IT STANDS AT THE HEAD. (THE FLOATING GARDENS. A Surprising Sight Near the City of Mexico. Places Where Indian Corn, Vegetables and Flowers Grow Luxuriantly. THE LIGHT-RUN™ DOMESTIC This cut shoas the New style of wood work that the company is now Introducing. -ARTISTICALLY BEAUTIFUL- WITHOUT A PEER In its Mechanical construction it has no rival. THE KEW M^E OF ATTACHMENTS 1 1 -'t ire now being placed with each “Domestic’ are specialties. No other machine has them- These attachments and the make the ‘Domesticmore overthan without question, the acknowledged standard of ex cellence. For Salo by S. W. WHITE, Red Cross. N. C. Agents wanted in unoccupied territory. Address Domestic Sewing Machine Co., 909 Main street, Jtichfhond, Va. oc l3-3m IN" IL'W SELECT SIFTINGS. - A duty of four pounds was laid in 170? upon every negro imported into the col ony of Massachusetts. Turnips weighing from twenty-five to thirty pounds are said to be very numer ous in Manatee county, Fla. A freak of nature owned by a farmer at Derry, N. IL, is a calf with two noses, two tongues and three eyes. People with locks on their doors will read with interest that an Englishman has invented a key that will open 22,000 different lock combinations. Henry Ward Beecher’s first sermon in Plymouth church was preached May 16, 1847, and the text was, “So, then, every one of us shall give account of himself to God.” Of linen found in mummy cases, the finest had 140 threads to the inch ot work. Some was found with 152 threads, and some even at Memphis with 540 to the inch of work. A case now under observation is re ported to the Medical World, in which the patient’s hair having become prematurely gray is gradually returning to its original color under the internal administration of phosphorized cod liver oil. Within a half century men have been hanged in England for sheep stealing and for stealing in a house; and in the early history of the United States many offences like forgery and horse-stealing brought the death penalty after them. The Spanish Arabs of the tenth and eleventh centuries, drawing their inspira tion, perhaps, from an older civilization, were as much superior intellectually to the French, Germans and English of that age, as are these peoples now to the Afghans or Turks. In Maryland, in early times, a box of forty pounds of tobacco was levied upon every taxable inhabitant for the pay of the preacher’s salary. This tax was col lected by the sheriff, who charged four per cent, for his services, and also de ducted from the total collected 1,000 pounds per annum for the payment of the parish clerk. By the laws of Vir ginia every clergyman received annually 1,500 pounds of tobacco and sixteen bar rels of flour. A Walking Plant.—To the number of curious plants, such as the carnivor ous and fly-catching plant, a new speci men has lately been added which is des cribed as the traveling plant. It is said to bo of the lily of the val ley species, and has a root formed of knots, by which it annually advances about an inch distant from the place where the plant was first rooted. Every year another knot is added, which drives the plant further on, so that in twenty gears’ time the plant has traveled about *venty inches. A Pads company is making white bricks of a very handsome appearance from the pure silica, used in the manu facture of plate glass. They are lighter in weight than clay bricks, but arc not porous, being subjected to hydraulic pressure before the final baking process to which they are subjected. Changes of climate have no effect upon them. Those whohazo resources in them selves, who can dare to live alone want friends the least, but at the same time best know how to prize them the most. wo oid - wot^s: The Dead Letter Museum. Connected with the Dead Letter office at Washington, says a letter to the New York Telegram, is a museum of curiosi ties received through the mail, and they embrace articles of all grades, from a gold encased miniature to a hand saw, a honey bee or a horned frog. This old miniature represents a gentleman and lady of middle age, is painted in ivory set in gold in the style of‘a century ago. It has been for forty years in the office, and despite its value men and women come, and men and women go, but the owner of the picture has never appeared on the scene as yet. Further along in this cabinet may. be seen a piece of the floor of the room in which Jesse James was shot, and which some enterprising person had sent to a friend. Above this, and with the upper lid partly opened, so as to bring the contents pro- vokingly near the observer, is a box of choice raisins. Layer after layer; all perfect and undisturbed. On the other side of