. . ?????????? The Fashion Store If you want to 4reM up and look good, visit* our store, we want you to come and look ?rer our fall line of the late*; creation* in LADIES COAT SUITS, ONE PIECE DRESSES, SKIRTS and LONG CLOAKS FOR LADIES and CHILpREN. We assure you you the prices can not be found elsewhere We also want you to look oeer our fall line of DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, SPORT SKIRT GOODS, and notions. And a beautiful line of SWEATERS on display, in the latest designs that can be found/ NEW MILLINERY coining in each week, Fifth Are styles at DIRECT PRICES. We sure specializing in LADIES and CHILDREN'S SHOES If you need SHIRTS, COLLARS, NECKTIES, or HOSE, dont fail to give us a call Mrs. E. C. Britton AHOSKIE, N. C. ? ^ WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO LOOK OVER OUR LINE OF TALCUM POWDERS. WE QUOTE BELOW. IN THIS LOT YOU WILL SURELY FIND SOME THING TO PLEASE Jonteel % 2 25 and 50c Colgate's all odors 25c Cara Nome $1.00 Armand's : 35c Wright's Violet 25c Saxon, all odors 30c Black and Whte 25c Marcello's, all odors 25c Nyala' 25c Mary Garden 50c Amolin 30c Babykin 25c A. D. S. baby 25c B, A B., baby r 25c Mennen's , 30c Zinc Stenate 25c Borozin 25c Nyal's Prickly Heat 25c Florient 25c Violet Sec 25c Johnson's Baby 25c Vogue Royal L j 25c Spiro 30c Kora Konia 40c Copeland Drug Co. Th+ ^jlmxaJULstm "Tbt Prompt and Efficient Pharmacy" 1,11 ? 111 ' ' " 1 ?" 'J - ?"1 ?-- 1 - 1 1 - "? | ? SERVICE AND PRICES A Soda Fountain Service That Will Please Anybody Pleasable That is the kind of service you will find here. Service and Prices are what count. We beat them all on both. Call around and let us convince you of these facts. There is no reason for paying extor tionate prices for drugs and other articles carried in a drug store when pou can come here and buy them at a very small profit. Mitchell's Drug Store THE OLD RELIABLE" Manhattan Hotel Building AHOSKIE, N. C. ' V'i j i, ??? i ?????_ 'J *?" "-? T* V ? - .. ?' ' " '? IF YOU ARE NOT A SUBSCRIBER TO THE HERALD, We Believe Yon Should SUBSCRIBE Um Thu Coupon Hertford County Herald, Ahoulde, N. C. Deer Sir*?Enclosed find $ for which please enter my subscription for ( 1 year) ( .6 months) ( 3 months.) (place*X hi one desired.) NAME ?*????*??* mm r > ?f ^ LOCAL NEWS OF AHOSKIE ^ " Mr. yf. A. Thomas, of Cofield, waa in town Saturday on busineaa. Mr. G. B. Storey, of Murfreeaboro, waa a viaitor in town Saturday. Mr. T. M. Condon, of Winton, waa a visitor in town Sunday evening. Mr. C. B. Morriaa, of Colerain, apent Wednesday in town on business. Mr. H. M. Burden, of Aulander, spent Wednesday in town on business. Born to Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Mit chell, Tuesday, Auguat 29th; a fine boy. Mr. J. L. Liverman, of Murfreea boro, apent Wednesday in town on 'Buiig?a r~~~ ' ~n Mr. N. E. Greene, of Portsmouth, spent' Sunday and Monday in town with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Jernigan, of Aulander, were visitors, in town Wed nesday evening. Miss Margaret Hood, of Selma, N. C., apent Tuesday in town as the guest of Mrs. John Mitchell. . 1 " ' Miss Dorothy Garrett and Mrs.'Jef fery, of Southport, N. C., are visiting relatives here this week. Miss Earle Lawrence returned Mon day after spending several days as the guest of relatives in Norfolk. Mr. T. Baker, of Suffolk, spent sev eral days in town this week as the guest of relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Taylor, and children of Harrellsville, were visitors in town Wednesday afternoon. Dr. George Mitchell, of Wilson, spent last Friday in town as the guest of his father Dr. J. H. Mitchell. Mr. A. D. Walker, of Currie, N. C., is spending some time as the guest of his brother Dr. L. K. Walker. Mr. C. W. Dukes, of Rocky Mount, spent Sunday in town as the guest of his brother Mr. P. E. Dukes. Mr. B. H. Ward, of Harrellsvitle, was in town Thursday selling some tobacco on the Adoskie' market. Mr. Abe Feldman, of Dunn, N. C., ?pent last Friday in town with hi? parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Feldman. Mr. P. T. Perry, Jr., of the Herald stair, spent several days this week with relatives and friends in Windsor. Miss Jessie McMulIin, of Edenton, arrived last Friday to spend some time as the guest of Mrs. J. N. Vann. Mr. Clyde Howard, of Tarboro, spent Monday in town as^the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. How ard. ? Mr. D. P. Boyette has resigned the position of City Clerk of Ahoskie and Mr. L. C. William%has been appointed in his place. Misses Iola and Emma Wooten left Wednesday for Norfolk where they will spend some time as the guest of relatives. Mr. I. P. Newsome left Tuesday for Kins ton, where he will spend some time as the guest of his son, Mr. J.. I. Newsgme. Miss Dorothy Rawles, of Richmond, Vs., arrived