c r- A ..ft. N U i M Ji 1 1 -j f i c -t-i $4 m Issued Weekly. PRINCIPLES, NOT MSN. $1.00 Per Year. VOL. XXVI. ilHIKU, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 19, IV02. NO. 47 i 6 II - IH; I BH INT ON A WHEEL ti;M,rfr.;,.:,?J-r,,..f, M;:.,;i , .v v,. " imn.lv mvt , fi ! ,i,.t,,.. ,. (). , ,. j... . , an aetaJyist luijiin-ito is a li,Uio oi Mi ten u ,H -a .. ;: j ,i'; ' 1: V,' ' Ulcers or 'munietacr Sores need not become u lis lure, upon y ;ur body. If they do it your fault, for MEXICAN MUSTANG UNDENT will thoroughly, quicklv nrui perma nently cure these af;lief ious. There is no guess work about U ; it" this lin iment is used a cure will follow. YOU D0N7 KNOW Mustuaj Lluuueut. As a llta.li ti-.--.K-r it suv.bf at tl.u very t. ; - Best b none too jjood for your money. We do not handle cheap, shoddy goods, but oiler you high class merchandise at a reasonably Iff TL""' flr low igure, and on this basis can hold yur business it we once get it. A special line of medium weight suits tailored in the very best style, good for any season, price $7M) to $10. If you . want ieunnel vaults 's. write us at once. Goods shipped on approval, express paid one way. We sei! everything a man wears except slvu's. Chishoim, Siroud, Crawford ti Rees 300 South Elm Street, Greensboro, K. O. ood Is what it takes to make goo-.i bread. Any cook will tell you that. And w here the good Hour is made is w hat this advertisement will tell you. Asheboro Roller Mills Brands of Hour Pride of thtn.lolpb, I-anu. r's Friend, White Eagle. Yellow Pine and Peep Hive'- will always give saiisfaction. Always insist iion jour grocer furnishing; the products of these mills niui you will alwu-.a h,ie go. .l bread. Corn Meal. Bran and Feed Kepi rom-tantlv on hand. Write for juices. lifi 44r 4 reensbor U 4. 4 1 IT V i V 1 ;; W ill Subscribe Ta T Moo ?.- r,: n j tr. 5 Clothing Vx.r dents & "Little (icnts." We carry a FULL LINE; of the vcn. best styLs and makes ol' CKuiiipg and Fii'-nishings fur h tn.-n ti!l boys. v)ur buyer's experience oi twenty Years with manufacture! a gives us an m. id, on i'es us an inside "ii Kettidg iiie best lor the , ,' -. , , . IjO nionev. "ine uorse-Mioe hmndiiiof th.-meh. i..t...d ,..s ba a specially, (".ail uul see us. j-o p. :d cd. i v.d! d.. ail i Kilesiden L. C. liowleil, H.'pd! ih.m e-o--i i'.m t; C. Mu bv. C. C. jMimson and J.i" a !i-,J 'A'. Merriit. The Merri(tJohn son Co, -bo I'o. X. ( Ai lt, Oct, re s ',, ' in i. ci ij ,SAM TONUS IN W1LKESEORO. Mediae iacrc, -j:i-.t :,t its Clone Mr. ay n;,tH!i-: . G Up Th-l- .i in.: 'mi in .-. ii .-. l, "V, -''"""V l..-iiniii'niiv 1. I At Ui.MM-.-.H II,- ,;;.vlin. ,-v,v:;l Uiuni-rs ;!:iii"!i!ici'(i iiicir i t i i t Jiiui'li ir.Hiil n:i,- a. r-i-ii'-ii: Ii.'.!. S.-uu Join - was l' ni-.-if wiiiv.-s! Miilciil rvju.ris hi 'ritiou I hviv as r.u iu-vs : Ilo Si'.i.l I !i::t 1 lit- WM'sl fn--!ll- i.i j " .