IV I -. . : ) ' a ' ' 1 ' ' - t. " ",7. '-" -" . . . ' ' " ' ; -" -"- r' ' - . . ' - i !. : M - ! : :.v . .. .; r-rh-rrjH: ' " j -r-- i r-f TT i v I . ! . -.- T 1 ' - . i I f 5.-'. .-.! . if, - ; a .. ' '1'- : 1 iliiimiiiiJMPiii.iii i ii i li 1 ill f'i i- . rj a rj. V t ' ! ; - V ; T T " ' T ... I. . 'LBKJIARLE, N. C:, THURSDAY, i'EIJRUAltY ,17, iRSr. NO. 27 : ' I - - - iWj NV. WO OLEY, F.l) TOJl ASD PROPRIfiTOE. -. SUBSCRIPTION: On Tonr, iu d -ancp;. : i. ..,-' ..C.r.U8. Es Jifilrillis. in. Ai1vm.....i...,..i.;.,.'.;..."3' i : : c ' . 0 - 2 ' c -'-'-.-'; :' P' . ',3 v" t ' S: . a- is s- i ! u re : I ! : : : ; 8: :-: .': f 3 8" S? S S" S: -1 t - IS . o . 3 W S8 a- A' Daughter's 'History, BV BARUCTT SYLVESTCn, jirmoR OF AN1 Sl-XiUI-SJi," "FASiii rKIUK,'' KxC : ' : . . CHAPTER T, "! ; TIIK SIGNAL OK OISTRRSS. i "Tather wJhat has become of Ncie Rloaiimrron. l'have: t seen herJTor. i:e last week or more. I'm sure so:e tfiing must have happened to her'" ' The speaker, fair haired girl ol six Uien, looked up. at ihc old graj-hcad ? stated. a fevr steps a.vaj, and drew ithfi little s'toot uuou; which she a- stated closer. The two iwere beft.re a bright!- iire in: aa didTfaohtouud-Jsew England kitchen, .. -vrlmse arpearaurc betokened all tke comlorts ot a happy homa - i K very thing was old fashioned v en jtioithe "prints over ihe inanicl. The ! windows were small, six..uied afl'airs ! 4-the doors were divided in the centre, the top part of which might be opeuod t wtthoui disturbing the lower, and the 1 firc-p'Bce guttered with the reflection of: the tire upou the Lnghtl, -pohahtd and imns. ; I ! V Ah, ray dear,'.', replied the old mnfi, 'as the gtfl drew 'wear,: 'I-ata afraid . Nellie is" ill. She; has ,a' hard life -a "hard life " ! 'kA hard lifei.faf hcrlM exclaimed the ' tirl. What makes YOu'think so:" r." rere are a variety ni circuuisian featin. j - - , ; Omsijle the storm incrcaprd. The wind MhistUd hlliy throrch the crvji! Ail the o:d laifii-hou.-e, and thook. the windows now and then with a violence which, ihreaiemd their fu ture u'c. Hut this wa liotLutg new in these farts nt this seat-on of the year; foi the viiiajre'.was rear-the se;t, anil when the w itid blew inland they were keen'y ftU every w hoie. - : And ) et, dti!tc the frt-qMency with .whn h th se,'.slrtriiis visual! ih'.-s lion of th e oowntr.y 4 ti.s pni i.Hxhij- stortn cbum! old Mr Lji.yd, tf-e father of this falrhairfd girt, to hu i ler. ., .--'A't' evry- -sriok of the .irmd he would shiver like an a-pm. ; 1 his Hon- . sie did not fait to ntUice,- though at lir-t she "aid nothing. At 'ev.gth. she put down her kuile, aud . It that addea to toe general Uroanness ot th-e scene.- . e are none i the houe, and I'm aciuariy naving for ihfm.?: Old farmer Hovd smiled, and Dut on ' On the shoreTlay pieces of broken nis hat laimtdiately.. itimber and a mass of rubbish. A!. 1(3,1 snail have some, ray dear," 'brave . ship had gone do e rent asun- Vr saia "Anything '.to please you. jder by the terrific windjs, and these Howmany? " t, . .J . Iwere the only remta'nts of her exit "A-doz.en. If I were, not tired. I d :erce. i go mystlf, but-i 3' ; fhe traclis msU by the stout hearts h She interrupted by a hearty i whohad braved the fury of the storm smack on the hps, and then the two ito rescue the perishing were soon cov- fair rourg girls were aloae. ' lered, and Teft ro ;rn i.f the Treat deeds -Vow you will fcitdown, Iknow,' "f- may not go ! 2 S to rnctf-at-IsiziVi 4 ALBF!3IA1H: x..c. n3- tae CouvIh of Aniu, fuju, Miits:oTnn,v . r ..iSffl'.