THE COURIER (fUBLiSHED WEEKLY.) WM. C. Hammer, 1 „,. C. 0. MoAlistoM Ldlt ° ra - $1.00 A Yea ^ In advance* Enthusiasm* A few evenings ago having finish ed a magazine article by Rudyard Kipling; and bothered for some time abouFfhe exact place where genius showed itself, and where foolishness ended, 1 concluded to visit some of my neighbors. 1 forthwith started out to see my ^“fiSTKR^D AT Tris PJST O.T tTOAT MIHB )K ) AS SENS'D CD kaa Mil’Sil Pay Up and get a... Fam Big Prize p- ve By Special arrangement made with the i Journal Years. publishers of the FARM JOURNAL we are enabled to offer a 5 year subscription to that piper to every nrw subscriber who pays lor the COURIER one year ahead; and the same offer is made to every old subscriber who will pay all back dues a d one year in advance—both pap rs f. r the price of ours only- In order to get the FARM JOURNAL as a premium for advance payment it will De necessary to walk right up to the capt ain’s office, for we havu only a limited number of 5 vear subscriptions to dispose of The FAR >1 JOURNAL is on solid loundation and perfectly trustworthy. There is nothing strange about the fact that some of the Justices of the Supreme Court bare delivered opinions on former occa sions directly antagonistic to their opinions in the Day case. That is a way fusionists have of doing. The SupremejCourt of Nebraska has decided that directors of a Na tional bank who sign the reports 're quired by law thereby certify to the absolutely correctness of the report. It has been suggested that directors of national banks in Nebraska’ will hereafter direct. Many.banks have been wrecked because cf the failure of the directors to direct—to look carefully after the interest intrusted to them. Not only political newspapers are crying aloud that a day of wrath is coming, and sound the alarm at the rapidity wilh which trusts are form ing to control the products of the country, but so conservative a paper as Harper’s Weekly in a recent is sue among others things said: “Never before in the history of the country have so many powerful combinations of corpoiations and ca pital been brought into existence. It is safe to say that the manufacture and sale of nearly every article cf common need and convenience is controlled by a trust, as transporta tion is largely, and as labor is al most entirely.” The United States violates the principles of its own constitution and of the declaration of Indepen dence in its costly and ruinous ef fort to invade the tomes and con quer a people who are fighting for their liberty and freedom, a principle which was fought for so valiantly by our fore fathers. After having under taken to buy the Filippinos in the market like sheep, we butcher them like so many cattle. The horrors of war are being realized more and more everyday. It is a senseless war conducted by the administration in violation of every principle of our government, and the end is not yet. Every day we are shooting the Filip pinos who come out from their homes to meet our armies with their little bows and arrows. It is thus that we are carrying on a war in the name of christian civilization. We are shooting religion and civilization into them with the rifle and musket. dearest friend, I found her engaged piecing a bed built. I had an inspi ration at oncp; and this old saying came to me, “what men hive done, men may do.” To make a long story short I asked for a pattern of this beautiful scrap invention. 1 took the model, and not long after started upon the delightful task of piecing a quilt. I was told the name of this quilt was the “Hand of Friendship,” and as 1 fitted the little squares together, with the black in the centre surrounded by a halo of light, it occurred to me that it look 3d as much like almost anything else as a hand of any sort, it had nothing like the look of a hand about it, for it seamed to be in clusters of twos and fours, nothing that the ’east bit looked like five friendly sociable fingers. Upon mentioning this matter to a commis sioner in the quilt line, I was told that I was mistaken, and that my “Hand of Friendship” was in reality “the T,” I said why T ? and wa- told because that was the name of it. This caused me to ponder over all the many things that were so be cause they were so. But I can sal ly say that this quilt smacks as little of a T, as can be imagined. 