. hit- rv - 111 '"" """" ' '"" """ """'" ' "' r" " "" '' """ " n""m1 lr T1" '"i"11"1 'ti'T-'ii ,iini.iiiiiM-.iani immTifiUlnijir,-ciTij-rr-Li 111 1 " '' i wwr""11 r-iuw r t-mvm.jinn-r- -- , - '' - 'i I' .wi i a iiiiiiimhiii iininmg"w"- ' " ' - tttn , X,J? -" '-A--' v. .. . . ASHEBOR COURIER, i- - ' - . . -.. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. ' - " " - - ' ' VOL. XXVI. ASHEBORO, N. C THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1902. NO. 42. Qesstle's EFFECTED BY One Bottle If there Is any Cos tlver.ess, use St. Jo seph's Liver Regula tor until the Lioweis become regular. Get It from your druggist, or send us 35 cents and we will send you a package, prepaid. - CURES AY ' Jvrvi Vv to ?' ! Suffered from Change of Life. M wife was siefc for seven vom. j.t:fT. rr::; from the ',""'! ""' u V tried fV" mi- -.in Id Kct from flio doctors, ;i, .tii j , . , ,,la;., .,, fr treat ment Without jiy y . result. '.V -. t Sen ! wn tiding Uti t S f lLr PamcM G. F. P. .and it did mure- . -iiaitaT r' '' " ..; . ;, years. It i ihp irM.r ..,,,. tv f ; iii. - ,. ..;,i, ever placed n the ,. t. J. 1. JiUiU'KN. ( itimcsncii, Tex. If your drus'tst does not Iccep it, send us 5i.oo end will send you a bottle, ail charges paid. L. GEUSTLI- & CO., Chattsnooja, Tenn. A Southern Kntcrprlse for tho South Snydor t& Hundley, INos. 709, 711atil 7t:$ H. Broad St., Ulclimond, V. la the South tho i lea has prevailed in the East that when ia need of First-class .Furniture one inn-t take aa expensive trip North to pnrchase it and then must pay the freight and bi price to seenre it. But SNYDOR & HUNDLEY conceived the idea of a Strictly First-class House, carrying a big stock of Medium to tho Bifliest GraJes of l-'uruiture, and coupled with Lace Curtains, Upholstery and Draperies der artmenta, rtablishud in the South at a point where cheap rates could be obtained and a iong jorjrney cut half in two, and have established such a store. Tbor today extend au invitation to the people of North Carolina and Virginia aud liear by states to visit them in their Strictiy Modern Establishment. atock is now complete to overflowing, many improvements have recently been made. All goods marked in plain figures and a cash discount of ten per cent, allowed SNYDOR & HUNDLEY, THE LEADERS, r.icbmond, Va. 1 1 CiV if It will clcanv:Tje scalp and make ft healthy. It wW stop iLs LUing out of hair or whiikeri. Tt wil' incre.tr- growth nJ M amount when i:.suMicieiit. It wiH cur bi!Jress. References to this ettcet c.rt be furnished by the score. This preparation is a vege table production, guaranteed to be 4 bannicss. Endorsed by eminent physicians. For sale by druggists (take no 0 ther). Address Tropical Spray Co. FREDONIA, N. Y. ffcnf fmr Circular. Wm. C. Hammer, ttorney-at-Law and Notary Publlo. Boss and Bmh Bulldisg. Ooort Home Square, Asheborw, N. CL Xtempt atUntion to all fcnsiusi. 0. L. SAP?, Attorney-at-Law. . f raetiea in State and Federal Courts. Corporation, Commercial and Pro bata Law. All business promptly ttnded to. Offloa ia Ross & Bueh Boildinj. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. THE . . . STANDARD RAILWAY OF ruUlH "1 asI.irovrirwWP!eU. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS Bquf potent en all Through and Locals 1 rains? Pullman Palace Sleeping" Cars on ai.1 Nlg lit Trains; Fast and Safe Schedule. Travel by the 8other and yoa are attured Safe, Comfortable and Kxpedltloas Jouraey. . . . . . Apply to Tloket AnU fo"rTabli. iUUa aaS Osn.ral Information, or Addbus E. HABDWICK, G. P. A., asimgton, v. u. B. L. VERNON, T. P. A., Charlotte, N. a F. B. DABBY. 0. P. A T. A, Asheville, N. a Ha Troubl. to Answ-r QuestUna. Saxi n kelrh n-I c'-wrif lion of ymir invention and ascertain, free f f charpr. whcihfr ll if pjtentahle. Communications strirtly nfi'lentijl. at.nts taken through o.ir Mlice will rscive a p. ctal nonce In the Ait Iwrirrop, handsomely lllmlratd journal. drcel to the latest d-eliymnt Intheart.anrf .:ien- e. and to the inventor. Adiireaa for tinnk on ptH. HENSEY & GOTJGII, TATENT LATT3TERS, Ourche Buildintf. Washington, t. C Female Panacea. Cured Where Physician Failed. I si 'I' I your Cebstlcti Ffm ale Panacea (G. F. P.) a - limit lui? cusiiuner whom mir physician had civen mi :s hiipcitos. and tula her if it did her no kiumI slie need lid pay for it After takit.i! one bottle she was entirely cured iiml has been in sood health over sauce. Moore's l'.rk'.te. Ala. J. R. (ilLLILAND. Health Restored. I was weak and in very bad health and unable to do my work. 1 used fine bottle of Gerstle-s Female Pana cea IG. F. P.) and it did me more cond than anything 1 overused. I am now in good health and ran do my work. Mas. S.K. CHANDLER. Gin. Aril. i HILL' S GOLDEN OIL Is one of the greatest healers ever put upon the market. For scalds or burns it will remove the soreness and heal. Ingrowing toe nails, corns and chilblains, it is a positive telief. Will relieve piles. No house should be without Hill's Golden Oil. For cuts from barbed wire, galls and bruises, cracked teats on your cows, jiange on your horses. It will cure them. Sold by druggists and mer chants generally, at 25c and 50c per bottle. BILL'S GOLDEN OIL CO.. Morse's Line, Vermont. 