g*Pl Hertford County Herald , A PAPER WORTH WHILE +0 Volume XIH., Eight Pages Ahoskie, North Carolina, Friday, April 27, 1923 One Section No. 51 CAREY VAUGHAN IS FOUND GUILTY OF MURDERING CHILD Second Degree Murder Was Verdict Of Jury; Judge Daniels Gives Him 15 to 30 Years CIVIL DOCKET IS ONE WEEK BEHIND | Ahoskie Negroes Have Skipped The State And Bonds Order ed Forfeited '\ ./J',' f ?: 1 Superior Court in Hertford County will dispose of but few civil cases during this two weeks' term. At noon Wed nesday of this week, with three days left in Which -to do busi ness, only one civil action had been decided by a jury, it was the D. C. Miller will erase,/ which was hard fought by con testants, the jury deciding that the will was genuine. A negro divorce case was in progress when court recessed for dinner. On account of the long drawn out murder case of Carey Vaughan, colored, it was Tuesday before the first civil case was called. Many crimi nal cases were continued until the next term of court, among which were several capiases,] and failures to appear for trial. It was necessary to call a venire of 150 men to Winton, from which to select twelve jurymen -for the trial of Vaugan; and, after sitting through the evidence and law yers' arguments from Thurs day until Saturahy*TBJternoon7 they returned a verdict of sec ond degree murder. Judge Daniels gave him a sentence of from 15 to 80 years in the State Penitentiary, and ordered him incarcerated in the State Pris on to ayrait the disposition of his appeal to the supreme court. Immediately after the verdict was rendered, the defendant's attorneys made a motion to set aside the ver