^Pl Hertford County Herald Volume XIV. Eight Pages Ahoskie, North Carolina, Friday, June 1, 1923 One Section No. 5 SfaaMfiiifaiidB?? "1 ' 1 1 ' < ''?? ??? ,v"'?itiM i j i WOMEN OF COUNTY HAVE FINE MEETING __________ Council Of Betterment Organi zations Have Interesting Session At Annual Gathering fA REV. J. W. WHITLEY MAKES GOOD SPEECH (Special to The HERALD) Harrellsville, May 30.?The annual Betterment meeting ' 'was held at Harrellsville, May 24, beginning at 11 o'clock, the program was as follows: Opening hymn?America. Prayer, Rev. Mr. Waters, pas tor Colerain Baptist Church. Address of welcome, by Rev. R. B. Lineberry, Colerain. Response to address, by Rev. L. C. Larkin. Annual address, by Mrs. T. T. Parker, President of Hertford County Betterment organisa tions. Repors from both senior and *' junior betterments. A talk by Mrs. R. C. Bridger, in tbe interest of the marker for the late war heroes. An address, by Rev. i. W. Whitley, pastor Murfreesboro Baptist Church. Community dinner at tbe noon hour. A concert in afternoon under the direction of Rev. L. C. Lar kin. i This get-together meeting marks the fourth year of the history of the county-wide community betterment work. It was gratifying to see the fine co-operation among the womeq of the different sections of the county; it was encouraging to hear the splendid reports of the women and girls. Each one making a report mention ed improvement of schools and church grounds, equipment for schools, so cial activities for both young and old people; also acknowledged, with ap preciation, the services of their home demonstration agent The audience listened with keen interest to the poem, "Co-operation/' composed by the President of the County Council, Mrs. T. T. Parker, also the plea by Mrs. Bridger for funds for the World War marker to be placed at the county seat in the near future. The stirring address delivered by Rev. J. W. Whitley, on the subject of "The Pour Elements-of Community | Life," which he defined as good roads, schools, churches and homes, held the audience spellbound. One lady was heard to remark "I could listen to Mr. Whitley on an on?even if I were hungry." Mr. Whitley gave a hearty endorse ment to the big road movement, say ing he accepted the plans of the di rectors of the projects. He made a strong plea for the schools, sayiqg he and many other persons present would be old and on the shelf before twenty-five years and that the pres ent generation must be prepared to ? take our places. He spoke of the church as the "Df rine Institution that God had made for man" and defined the duties of christian men and women who sup ports its services. He added: "A man who doesn't support the church js a parasite." Be spoke tenderly of the home and it* Influence. He declared that home making was a profession, that our young girls should be trained for that position in the home, as lawyers and doctors are trained for their life's work. He paid a beautiful tribute to the work of the Home Demonstration . and plead wjth women of the county to cooperate prith the county agent Next came