the museum, and evidently in tended as a companion piece to the rais ins, is a nice fruit cake. Then, in still another cabinet, is a ghastly human skull. In this cabinet, too, can be seen a box of gold from California—gold in the rough, and silver and cacti from Arizona. Then above these Texas is represented by the serpents she has sent, all received alive. Some of them were sent in perforated tin cans, and intended for a foreign mu seum. But snakes were not “nominated in the bond”—and were against postal regulations—and so they rest here. One of the greatest curiosities of the dead letter office is not embraced in its museum collection, but is shown in the person of its oldest and most popular colored, or parti-colored messenger. She is rather a human curiosity. Originally a very dark brown, she has been growing white in some spots until now she is known in Wash ington as the “calico woman.” She states ten years before a spot had made its appearance on hands or face she dreamed she saw one of her relatives come in her room, and, after she re moved her bonnet, so that her features could be seen, she exclaimed, “Oh! Aunt .Mary, you have got a calico face!” This dream she holds as prophetic of what she was to become. There is still another curiosity con nected with the office that must not be overlooked in the museum collection, and that is the record kept by Benjamin Franklin when he was Continental post master general. It embraces the years from 1767 to 1778, and in the whole eleven years there were only 375 valua ble letters received. This volume is yellow with age, but the writing is still legible. It is regarded as one of the most valuable possessions of the depart ment The Russian oil region covers an area of over 14,000 square miles, with forty- two oil wells in one district, over 100 in another and 400 in a third, while there are still richer regions waiting to be developed to produce still greater re suits. One spouting well produces 2,000,000 gallons a day. The oil is found in places at a depth of 100 feet, ind no well has gone below 875 feet. Cat hunting for the skins is regularly carried on in Liverpool, and last year 1.500,000 are reported to have fallen victims. “We visited the celebrated floating gardens,” writes a correspondent in Mexico, “when a tract of vegetation composed of reeds, water-plants and bushes, interwoven and laced together, becomes so dense that it will bear a superstructure, strips of turf twenty to thirty yards long by two yards wide are cut from some suitable firm place, floated to it down the canal and laid upon it; this is repeated several times, and thus an island is securely raised two or three feet above the level of the water, a little soil is spread, over it, and it becomes a chinampa, or floating garden, on which Indian corn, vege tables and flowers are grown. The gardens vary in size from 100 to 200 feet in length and from twenty to 100 in width, according to the nature of the vegetation which supports them. “To secure these gardens in. their proper places long willow poles are driven through them into the ground below, where they soon take root. The poles also throw out roots into the beds of the floating gardens, and so- hold them steady. “VVe took a line of street cars and were landed near an old Spanish bridge, alongside of which we found a number of miserable flat-boats covered with awnings, with a seat on each side covered with red calico. We held our noses, as well as our breaths. Upon leaving the city the canal is lined on both sides with beautiful trees of the species of the weeping willow, only that they are quite tall. The City Gate, or local custom house, is then passed. Here are to be seen many boats laden with lumber, firewood, vegetables, fruits, flowers, etc., wait ing to pay toll. A large daily revalue is derived from this source by the gov ernment. The stalwart Indians swift ly pole the boat up the stream for about ten minutes more, and Santa Anita is reached. This is an old In dian village, which has undergone few or no changes for the last 300 years, if we except the public school for boys and girls, and a small church. It is a favorite pleasure resort for the inhab itants of Mexico, especially during the summer months, and is rendered doub ly attractively by the numerous chi- nampas or floating gardens found in its vicinity, on which are grown in re markable abundance vegetables of al kinds and beautiful flowers, which are sold for a mere trifle. “The water in the canal was the color of dish-water. At Santa Anita we entered a narrow ditch just wide enough for our boat. The little boy who pulled the boat with a long pole worked manfully. We passed by a number