-ii an- iiis! liki our da .lie! lie, j el! 1' lii.'U. i W'i'l v i;-4..ik-; ;i:i,l !;sii!.-r :,..! nliisk--heir k.-f i!ii... s. Von n.MhTl i.iik i... iiie ii.-oil. vnlir uaiiily. I rare 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i a'. "in linn, h.-ean-e I've se. n hi- kid: -and the More 1 k'.'c of llie kid- th.' less J think of your tiad-ii-. s. Wire, hies.- yon, vour oi.l daddy is hi li. li a I rvine and i;dess ym .iiit 'l.is v. hi-k.-v hll.-illess y.llt'l i no there too.'' jie -aid his re-j-eis te the jire;u:iiers of the eoiihiy and s;ud 1 iiat. they ei'e nolhiiic l.'U t: little .(;u kasses rumiiti.2 about uvcr th.-se hills. He siiid lh.it there -v..-re m.-inv i.-.o-jde who v oidd get niiid :U wind he said. "I'.nt," snid he, "1 don'i e;ive, I'm u'ot'iif to sh"oi int.. the huh you're in. :md .-u'll eoni-- out a- I M 1 H I i 1 1 " and SWe;i! ine; vol! Wt 1'eil't ill there." Th-- "hardshells" received n iineh. lie said, ili.d '-y.ei 1-ud-s hells will Lai in. id: why, I yon. you i:io so narrow between the ey.-s that 1 could jab b.ah vour e. - out with o::e tinier."' His tet v.... l'r.,eil.- 1 1:1!': "As righteousness tend- io the light, so he thai puraieth e il ':r-ue! h :t ! his own d.-;r Upon tlie who! his y sermon was logical a'-d to the iet,j nitet -pel's.-.I ;.is wit and ndu-lile. The wor.-t evil he f-.tnui in Wilkes was the !i pioi- 'eto!e.-s. '-'the worst criiin' n',i ear. eoni.-ni: is to lank uj'. em li.pHir. Then ye: ;irere;u!y for any crime ready t- murder your fellow ma n, .our v. if. - in- .ihyl o.ly else. Then tell me -vlee. yu i" ihuidy done. I've got no use I-.-.- you nor your daddy neither. A man who makes whis key has no conscience. 1 had as soon haul for conscience in an alli gator iis to hunt for it in a distiller." Sjieakillg of t jios 1 on b cret at w .--a,' re- ' marked: "Vou can lake me tint; hole in ileii riv.-i t welitv fee! l--ei j and iiea rock that w illvei-i) a hnn-l died l.o,nol- lo mv neck and id , ,,. , : i ,i :,, i... ,.,..,. I. .. bliug wave 'that Ws-U over mv dead bodv -viil sav that von drowned hon.-s! man a ho had the . -a'.- 1 -1 ;!:! a.pani pe;.k bi- U-liol: I inlend to '-) it aim ol! can l it. yen "n-nsy de-.i!. you. if w :-a' i-.tiie path t !,.! b:;s g-a sona thsug d.-n -. i i v- hat -a-, t- a lie teen von. --u:-i:: to cooie a; ia-i i and knock m-. d..n ;oid -oinni me I in t!ds sawdust. s.,,n,e t,f on iiulel devils have a pi-o-! in vour p.o--.-..-:. i ;.. , i .... Vol! nl lie cow ; r.i., veil. nv. i.iiti, let me tell oa wh.-.t ..u d.o. Vou go 1'ioine :u-d kill a doe;... J in- i.n coei mit i-ah-'de. .'.', what are V"-.i go ing lo do also. .j h.i v.i'i know? Sal. i doa-. s t ie n b-iuie--d "Ii the swearers and .-aid that 'a man who will eu-is liefer.- bis w if.- and chil dren is not fit to be th.- daddv of a lil lor of pups. 1 ii closing hi; sermon 'ie -aid: "You'll ii. icr m ik. 