1 have shut one eye, looked sidewise, look ed straight, looked at it on all sides, but nothing like a Tam I able to even imagine, but T it is, that is the name. I have been cutting squares for some time, have a basket about full, 1 have made several of the beautiful T’s, in fact have passed beyoud the | point at which I usually stop in pje.c | ing a quilt, I have about seven of the T’s now, I don’t think I ever got beyond six before I would lose heart and lay up my work for a rainy day, and that would be the end of all my gcod resolutions. But this time Gibraltar has been passed, 1 am out upon an untraveled sea, but hope looms in the distance, my friends look incredulous; but I am thoroughly aroused, I feel that the “race is won, the soul of the racer is 1 in it,” ana around me sit my friends] with fear depicted upon their faces; they are anxious to see which willwin ; the quilt or nie. I have no fears, the ! quilt fever has seized me at last, this one will be finished, and as 1 sew in the bits of calico, 1 am thinking where I manage to get the pattern of the “Rose of Sharon,” Lone Star of Texas,” “Sun Flower,” and many reals of other beautiful creations el calico which I have seen. I think any one who will buy calico and make quilts out of one color will le ceive just punishment. I say get some beautiful sugges tive pattern, cat you a paper pattern pin this pattern 10 your scrap of cali co, don’t let it slip, cut all around this pattern, it may be a little differ ent from the paper pattern after you turn lose of it, but this will happen with the greatest experts you know, dont lose heart press on, and after awhile the goal will be reached, you will have a lovely creation in calico; and long years after you can look at the tiny bits, and remember just where you wore that dress first, ani here is a little check piece that you had a bonnet or an apron like; and here is a piece of your dearest friends dress, you remember just how she looked in it. Well such a quilt as this is calculated to be almost an in apiration when you once fall in love with the work. I must have an old time quilting when I finish and ask in the girls to help me quilt it. Very truly, “Aunt Annie.” COME SOUTH, YOUNG MAN! The following piece of advice is given in a recent number of Leilie’s Weekly, of New York: “More money has been made in the southern states in the last 20 years than will be made in the next fifty years in Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippines, and the chances for money-making in the south have on ly commenced. The price of iron for the world is now made at Bir mingtonf Ala, and that city will shortly make the world’s price of steel. The south’s industrial evolu tion, which began with the develop ment of its iron industries, includes machine shops and factories, steel plants and hardware factories. The 3,000 new industries which have sprung up during the past year in elude fertilizer and phosphate works, wood-working factories, furniture, vehicle, agricultural and miscellan eous works, textile, flour and cotton seed oil mills, gas and water works, telephone system, electric light and power, and ice and cold storage plants, canneries and hundreds of miscellaneous plants. Nearly every southern state has increased its rail road mileage during the past year, and every southern harbor has In creased its exporc trade.* * * If you seek new fields of opportunity, go south, young man !” D $ ❖❖>♦« ♦♦♦♦♦❖ $«-^ ♦*❖❖❖-> s-v- 1^ W c^^ © I Advise to I There are three great reme- t dies that every person with | weak lungs, or with consump- ♦ tion itself, should understand., | 5 a These remedies will cure about every case in its first stages; and many of those more advanced. It is only the most advanced that are hopeless. Even these are wonderfully relieved and life itself greatly prolonged. What are these remedies ? Fresh air, proper food and SeWS EB»B of Cod-Liver Oil -with Hypo phosphites. Be afraid of draughts but not of fresh air. Eat nutritious food and drink plenty of milk. Do not forge' that Scott’s Emulsion is the oldest, the most thoroughly tested and the highest en dorsed of all remedies for weak throats, weak lungs and consumption in all its stages. 50c. and St 00; all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. 