville, were visi tors in town'Sunday afternoon. Mr. R. F. Overton, of Phoebus, Va., I spent several days in town this week the guest of relatives and friends. Mrs. S. A. Jenkins and son, of Gates Couhty, are spending this week the guest of Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Hale. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Matthews and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Benthall were visitors in Menola Sunday afternoon. Mr. George J. Newbern returned from Raleigh last Friday after spend ing several days in that city on busi ness. Mrs. H. C. Brett and Miss Ivey Vinson, of Cofleld, spent Saturday the guest of Dr. J. H. Mitchell and family. Mr. C. H. Phaup was called to Richmond, Va. Tuesday ,on account of the serious illness of his mother in that city. Mr. Craig Vinson, qf Norfolk, spent several days in town this week as the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mts. J. H. Vinson. ] Messrs. N. E. White, E. C. Hobbs, n ??' W. K. Perry, J. H. Greene, E. D. Cherry and J. E. Parker apent Sunday at Oceda View The Copeland Drug Co. haa re cently improved the interior of their ?tore by a coat of paint and rearrange ment of their stock. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Myers and chil dren and Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Harrell spent Sunday the guest of relatives and friends in Colerain. Mr. and Mrs. Kob Roy Copeland returned last Friday from Wrighte ville Beach, N. C., after spending a week on their honeymoon. Misses Nell t>eans and Marian Mon tague and Messrs. Stanley White and Lee Roy Sessoms, of Colerain, were visitors in town Saturday evening. Editor J. Roy Parker left last Fri day for Columbia, Missouri, where he will enter the University Of Mis souri to take a special course' in journalism. ? The public watering fountain for stock has been.installed in the public square in front of the post office. It will be completed and ready for use in a day or two. Misses Janice Mizelle and Marie Gatling, of Windsor, passed through town Wednesday on their way to Chapel Hill where they will attend the summer school Miss Louise Holland, who has been spending some time as the guest of Miss Janie Parker at Menola, passed through town Tuesday en route to her home in Winston-Salem. A large crowd from Ahoskie at tended the ball game between Auland er and Edenton at Aalander Tuesday. The game resulted in a victory for Aulander by a score of 5 to 4. Mrs. T. R. Jernigan and Miss Janie Sharp, of Harrellsville, passed through town Wednesday en "route to Washington, N. C., where they will spend some time the guest of relatives. The Mothers Club will meet Tues day afternoon, June 27th, at 4 o'clock with Mrs. J. E. Overton. Misses Mary and Audrey Newsome will render a program of special music for this meeting. Miss Janie Parker, of Menola and her house guest, Miss Louise Holland, of Winston-Salem, N. C.; and Messrs. C. A. Perry, Lee Parker and Bid win Turnley, were visitors in Elizabeth City Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Miller, Mr. and Mrs. John Doughtie, Mrs. Rosa Johnson and Mr. Jim Doughtie attended the funeral of Mr. Ross Doughtie at Suffolk Tues day, Mr. Phillip T. Perry, Jr. an exper ienced printer of about four years, of Windsor, has accepted a position with the Herald. Mr. Perry conies to us well recommended as a printer and his people are well known over Bertie and Hertford Counties. Fire alarms are now being installed in Ahoskie. Six have already been completed and several more will be soon ready for use if needed. These alarms are contained in boxes attach to the light poles. To turn in a Are alarm it ia only necessary to push the switch in. Mr. Cyrus W. Bazemore, who has been connected with the Herald for the past two years, left Saturday for Windsor where he has accepted. a position with the Windsor Ledger. We wish Mr. Bazemore much success in his new field of endeavor and look -forward to the time when he will have the Ledger back to its place of several years ago when it was considered one of the best weekly papers' in the State. The store of J. P. Boyette and Son was burglarized Tuesday night. The burglar broke a glass in the back window and cu^ out a piece of screen; this enabled him to reach through the window and unlatch it. The only thing missed by Messrs. Boyette so far is the key to the back door. Evidently their visitor does not care to go to so much trouble when he decides to make?another visit. The guilty party is unknown. 0 NOTICE I have taken up one mole colored ball, marked crop and swallow fork in right ear, and crop and slit in left ear. Owner will please call and pay damages and take charge of same. This June 22, 1922. JESSIE BARNES, 6-2 8-41. Harrellsville, N. C. ? 0- _ Subscribe to tke Herald; do R now. JIW^VCVA tVwVtW SAREPTA'S SUIT By MARY J. CLARK ?. lilt, by McClor. Nawap&p" HyMlcatc. "We've all told our vacation plana but you, Anna," said one of a croup of young teacher*. "Yea" chimed In another, "and we are dying to know whom you are mak ing thle aet for." "Isn'Vlt lovely 1" exclaimed two in a breath, aa they held up collar and cuff* end a vest of exqulalte embroidery. "You can almost pick off those violets." "Whoever gets that set Mil be tacky." "Well," said Anna. 'Tm going out In the country, way back, and I shall take Aunt Sarepta to spend Sunday In Boston, and she Is to have this set. You see, girls, it's like tjils. She never bad a chance to go anywhere?always stayed at home and been a good angel to her father and mother. "She and Oncle Amos were lovers then, and he wanted to be married, but she waited on and on because the old people needed her so much. Then he was shipwrecked and thrown ashore nearer dead than alive, and crippled for life; but she married him just the same." Anna had been planning the treat for a long time, and last vacation had made a visit to Aunt Sarepta and begged to make over her one best gown, a dove-colored silk. "Why, ch