9 w 9 w w r Dr. EDWARD BAUM, EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT. OFFICE 121 ELM STBEET, Over Farris's Drug Store. Gfloe Hours 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. V. J. GltEGSON, Attorney at Law, iBHEBORO N. 0. State and Federal Courts. Office on Depot street, opposite Fostoffice. The Southern Railway... Announces the opening of the winter Tourist Season nnd the placing on snlfl of . . . Excursion Tickets to all prominent points in tha . . . Soutn, Soutnwest, West I ndles Mexico and California. including St. Augustine. Palm Iieach, Miami, Jacksonville, Tampa, l'ort Tampa, Brunswick, Thom asville, I'h.H -leston, Aiken, Au gusta, J'iueliursf, Aslieville, At lanta, New Orleans, Memphis nud Trie Land of the Sky. it effect Dining and Sleeping Ser vice on all Trains. e that your ticket reads Via SOUTHERN RfllkWflY. Ask any ticket agent for full in fjmation. or address K L. VEKXON. Traveling Pass. Aprent, Charlotte, V V. C, V. AVKSTIiCUT, PUtrirt Pass. Ap-nt, liiclmwrnil, Va. S. H. IIAUDWICfC. General PamrHiKer Aent. J. M. CCLP, TnKle ilununr, WiHitfirnptoTl, I. C, W. A. TTJKK. Aut Patw. Trrtffl MuaKoe. Waahington, D. C f7 I: NEWSY CLEANINGS Th5 Newfoundland sealiug season has closed. A ?KX,0(M) oyster combine has been foruu'd at Norfolk, Va. Ju:;t tweuty-oiic ypurs ago was pro hibition Introduced iuto Kansas. Tbe American Tobacco Company, it is said, will attempt to capture the trade of Scotland. A New York syndicate has botight' two sold mines and a copper mine In Mexico for r00,000. The Ancient Order of Hibernians has ttarted a movement to stop stage cari cature of the Irish race. An international congress for the amelioration of tha condition of tlie blind will meet at 1'russels in August. It will be under the patronage of Kins Leopold. Tlie Trench Government has author ized the transfer of the seat of Mada gascar's tlovernmrnt from An tana n urivo, jui interior town, to Tamataia, on the east coast. The Naval i:-i.i-.i of "Award if ccu-siti.-l ing the question of bellow ilK si medal on every oflicer and man who served in the West Indian naval cam paign of the Spanish-American War. An American company has pur chased the wrecks of the Spanish war snips Ahnirante, Ocjtieiido and Vizcaya for $1 a ton; the vessels will he broken tip for scrap iron nnd sent to Philadel phia. In the iron and steel trades in Scot land and the north of England produc tion has fallen off consider;! !ly this year, as compared with VJOO. write United States Consul IUu'us l'leming, Edinburgh, Scotland. Enough money has been subscribed to cover the cost of removing nearly 300 of the distressed Welsh settlers in Patagonia to Canada, nud arrange ments are being made for a steamer to call at Chubut to embark the first batrh of emigrants rearty to sail. Telegraph!c Briefs. Durham County, N. C, has 33 white schools and 31 of these have libraries for the children. Good libraries help good attendance, aside from the great good they do for the children and par ents who read the books. Good books fr children cost very little now and al mst any school can raise the mo-.tey and get a library. Sis lives were lost Monday night in a cloudburst at Foss, O. T. After six tials for embez'.lcmcnt and being convicted three tiiAes, the United Statts Circuit Court at Cincin nati. O., ordered another trial for J. M. McKnight Communication Broken. Washington. Special. Pnited States Consul Ayme. has cabled tho State De partment from Guadauloupe, that great consternation prevails in that locality in consequence of earthquakes and vol canoes. Loud noises ate heard contltiu o'.'siy which are asi iibcd tn volc-ui; -rt? on. Te'.egraphio rotnnv. nidation with Martinique is broken ia rviry K- rec:t:on. Ho say3 he is informed ihat many hundreds of poor have hcea kill ed in and about Martinique. W hole City Destroyed. St. Thomas, D. W. I., By Cable. British steamer Roddam, Captain Free man, which left St Lucia Wednesday for Martinique, returned there at 5 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, bringing a report that the town of St. Pierre, Martinique, has been totally destroyed by volcanic disturbances in the island. Almost all the inhabitants of St. Pierre are said to have been killed. The Hod dam reports that all the shipping in the port has also been destroyed. .THE.... OLD MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF HKWARK, . J. One of the Oldest, Largest and Strongest Financial Insti tutions in the "World. EST Good, W anted. Reliable Agents Address JOHN O. DREWRY, State Agent, Raleigh, N. C. Ir"Paid Policy-holders since Organization in 1845, $182,500, 190.05. O. R. Cox, President. W. J. Armfield, Vice-President. W.J. Armfield, Jr., Cashier. 1HE BANK OF RWIPH, Asheboro, N. G. CAPITAL . .. $25,000 00 We are now prepared to do a general banking business; and we solicit the accounts ot firms, corporations and individuals of Randolph and adjoining counties. Directors ; J M Worth, W P Wood, P H Morris. C O MoAlister, 0 J Cox. W F Red ding, A M Rankin. W H Watkins, Hugh Parka, Benj Moffitt, O R Cvx. AWE Capal, Dr FEAsbury, Joseph Paikin, W J Armfiald. JOHNT. BRITTAIN, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. t'rsetioe in the oourta of Randolph nti adjoining counties in State aud Fee ral Ooutts. Prompt attention givav to boaineas oi ail kinds. AWFUL RAIN OF FIRE Almost an Entire Island Destroyed By Volcano FORTY THOUSAND LIVES ARE LOST City of St Pierre, Island ot Martin ique, and All Shipping in the Har bor, Consumed. Washington, Spot iai The follow ing cablegram has just btt.n received at the State Dojianment: 'Toi.it-a f'itie, May 9. Secretary of Stat. : "At 7 o'clock a. m . on the Sth inst., a storm .t f K-um. mud ag. fire cavel opt!! rht- Htv :n.) roaOed c 