-.':.! 7. menn tit frll J.T.REIAVINE, ALBEMARLE, N. C. v V racfice Ccs which induce me to believe it, uy dear -t cjrcuuiijlances of a ptcuaar na ture." . . ' J iV What are they fathcr?'f . t The old gentleman' hud paused in h. explanation, and did not eee:n inclined to go on with it. " : What a.re those circnm stances, fa- thc-r'r" repeated the girl. : tvI had ralhtr not aay i". replied the old man. - i .. MVlll TmfJ'" - - I-"''!; i .'. ; i "Because it would. do you no .good to know " - I The girl sighed , ". . . I ' That is always your exeue, fa ther,dcar, when 1 Kpcak - to ou of leUhei Nellie or her mothtr," Khe -said iTWhy will you nt spiak out, and iet tmeiuta yonr r secret." . -lThcre was an emphasis upon the I vrorJ pruat, ' which made the sooer . , . ; r c, ..,1 Vmt woru groat, ; wuicn uiaue esjnconr,tof.Sln y,xont-,o.d ni(ijsmi, , A"n-on, U n , an.J-,0 0 arr u "JI,w in)ui!tive yon or? , - . . " : press your old father so hi --rr: r 1 thad anvthina; to tell. -do: r"5 to-nisrht v hard. - If II do: vou .-up IIt. IL W. BETTS. ' Albemarle. Xorth Carolina, OTers his Professional porvice to en se any thin to tell. "h pose f would keey you in susj e I 1 "No. dear nnr . but: then " :1 : 1 he irirl drew ii!o.ir. and rTrrt hfr- f in tront ol ner parent, : self dirtKitly the- resting her hands up-Sn fiis knees ad citizens of Albemarle ana vicinity. k "' . ".- May be found at Dr. Wooley'n old j"ln on her vjantcnaiire. V:ice during the day, and at residence ' what, dcar"iakei the old dnrm'e the n'ght. " . . . .df1?" ct,,,M i;i ','.i.- .--.Ji!-. .'i in-A 11 ca la will receive prompt atten-.u V' "Y,,:vi"' '? f uy -v 41 vai a -r. ... . : cf 2senc, for she is: such ' a bauuiiluM ! :. 01.. -. 1.. h .. t . i etll one 111s suen lovely oiacK eves 1 June2!,lS0.tf. ".. A.C.FEEE&ArJ, . and f?uch elegant i wavy - hair. And I j tlien her 'skin is s so w hite and her ! j checks so pink I She is, I am sure, the ! i Landsonicat irirMni the world. ' ! SUr ElllOtt COURT VLERK AXD;.. 'Perhaps, Bessie-purhips"- 'miir- i i muitu nerr coinranion, and ; atiueu: 'beauty is not every thing, 'child.5 l!ut, without -heed msr this rather I disparaging remark, the girl went n lm vvev I Pifhoi-" shi said. "You are cold. Y011 a.re all in a shiver. Cai nearer the tire." ' 1 Mo, child,? replied the former. "I" am perfectly comfortable, but I fear thciu are others who rnayi not, be so well housed. : Your remarks really 1 worry me, and f fear it may be as you" j pay1, that Nellie is ill, and not only ill, butin want of shelter from- the rudo i (blasts -that sweep mother earlh.to-. 1 Ulght." : . . I "sin want of shelter, father!" ex- j claimed Bessie - les, in want of she'ter. Ye?ter-J dav they were threatened by the land.-j lord. I know. To-day they may be 1 Jiouselessl" -. 1 'tOa, father! Why did you to the ra ouer"' , - "Because, hiy darling," Mrs. Ttern-; inglon would have .shut the door in! iiiv face.' She is a woman Who will! ; allow rto one to interfere- with her do-i nletic allairs. 'She is, I may say . one' who will not have any thiug to do with: 1 heh neighbors."; -i;; - M VBut, father " W h a t Bessie T'ioyd waft about to Fty wifr interrupted by the distant boom, of! a ca non 1 1 t5he stopped abruptly J and a sudden; pslror oTCrspread her features.- bhe camght the sleove of the old man be--side her.---: 1 ! ' ' . ' f 1 " -j r -.j " f aUicr!'" sh cried, "do you hear that sound. " i , '.