of women washing clothes on the banks, and using a flat stone as a washboard. The gardens surprised and pleased us. Here was a small strip of land of, say, 20 feet wide by 100 deep, surrounded by water, pro ducing the finest of onions, another cabbages, another radishes, another carrots, another flowers, and so on, for at least a mile—a succession of the best cultivated gardens I ever saw. These Mexican Indians are the best gardeners in the world aside from the Germans. Their methods are rude, but they know how to cultivate their garden patches. On our return wt met boat-loads of boys and girls sing ing and laughing as they slowly glided along. It was not a Venetian scene, but it showed that the brown-shoul dered, black-eyed Indian girl could dream and talk of love.” Beethoven’s Lock of Hair. Beethoven took a keen delight in practical joking. The wife of a piano forte player and composer in Vienna had such an ardent desire to possess a lock of Beethoven’s hair that she in duced her husband to ask a mutual friend to endeavor to get the great composer to gratify her wish. The friend proved too fond of a practical joke to be aloyal messenger. He per suaded Beethoven to send her a lock of coarse gray hair resembling his own, but cut from another head—t billy goat’s, and clipped from a billy goat’s heard! The lady, thinking she had the gen uine article, was as proud as a peacock but her joke was short-lived, for an other friend, a party to the trick which had been practiced, informed her ot the deception. The husband of the deluded and dis tressed lady wrote an indignant lettei to Beethoven, upbraiding him; and s fairly was the composer shamed foi the discourtesy and unkindness of the jest in which he had joined that h wrote a letter of apology to the ag grie zed lady, enclosing a real lock o: his hair, and thenceforth refused tin visits of the instigator of such ungal 'ant practical joking. Wonders Never Cease. Prof. C. Donaldson, New Orleans, La., proprietor of Museums, who suffered eighteen years with rheumatic pains, states he has spent ten thousand dollars to get cured. After trying doctors, fa mous baths, electrict appliances and le- gions of liniments without relief, he tried St. Jacob’s Oil, which completely cured him. Itis a wonderful remedy, he says, and he has sold his crutches. Girls look upon the engagement ring as a very promising affair. “That Miss Jones is a nice-looking girl, isn’t she?” “Yes, and she’d be the belle of the town if it wasn’t for one thing.” “What’s that?” “She has catarrh so bad it is unpleasant to be near her. She has tried a dozen things and nothing helps her. I am sorry, for I like her, but that doesn’t make it any less disagreeable for one to be around her.” Now, if she had used Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, there would have been nothing of the kind said, for it will cure catarrh every time. A railroad strike—a collision. Ladies of all ages who suffer from loss of appetite, from imperfect digestion, low spir its and nervous debility, may have health re newed and life extended by the use of Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham’s remedies for all com plaints specially incident to the the female constitution. We notonly have aliving faith in Mrs. Pinkham, but we are assured that her remedies are at once most agreeable and efficacious. A generous father—Government pap. Bartlioldi’s Statue of “liberty Enlightening the World” will be a reminder of personal liberty for ages to come. On just as sure a foundation has Dr. Pierce’s “Golden Medical Discovery” l»een placed, and it will stand through the cy cles of time as a monument to the physical emancipation of thousands, who by its use have been relieved from consumption, con sumptive night-sweats, bronchitis, coughs, spitting of blood, weak lungs, and other throat and lung affections. Cut down-—the result of his first shave. * * * * Nervous debility, premature de cline of power in either sex, speedily and per manently cured. Large book, three letter stamps. Consultation tree. World’s Dispen sary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. A bad jury in a law-suit---perjury. Now is the time to prevent and cure Skin Diseases,and to secure a white,soft and beau tiful complexion use “Beeson's Abomatio Alum Sulphur Soap.” 25 cents by Drug gists,or by mail.Wm.Dreydoppel, Phila.,Pa. “Rough on Pain” Plaster. Porous and strengthening, improved, the best for backache,pains in chest or side,rheu matism, neuralgia. 