'At. I n it i-. .:...iU--ai?st?ouKO in tlie (it v and coptitiunity. No nioio than 20 persons escaped with their lives. Eighteen vessels were burned and sunk with all on board, Including four American vessels and a rtoamer from Quebec, named Foraima. The United States consul and family are reported among the victims. A war vessel has come to Gaudaloupo for provisions and vi" eave at 0 tomorrow. AYME, "Consul." The State Department has been rc reiving dispatches from commercial hauscs asking that a warship be sent to afford relief. The matter is under consideration. The consul at Martinique is Thomas T. Prentis. He was born in Michigan and appointed from Massachusetts as consul at Port Louia, Mauritius, Kouen, France and Batavia. He was appointed consul at Martinique in 1S00. The vice consul at ijartinicrue is Amedoe Testart, wh Was born and I appointed from Louisiana in 1S9S. ! The latest available figures thow that the total population of the island of i Martinique is l.S3,('iiO people, of whom 25,000 lived at. St. Pierre, and, accord ing to Mr. Ayme, have nearly all per ished. St. Thomas, D. W. I., Ry Cable. The Front h cruiser Stiehet artived at Point a-Pitre, Island of Gaudaloupo, French West Indies, from Fort-De-France, Island of Martinique, this morning, t ringing several refugees. She confirmed the report that the town of St. Pierre, Martinique, was entirely destroyed at 8 o'clcjck on Thursday morning by a volcanu, erup tion.. It is supposed that most ji f the Inhabitants of St. Pierre were hulled, that the neighboring parishes I were laid waste and that the residue lf the i population of St. Pierre is w j'hout ! f i:;l or ni'.trr. The British -.al i-uui'l i--' :ifiuii' jV jii"h f iri i"-"at ! St. Lucia this uiorniiij;. rejfjk Lng parsed St. i'ieri t! last flifrhf. I ne steamer was covered vita shes. though she was 5 miles distant from the town, which wa3 ia impenetrable darkness. A boat was sent in as near as possible to the shore, but not a liv ing soul was Efieii ashore, only flames. The Quebec Steamship Company's steamer Rosaima was seen to explode and disappear. The commander of the Suchet reports that at 1 o'clock on Thursday tho tntlre town of St. more or less burned, from the vessels in the harbor. His officers went, ashore in small boats seeking for survivors, but were unable to penetrate jjito the town. They saw heaps of bocfies upon the wharves and it is believed that not a single person resident in St. Pierre at the moment of the catastro phe escaped. The governor of the colony and his staff, colonel and wife, were in St. Pierre and presumably per ished. The extent of the catastrophe cannot bo Imagined. The' captain cf the British steamer Roddam was very seriously Injured and 13 now in the hospital Jt St. Lu cia. All of his officers and engineers are dead or dying. Nearly every member of the crew Is dead. Super cargo Campbell and ten of the crew of the Roddam jumped overboard at St. Pierre and were lost. The British schooner. Ocean Trav eller, of St. Johns, N. l!., arrived at the island of Dominica, British West Indies, at 5 o'clock this afternoon. She reported that she was obliged to flee froirl the Island of St. Vincent during the afternoon of Wednesday, May 7, in consequence of a heavy fall of sand from a volcano which was erupt ing there. She tried to reach the Isl and of St. Lucia, but adverse currents prevented her from ' so doing. The schooner arrived opposite St. Pierre Thursday morning, Mayx'8. While about a mile away, the wlcano ex ploded and Are from it swt-pt the whole town of St. Pierre, destroying the town and the shipping there, in Pierre was wrapped in flames. He en- I dfavorod to savonbotit 0 persons chiding the cabt VTN.ilp Giiappkr J U liiappicr nefc TxarjS Tele- y. tb3rn,i which ! of the West In graph Company was engaged in repairing the caijle near the Guerin fa' tori . Tin: Ocean Traveler, while on her Va;. to Doinin- the caijle Tile Ocean to Doniin y of wreck- icia, encountered a qua :ry of wreck age. Paris. By Cable Tl of the French cruiser S epraphed to the Minist M. IieLanessan. from I' 1 comiuaiiuLT hct. has tel : of Marines, rt DrFrance. ad er date of n. in ns fol- Island of Martinique, i Thursday, May 8, at 10 lows : "I have just returned ffrom St. Pier 1 (from St. Pier omp!eLCdy de re, which has been oomplptely de stroyed by an immense (mass of fire,' which fell on the towiji at about 8 o'clock in the morning.! The entire population (about 25.00tjl. is supposed to have perished. I liave brought back the few survivors, 'about 30. Ail tie shipping in the harbor has been destroyed. Tho erupt: -i continues." "St. Thoniar., P. W. I.. By Ca':le. It is now estimated that M nun p?rona perished to a restill oi. the volcanic eruption in the island of Martinique. All Quiet. Panama. By Cable. ?s been received here from Ecuovi to the effect that the revolutionary ,?taticn in Co lombia. guawrillas sti.i. ia arms. Tbe are said to lf awaiting die outcome of the present situation i" the tsthmtio. where th! revolut ionn-: a:e making their last stand af,ain:--i the govern ment. Tho House passoxl the bill aoraitting Oklahoma, New Mexico and Arizona to statehood. j NORTH CAROLINA CROP BULLETIN Warmer Weather Accompanied By Scattered Showers. Another most excellent week for tho progress of farm work was experienced, and where sufficient rain fell the weather was very favorable for the growth of crops. However, drought has been intensified over many counties by the total absence