The Fashion Store * Specializing In LADIES & CHILDRENS SHOES Mrs. E. C. Britton AHOSKIE, N. C. * I'm Only a Soda-Water Glass? but 1 feel proud of myself when I think of all the people 1 make happy. I give pleasure to beautiful maidens?joyful kiddies and grown-ups, too, who are partic ular what they eat and drink. I feel proud, too. of the nice clean fountain on which I repose and the rich tasty cream which-I hold. I live at? Copeland Drug Co. Tb*19e*aJUL Maw 'The Prompt and Efficient Pharmacy99 . DON'T GAMBLE You don't Gamble when you buy from us. We sell cheaper because we keep our overhead expenses down and by doing so, we are in a position to serve you at a closer margin of profit CAMEL CIGARETTES 15ct?. ' Our sanitary equijftnent, our pure syrups, and rich, smooth cream has made our fountain the most 4 popular in town. Don't fail to visit our store while in town. Mitchell's Drug Store THE OLD RELIABLE" Manhattan Hotel Building AHOSKIE, N. C. ^ ? ?- , , j'jtJ IF YOU ARE NOT A SUBSCRIBER TO THE HERALD, We Believe You Should SUBSCRIBE * Um This Coupon Hertford County Herald, Ahoslrie, N. C Dear Sire?Encloeed find $ for which pleas* enter my subecription for ( 1 year) ( .6 months' ( 3 months.) (place X In one desired.) NAME _? ADDRESS ft I ft LOCAL NEWS OF AHOSK1E ? Mia* Bessie Harrell, of St. Johns, was a visitor in town Saturday. Mr. Joe Carroll, of Aulander, was a visitor in town Saturday afternoon. Mr. Edgar Stokes, of Colerain, was a visitor in town Saturday 'afternoon. Mr. C. A. Perry spent Sunday even ing in Woodland tht? guest of friends. Mrs. J. G. Raby, of Tarboro, spent Sumday as the guest of Mrs. D. P. Baker. Mr. J. H- Myers, of Colerain, was the guest of relatives here Saturday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. H. H. Taylor, of Har rellsville, were visitors in town last Friday afternoon. I ???? Mrs. A. E. Garrett, of Bertie Coun ty, spent Saturday in town as the guest of relatives. I Mr. I. F. Snipes and little daughter, of Menola, were visitors in town Tuesday afternoon. Mr. E. R. Conger, of Edenton, spent ' last Friday in town the guest of his son Mr. C. G. Conger. Messrs. L. A. and L. D. Perry, of Colerain, spent a short while in town Tuesday afternoon. Miss Pauline Cooke is spending this week with her aunt Mrs. J. T. Harrell at Mars Hill. Mr. J. T. Harrell and family, of Mars Hill, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Cooke. Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Sykes and chil dren, of Harrellsville spent a short while in town Tuesday. Mrs. Murry Seseoms, of Wilson, N. C., spent S?urday and Sunday as the guest of Mrs. C. G. Conger. Miss Bessie Goldstein, of Windsor, spent several days last week as the guest of Mrs. S. M. Applebaum. Mr. C. M. Williams, of Aberdeen, N. C., spent several days in town this ^eek the guest of friends. ' Mrs. P. E. Harrell returned home Saturday after spending some time the guest of relatives in Richmond. Mr. K. R. Curtis, of Kinston, spent several days in town this week as the guest of his brother Mr. W. L. Curtis. Mr. J. C. Phaup, of Richmond, Va., spent Saturday night and Sunday as the guest of his son Mr. C. H. Phaup. ! Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Vann, of Mur freesboro, spent Sunday in town as 5 the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cur h tis. Mrs. J. Stanley Leary and little son J. Stanley Jr., left Saturday for Asheville, where they will spend some time. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Conger and Mrs. Murry Sessoms were visitors at' Colerain Pleasure Beach Sunday af ternoon. Miss Hattie Burgee, of Rich Square, spent several days in town this week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Burgee. Mr. Clarence Williams, of Norfolk, spent the past week-end as the guest of his parents Mr. and Mrs. George Williams. ~ Messre. J. I. Crawford, E. J. Gerock and Jas. S. Vinson spent a short while in Winton last Friday afternoon on business. r Mrs. Jacob White, who has been spending some time as the guest of relatives in Norfolk returned home Saturday. Mr. Jas. S. Vinson purchased the ' residence now occupied by Mr. F. L. ' Howard last Saturday from the Bank ' of Ahoskie. ? ? Mrs. Carlisle Gillam, of Franklin, Va., spent last Friday and Saturday the guest of her brother Mr. P. E. i Harrell. I Miss Mary Glenn Smith, who has spent the past ten days as the guest i I of friends here returned to her home in Wilson Tuesday. i ??? ? Miss Emma Wooten, who has been j spending the past week as the guest of Miss Marjorie Smith in Wilson re . turned home Monday. Atty. W. R. Johnson was in Aulan der Monday on legal business. Mr. H. M. Burden, of Aulander was in town Wednesday on business. Mr. J. O. Askew, Sr., of Harrells ville, was a visitor in town Wednes day. Mr. 0. L. Joyner, of Greenville, N. C., was