^-vj? - i local news i) i of ahosk1e Mr. J. W. Powell spent lest Satur day in Suffolk on a business mission. Mr. H. Clay Sharpe of Harrellsville was a visitor in Ahoskie last Monday. Dr. Paul H. Mitchell and daughter spent last Saturday in Norfolk. Mr. Talmake Baker of Norfolk spent Sunday in Ahoskie with home folks. Mr. Hugh Dukes wf Elizabeth City spent last week-end in Union with his mother. Among Monday's visitors in Ahos kie was Mr. L. B. Jenkins of Mur freesboro. Professor C. C. Perry, of the Cole rain Graded School, spent last Friday in Ahoskie. Mrs. Arthur W. Greene and rMa. Hallie Baker were shoppers in Suf folk last Saturday. Mr. O. L. Joyner, prominent plant er of Greenville, spent several days in Ahoskie this week. Miss Myrtle Swindell, County Home Demonstrator, was a visitor in Ahoskie last Saturday. Mr. Hugh Harell and Miss Thelma Jewell spent last Sunday with friends at Murfreesboro and Como. Messrs. John O. Askew, Sr., and Grady Askew of Harrellsville were visitors in Ahoskie Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Thomas were the guests of relatives and friends in Norfolk last Friday and Saturday." , Misses Lucile and Joyce Hines of Suffolk, Vs., were the Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Otis Carter. Miss Emily Gayle, of the Ahoskie High School faculty, was the guest of friends in Norfolk the past week-end. Miss Willie Mae Horton of Chowan College was the guest of her mother, Mrs. John W. Overton, Jr., last week end. Sheriff and Mrs. BUmark Scull and daughter, Myra, were guests of Mr. /snd Mrs. W. A. Miller st Union last Sunday. Miss Louise Buffaloe and J. Roy Parker spent last Sunday in Seaboard as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Maddrey. Among last Saturday's visitors in Ahoakie were Messrs. E. V. Grisaom, W. J. Newsome, and Starkey Hare of Harrellsville. Miss Jessie Morris was in Ahoslde for a short while last Saturday en route to her home in Windsor. She is a student at Chowan College. Miss Annie Laurie Sessonls spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Sessoms. She is teaching school in Harrellsville. Miss Ethel Futrell was the guest of her parents at Woodland last Sun day. She was accompanied to Ahoa kie Sunday evening by Mr/ W. B. ForbOs. Mr. J. J. Piland of Winton was a visitor In Ahoskie Monday morning. He was about the 200th person to take advantage of our special offer to new subscribers during the month of Oct ober. The Roanoke-Chowan Fair at ffoodland is being liberally patroni sed by Ahoskie people this week. On Tuesday and Wednesday nights fif teen or twenty automobiles went there from here. Mr. and M.rs J. Bailey Barnes and two children spent the week-end in Norfolk and Portsmouth as the guests of relatives and friends. Mr. Barnes attended the A. A E.-V. M. I. foot ' bal game in Norfolk Saturday after noon. Miss Josephine Cowan left this week for Airiee, where she will teach school this session. Miss Ethylin Cowan also left for Enfield to teach school. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. George J. Newbern, making the trip by automobile. METHODIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY PLAN BAZAAR The-Woman's Missionary Society of the Ahoskie Methodist Church will hold a bazaar Friday, November 24? for the benefit of the church building fund, in the building formerly occu . pied by Miss Nannie Newsome. All kinds of fancy articles suitable for Christmas gifts, the bride's tros seau, etc., will be on sale, and also many tasteful eatables will be sold. Six o'clock dinners will be served. The church women have been con ducting rummage sales on Main street for several weeks, anil have realized more than a hundred dollars in the Saturday sales. NOTICE I will offer for sale all household and kitchen furniture, chattel and personal property of the late E. "W. Waters, on November 17th, 1922, at the home place of the late E. W. Wat ers near Murfreesboro, N. C. Date of sale :NOVEMBER 17, 1922. Terms of Sale?Cash. Hour of sale eleven o'clock. H. C. WATERS, Adma. ll-3-2t.pd. e .vr, -''Ma \-^\i' ? ?Sht . .? ? '? ?LI ' ! ?g?!? ROAD BONDS NOW J* HANDS OF \^>MPANY All of Hertford County'* road bond* ar* now in thev possession of bonding companies. J. If. Eley, chairmen, and Jno. A. Northcott, clerk, of the County Board of Commissioners, delivered the last batch to Prudden A .Co., Toledo, Ohio, last week, the amount being $200,000. Under the terms of sale made Monday, October 16, a premium amounting to approximately $17, ' 000 will be realised from the bonds delivered last week. The purchas ing c > MORTGAGE SALE Pursuant to the provisions 4f a deed of trust executed by G. O. Hare, (unmarried), to IK-C. Barnes, Trus tee. on the 30th day of April, 1922 and registered in the office of the Register of Dheds of Hertford County in book 65, pige 325. Default hav ing been made in the payment of the bond therein set forth and at the re quest of the holder thereof, the un? dersigned will sell all public auction, for cash, in the town of Murfreesboro N. C-, in front of the post office, on the 4th day of November, 1922, at 11 jp'clock a. m., the following prop erty: Those two several tracts or parcels 'of land situate in Murfrees boro Township, Hertford County, North Carolina, and being the share |0f the land inherited by the said G. O. Hare and the share inherited by his sister, Coleuo Benthall (nee Hare) Hi the division among the heirs of the lands belonging to John Hare, father, and Jackson' B. Hare, grandfather, of the G. O. Hare and Coleus Benthall, and described and designated as fol .lqns: fTRSt?Lots No.