of precipitation, and from these points many unfavorable reports were received. Very beneficial showers occurred in many localities on tho evening of the 7th, and it Is thought that the moderate rains of Sunday night were general over the eastern half of the State where it. was most needed. While more rain is re quired for crops in the drier localities especially for wheat and oats, for transplanting tobacco, and to bring up late planted torn and cotton, it appears that no positive damage to (Tops by rlrotigf-t lias resulted fq far. The tem pcraatre aw raged quite iiigh. in spite of two cool days on the Sth and 10th. the mean being about 5 degrees above the daily normal: The amount of sun shine was also abundant. The temper ature coUditioiis hare beeti favorable, except that growth was slightly check ed by cool nights during the latter por tion of the week. Farmers have been so active everywhere, that a large num ber of crop correspondents report farm work now 'well up, and that crops are clean and well cultivated; in many sec tions the ground is flow dry and hard; Planting corn and cotton are practi cally over, except that many bottoms have still to be planted in corn. Early corn looks healthy, has grown fairly well, and in south portion is over 18 inches high. The crop is being culti vated generally. There are some :oni pJaints of i3riage by chinch bugs and cut worms. Late cOrrt is not doing quits' so well. Late planted cotton is coming up slowly and unevenly on account of lack of sufficient moisture, so that good stands are not yet assured ; light show ers have benofitted much of the crop; chopping to stands is actively under way. The most serious effect of the drought has been to delay the trans planting of tobacco, and in many sec tions plants are getting oversized; the rainfall Sunday night fell over the sec tion where most needed and will give an impetus to the work of setting out tobacco plants, which is now underway In the mosx important central-northern sections. Peanuts are being planted. Rice has come up nicely. Wheat and oates need rain, and are heading ow; spring oats are well advanced in growth. Complaints of damage by po tato bugs are more numerous than for several seasons past. Sweet potatoes have sprouted, but slips will be scarce. The Strawberry crop was somewhat cut short by dry, warm weather which ripened berries too small for market, Pastures have made slow growth du ring the week. Rains reported: Goldsboro, 0.30 Inches; Charlotte. 0.20; Greensboro, 0.33; Newbern, 0.32; Weldon, 0.56; Ral eigh, 0.71; Wilmington, 0.70; Marion, 1.02; Hendersonville, 1.0C: Henrietta, 0.5S; Mocksvil'.c, 0.74; Seattle, 0.05. 'J r i: v e. i i o n P rot-- d i j s . At Monday morning's session of the Southern Baptist Convention, at Ashe ville, the report of the committee on general Sunday school work was tak en up as i special order and read ly Dr. J. E. White, of Atlanta. The report congratulates the convention on tha work done by Sunday school boards since its establishment in 1891, and ap proves the management. The future of the board is bright and is in good working order. Dr. B. W. Spillman. field secretary addressed the convention on the work of the board. Dr. .1. 1; Ganibriel read the repor.t on co-operation. The report recommend ed: First, that the association messen gers to the convention be regarded a i messengers to their association; second that a statistical secretary be elected by the association to furnish them: th'r 1. that the secretaries of the boards and State boards be a standing com mittee on co-operation and recommend such co-operative measure as they wish. Special prayer was made for Dr. J. L. White, of Macon, who was reported to he worse. At tie a'loooti srrsioii i telegram from the General Conference of the Methodist Church, in Dallas, was read, saluting the conference and wishing it abundant prosperity. Dr. Lansing Burroughs, secretary of the convention, reported that the op erations of the foreign board were be ing extended. Hon. Josiah Levering thought the convention should not ex tend its missions until it had better equipped the present system of work, but he thought that additional labors could be accomplished if undertaken. At the day's session of the Woman's Missionary Union, the following offi cers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Mrs. C. Stoekley; vice pres idents, Mrs. D. M. Malone, of Alabama; Mrs. Jas. P. Eagle, of Arkansas; Miss E. M. Dickinson, of the District of Co lumbia: Mrs. W. D. Chipley, of Flori da; Miss M. E. Wright, ot Georgia; Miss E. S. Broadus. of Louisiana; Mrs. T H. Kager, of Maryland: Mrs. J. C. Haeket. of Mississippi; Mrs. J. L. Ibi'v.ham. of Missouri; Miss F. E. S. lle:k. of North Carolina; Miss M. L. Coker. of South Carolina; Mrs. A. J. vVheeler, of Tennessee; Mrs. C. C. Slaughter, of Texas; Mrs. A. M. Gwa ;hey, of Virginia; Mrs. M. Choate, of Indian Territory: Mrs. W. H. Kuyken ilall. of Oklahoma ; corresponding secretary. Miss Annie Armstrong; re cording secretaries. Miss Nellie Martin and Miss N. E. Wright; treasurer, Mrs. Wm. C. Ixnvndes; executive committee, Mrs. O. F. Gregory. Miss Alice Arm strong. Mrs. W. Nimmo, Mrs. J. XV. Marriott, Mrs. Holloway. Mrs. XV. Graves, Mrs. J. M. Millard, Mrs. F. Bigss. The 57th session of the Southern Baptist convention was tonight brought to a close after a four days' session. It is a general concession of opinion among the delegates that a more pleasant or more profitable ses sion has never