1 1 cf tlie At the close of business April 5th, 1899, condensed from a report made to the North Carolina Corporation Commission as required by law. ASSETS: Loans and discounts, Banking House furniture and fixtures, Due from Banks and cash on hand, Total, resources : Capital paid in, Undivided profits less ex penses and taxes paid, Individual deposits ject to check, Total, sub- $66,722.86 1,524.54 16,167.91 $84,415.31 $16,000.00 2,541.52 65,873.79 $84,415.31 Negro suffrage was forced on us al the pointof the bayonet to de gra,de and humiliate the Southern people. This was not done for the good of either the white or the col ored race, but was to satisfy the plunderers and scalawags who de sired to humiliate a brave and proud people and perpetuate themselves in power. The crowd that was in the saddle after the war as a rule hated respectability and sought the eleva tion to power the negro and the scalawags in preference to decent white men. The Negro has given much trou ble in Baltimore city politics since the republicans took charge of the city in 1896, and the democratic slo gan in the present municipal contest is, “Baltimore is a white man's city.” Ex-Governor Frank Brown is presi dent of the democratic association and he is getting the ladies interest cd, as well as the voters. IT. fl. Cartlaud, a well known Greensboro tailor, died last Friday. Iledied of spinal meningitis. Doctors Say; Bilious and Intermittent Fevers which prevail in miasmatic dis tricts are invariably accompan ied by derangements of the Stomach Liver and Bowels. The Secret of Health. The liver is the great "driving wheel” in the mechanism of man, and when it is out of order, the whole system becomes de ranged and disease is the result. Tutt’s Liver Pills Cure all Liver Troubles. I, W. J. Armfield, Jr., Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the foregoing statement is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. AV. J. Armfield, Jr., Cashier. State of North Carolina, ) County of Randolph. ) Sworn and subscribed before me this April 19th, 1899. G. G. Hendricks, C. S. C. Mary had a little wuech Its face was white as snow It strayed away one summer day Wlieie a little watch should never And when she got it back It made poor inary weep, Instead of its old tick tack it really went to sleep. That was because she trusted it to g°, nim Is Dropsy A Blool Disease^ A little white boy came to home nearly dead with dropsy, was hardly able to walk across floor, His feet and hands were ni v cornpoop watch botcher to fix for her. But Johny had a little watch, He wound it at the stem, A nd ever) where Johny went He took the little gem- And when it needed “fixiu” lie took it to the undersigned. Now Jobjiv is as happy as a big sun flower that waves and nods in the breezes. For his little gem Keeps time, time, time in a happy runic rhyme to the tintinnabulation that so musically swells from the bells. The tinkling sleigh bells, the mellow wedding bells, the hungry dinner bells yea. even the pret y village bells. W. F. Morague, Watch repairer. Thousands Have Kidney Trou ble and Don’t know It. There is a disease prevailing in this country most dangerous because so de cepUve. Many sudden deaths are caused by it,—heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease, if kidney trouble is al lowed to advance the kidney poison in the blood is liable to attack the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves break down and waiste away cell by cell. Then the richness ot the blood—the albumen— leaks out and the sufferer has Bright’s Disease, the worst form of kidney to uble Kidney trouble can be detected although it be slow and deceptive. First, bj’ ana lysis of the urine; second, by the simple test of setting the urine aside in a glass or bottle for twenty-four hours, when a cloudy or brick dust settling indicates it. It was for just such troubles that in His infinite power and goodness the Great Physician cans;d Swamp-Root to grow for the benefit of suffering mankind, leav ing it to His servant. Dr. Kilmer, the great kidney and hla Ider specialist to discovers and make it known to the world. Its wonderful efficacy in prompt ly curing the most distressing cases is truly marvelous. You may have a sam ple bottle of Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root the great kidney, liver and bladder Re medy, by mail free. Address Dr. Kii- mil & Co., Binghamton, N, Y. When writing mention this paper, Druggis's, in fitly-cents or dollar sizes. Reduced Rates On account of the State Convention N. C. Christian Endeavor Union, Salisbury, N C., Apr 21-23, 1899, the Southern Ry will sell tickets Asheboro to Salisbury and return at rate of $3 25 for round trip. ■Tickets on sale Apr 19 Apr 25th. On occ^unt Triennial tioual Sunday School 21, Final limit SessionJuterna- Association the Southern Ry will sell round trip tickets to Atlanta, Ga. at rate of one 'firp!