-6-A, 6-B and ?-C as, set apart to the said >G. Ox Harp in deed or division between himself and the other heirs, containing one hun dred ten and one-sixth acres, refer ence being made to th^ deed to said Hare which is duly recorded in the Register's Office Of Hertford'County SECOND?rliots No. 1-A and ?-B as deeded to Coleus Benthall (nee Hare) In the division of the above described land as her share in the same, which was later conveyed by . deed to Sliid'G. O. Hare, containing ~ one hundred-and eleven and one-sixth acres, reference being made to the deed to the said Coleus Benthall for the same, and also tc? deed from the said Coleus Benthall to G- O. Hare, both of which are dulyprecorded in the Register's Office for Hertford .County conveyed by the said G. O. Hare to satisfy the debt and interest provided for in said Deed of Trust. ' This 4th day of October, >922, 10-13-41. D. C BARNES, Trustee. r"v - ?y. NOTICE ? By virtue of the powers contained in a certain Deed of Trust executed on the 6th day of June, 1918 by A B. Whitley and wife Annie C. Whit ley to John E. Vann, Trustee, which deed of trust is duty recorded in the Register of Deeds office for Hertford County in* Book 64 on page 264. The conditions set forth in said dee<^ of trust have not . been met, the un dersigned Trustee will therefore on the 6th day of Novefnber, 1922, offer for sale at the Court House door of Hertford County, to the highest, bid der for cash, the following described real estate, to-wit: A tract or parcel of land situate in Maneys Neck Township, Hertford County, N. "C. Beginning af a corner post on the road, a corner for H. S. Littles heirs; thence along the Murfreesboro and Riddicksville road an easterly course 188 feet to a cdrner post; thdnce along P. C. Taylor and R- A. Majette's line a southerly course 482 feet to a corner post; thence a westerly course * along R. A. Majette's line 188 feet _ to a post Little's line; thence along the Little Hne a northerly course 492 ,feet to a corner post at beginning. Containing 1 and 1-2 acres, and known as a part of the old R. R Savage land. This the 20th day of Sept, 1922. 10-18-41. JNO. E. VANN, Trustee. ? T NOTICE OF LAND SALE I! By virtue of authority contained iii a certain mortgage deed executed on the 2nd day of May, 1921,^by J. L. Bellamy and wife, to P. S. Bellamy, which mortgage deed ia duly recorded in book 72, page 49, office of the Reg ister of Deeds, of Hertford County, default having been made in .the pay ment of the debt therein secured the undersigned nfbrtgagee will on th$, s18th day of November, 1922 between the hours of 1 p- m. and 3 p.m id frhnt of the postofflce door, Ahoskie, N. ? rSSESSmmmSEmSSSSSmSmSSSSmmmEjSEESSESSSSSESEEE^i ? DANGER 1 - ! . > ? fcj." - i ? ?? A RAILROAD CROSSING If you cross a railroad track without noticing the sign and happen to get hurt, then it ia your own fault for ita your buaineaa to look out. So iU likewise when buying amedicinea, ata-, tiatica ahow that thoua anda of people die on account of uaing the* wrong medicine 0 u 1 Q a u * i? A person's system is just like the movements of ? clock. Any little thine can put it out of commission. So be careful, it makes no difference whether it is for your headache, indigestion, kidneys or any other ailment look for a licensed Drug Store. Your druggist is more than a merchant. . Copeland Drug Co. ? * Tbm IS&AaSIL Stan The Promjst and Efficient Pharmacy We have the only Registered Druggist in Ahoskie or Hertford County ' - ? t ? ' .X COMPARE OUR PRICES - -v / IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR STANDARD GOODS ' AT LOW PRICES, THEN YOU'LL TRADE WITH US. OUR PRICES STAND THE TEST OF RIGID COMPARISON. BE SURE THAT YOU ASK US ABOUT THEM KEEP FIT Use our remedies for colds and coughs that always accompany the advent of cold weather. We can fill the bill ih any line of proprietary medicine Candies, box and loose, good smokes, fountain drinks served right, Face powder and peffumes and Rubber Goods VISIT US . MITCHELL'S DRUG STORE , THE OLD RELIABLE" Manhattan Hotel Building AHOSKIE, N. C. ? 1 _ _____ ? ... ?_ *" COMMUNICATE WITH JONES. SOK i Care I NORFOLK, VIRGINIA Imdr' excellent storage facilities. Latest market information furnished on request i TREE or CHARGE, BY TELEPHONE OR TELEGRAPH ? corhesponwjc^nvrttd-jhous^cstsbusik^stj COMMERCIAL PRINTING OF ALL KINDS NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONE AT. THE HERALD OFFICE i - r. *. h '? , .. ? ' ? #