been spent. The fea tures of the concluding session were a lecture by Dr. J. M. Carroll, of Texas, on "The Federation of Baptist Schools in Each State." followed by an address by Dr. Hatcher, of Richmond on the method of securing and maintaining such a federation. Exposition Awards. Charleston. S. C. Special. The awards in the fine ar's department, of the exposotion were announced Tues day. A radical departure was made by the committee in barring from consid eration all previous prizo winners. Cold medals given: Sculpture. Charles Grafley and Chas. S. Nieehaus; oil paintings, J. Carroll Beckwith. XV. M. Chase. R. Swain Gifford. Winslow Ho mer. Henry Mosler, J. Francis Mur phy, Henry Ranger. H. O. XValker, Ho ratio XValker, R. XV. Ncnnoh. No gold medals were awarded in minatures or water colors. FURTHER DETAILS Of the Frightful Volcanic Fruption in Martinique. FIRST REPORTS NOT EXAGERATED Fuller Investigation Reveals the Sit uation as Bslng Even Worse Than at First Believed. Fort-dc-France, island Of Martinique, By Cable. It now seems to be general ly admitted tiuit about 30.000 persons last their lives as a result of the out break of the Mont Peiee Volcano, at St. Pierre, on Thursday last. Careful in vestigation by competent government officials shew the earlier reports of the Associated Press wore accurate. The American consul at Guadeloupe. Ayme. has reached the desolate spot whore St. Pierre stood, and confirms the awful story in all its essential details. From an interview with Col, Ayme, who Is a trained American newspaper man, a correspondent of the Associated Press iearns the following facts: "Thursday morning the inhabitants of the city awoke to find heavy clouds shrouding the Mont Pelee crater. All day Wednesday horrible detonations had been heard. These were echoed from Sti Thomas on the north to Bar bados ori the south.- The cannonading ceased on XX'ednesday night and fine ashes fell like rain on St. Pierre. The inhabitants wers alarmed, but Gov ernor Mouttet, who arrived at St. Pierre the evening before, did every thing possible to allay the panic. The British steamer Roarima reached St. Piferre on Thursday, with ten passen gers, among whom Were Mrs. Stokes and three children and Mrs. H. J. Ince. They were watching the rain of ashes when, with a frightful roar and terrific electric display, a cyclone of fire and steam swept down from the crater over the town and bay, Sweeping all before it and destroying the fleet of Vessels at anchor off the shore. There the ac counts of the citastrophe so far ob tainable cease; Thirty thousand corps are strewn about, buried irt the ruins of St. Pierre or else floating, gnawed by sharks, in the surrounding seas. Twenty-eight charred, half dead hu man beings were brought here. Six teen of them are already dead and of the whole number only four are expect ed to recover. "The Associated Press steamer char tered ill Gudelope, neared Martinique at 6:30 Sunday morning. Tho island with its lofty hills was hidden behind a huge veil of violet, or leaden-colored. haze. Enormous quantities of the 'wreckage of Jarge and small ships and houses strenvd the surface of the sea. Huge trees, and too often bodies, with flocks of seagulls hovering above and hideous sharks fighting about them, were floating here and there. From be hind the volcanic veil came blast3 of hot wind, mingled with others, ice .-old. At Le Prescheur, five miles north of St. Pierre eanoes-with men and women frantic toj.away, begged for a passae. cn theCamer. The whol north end of the island was covered with a silver gray coating of ashes re sembling dirty snow. Furious blasts of fire, ashes and mud steamer, but finally reached. "The city of St. swept over St. Pierre the was Pierre stretched nearly two miles along the water front and half a mile back to a cliff at the base of tho volcano. The houses of the richer French families were built of stcne. The still smoking volcano tow ered above the ash-covered hills. The ruins were burning in many places and frightful odors of burned flesh filled the air. With great difficulty a landing was effected. Not one house was left intact. Viscid heaps of mud, of bright er ashes, or piles of valcanic stones were seen on every side. The streets could hardly be traced. Here and there amid the ruins were heaps of corpses. Almost all the faces were downward, j "In one corner 22 bodies of men, wo men and children were mingled in one awful mass, arms and legs protruding as the hapless beings fell in the last struggles cf death's agony. Through the middle of the old Piace Bertin ran a tiny stream, the remains of the river Gayave. Great trees with roots upward and scorched by fire, were strewn in every direction. Huge blocks of still hot stones were scattered about. From under one large stone the arm of a white woman protruded. Most notable was tho utter silence and the awful overoow:j-ing stench from the thousands of dead. Careful inspec tion showed that the fiery storm which so completely destroyed St. Pierre must have been composed of poisonous gases, which instantly suffocated every one who inhaled them, and o other gases burning furiously, for nearly all the vicclms had their hands covering their mouths, or were in some other at titude, showing that they had sought relief from suffocating. All the bodie3 were carbonized or roasted. , Strike cf Coal JTiners. Philadelphia. Special. Mine workers throughout the entire anthracite coal regions of Pennsylvania to the number of 145,000 formally began their strug gle today for increased wages and shorter hours. Never in tho history of hard coad mining has a tie-up been so complete, not one of the 157 colliers in the territory being in operation. There is every indication for the belief that tho suspension, which was to cover cnly the first, three tlaj-s of this week, will be made permanent by the Miners' General Convention, which will meet at Hazelton on XX'ednesday. Absolute cru'et prevailed everywhere. Disaster Complete. Xrashington. Special. Secretary Hay has received the following cablegram dated May 11. from Consul Ayme. at Guadeloupe, who went to Fo:t-de-France. Martinique, by instructions from this government: "The disaster is complete. The city wiped out. Con sul Prentis and his family are cead. Governor -ays S'i.000 bava perissed. 