25c. Druggists or mail. Mensman’s Peptonized beef tonio, the only preparation ofbeef containingits entire nutri tious properties. It contains blood-making force generating and life-sustaining properties; invaluable for indigestion, dyspepsia, nervous prostration, and all forms of general debility; also, in all enfeebled conditions, whether the result of exhaustion, nervous prostration, over work or acute disease, particularly if resulting from pulmonary complaints. Caswell, Hazard A Co., Proprietors, New York. Sold by druggists. “Rough on Coughs.” Ask for “Rough on Coughs,” for Coughs, Colds Sore Throat, Hoarseness. Troches, 15c. Liquid, 25c. From B. F. Liepsner, A. M., Red Bank, N. J. I have been troubled with Catarrh so badly for several years that it seriously affect ed my voice. I tried Dr. ——’s remedy with out the slighest relief. One bottle of Ely’s Cream Balm did the work. My voice is fully restored and my head feels better than for years. In regard to Ely’s Cream Balm for Ca tarrh, my answer is, I can recommend it as the best remedy I ever used.—Dr. J. S Vaughan, Dentist, Muskegon, Mich. See adv’t. A Clergyman dying from a catarrh diseased throat was saved by a curious Persian Pre scription and has given means for sending it to others. Address Dr.Kennedy, Auburn,N.Y. Catarrh ot the Bladder. Stinging, inflammation, all Kidney and Uri inary Complaints, cured by “Buchu-Paiba.” Frazer Axle Grease. The Frazer Axle Grease received medals at the Centennial, N. C. State Fair, Paris Expo sition, American Institute, N. Y., and others. The Hope of the Nation. Children,slow in development,puny,scrawny and delicate, use “Wells’ Health Reuewer.” Use Dickey’s Indian, Blood and Liver Pills.—The best made. When you visit, or leave New York city, save baggage expressage and $5 carriage hire, and stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opp>site Grand Central Depot 600 elegant row ns, fitted up at a cost of one million dollars. $1 and upward per day. European plan. Ele vator- Restaurs nt supplied ■.’ ith the best. Horse cars, stages and elevated railroad to all depots, families can live better for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at an v other first-class hotel in the city Run no risk s when your soul is at stake. Many a Lady is beautiful,all but her skin; and nobody has ever told her how easy it is to put beautyon theskin. Beauty on the skin is Magnolia Balm. Men Think they know all about Mustang Lin iment. Few do. Not to know is not to have. It will cure entirely the worst form of Female Com plaints, all Ovarian troubles, Inflammation and Ulcera tion, Falling and Displacements, and the consequent Spinal Weakness, and is particularly adapted to the Change of Life. LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S Wtalile Coiipiiiil • ISAPOSITIVE CURE Fob S’emuie Complaints and Weaknesses so common to our best female population. It will dissolve and expel tumors from the uterus in an early stage of development. The tendency to cancerous humors there is checked very speedily by its use. It removes faintness, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach, It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration. General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indiges tion. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its use. It will at all times and under all circumstances act in harmony with the laws that govern the Female system. For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex, this Compound is unsurpassed. Price $1.00. Six bottles for $5.00. No family should be without LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S LIVER PILLS. They cure constipation, biliousness and torpidity of the liver. 25 cents a box at all druggists. I had a valuable horse taken with the pinkeye, re sulting in blood poison. After nine months of doctor ing with all the remedies to be found in horse books, I despaired of a cure. His right hind leg was as large as a man’s body, and had on it over forty running sores. At last I thought of Swift's Specific. I used fifteen bottles. In August last all symptoms of the disease disappeared. The,re have been no signs of a return, and the horse has done a mule’s work on my farm ever since. Jas. L. Fleming, Augusta, Ga. January 9,1885. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta. Ga., orl 5 1 w - 2 3d St., N. Y. This remedy contains no injurious drnas. Ely’s Cream BalmCATARRH when applied into the nos trils, will be absorbed, effectually cleansing the head of catarrhal virus, causing healthy secretions. It allays inflammation, pro tects the membrane from fresh colds, completely heals the sores and restores the senses of taste, smell and hearing. Itis Not a Liquid or Snuff. A few applications relieve. A thorough treatment mill cure. Agreeable to use. Price 50 cents by mail or at druggists. Send for circu lar. HAY-FEVER ELY BROTHERS. Druggists, Owego, N. V- WOMEN This medicine combines Iron with pure vegetable tonics, and is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Women, and all who lead sedentary lives. It En riches and Purifies the Blood, Stimulates the Appetite, Strengthens the Muscles and Nerves—in fact, thoroughly Invigorates. Clears the complexion, and makes the skin smooth. It does not blacken the teeth, cause headache, or produce constipation—all other Iron medicines do. Mrs. Elizabeth Baird, 74 Farwell Ave., Milwau kee, Wis., says, under date of Dec. 26th. 1884: “I have used Brown’s Iron Bitters, and it has been more than a doctor to me. having cured me of the weakness ladies have in life. Also cured me of Liv er Complaint, and now my complexion is clear and good. Has been beneficial to my children.” Genuine has above trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. Made only by BROWN CHEMICAL CO..BALTIMORE, MD. Ladies’ HAND Book—useful and attractive, con taining list of prizes for recipes, information about coins, etc,, given away by all dealers in medicine, or mailed to any address on receipt of 2c. stamp. R. U. AWARE THAT Lorillard’s Climax Plug bearing a red tin tag; that Lorillard’s Rose Leu f fine cut ; that Lorillard’s Navy Clippings, and that Lorillard’s Snuffs, are the best and cheapest, quality considered ? A GENTS wanted, Gentlemen or Ladies, for "Houghtaling's Hand Boole of Useful Informa tion," and for ‘'Houghtaling’s Salary List of United States Officials." Over300,000 already sold. $5 to $15 a day made. Sample copies of books k terms to agents by mail, on receipt of 50c. in 1 or 2c. stamps. Stamps returned if vou do not take agency on return of books. Add’s C. E-Houghtaling, 70Madison Av.. Albany.N.Y ALL IMPERFECTIONS null, moles, w al ls, recsies, morn, iteu Nose, Acne, Bl’k Heads, Scars, Pitting and treatment. Dr.John Woodbury, N. Pearl St., Albany, N. Y. Established 1870. Send 10c. for book. ^nHOUIHE Chloral ant! My nr miwopiam Habits EASILY CURED. BOOK FREE. DR. J. C. HOFFMAN. Jefferson, Wisconsin. WANTED -Agents everywhere for the best sell- in; books and Bibles. Ministers, teachers, farmers and others can spend a part or all of their time profitably working for its. Write for special terms. B. F. JOHNSON A.- CO., Pub lishers, 1013 main Street, Richmond, Va. I COUGHED, my throat and lungs troubled me over 25 years ; last fall 1 found a remedy; I have not coughed, used a handkerchief nor medicine since. Instructions $1._ H. H. Hervey, Linoleuinville, N. Y. 11HE WORLD’S AN iiNDBk.S and Official His. . lory of the Greyly Expedition. Grand new book; out. tells everything. Salary or com. la, Agents. Write quick for special terms. Ilistoricii 1 Pah. Co.. Phila., Pa. ^ LS J« 021^ Great English Gout and OgOIa S MlhSs Rheumatic Remedy. Oval Box, SI-00; round, 50 cta> SaSBSH!3H®®H8E®KSS^SiS3 ^ure relief i enyniH A KIDDER'S PASTILLES.^.^ IggSglHgSBfiHjjilglgSJSS^^ Alaas. THURSTONS TOOTHPOWDER Keeping Teeth Perfect and Gums Healthy. IP A M I EhT'am packages ot Silks an.1 Safins r i s '‘ 111 tor 25c. Embroidery Silks, 10c. WORK. I doz. A. G. B XsSETT, Rochest. r, N Y. /Fl FGRAPUV TAUGHT AND SITUATIONS 4 ELtWilMir til Fl'UN (SUED. Circulars free. B VALENTINE BROS., Janesville. Wis. OPJU|IBL_ ihcmoncy for Agents. Send CLOCKS Lebanon, Ohio. C UTLERY AND SPORTING GOODS. ’ Elegant Illustrated Catalogue free for stamp. URUTTENDEN A- WILLI AMS, 75 Gold St., N. Y. riTRY Electric Solution. Silverp lates without battery. JL Sample only 50c. postpaid. E. Gernett, St. M ary’s, O * 1 xy J’’V» p For Men. Quick, sure, safe. Book free. H 1 Civiale Agency, 160 Fulton St., New York. Thousands Hastened to their Graves/ By relying on testimonials written in vivid glowing language of some miraculous cures made by some largely puffed up doctor or patent medicine has hastened thousands to their graves; the readers having almost in sane faith that the same miracle will be per formed on them, that these testimonials men tion, while theso called medicine is all the time hastening them to their graves. Al though we have Thousands Upon Thousands!!! of testimonials of the most wonderful cures, voluntarily sent us, we do not publish them, as they do not make the cures. It is our medi cine, Hop Bitters, that make the cures. It has never failed and never can. We will give reference to any one for any disease similar to their own if desired, or will refer to any neighbor, as there is not a neighborhood in the known world but can show its cures by Hop Bitterrs. A Losing Joke. “A prominent physician of Pittsburg said ‘to a lady patient who was complaining of her ‘continued ill health, and of bis inability to ‘cure her, jokingly