"fBjFnPSII ? C J {*% . IIr1 1 |sms:s] Hertford County Herald *=?=? "? ? A PAPER WORTH WHILE Sr. Volume XIV. Twelve Pages Ahoskie, North Carolina, Friday, December 7, 1923 One Section No. 32 FUTILE ATTEMPT IS MADE TO CHOOSE A COUNTYOIAIRMAN Commiaaionera Vote Twelve Times But Fail To Select Either Doctor Mitchell or Fruk Tayloe DARK HORSES AND DINNER DO NO GOOD Thad A. Euro Elected to Suc ceed W. D. Boone, Resigned, As Coast? Attorney lie county commissioners elected a new legal adviser and attorney at ' the regular December meeting last Monday; but when it came to select ing s chairman from among its awn number, there was nothing doing. AH six of the commisioners had their choice for chairman and "dirk horses," dinner, nor anything else could change the vote, which ended 8 to 3, with Doctor Mitchell and Frank Tayloe as candidates. Attorney Thad. A. Eqre was elected tovooceed Attorney W. D. Boone, re signed, as county attorney. Mr. Boone, was first elected unanimously to succeed himself 'but declined to accept the position for another year on account of conflict with his other work. Attorney Eure was than a unanimous choice. Voting on a chairman for the en Jh suing year began shortly before the noon hour, and seven ballots were taken before the commissioners ad journed for dinner, "to think it over." Balloting was resumed after lunch with the same result, and, after five more try* at it, Doctor Mitchell ruled himself chairman until his successor was elected. The behrd then proceeded to its other business. F. G. Tayloe was nominated by E. H. Eure; and Dr. Mitchell by W. J. Vaughan. Two ballots resulted in a tie each time. E. H. Eure was then nominated by Mr. Vaughan, but the vote remained unchanged, the first ?two candidates receiving three -votes "" each. Jno. O. Askew, Jr., was nomi nated by E. W. Whitley, and received one vote; Whitley was in turn nomi nated, but the result was all the same. Two more ballots on MitcheU and Tayloe failed to break the tie. The board had the same deadlock one year ago, bat finally choae Doctor ' Mitchell when one member changed hie rote. Voting was by ballot on Monday. Without having first hand knowledge, here is the way the HER r ALD reporter places the votes: For Mitchell, W. H. Vaughan, E. W. Whitley, J. H. Mitchell; lor Tayloe, E. H. Eure, J. O. Askew, and F. G. Tayloe. Bonds of the other county officers were examined and approved at the Monday amnion; and E. H. Eur* was also appointed to check the report of the Clerk of court on fines and for feitures and other revenues controll ed by his office. A meat house and pack house, re spectively were ordered built at Park er's ferfy and Hill's ferry, for the use of th? ferrymen. These were the principal items of business transacted at the meeting Monday; and, with the approval of bills against the county, the bodrd adjourned at 3 o'clock and went home. r",v ?' >??'-v. $?*>'-&S|f.