50.0W) are homeless aud hungry. 1!:-; sv.gKcS's that toe Red Cross be asked to scri.-l ( vil.i ih. flour, beans, rice, salt Bleats an 1 I -.ctrits a; quickly as pos sible. X'is't.l ..f war vessel valuable. ' heat Crop Statist-'cs. Washington. P'-eclai. Returns t th statls: iciac ii t's: Dsuirtmtat ct Asp I euitirre. mad: up to May 1, snow t'-e area under winter wheat ia cultivaCoa on that date- to have been 27.133,000 acres. This is 4.888,009 acres, or 15-2 c: ent. less than the area so'.va last ,il -.7,,.. ,,(. nrea remaining unae; cu with 94.6 on "ay 1, 1901. il. 7atton tjf condition oa ... x. .-a 1.4. against 49.1 on Mi i. 1901. The leverage condition of win ter rye on M;'.- 1 was 83.4. as compared Makes the food mors delicious and wholesome BOW OF PROMISE. DR. CHAPMAN'S SUNDAY SERMON A Message of Hops to a Lost Wor'di God's Promise in the Bow Tha. Spans the Cioitsfs. Tiie Rev. J. Wilbur Chapman, D. D , is now the most distinguished and best known evangelist in the country, He was second only to Dr. Talmage, but since the death of that famous preacher Dr. Chap man has the undisputed possession of the Pulpit as the preacher to influence the plain people. His services as an evangel ist are in constant demand. His sermons have stirred the hearts of men and women to a degree unapproaehed by any latter day divine. J. Wilbur Chapman was born in Richmond, Ind,, June 171S59. He tvas educated at Oberlin College aud Lake For est University, and graduated for the min istry from the Laue Theological Semin ary, Cincinnati, Ohio, iu 1SS2. His ser mons ar"S simple and direct, so that their influence is not to much due to exciting the emotions as to winning the hearts and convincing the minds of those who hear him. Dr. Chapman is now in charge of the Fourth Presbyterian Church, New York City.j New Yokxc City. Tlie following sermon Is one prepared for publication by the Rer. J. XXri!biir Chapman, America's best known evangelist, who is now preaching to ovei-ftowiufr congregations in this city. It is entitled "The Bow in the Cloud." and is founded on the text, Genesis G: 13, "I do set My bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between Me and the earth." It may seem at first thought as if this J were a queer test to choose from which to i give a gospel message, and yet all the works of God are so wonderful that one has but to get the key to unlock the door leading into them to rind them rilled with sweetness and with help. The rainbow is no exception to this rule. It is hardly possible for one to look upon the bow that spans the clouds after a storm without an exclamation of delight. One would think that it would grow mo notonous, for we have seen it so mnny times, but quite the opposite is true. Sun sets differ; they are as unlike as two things could possibly be. Indeed, it must be true that one is never like the other. But rain bows are always the same. And yet in spite of this we are charmed as we look, and inspired as we study. The first mention of a bow is in the text. It is not said that this is the first time the rainbow has appeared, for from the very nature of the ease it has always been in existence since the worlds began to be, but this is said to be the first use of it. The last mention of a rainbow is Revelation 4: 3- "And He that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone; and there v.a a r.iinbow round about the throne, iu iiAt i:::c unto u emerald - ou liof-ce t. At trie expression used is "round aboat rae throne," and here for the first time we iind a rainbow in a complete circle. We have only seen the half of it here, which is surely an illustration of the fact that in this world at best we only get the half of things. XX7e only get the half of truth. Take the great doctrine of the Atonement; who is able to understand it? But it is very helpful to know that we are not obliged to understand it, but only to receive it. God is satisfied with it, and He fully comprehends it, and when we stand with Him in glory we shall see the other half of the bow, and our hearts shall rejoice. We only see the half of life here. At its best it is a mystery. Over and over again, when we wanted to go to the right we were compelled to turn to the left, aud a thousand times because of our perplexi ties and trials we have cried aloud: "How can these things be?" But we must learn the lesson that we must trust Kim where we cannot under stand Him. The day will come, when seated at His feet we shall see the other half of the bow of our life, and we shall know indeed that all things have worked tocether for good. The last mention of the bow in Revela tion tells us that it is to be like an emer ald. This