-class fare; tickets in sale Apr 25-27. Final Jim it May 3rd. Rate from Asheboro $12.20. On account of Southern Baptist and Auxiliary Conventions at Louisville, Ky. May 8-11, 1899, the Southern Ry will sell round trip tickets to Louisville and return at one first class fare. Tickets on sale May 8-12. Final limit 15 days from date of sale. Rate from Asheboro $18.55. BANKRUPT SALE. 1 On the 22nd day of April, 1899, at 12 o^lock Mr on the premi-es in the town cf Randleman. N C. 1 will sell for cash at auction to the highest bidder by order of the Court oi Bankruptcy, the interest cf Win. J. Gift's in the following described tracts ofland, located in the town of Ran dieman, and bounded as follows, viz: The first lot beginning on the west side of the Asheboro Road and running; thence west six and 34 100 chains to a stone; thence south three and 16-100 chains to a stone; thence cast six 34 100 chains to a stone by the side of said road; thence di rect to the beginning, containing two acres, more or less, and being the lot con v.ycd by J. A Redding to Wm. J. Glass by deed recorded in office of Register of Deeds of Rando'ph County in Book 70, Page. 12. The interest to be sold in this lot is the reversionary interest aft r the expiration of the homestead interest of stead on which he now sub ject also the Contingent of duw r of ilia wile and-subject to ihe jiir'’>-bi».c of n mortgage di $11 00 00 principal, and interest, executed by th" said Wm J. corded in said Regi-t era’ office. Second lot The interest of Wm J. Gla’s. be be ing tenant by courtesy, in lot Containing about four fi ths of an acre, loc-ted we t oflot 1 on the High Point, Asheboro, Randleman & Southern Railway A par ticuiar description of Ihe boundries is set out in a deed from A. A. Steed and wife to Sophia J, Glass, recorded in said Re lister of Deeds office in Book 70. Page. 195. W. C JUNES, Trustee. This March 24th, 1899. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE.— ?av ing qualified as administrator of A. C. Olive dec I before G. G. Hendricks clerk of the Superior court for Randolph coi h ty. this is to notify all oersons Laving claims against the estate to exhibit Hiem to the undersigned duly verified on or be fore the 1st day of May 1900 or this 110 ti:e will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to oai l estate will please make immediate payment. S S COX, Admr. This loth day of April. 1899. NOTICE 's hereby g ven foibidding any one from feeding, hiring or in any way employing Thomas Foushee a colored boy 19 years old last October. He was bound to me and has left my home with out my knowledge or consent G. A FOUST Foust Mill, N. C. April 3rd, 1899. AT Mr®. Blair’s Millinery ON SATURDAY OF THIS WEEK. EVERYBODY INVITED. S OMETIMES when you have lame back and feel poorly, you stop working for the day. But all you do is take the rest and go right to work again when the symptoms quiet down. That is no way to head off a terrible disease that is fastening its grip upon you. Stop the first leak or you lose the ship. quickly cures those first irregu larities and thus repels Bright’s Disease, Diabetes, Rheumatism, Jaundice and Female Troubles. Druggists have it, $1.00 a bottle. THE DR.J.H.MCLEAN MEDICINE CO. ST, LOUIS, MO. For sale by all dsaggist. DR. J. M. BOYETTE Physician and Dentist, Offers his professional services to the people of Asheboro and surrounding coun try. All dental W01K guaranteed. Office near residence. ^TBLL ... A!! Your Neighbors That I keep constantly on hand a choice lot of Fresh Canned Goods, Sugar, Coffees, Tobaccos, Meal, Flour, Feed, Bran, Molasses, Vinegar, Pickels, EFish, Meats and in fact everything kept' in a First-Class Grocery Store. Also Dry Goods and Notions, Shoes, flats. Etc. Chickens, Eggs and Country Produce taken in exchange tor goods. JASPER AUMAN. South Asheboro. Forrnture I have moved mv furniture store to the stand formerly occupied by B F Newby and am better prepared than ever to offer Bargains in Furniture of all kinds and Goffins, Gaskets, Etc, Pictures. Picture Frames, Lounges and everything in the Furniture line at prices Millinery Goods ! We have on hand a goo 1 supply of Millinery Goods. My partner is north ie lecting our new stock. These goods must all be sold this year, therefore I have d 1 cided to sell )0U anything in our line 10 per cent above .tost, and later in the sea son at best. Come and see for yourself, and ave your money. Our goods will be open for inspection on the 30th and 31st in st. MISS' M E. COLTRANE & CC, Randleman, N. C. * FARMERS’ WIVES * or any other ladies who wish to work CAN EARN KITS OF MONEY working for us in spare time at home on our cloths. We offer you a good chance to make plenty of spending money easily in leisure hours. Send 12c. for cloth and full directions for work and commence at once. Cloth sent anywhere. Address WINOOSKET CO (2 N c) Boston, Mass Mfg, Dept. PARTS Everybody Ind BIG NEW ST OUR NEW SPRING GOODS ARE M Come in and look them over; it will be a plea® you through our IMMENSE STOCK. We have J