Tuesday afternoon to spend several days the guest of Miss Lena Moore Rawles. v Mr. Teale Rawles, of Rocky Mount, spent several days in town this week as the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Rawles. Miss Hattie Burgess, of Winston Salem, spent several days in town this week as the guest of her brother Mr. George Burgess. Miss Alice Williams Mitchell, of Aulander, arrived Tuesday to spend several days as the guest of her sister Mrs. W. H. Newsome. Miss Nannie Newsome returned Tuesday evening after spending sev eral days on the markets purchasing a fall line of millinery for her store. Mrs. H. S. Basnight and two daugh ters. Misses Ethel and Louise, who have been spending the summer at Ocean View, Va., returned home last Thursday. Mr*. 0. 0. Barges*, of Winston Salem, N. C., spent several days in town this week as the guest of her son, Mr. George Burgees. Mrs. A. V. Greene, who has been visiting her sister Mrs. George Gornto in Wilmington, N. C., returned last Friday after spending two weeks. Mrs. J. E. Odom and children, who have been spending the past week as the guest of relatives in Norfolk and Ocean View returned home Tuesday. Mrs. F. A. VinsCn, who has been spending the past week as the guest of Mr. js'nd Mrs. F. .L. Howard, re tured to her home- in Portsmouth Monday. ? ?, > Sealed bids for quarters for the postoffice in Ahoskie will be received up to and including September 10th. For particulars inquire of the post master. . Mr. and Mrs. Jim Newaome and children returned to their- home in Kinston Tuesday after spending the .past week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs-W- H. Newsome. Hon. W. R. Johnson has been ap pointed as a' campaign speaker for the State Democratic Executive Com mittee in the state. Mr. Johnson is an able attorney and speaker, and well known throughout this section of the State. Regular preaching services will be held at the Methodist Church next Sunday morning, and evening by the pastor, Rev. M. F. Hodges. Morning service begins at 11 a- m. Evening services begins at 8 p. m. Everybody is cordially invited. Mrs. A. T. Olive, of Apex, N. C., who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. W. Alexander for the past week left for Richmond, Va., Tuesday where she will spend some time as the guest of friends. She was accom panied by Mrs. Alexander. Mrs. Mary L. Brittonand children, who ~have been spending the summer in town as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. O.'H. Britton, left Wednesday for Ocean View where' they will spend two weeks afterwards -returning to their home ih Elizabeth City. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Corwin left Tuesday for a visit to Philadelphia, Penna. Mr. Corwin will return in about ten days and about October l*t will return to Philadelphia to accom pany Mrs. Corwin home. While away they will also visit Atlantic City. Mr. Hugh Horton, who passed the State Law Board in- Raleigh last week, spent last Friday in town as the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. orton. He was en route to his home in Williamston where he is a member of the law Arm' of Dunning, Moore and Horton. Mr. J. Roy Parker, who has been been associated with the Logan Even Telegram, Logan, West Va., also sporting editor of the Evening Tri bune-Times at Hornell, N. Y. during the past seven months, returned home Thursday and will shortly re sume his position as editor of the Hertford County Herald. While away Mr. Parker also attended the summer school at the University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, taking a special course in journalism. Mr.' Parker is one of the best read men in this section and the Hereld is fortu nate in having him again as its editor. RESIGNS AS COUNCILMAN Mr. J. Bailey Barnes gave the fol lowing statement to the Herald for publication. "I am today resigning as City Councilman of this city. Reasons: Heavy business matters of my own to attend to and I cannot give the town affairs proper attention as I would like to." J. BAILEY BARNES. August 26, 1922. THE HERALD'S GREAT OFFER OF GOLD Is going; strong, subscriptions have been pournig into the Herald office but there is plenty of room for you to get in on this liberal proposition. BETHLEHEM NEWS Little Miss Annie Godwin, of Ahos kie, is the guest of her cousin Miss Lois Dilday. Mrs. M. E. Goodwin returned to her home in Suifolk, Vs., Friday, ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lowe and family. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Peele had a family reunion at their home last Sunday. All their children and grandchildren were present and the occasion was much enjoyed. Miss Rosa Leigh Slaughter and sis ter Martha, returned to their home last Tuesday after spending a week with their sister, Mrs. Roy Overton in Phoebus, Va. RICHARD THEATRE AHOSKIE, N. C ? 