is certainly very strange, for one has never beheld a green rainbow here. Six other colors must oe added to it to make it complete. The color, however, is not without its suggestiveness. Green is the color that always rests the eye. It is for this reason that the hillsides, the waving branches of the tree, and the grass beneatn our feet, are so restful on a sum mer day. Is not this a hint that heaven is a place of rest as well as beauty? There ere three primal colors in the rainbow, red, yellow and blue. If you drop the red and put the yellow and blue together you have green as a result. Red is the color of suffering. Surely it is a hint as to the thought that when one passes through the gates of pearl he leaves suffering behind him. There is to be no red mark in heaven. Christ finished His Bufferings upon Calvary, and never a pang shall meet Him again. XVe finish our suf ferings, too, when we say good-bye to this weary road we have traveled, and the gate of heaven that shuts us in shuts suffering cut. I THE CLOUD. We know what the cloud was for Noah (for this text which I have quoted has to do with him), and a cloud in Noah's day was not unlike the cloud of yesterday; but in the thought of the sermon the cloud is sin. It would make one heartsick to read the history of sin. First, in the world, begin luiis withwiiani going to Noah, reaching the howling meb aiiontTae TTtt. J'l varv. couiine down, to the present d;; when the whole world seems to ic tourlieil with its power, the moat '.enable thins in the world is sin. Second, in the home, blighting and blasting that which is a tye of heaven, and wrecking that which God meant to be a safe vessel to carry vis through the turmoils and strife ever round aboutTus. Third, in our own heart, giving us wrong conceptions of God, and drag ging us toward hell, even against our will. The blackest thing in all the world is sin. The cloud does two things: (.1) It ob scures the sun. The cloud of sin does the same thing. No one ever yet has had a true vision of Jesus Christ with the least parcic!e of sin in his heart or life. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." A poor fellow converted in one of the missions, in Chicago, who was thought be fore his conversion to be hardly worth the savii'g, was so wonderfully transformed that a committee waited upon him to iic.d ! the secret of his changed life. He answered tueir question in just one sentence: "I have seen .Jesus." This vision ever changes the life and transforms character. (2) The cloud cercppls us to see things in a false light. God made the works of His hands to be seen in tiie sunlight. XX'e must not judge them under the cloud. And with the cloud of sin across a man's mind he can have no real conception of the Bible; he must certainly be prejudiced aatn.-t the church. Scatter the darkness that hovers over your mind, and the Bible will become to you the very thought oi God. while the church will compel your ad miration. II. ACROSS THE CT.Ot:d GOD CAST HIS V.OV. : To see a bow three thinus are necessary. First, there must be a cloud; we certainly have that m the world's sin. Second, the sun must be shining; we have this condi tion met in the fact that God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at ail. Third, the rain must be falling. XVe have this i-i Icaiali 10 it J".-n- :w t'np l-in cvnupjil down, and the snow from heaven, and re-! turneth not thither, but watcreth tTis earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater; so shall My XVord be that goeth forth out of My mouth; it shall not return unto Me void, but it shall ac complish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." Or, we might put it first, in order that we may b saved, we must acknowledge ourselves to h .innevs. This is the cloud. Second, we must h-vc; srnne concentinTi of lino narrea oi sin. j nH i i - Third, we must be permaded that. loved us and gave Jtimsett tor us. ! his is the rain. With these conditions met. the bow cf promise spans tiie cloud of a sinful life. III. -THE SEX'ENCOLORS. If I should hold a prism in my hand and the light of day "should touch it, there would be refracted at once seven colors, as follows: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. There never has been a rainbow in this world but these have been seen in more or less prominence. In mv message now, the prism is the cross, and the light is God's truth. As it strikes this long prism it breaks up into seven colors The seven together give us the rainbow. First, forgiveneHs. Psalm 32: 1. "Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered." The word forgiven means taken off. XVhat a wonderful thought it is! Oh. what a load of sin we had to carry! How it did weigh us down! Kcw day and night we went crying aloud, saying, "Oh, wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me?" Resolution never lifted it a particle. Reformation only seemed to make it heav ier. Then He came, and stooped down, er whispered to us just one sweet word, "Forgiven!" and when we realized it the burden was taken off. To receive all of this we have but to yield to God. Trying to make ourselves better only adds to the cloud and deepens our despair. The second color is cleansing. Psalm 51 7 "Purge me with hyssop, and I shall ber clean; wash me, and 1 shall be whiter than snow." The little bunch of hyssop carries us back to "he Passover night, when the lamb was ntain snd its blood collected. It was not said that one should take a