- t ! . f'Ycs,"- answered Mr. I?yd, with cheeks almost as white as her own "Yes. H;irk! t ere it is a'ain-the minute gun at seal" , ' . ! iAgain and. yet gin it soundedt that distant, revei hei atig boom each tune endir:g a bhock to- the listeners' hearts. It was a cry i f warning a" cry of distress too well known to the marin r, who. trusts himself to the treacherous. waters.. ' -;i . 1 !" Do you think there is nr real (Jaeger, father, uearV asked BesiOj ajter a. mora cut 'si pauses. - 1. s ; iThe light is in the wrndew and the JV.' h thj;i; -n t,t V1" -l,,",1fi vn-r : shinmg Wujhtly ; 1 can bcu it from the I w indo w." 1 1 . j j "The .wind is strong, "Bessie, very strong," said the old 'gentleman, "and thts hip that is well anchored is sliill prt carionsly situated. ; I fear-l fear Mime unlucny mariner has been driven upon the rocks. . God kelp the sai!r to-nigh ll" " -'.,' j;-- .. .1 ; Once more the signal 'of distress boomed cut, borne aloft by the raging winds-r-:- .!. ,. . ' . , :M- . i liessie Boyd stood by the window pcerii'igxut mto the r,o.fj) t seeking to peneti ate beyond its Plutouion dark ness, fche stood there buf mo merit, and then done by the iittU band. Livci had betu aved two precious fives. '. The vessel who.ife arreals, for relief jihad struck 'the car .of' Bessie Boyd !: contBjnctL. f;ght souls, but of these ji eight. only two wej-e able to leave the j linking ship whn the life-preserving line was iiR.wn to them tiwintheine boat, whish had ;vll but bevii engulfed by the mighty .su.. ..' . "Orie of these . poor cresfures was nearly, frozen when ho rvachtd the hore,b ; t ' wo st'uidy Tihe men rjuick ly'coriVeyvd' him to ihu.ncarcst cottage an-l lab'ited 'it.h-Mur'urtil .hey saw Hm (ite-blord retr.rn n.r to his checks. I hen tbey left hiui'in chs.re of com petent nurses and returned : to othtr duties. C - . sa'd Bessie. "Yes, lean Stay a few minutes." said Nellie, "but only a few minutes ' Xid Nellie, "b "Why only dear?" a uw minute "Mamma wants n:e liome.' 7 "Oh." exclaimed Bessie, i "I - ara ever fo anxious to know what ha kept you away ihce last few days," she added. : . VFamily affairs," said ' Xellie "mot her needed rae." " 'There wasi a furious expression upt-n her f:ce as she Fid this a look which nuzzled Bessie'.Boyd, and made her mere carious than ever. . ' "Your mother not sick, Is she?" . IJfood relations War stories. 1 A gratosibger Tbc tea-kettle, r '. - - . Is it right to write! wright rite? r.'-f!' ''.' -i j j'- . . -. A very heated term "You're aliar A joiner bench The hymenial al tar, '" . f! ! -; ' ..' A :- . - 1 T)se average twenty daj. life of a hous -fly is Bo'th the men and womn of Peru, haye a graceful j g iding gait. H ; friend down is a sure. way of dropping au acquaint ance. ' Knocking a Nel' ie's face was somewhat flushed. t am impertinent, am I not. dear?" said Bessie- l. But I don't ir.tan to be. , What two letters Kate when jrecovei 111 i 1 The fx. j: ; - dvCS a from drunkard 1 a spree 5 t he 'oHier .record rr-nn ras also taken cre of ;by kind-hearted peo- plo- . . -' K : This, min was; -middle aged, prem irgly ,.f-)r"hU hairlhad a r,ra.yih tint,' and. Ihrr were lines of eve' on, his fr:rh''ail ' f v- . - It was this marj with whom Bessie Jiwcrc a real sister. Instead of that B-:vd wasientra?'d the morn nz after .'V.oii are shy, -nd consequently when .the st rm,s The itian lay in a '1 ed at S'jnirc (irimes'sVn iigly ensconced be tween warm b'ankets. . ' : . Bessie, who h.T'l seen him dragged aipot from society, and would have ashore, ; ; nd had followed - in the kept aloof from n.e hal I not boldlv v. a? e of the meu ,who conveyed him to spoken-to yui and asked 'you -to call the' Sq aire's, ai, beside the ied 1 and mo rry;." !; : j "'' - watching for hira to wake fronv the , The girl'seyes flashed and she'.ookcd peaoefui i!eep into, "which, toward '.almost fiercely into Lessic's calm orbs lu-rn'ng, he had fallen . " - i as f ho a-ked: : .: . f' 'At'enirfh he Opened his- eres and i .'