in town Wednesday on buoi-j ness. 1 Edward Pane Spivey, of Windsor, is visiing Lock Craeg Johnson this week. Quite a large crowd from here at tended a dance in Roxobel Tuesday evening. Miss Jimmie Askew, of Suffolk, is the guest of Miss Elizabeth Dilday this week. Miss Bessie Cowan intertained quite a number of friends at her home Tuesday evening. Mr. Simon Johnson, of Woodland, is spending this week with Messers. Evette and Bosil Brinkley. Miss Reta Applebaum, of Balti more, Md., is visiting her brother Mr. S. A. Applebaum this week. Mr. Marland Harrell, of Ports mouth, is a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Greene this week. Mrs. L. Lipsitz and two daughters, of Baltimore, are visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Applebaum this week. Little Miss Jessie Harrell Mitchell left Wednesday for Smithfield where she will spend several days the guest of relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Horton, of Un ion, moved their family to Ahoskie Saturday, and are now residing on McGlohon Street. Barnes-Sawyer Grocery Comphny gave their employees a delightful picnic at 'Colerain Pleasure Beach last Friday afternoon. Mr. Murry Sessoms, of Wilson, N. C., passed through town Tuesday afternoon enroute to Windsor where he will visit relatives. Mrs. C, C. Hart,Sr., and Mrs. C. C. Hart,Jr., of Dendren, Va., are spend ing some time as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Lee Copeland. Mrs. P. E. Dukes and Miss Lena Moore Rawles left Monday for Rich mond, where they will spend several days as the guest of relatives. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Shipp have re turned to their home in Tarboro, after spending the past week end with their daughter Mrs. J. R. Rives. Miss Anna Mae McMullen, who has been spending the past ten days as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Yert left Wednesday for her home in Ed enton. Mr. P. T. Perry, Jr., accompanied the Jazzin Tea Hounds of Windsor to Franklin, Va., last Friday evening where they furnished music for a dance. ? Miss Thelma Boyette returned home Monday after spending the past month as the guest of friends in Garner, Smithfield and other places in the state. Little Jane Copeland, daughter of R. R. Copeland, who hag been living with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hirt, Sr., at Dendren, Va., the past year re turned home Tuesday. Mr. and Mr*. F. D. Flythe and chil dren and Mias Elizabeth Dilday re turned last Friday after spending sev eral days in Henderson, Raleigh and other cities in the State. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brett moved to Raleigh the first of this week where Mr. Brett has accepted a position with the Connecticut Mutual Life Insur ance Company. Mrs. J. R. Brantley entertained quite a number of visitors last week end at her home on North Street The visitors were; Mrs. J. W. Spruill, Mr. E. Spruill, of Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ward and family of Gliden, N. C. - The Aulander Groop of the B. Y. P. tl., which was held in that city Sunday afternoon was attended by the following from Ahoskie: Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Isnhower, Dr. C. G. Powell, Misses Ella Pierce, Annie Laura Ses 10ms, Roxie Flythe, Nannie Newsome, Elizabeth Dilday, Vera and Ella Base man, and Messrs. F. L. Howard, F. D. Flythe, Lowell Powell and S. M. Isn hower. 0 Subscribe the the HERALD, it is worth fl.SO of anybodys mOny. CARD PARTY Misses Alpha Newsome and Goldie Lassiter were hosts Tuesday evening at a card party at the home of the later. The rooms were arranged with flowers and ferns. Rook was played and a delicious box of chocolates for i the highest score was awarded Miss Vera Bozeman and Mr. Horace Gar rett. Following the game refresh ments were served. At 10:30 the guest left declaring Misses Newsome and Lassiter delight ful hosts. 0 It is a pleasure to sell Tanlac, be- ' cause those who buy it come bach and - praise it.?C. H. Mitchell. Adv. O CHRISTIAN HARBOR NEWS , Mrs. N. S. Hoggard and Mr*. J. L. Blythe attended the Bertie W. M.U.,at Colerain Wednesday of last week. Miss Lillie Holloman is spending some time in Portsmouth, Va. Miss Monte Newsome and Miss Helen Hoggard returned home last Saturday from Norfolk, Va., wherw they have been visiting friends and relatives for some time. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Holloman spent [ Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Wilson. Mr. R. W. Fairless and family were callers in the home of Mr.and Mrs. J. T. Coleson last Sunday. Miss Maggie Holloman was the guest of Miss Mary Wilson last Sun day. Mrs. Maggie Hoggard, of Norfolk, came Saturday to visit Mrs. N. S. Hoggard. Mrs. Rennie Jernigan is spend ing some time with.Mrs. Rosa Hill near Cofield. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Coleson spent , Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrsi Dillard Coleson. The Woman's Missionary Society held their regular monthly meeting at Christian Harbor last Wednesday. Mrs. W. H. Evans i? visiting re latives near Edenton. Rev. R. B. Lineberry will All his regular appointment at Christian Harbor next Sunday afternoon. There will be a picnic at Christian Harbor Wednesday of this week. n MENOLA LOCALS Miu Elizabeth Brown spent the week end in Jackson the guest of her friend Miss Loretta Joyner. Mr. C. J. Benn and sister Miss Mariah Benn, of Thelraa, are spend ing a few days with their sister Mrs. Sallie B. Parker. Mrs. Lloyd Baker, of near Mt. Tabor, spent last week the guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cowan. Mrs. Margaret Brown and children, Miss Annie and James Robert spent Sunday in Woodland as the guest of relatives. Mrs. C. A. Pierce, after spending some time with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Eley returned to her home in Asheville, N. C., last Thursday. The Womans Missionary Society met at the Baptist church last Sunday morning and enjoyed a good program on "Making a Home In a New Land." Miss Ida Belle Baker' left last Thursday to spend some time with her mother at the Thomasville Or phanage. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Henley and grandson Herbert Parker, of Florida, are the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Snipes. After an illness of about one week Mr. Rodney Catling died a his home ' here last Wednesday morning with pneumonia. A full account of his death will appear in next week's let ter. 0 The large and modern Tanlac La boratories at Dayton, Ohio, occupy 60,000 square feet of iloor space.? C. H. Mitchell. Adv. A i Notice of Solo Under Dood of Truot. , By virtue of the power and author- ' ity given by a certain Deed of Trust executed by J. H. Vinson and wife Susie Vinson, J. W. Howard and wife Bertha Howard, F. L. Howard A wife Blanche V. Howard to W. L. Curtis, ^ Trustee, dated Decemder 9, 1990, which is recorded in the office of Re gister of Deeds of the County of Hert ford, in book 68, page 132, the fol lowing property will be sold at Pub lic Auction, viz: Lot situated on the north side of I road leading from Ahoskie to Fraze- r ers Cross Roads, adjoining the lands s of A. T. Willoughby and J. B. Parker 1 and containing one acre and being J the place said J. H. Vinson now lives. <j Place of sale: In front'of U. S. b P. 0. town of Ahoskie, N. C. t Time of side: 12 o'clock noon, Au-' v gust 19th, 1922. c Terms of sale: CASH. This 18th day of July 1922. 7-21-4t W. L- CURTIS, Trustee. c More people have taken Tanlac and 1 praised it than any other medicine in < the world. There's one reason only? - merit?C. H. Mitchell. Adv. -*> ""O PROFESSIONAL CARDS ^ ??? Dr. C. G. Powell DENTIST Phone No. 10. Ahoekie, N. C. R. R. ALLEN & SON Dealers In SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, WINDOW GLASS, HARDWARE, PAINTS, and BUILDING MATERIALS GENERALLY Wholesale and Retail 927 Washington Square SUFFOLK, VA. TOMBSTONES OF ANY DESCRIPTION See or Write J. B. MODLIN AHOSKIE, N. C. Agent for ?COGGINS MARBLE CO.? DR. CHARLES J. SAWYER Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Farmers-Atlantic Bank Bldg In Office every WEDNESDAY ? Dr. W. C. Mercer DENTIST Offices over Mrs. Britton's store Ahoekie, N. C. NOW OPEN ARMY AND NAVY SALES STORE Jobbers of Army and Navy Goods Mens and Boys Clothing, Shoes and Gents Furnishings 128 Main St. Ahoskie, N. C. HENRY MEYER OPTOMETRIST Eyesight Specialist * 326 High Street PORTSMOUTH, VA. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified on the estate of :he late D. L. Minton, this is to notify til persons having claims against the ;state to file the same with the under signed Administratrix at Woodland, (forth Carolina, R. F. D., within one rear from the date of this notice or his notice will be plead in bar of their ecovery. All persons indebted to the state will please make immediate isyment. This the 24th day of June, 1922. BLANNIE B. MINTON, Administrator of D. L. Minton, de eased. If. H. S. BUBGWN and STANLEY WINBORNE, Attorneys. 6-29-fit. ) i . NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator, lathan Hill, deceased. This is to lotify all persons holding claims gainst the estate of said deceased, ro exhibit them to the undersigned Ldminlstrator, on or before the 17th lay of June, 1023, or this notice will e pleaded in bar of their recovery. U1 persons indebted to said estate, rill make immediate payment to the indersigned administrator. This June 16th, 1922. j J. D. HILL, Administrator of Nathan Hill, if L C. BRIDGER, Attorney at Law. * t-2S-flt-pd. Subscribe to the Herald; do It now.

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