brush, but a bunch of hyssop, d dip it in the blood and sprinkle the posts of. the donr. The commonest thing that grew in the East was hyssop. It represents faith. One had but to step to the door of the cottage and stoop down to pluck a bunch of hys sop. The commonest thine i'l all this world is faith. XX'e have faith in each other, whether we express it in this word or not; and the faith that one has in his mother, in his father, in wife or husband, if turned toward Jesus Christ would sive his soul. It is one thing to be forgiven, but the color deepens, and the truth sweetens wheii we know that because of the shed blood of Jesus Christ we may be made clean. "The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin." The ttfvd color i justification. Ro mans 4:ir"X"ho was delivered for our otfences.JJrruscd again for our jus--tificaxioi??"1 ,-r " ; One might bt perf.vt'v sure of his for giveness, and know that it nieaut sias" taken off. and might be confident of his cleansing," but there is the memory of the old life of failure which is ever to him like a shackle when he would run to God. Jus tification is sweeter by far than anything we have yet learned. When Christ rose for our justification He stood before God as a kind of receipt (as John Robertson has said), and when God looks upon that receipt He knows the bill is paid. "Jesus pail it all. All to Him I owe. Sin had left a bitter stain, He washed it white as snow." But justification is even better to me than this, for when one is justiiied before God he actually stands as if he never had sinned. The fourth color is sins covered by the sea. Mteah 7: 19 "He will turn again, He will have compassion upon us; He will sub due our iniquities; and Thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea.' It is very comforting to know that there are some depths in the ocean so deep that they can never be sounded. Our sins roust have gone as deep. There is also another thought oi com fort; if a body is cast into the ocean where the waters are not very deep, when the storms come and the ocean is in a fury, the storm, as if with giant hands, take the dead body and casts it upon the shore. But there are depths in the sea so great that no storm that has ever yet swept across the face of the deep has stirred the waters. Thanks be unto God. our sins may be sunk so deep in. the sea that they will never be cast up against us again. The color deep ens and the truth grows sweeter still. The fifth color is sins removed. Psalm 103: 12 "As far as the east is from the we9t, so far hath He removed our trans gressions from us." It has been proved that the distance from east to west could never be meas ured. This i3 certainly inspiring. But there is something better for me than this in the fifth color, for wheu I am told that my sins are a3 far from me as the east is from the west I know that the east and the west can never be brought together: nor can the saved sinner and his pardoned sins ever meet again.. The sixth color is Isaiah 44: 22 "1 have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgres sions, and, as a cloud, thy sins; return un to Me, for I have redeemed thee." A man cannot blot out his own sins. Some have tried it with their tears, and have lost their reason. Some have at tempted it by works of mercy, and have given up in despair. But God can easily do it. For sins to be blotted out may mean the same as for man's account to be blotted out. I mav have a bill charsred ainst me on the books, but it on the op- "posit? "sTiie-w etx)iliKd. . .t sum r money to meet t.ie blotted out Put til" i more than this. It nie. sins arc blotted out by tnat win.. . .id tiiev are as thev never had been. The seventh color seems the climax of all. E.ckiel 33: 16 "None of his sins that he hath committed shall be mentioned un to him; he hath done that which is lawful and right; he shall surely live." XX'e have an idea that, although our sins have been forgiven and we may have been justified, when the great day of judgment comes we mav be obliged to meet them all again. But this is not true. Once and for all hath He put away sin by the sac rifice of Himself, and the-sins of our lives shall not again be mentioned to us. IV.--GOD'S COVENANT. The bow was God's covenant then. Now God's covenant is His XX'ord, and upon this XX'ord we may depend. Notice the number of times God uses the expression, "I will," in Exodus 6: 6-8: "XX'herefore, say unto the children of Israel I am the Lor 1. and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egypt ians, and I will rid you out of their bond age, and I will redeem you with a stretched out arm, and with great judgments; and I will take you to Me for a people, and T will be to you a God; and ye shall know that I am the Lord your God, which bringeth vou out from under the burdens of the Egyptians. And I will bring you in unto the land, concernins the which I did swear to give it to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob; and I will give you it for an herit age: I am the Lord." He ever waits to fill the covenant which He has made with Christ concerning us. If wc would have the joy of salvation, we need but two things; first, we must be lieve God: whatever our feelings may be, we must believe: second, believing Ond, must act as if we believed Him. The one gives us life. The other gives us joy in life's possession. Some men are born to command, and others get married. t - ! r

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