.'Who has dxird say anything of my locked- .about- hjm. Present1 y. 'they lifer Who has dared Fpeakiill of me cr miner" V r; ! 'Don't get angry, now,1 I beg,'-' pleaded Bessie. ;"I' did rotfty.any one had r poken ilbre p ctf ully. Bat reallv vou are ko rcticont that it could ! not be wondered at if such ! were the The injuries we do, and those we lit upon the watcher, whom he' eyed with considerable interest, '-- ; . . " WhVriaiu .11'" he asked feebly! ' To the care er friends," anwtrcd 1 ." -; U d he 'iuW losie. onty I long to know, why wei can't be, sufTtr are Keldoui weighed in. the oame" friends without Mich a distance bein v j ;-; - p'aced between us. I love you, dear ... , i ; : ' i. . ,.-;'" "; '. Kellie - I love you as Iwmi'M loie a , ': R ! ' " J- - fie.li. and blood sistcr,: and I long to ' ,The Czaf- shoeshis horse with silrer, ; have you think cnouga of n.e to act as theianner's wife shoes her chick- - cLsjwith'an old apror. I hear anything about vour life T can-f ' -v i . . rot speak f r fear yon will not like it. !f Lhbor js.one of the great elements Unlike the rest of the girls, vou keep ', of tuciety-the great substantial inter- Ili.T h rt . .' 11 1 i - . J ' et t n'wnicn we an .stauu. . :'-'.' ' '' : Mr. O'Flannigan J looking at a. tail- or.' a window- Pants for five dollars I : ! Begorra, that's jest what oi pants for meself ? . . - ; , .-'".. ; . . -- - ,-'.-.; - s' : j - j- - . -, .. - - It is claimed by some medical men that smoking ; weakens the eyesight Maybe it does, but" just see how it strengthens the.breath t ' ; , " Yes. sir." ft - . ' case. It is because I think- much " A--' " ' t . ( of you that 1 speak of it. , Why don't Si'encea few moments, thfn the man I you ming'e with the rest of the girls, sighed. ; .'i t " dear, and why are you so j afraid to "So sb'e. went diown ,".he said..- "The : fpeak of your affairs:" i ; " . people sa'.cd but the ship gone.' ,"I am noti afraid.' '.r 'exclaimed .theT - lie evuleut'v i thought the living . g'rl almost defiantly. ' "Nor d 1 Care freight '.E-'vl-epfpeJ a watery grave." i what people in 1 this place may Fay. 'and -ther-dore 1 esie iliil nc t contrauict n suca a mu mu viuae uiai IaB Dick?"- .. . i . UliJI. ! . 'Where's denlv. -- ; - 4 1)ick. Vho?"asl:ed Bese. ; "Bcothor 'Dick my .'own .'brother, Where dd .hev tne hi- m excitement is necessary, therefore they he asued, sue- ' made mte and mine the worK lor go sip. i .wishilhcai a sur'.eit ol scan dal.". ' -: , .- -"Why! "'cried Bessie, "you are get- tinr nr -.rrv. 1 csn't see at what." He was a tagged orphan boy ; lie did not own a cent But still whene'er he tore his clothes, He'd gather in his rent. . - ; ; ;: -:- -::! j -:.-:-!-' .'- f A-Wesfi Hill man whose wife- cleans ,house fotXr times a yearand sweeps tnine times a week, says she is bope- ilessly afflicted with chronio brooma- .z-l -;; .'.;-"-i'.