endofthehousetothepther.andfromthefirsttotJ OUR DRESS-GOODS DEPA3 WILL ASTONISH YOU BOTH IN STYLES AM The best line of Clothing, The best line of Neck-wear, The best line of Hats, The best line of Shoes, The best line of Shirt-waists, The best line of Lace Curtains, The best line of Silks, The best line 0 f (J The choicest line J Belts and St J The nicest line oil Of course we had Boy’s short Suits to be Furniture! Furnit Rocking Chairs, Lounges, Couches, Carpets, Carpets, in fact anything you want at the lowest We want your trade and will do all within out you. Come to see us. Respectfully, JO°Opposite Sarxls of Z^^cLolplx. ASHEBORO price Manufacturers Floor, JVIeal, Feed ^•Highest Gash WPaid Your patronage is solicited I for fr ees. Bargains! Bargains!! ■ at The New Store 2 W H W fl M £ 0 2 Li 0 § M T H In South Asheboro, a 0 0 0 $2.68 PANTS Exclusively. We try to do but one thing, but we do that one thing better, do more economically and more expeditiously than anybody else does it. The Jow- ne’s of our price and the high value of our Pants are convincing proof. $2.68 THAT’S ALL. But you have often paid $4.00 for Pants not near so good. Ton'll always GQ PQ If you wear wear Noell’s 0^«v0 them once. NOELL BROS. Roxboro, N. C. For Sale by J. E WALKER. TAX SALES. I will sell at public auction at the court heu-e in Asheboro on May 1st following lands for taxes: Ellis McCair. 1 town lot tax for ’97 and ’98 W C Thompson 1 town lot lax Mrs Nancy Hohn 1 town lot tax for ’98 E R Yow 1 town lot tax for ’93 1899 the $3 02 $1 85 $ 90 $ 23 T. J. HOOVER, Tax Col lector for Town of Asheboro. This April 1st. 1899. We have move^^nto cur handsome new W store building and areTSter prepared to serve our customers than ever before. We carry a full and complete stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Clothing Groceries and General Merchandise. I Produce bought and^sold. TOM MOFFITT, Manager. Phone No. 23. LAND SALE. By virtue of an order of sale granted by the Superior court of Randolph county on the petitition of E. .vf Gibson Admr of Elizabeth Gibson against Wiley Craven et al I shall sell at the court house door at 12 o’clock M. on the 15th day of May 1899, the following Real Estate to wit: A tract Of land in Brower township in said County adjoining Wm Asbell J. M. Fox IT M. Gibbon and others bounded as fol lows: Beginning at a pine Wilkerson’s corner; therce south 22 chains to a stake near a pond; thence east 29 chains 10.1 links to a black jack, thence south 25 chs to a post oak, thence east ten chains and 50 links to a stake Wilkerson’s corner; thence south 8 chains to a pine; thence east 12 chains to a post opk; thence north 55 chs to a post oak; thence west to the beginning containing 180 acres more or less excepting 33 acres more or less sold to James M. Fox. Terms—One-third cash the remaining two-thirds on a credit of six months, the purchaser giving bond and approved se c.urity therefor, and the title reserved till the further order of the court, ENG£n Gibson. Admr & Commr. This 11th day of April 1899. EXTRA Politics, FeHilizeps, Groceries, end Are the order of the day. we : lead : in : all : except : Potasi Try Morris A Scarboro’sTpecial Bone and Wheat. It’s the best on earth. Will take in exchange corn, wheat, Meat, Ete. Get you buy. Respectfully, ^KC53L»X*iis tile S Listen at While we have been talking about onr Souti Plow, we will say that our Mr. Chisholm has just if] from the Northern Markets with the best selected^: SPRING AND SUMMER v.e have ever offered our customers for the money-1 children suits 4 to 9 years at$1.25 to 250; Boy 15 years 2.00 to.3 50; Ladies hats trimmed and null very latest styles; Nice wash good®; we invite spec a 1 lion to our dress goods, silk and velvet tiimmingl, 1 laces and hambu gs. We also offer WHITE SIUKS AT 60 Cents 1 As you know goods are advancing daily, weld able by spot cash to buy so as to give opr til special batgains on an advancing market. Cornell our stock. We can save you money. Ramgeur Store GoR Give me a uiaL MRS, L S. TEREY. News Ferry, Ya., Qct., 7, 1898. E. M. NEWSON, White House, N G. the SO BICYCLE RERAIRIG. I do all kinds of Bicycle repair work. WANTED MALE HELP.—Wanted re liable salesmen to sell our •complete line of Paints, Varnishes etc. Good po'-ition and liberal terms for right man. Address W W Stoddard & Co, Cleveland; Ohio. swollen, that whenyou pressed your linger on them, the impression would stay there some time. We used Mrs. Joe Person’s Remedy on him, and he was soon a strong, well One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That Js what it wa£ made for. DeWitt’s Little Early The fam£M$ T. L.. Chisholm, Manager. /