said: “Try Hop Bitters!” ‘The lady took it in earnest and used the Bit- ‘ters, from which she obtained permanent ‘health. She now laughed at the doctor for ‘his joke, but he is not so well pleasel withit, ‘as it cost him a good patient. Fees of Doctors. The foe of doctors at $3.00 a visit would tax a tnan for a year, andjin need of a daily visit, fiver $1,000 a year for moHibni nttor»rL ance alone! And one single bottle of Hop Bitters taken in time would save the $1,000 and all the year’s sickness. Given up by the Doctors. “Is is possible that Mr. Godfrey is up and' at work, and cured by so simple a rente- dyi” “I assure you it is true that he is entirely cured, and with nothing but Hop Bitters,and only ten days ago his doctors gave him up and said he must die, from Kidney and Liver trouble!” j^° Nolle genuine without a bunch of green Hopson the white label. Shun all the vile, poisonous stuff with “Hop” or “Hops” in their name. The use of Ridge’s Food produces good healthy flesh, not a puffy, flabby skin, but. plenty of bone and muscle. The child likes it, and as to nature’s supply, so the lit tle one turns readily from all playthings, and finds complet e satisfact ion in this, the best substitute for the mother’s milk. Do not let your children grow up weak and puny, when Ridge’s Food can be obtained at so small cost. I nV^B I ALLCLAMP L.W W La STROLLER SKATE! We Challenge the World to Produce its Equal. Sample Pair sent postpaid on receipt of price. Polished. Send 6c. in Stamps for LARGE Illustrated Cata logue of Roller Skates, Guns, Rifles, Revolvers, Air Rifles, Police Goods. Etc. JOHN P. LOVELL’S SONS. BOSTON, MASS. PRICE, Nickel Plated and VIBRATING TJCijEl^itfO Gives splendid satisfaction. No exor bitant rental fee to pay-Sold outfight and guaranteed to work nicely on litlee within its compass (2 miles), or rHofteV refunded. Constructed on new ana i scientific principles; works entirely by I vibration. Two or three months' ren- I tal lee to the Bell Telephone will buy | outright a complete private line. It is I the only PRACTICAL and RELI ABLE non-electric Telephone made, and warranted to give satisfaction, er mousv refunded. AGENTS can make immense profits and get all the work they can-do. No previous expe rience required. Where I have no agents Telephones may be ordered direct for private use. Circulars free. H. T. JOHNSON, _ 102 S. St., Buffalo, N. WE WANT 1000 BOOK AGENTS toy the new book THERT Y-THREE YEARS AM0N0 ; OPR WO HMS Editors, etc., as “ The like wildfire, and Agents: and Solid Merit make it the booming book for Agent (EPSend for Circulars, Specimen Plate, Extra Terms, etc., I A. D. WORi BING TON A; CO., Hartford,Couu. \*NKUe 1 for gentlemen,arc the best fine i a t Glove, Calf Top Sewed S toes in America for the plee; ma le in Button, Congress and l ace. Medium London Toe, very stylish and durable. Pay $5no longer; you can get as good a shoe for $3. Sent by mail, postage free. Measure foot as directed. State size you usually wear, and style wanted. 1 guarantee a fit and perfect satisfaction. W. L. Doualas, Brockton, Mass. Retail dealers wanted. If PAGES ’ LIQUID GLOE« Is used by thousands of first class Manufacturers and Mechanics on their best work. Hecnived P-——— OVER GOLD MEDAL.London,'83. Pronounced -' imd olue known. Send card ofdcaler who does not keep iROrt it,with five 2c stamps for SAMPLE CAN £ RussiaCementCo.,Gloueester,Mass. LIIlE Lawn, a $50 REWARD will be paid for any Grain Fan of same size that can clean and bag as much Grain or Seed in one day as our Patent MONARCH Grain and Meed Rena^otor and Bagger or our Improved Warehouse Mill with Equali zer which we offer cheap. Circu lar and Price List mailed free. NEWARK MACHINE CO.. CoIumbuH.Ohio. Eastern Branch House, Hagerstown, Md. T O introduce and sell the trad® ^^'k k .??VANA celebrated Cigars of the NEW YORK A HA V ANA CIGAR COMPANY. Liberal arrangements. bALARY or Commission paid to the right man. For further particulars and terms address, at once, 11'1... M^^v Voi-A II:1 vn 1111 ( Iff AT O.. BEST TRUSS EVER USED ELASTIC TRUSS Improved Elastic Truss. Worn night and day. Pos itively cures Rupture. Sent by mail everywhere. Write for full descriptive circulars to the New York Elastic Truss Company, 744 B’clway, New York Coisuipiioii I have a positive remedy for the above disease; by its use thousands of cases ot the worst kind and of long standing have been cured. Indeed, so strong Is my faith in its efficacy, that 1 will send TWO BOTTLES FREE, together with a VALUABLE TREATISE on this disease to any sufferer. Give express and P. O. nddr ss. DR. T. A. SLOCUM, 131 Pearl St., New York.

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