-u.L "toiaa'i.wntur. erf?" B isy, rutddlingirossips.'" Nellie's facehad grown pile and flushed by , turns, and how-tsars trick'ed down her cheeks, which she working Irishman; "that night tr'ot!if :tlU-: enly iiie"; sav-d beside ' hime!f? Or was this 'mnnsbrothtrMy ing at the bttoni- thsen? - . Snob m-k T.f Okie's t.hOn?ht. biit sbi d:d not H.v utterance to it. hastily wiped away. - . . . " You: must in t. trouble yourself j ' " 1 here, th- r,diar !' excb i ncdT3.es-' about brother bick Just now, sir," ie' "through, my own folly .1 have Shu said.-erttlrL "Keen oniet . if vou niade you cry. I. am sorry, Nellie. wou'd get well', If you get excited , Forgive me !" v . ;'.. . " i - . . v. : - r . . . tr I . " ihnt vnn do not. nppn. snul apIIi.I. and that wi 1 put you back da vs and j You have done' nothing to call for the. Us sense' m the head of.tae. swell who perhaps,wee'is," -?"- - .- ;4 forgiveness. , lat, it we i are - to-be The rasn obeyed like a-child, and in j fncndi sisters -my . family - matters a few minutest sank back upou the m-uai neer us in j way rcierreu to. niver comes on till late in the day,- whin a man is tired, and can't" work any stall, -at all.'; i r I-."" "U - "..'''. : r ' t'; - ! -1 . . -. i "Aristocratie- swells now-" carry scented canes." And . there is moie scent in the head of the cano than the re- carries it. ' ii t . . -' : " . m a -k iiessie roso f rm the cnair beide ths tnen nastily , le t its recuses atid . bed and lHnt. over the riillow to-satisfy f l1 P. the., little .closet at the other herself that he Was indeed aslcrn. As f dor ex- :i ' FOR STAXLY CO. 1 i . ALSO T.X-OFFICIO OTAKY PUBLIC Oftice in the , Vou H Mouse said, 1 am M.B.IJOAVELL, i' - DEALER I: '....'':, wi th her ci mm end a lion "Do you know, father." she i 'l am so interested in her that 1 bound to know another week 1 n TV:, ri a Kl o mother have been living in Woodstock six months, and set JJve never been inside the house.'1 ;i: ,: v-i :!;'-r-'The old gentlemarj gave a peculiar grunt, and kicked a falling : ember ! side of the room. i "What are you going to el aimed her father. "Do." cried i,essie, j ."T am coin rto save human life, if lean.'1' 1 She drew from -the' cJoset a thick -woolen hood and an oiled skin cloak, and adjusted them upon her head and shoulders. Then che ilune oil' her ZTTr f r k k r daint slipper and thrust her feet into he d it s "w,.;'?0,1 boots. Old farmer fate VrheeSanV'hVr ' "tulated-with her at every , she did so she ioticeJ a small niinia ture, attached, to a velvet cord, ban -ingabont tho neck of the rescued man. It. had Evidently been forced from its hiding p'ace by" the rough n are its owner htd nnde rsrone. in the--eflort ' to save his life. " Curiosity caused fiie to look at this portrait. . hhe tooK H genti v in her hvnd. and so mat line iigat strucs upon i.: -l ... . Only upon that basis can t promise to I 'VWell, Pat, ,iim didn t. quite Kill ' come here and sit with j ou , occasion- you with the brickbat, did he ?' 4,No, jally." i J V. V'- . , but I fwishUc had." "Why so?7 uemureiy, iossie ioya promuea to .eotht coaId tave seen tim hunjr' 1 ask no more 'questions. ' -frescntl. they were chatting plcas Cntly on the storm of the previous j night. Bessie described the vivid i scene on the beach and the r scuc of tue two men. the Tillian." T t j. ."Julias, did you 'tend de las "in' ob .do debatin' society ?'V 'jWell, what was de sir.' Bes- 1 . Are they Oiu oryoung menr: asked Je.iiie. - s .'