8:15 p. m. Today - THURSDAY - Today Ethal Clayton in "THE CRADLE" Fox New*. Major Allen's Adventures in Africa FRIDAY and~ SATURDAY William Fox Presents "THUNDERCLAP" The greatest race track drama with Mary Carr, the mother in "Over :he Hill" Extra Movie Chats and Bob and Bill MONDAY j-r Wanda Hawley In "Truthful Liar". Aesop's Fables Coming "Queen of Sheba" NOTICE The Republicans of Ahoskie pre cinct are hereby called to meet in con vention at the Woodman's Hall, in the town of Ahoskie, N. C., on >he 14th day of September, 1922 at 2 o'cldck, p. m., for the purpose of electingdel egates to the County Convention which is called to meet St above nam ed place on the 16th day of Septem ber, 1922 at 2 o'clock p.~-m. A. G. BAZEMORE^ Adv. ? Precinct Chairman. WANT ADS. Advertisements appearing under this head, set in this type, are charged for at the following rate; ten cents per line for the first week and five cents per line pier week- thereafter. Advertisements under this head are payable in advance, cash with copy. The amount charged.for any ad can easily be ascertained by . counting the words and allowing six words to the line. WANTED! WANTED!! WANTED!!! The HERALD wants your printing for 1922; and, if you give it to them, they'll give you entire sat isfaction and the price will suit you-1 on every job. Give them a trial. NOTICE?MONEY IS EASY TO OB. tain on improved lands, provided the borrowers do not want to ex ceed sixty per cent adyta value, disregarding war-time prices. For particulars see, Roswell C. Bridger. Representative Chicmauga Trust Company, Winton, N. C. F17 tf. FOR SALE?A FEW TONS OF hard anthracite coal. Apply to A. G. BAZEMORE. 8-18-41. WE PAY $36.00 WEEKLY FULL time, 76c an hour spare time selling hosiery guaranteed wear four mon ths or replaced free. 36 styles. Free samples to workers. Salary or SO per cent commission. Good hosiery is an absolute necessity, you can sell it easily. Experience unnecessary. Eagle Knitting Mills, Darby, Pa. 7-21-8t-pd STRAYED?I HAVE ONE HOG IN my possession that broke in my field. It has a red collar and weighs about fifty pounds and the mark is a crop from right ear, swal low fork and slit in left ear. Ow damage and forth m He nea can get this hog by paying costs. MRS. M.N T. DILDAY, R.F.D.4. Ahoskie, N. C. 0 NOTICE OF SALE .The Board of Education of Hert ford County, N. C., will sell at the Court House in Winton, October 2, 1922, $10,000 Schoolhouse Bonds of Union School District (St. John's Township No. 1.), in said County, dat ed May I, 1922, and maturing May 1, 1942, bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum. N. W. BRITTON, Secretary. 8-2 4-41 WILLIAM>W Ml?*lr THUNDERCLAP llwGfcaMSt Race Track. , Drama EwrSta^pd ?mmU.(LOTM? ? UOMU'ITMSMM RICHARD THEATRE ' FRIDAY and SATURDAY September bt and 2nd. -?-I1 -1 " " .11 11 PROFESSIONAL CARDS ^ ""i Dr. C. G. Powell DENTIST *?*???> ^^vu-uxn Phone No. 10. Aho.kU, N. C. R. R. ALLEN A SON < Dealers la SASH, DOORS, BUNDS, WINDOW GLASS, HARDWARE, PAINTS, and BUILDING MATERIALS GENERALLY Wholesale and Retail 927 Washington Square SUFFOLK, VA. TOMBSTONES OF ANY DESCRIPTION . See or Write J. B. MODLIN AHOSKIE, N. C. Agent for ?COGGINS MARBLE CO.? OR. CHARLES J. SAWYER Practice limited to -? Eye, Ear, Nom, and Throat Farmers-Atlantic Bank Bldg In Office every WEDNESDAY Dr. W. C. Mercer DENTIST " i - _ Offices over Mrs. Britton's store Ahoskie, N. C. NOW OPEN ARMY AND NAVY SALES STORE Jobbers of Army and Navy Goods ' Mens and Boys Clothing, Shoes ana Gents Furnishings 128 Main St. Ahoskie, N. C. JUNIPER HEART SHINGLES ?The Wood Eternal Par Sal* By c. B. MORRIS Colerain, N. C. ft , Aak for dtlhrmy, prices and samples EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having this day qualified as exe cutrix of the estate of Samuel Weaver, late of Hertford county. This is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of August, 1923, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 16th day of August, 1922. MATTIE WEAVER COLLINS, Executrix of Samuel Weaver, de ceased. 8-18-6t. Notice of Sale Under Mortgage By vitrtue of the power and author ity given by a certain mortgage exe cuted by J. E. Newsome and A. W. Holloman to J. S. Leary which is re corded in the office of Register of Deeds for the County of Hertford in book 65, page 216, the following jroperty will be sold at public auction, ris: Lots numbers 1, 2, 3, 7, and 8 is shown on map plotted by E. M.. Sustler Engineering Co., J. R. Thoma ?on, C. E., said map is hereby referred * to for a more complete description. Place of sale?In front of the Court House door, Winton, N, C. Time of sale?September 4, 1922, between the hours of twelve and twc o'clock. Terms of Sale?Cash. This July 31, 1922. J. 8. LEARY, Mortgagee. 8-ll-22-4t. Subscribe to the Herald; do it now. ? ? \ MM