- i: -.. . . inii,(,r,1A,(..Ptr.ciT ,i h r, trr, a ! was a charcoal cart. v u v j i v vi v u ' j -gia j A a UMUWIJV au y ' dat cutri afore de rhouse V" meet-4Yes:, fus tirg YYhy, it I back into th'e fire-place, f, " WThy, Bessie,.mv- d l t'lxTlUu'u tnnll,, dear." he saM. Nellie's mother has nefer asked us to call." - ' - ! V We shouldn't wait f6 be asked. She is a stranger .in ' the place, and trmprn'5VrFP PAVTS OIT i Knows no one. it i the duty of the TOBACLO, SN L J; 1' , I AlN lto,UiL,fe, , habitants to look after new-comers iT S - PATENT MEDICINES, DYE-STUFFS, &c, DS?"Ivept constantly on hand-.Zll FiVHIEltS' HOTEL, mltbcmarU- i V ! SIDNE Y IJ. IIEARNE, i This well-linown, hotel. kept and conducted by oiteneo leu upon tne two Jor a mo ment, when the girl broke out again "Butwhy do you say, there are pecu liar cir umstauces which induce you to believe Nellie has a hard life? Do you think: her vmother is unkind . to herr" ' t .,, ' k;.: . "I cannot:say." -- - "What do you mean by a hard life. the?vv:-- " Bessie, child, I i am unable to an- i ewer- yourquestioris," Eaid the old j gentleman, averting his eyes, as if to ' ,1 e.-cape ' her pleading look. "Please Proprietor ! don't annoy me any, more!" which was' J"'ist then the windows rattled vio- E. L'earr.e in u wmbv.ingsounfls. swept a K through the cottage..- The old trentle- his youneest son. S. II, 11 earn e.' file, j " . . "v . vu u wm" ante-bellum days, is "now manag respectfully solicits the. patronage iof the traveline public Accommoda tions good. ; Rates reasonahle J,.M. RbdWikb. S,.J. PaiiBE etox "Ah!" he said, looking out into the dark nighty ";a stcrm is risingv It PENNINGTON,. ; STANLY COUNTY, N.C. ' . DEALERS IX ' General Merchandise! ! - ' . ' ! !- ; Ar.d Manufacturers of the j (i Pennington 51 on iy E3"We are havinar our mills thor oughly repaired, and will be prepared t r. " to give satisf action to see us. We pay Hie highest cash prices all kiuds oi country produce. . -i is dark as? pitch and ginning to fall fast andthick.: I feared we should have it." Theu, turning from tlie window, he aslced the fair haired girl at the fi re-place: ' W here is Charles to-night, Bessie?" The naraeof Charles brought a blush, to the ruddy cheeks, of the daughter, and she nervously shifted her position, "Charles, father how should "I know. Ara I Charles's keeper?" ' - - "No, no, but I thought you might Inow something of his whereabouts. 1 hope he is not Out in the storm,," He dsopped the curtain" before the window and, going to : the mantel, lighted a Jautern and placed it on the window ledge , - ' - - " J here," he said, "is a beacon for the benighted traveler, if a y should he so foolish as t venture out, in this storm. And now let us have tea." 1 he two sat down te the table, and. a rev eren t:BrsTer of thankit. , .. . .' . . - r - - iou Rre, mad,. iJessie you are oad." he- cried," "What can a frail girl like you do in sucha storm las this?" . ; :0 ,.,'," v ' , - -.'j .--: "I can'do ;my vhare,'.' replied the girl, "and I must not hold back when human life-is at stake., v; j S't-e wisKoon bundled up warm, and, fighting a lantern, . he went. toward the dior : Mr. Boyd had placed himself before It. ' ;;.--:.-.. :,: V;. .'. ,'' (-!.!.: ".-,.. : "You shall not go, Besfie:" he ex claimed - "you shall not go! You can ! do no good. It m-cd !a strong, niah,' able to battle the wives and wind- . You would go dv wu jit the start. 'It is useless for you tti throw yourself away. ItT "is; a sin. j-Uh, my" daring daughter; don't leave u.e aloue don't leave me al'une!" . . ; 1 ' - ;- ' j "I must father, I ii mn s t." Precious lives depend on every1 .ell'ort that can bj.put forward. Shalt I, though a gm, stand idie while :.iouls are pensh- jng nooui me. rso, i cannot." "but you ' areVtoo j fragile-: to bo! service,': said tfe terrified father, "So they -aid of Gr ce Dar!ng. Grace liarling d d what ine'i daie do. My fife is nt o;valui.b:e cannot risk it, father ,'d.ear, and 1 dettrmintd, if. needs be, to throw in the. baUhco " 4 t O i n 1 lift r-t4n V A. J f it . J! . the snow fs be-- tan e. ' " .ucu iu lueis- "i'll be back soon; father!" cried Bessie. i , An instant more and the' old pian saw her n her , wav luwn the road, h-Hding the lantern ibove her htad; She turned the bend in the road ;nd was iost, to sip,ht. ; By this tin.e-: the boouiing of the cannon, had ce.ascdj you'll be if' m about twenty-three rears of ace, dark i.a?h, and hand.-'omd jiivd, judging by her ap pearance, she came cf a cultured .family.- : r; - ? - " '; As thegirl looked, fjjie fancied she paw a fajnt resemblance between this likeness and the face 6f some one the had seen before ; - , i : .o flog ieiures, sre ine r snc Ivery handsome." euie laufrueu silvery, pleasant falling fn lovff with or this handsome gentleman, who has been so iniracuously saved, from a watery, muttered. Some one I know, and yet bU,n lJ7 ', i V Ii cannotrecall:who." " Bessie blushed. ' ; She finally replaced the little picl.tiro HX-Tf3-' l?"P1 No danger! cried Bessie. -"I have f one to look after auJ that is sufficient.". as she found it! and , leaving her charge in the care of old Mrs. Grime, went home to seek rest from the labors of the night., ": : . ! Arriving at home she found her fa ther already prepared -to come after her. He was wrapped up in his- great coat anq mutTlers,. and stood . talking to a young lady of about her own age. hy, Nellie:" cried ning lo MhtK ybnng Jady Lsssie, .rnn and kissing pposo so. "What is his name?" i ! Bessie seemed surprised at the question.- " ! " Why . don't you know? Mr. Charles Bi-shop." - . '-"'": " Know? ( Of course 1 don'i- .know when r have only been in the pla:e a few months and made but oneacquaint- i ance yourself. How; should 1 ? And you say the' rescued nian is handsome. j Ah! some poor girl is likely mourning a lover's loss. It must be a fearful I : i : i ; . i - ' - . ''' They goaded the sick boy with row 'der.bccinse he was a .Eon-of-a-gnn." When; he discharged the bawl, the targets j were a j very picnic-stricken crowd- f ile had the crysomeania. ' "Pi-, u--f - ' v One rpas'on why Leadyille has no schools is because all the schoolma ams who go there find husbands be tween the depot land the hotel, and don'feire whether the school keeps or.not. : ... ' :- ' : " not thht I jam ail her. "How triad lam to see vou! I'd bgau to thinlc you were not coming to see me aiain!'; ' - ' xne voung f woman onisnc i ana , ,, . vo-"v of lnnl-Ait r'lihn. givK.,,1 .t k; f. w.,wn ' icau y. as if in a ocsadirr. fcnlntaiSrtn 1 - ' " hen Mr. ! yd returned with thing, Bessie, to lose.the man upon whom your heart is 3eti" ' i- salutation . i "Nevicr mind, ptipa," added Bessie, kissingi him afrectionitely, "you- can take off your; takings. I'm . going to stay home for a whiie. My .patient is getting a'ong well. Now,'-; come sit d'wii hae by the fire" and tell me w here you have kept.yourstlf so long, Net lie'' ' . ---'-" She di? w a chair up before the lire and urged Nellie to sit down. - ''I thank yoni Miss Bord," said the girl,. "but I cannot with propriety ac cept your invitation. Y'ou are wrn the It'is said that th Tisit the next day. i!e wasp does not sting-" lut a a male and female wasp;wear the same.kind o"f polonaise, and look as'tnuch alike as twins, the only way to distinguish their Fex is to catch one. ilf it stings, it is a female; if not it is a gentleman wasp I. : - f; , ; ... ' , .- - "- Amatear sportsman returned in tri- ' umph from a day's shooting - with a i sp'endid rabbit, and says to his wiffe.; There, now, :you said l -couiqns Y'ou didn't expect to see mo coveted e2rs, Nellie took her depart ure, promising to return lor a longer a ' snoot. rTtbihome. "Yes.l did; the (TO B"E , COXTTNTED. ) IP"-: The clergyman by the exertidns of the night, and I was a very young man and had never before held a baby., j The infant wa" a big boy who. began I to " ork-screv. ' his way through and t trrnnnine-sl The "minister held tn ,.--11 o - - . bravelv. but in a few moments servant next door saw you buymgut arcund the cornCir." - ' ? CIIAPTKK II. ,for WHAT THE WVES C ST ! All night long thi snow fell in great fleecy flakes. The sky. seemed. f nil tf it, and t he wi-id biew' it hither -and i yon iumd glee, as if: exulting in its work. ". i: ; . -i ' The waters in tho bay were lambed i to a perfect fury by the ' gale, .! and i across its dreary wate no moon shed 1 its refulgent lay s. : f. . 1 - Such . storm had not ' visjitpft -;thia ing to the'" At mighty for the food which ! little sea-sid village for some time, i they, were eb.oot' to enjoy, ; the father i When morning, broke no sun appear-; and daughter continued their con vcr- . ed to chrer. but the defiarture of night , .. yv as itidicnied b v a )- - - v ' " - K A Monmouth', correspondent wants to know, 'Can a woman ride a: bicy cle " Can she? Son, yon ask. ques tions like a man who is not married. w whon Tnn 1rn of anvthine a woman hd rather, not keep., you from Four ,.,-... vi." a the -r,na can't do when she makes np her ffest. , - ...... , ., v ..ttt An. ! tntnaLnoW. . . ... . . , . -. , An.4,.f..lMwltv. (.B ' TPTfl 1 T- r 1 1 int.- 1 aL BHD Will UU l. 1 " " " " " - "ine de oi such an excuse:" cnea ' uo "t, o t --- : - , -".'- Bessie. "I am. perfectly willing -to their way to the floor. Seized with.: a -old, or, rather bow youna are you r give my time jwhen 1 . have company. h0rrible impression,' he clutched the!- - ij-T ''- - ' Come, st dow-' and tell me .where you ).,, ,,J,,ii;1,r- ho child i A man was arrested a Tew days ago have beVnalMhis time." ' sh-band, and, .Dadoing, the -child .hinT the dtUriim tremens. He The bwuttfpl voung creature smiled, upon- the . ckancel-rai! ,: j Fa-d to the ?' h" n lu r ITnoA a train off but would not accept the invitation. , mother: "If you don't hold 'that pooped around, frightened a tram pit. She b.olredi toward the old zentle-' , , T . l.rt h,'t ! the track 'and seared a .woman ii? to moil, ft ,!l MI.IUU u v , lainiijiuu . , ,,! 11. 4 his outside cost, and her lok was one j the dress to,baptize.'i He was at of caution.. She was evidently on her ; once relieved. :" ' j ;? guard, and 'determined to say nothing j. - ' : , 1:' ; -" ' . ; of herse f f . - 1 u; r-;tei 'of t'harleston. S. C. mind How Bessie noticed the sly look she gave ner. tathir. j Father " sod 'enly cried wifih I could have some vt ner. XK- ' - .' : - '; 4 --'-.'.'.. " .il,a rnnrtw res wcra t'V .Mane ad- Bessie, 1 Uionette. It i of purp'e; satin, and is ;a for ! gti'.l in coed condition. !. .: ! convulsions. As, he was a. 'eaoing m mber of the church, the neighbors pitied hirn and all sorts f sympathies were tired at him. It wa finally, as certained that two ee bad get down h'R biibk ai d were trying to bore anef buttou-hoie iu hi et. r - j 'A- - . . I : - i -it 4 .1 ; ' c - 4