'he State of Wilk.-s w led It on ghf to be -lain vou L-oi IhesliM ie.o-i out. Wba! you need is lii-iiv eliiiieli.s and fewer jugs; more jiViiver m.-. aings and few er drink t: more hool hous and f'-wi-r t!-ti!!. rie-." Wilki sl'oro, -hi no a. Aliothel gi.-al audience tilt, d the large tent li- ie today to hear Sam Jones pr.-aeh. His text. 'And lie M. -.-, cho-e raih ir to siiiT.'r ahlieiioii uiiii the peojile of Cod than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a sca-oii." ; The leading theme of hi ili--cours diis morning was u, cision. ".Now what are v.. a going o do a!r..u i;? he said, "if .!o.-es had lived in 'Hkesboro and ha. d..ne a thiuci like that, iiino-ieiii hs of ou inem bers of th--i hu"ch w.nid !iao said. '.Moi-a-, o'i aie Pie o-e-e. -t fool il;;i eM-r ilv.d m Wok .-i-oi-o." Th . - ion's no. l.ii.g ilk-- it. And t w'.l'- i. II ou a ;aai: t- be sue I igg. -! .. -is.... ae oi ' I'amiP si-rCant that ever h .-.I in Ma.- t.. a no. -t ' lis'ue. on iic !Vim . evreprcscioa a diin.P: th---.-i i... dooi,. .p.oi,. tha;. j ii.. d. l. ;i K.eae. of Kown And I wan; to s., e.-re to-.:: t ha! , ,.,oc i , w i.- o. tear. in Charlotte w baa wa- iri'e-.-f 'o-.--. I, trie- o.' '."oil. 'i be iil,,e, t ile -il j.-eee. e-l I i oal t. e o ie-: i . eoni. s in t-uia huiuaii lib- when vou mu-t make choice, ami the choice vrnt nuike detel iuiiies vour character am! .oar character s. i-le; cur d -t in . I am glad I hai e and iiuoii in tile, histoid, ot hiin'.ani'N ill .... I .. .'l,.,.... ' wbal be c.ild do web a man v.'ho will ;ji-.e bim a tail chance. 1 ;nn -o glad lilat ; i ail i.-e s 111 tin- w old T '. ' ',' a'A"v . '": i oe i na 1 ci - e, a, i in .en. di.nmiai ! so- j.- ni- n ii.i. walk".! no and 1-v -a a, . ! in- II, 1 !;, tin' cent a'V. ee-o.i .-,, r w b. .V, t ' o u ie a I le- -a;- ... ,-ed lie- -,:; - i I i : Ii o!. . o.i ! ,1, a: I ti ot leal. I , I 1 in- a, an :; .. i I OA iiie III I I ! . j erciuo mom -u il: V. , I e I i.;ir mails ; von m-!.-, i Is atleiliio Mr. J. ,n p-u ii.Pl-, jot ol -oa - .id. V. mi in-it is . I'll I i. it : id I ,t in ii. PP. :!! il'" I !-.,,, i ' i , ; 1 1 1 1 Smiiii '!. '( ' ! I .-';iv .I. "i 'i.i-l-iili!.:; i;viv nviv two ,,, ,;:!l,r, ,..,. Vl.s,,,,.lv x ii- M!t '. it !l I- M: ii hi -v aili-w ii:,;- sit:;!V I h ii;(-ir niiiniir- i i!u. Tli.'V u..:if.-! "ii :i';v. : v, ..' , a....-;--1 ... .:. ! ok... v.'-... i'-n v.. u iufi t i I' m.ii n (-.- i- Li;. I into a i.,,,v .,.h, il.' i'i tii-- riv.T iK''-"! tla'.n your ! ' mi!.; i!i;i. .in i h ;(!- ' lik-.- :. i-iisi!ik "i wi"i. ti a' ."ii !' I,.-i: i zUlu-i v.Mie j.-.'. - ;.' -11 H;;:;i ,1 ..rises, ; ' .'. : i 'i i , i . : i n i ! ii a Ii- mi , .:: : .:- as ; tr i ...v- a n-iiiitt i.ill ;., it,.. !.!,.. l i I... i i-Ci. . .... tn ill to in. :.-usv i he dept.ll of oe.-ao wnii in s linger. 1 aeu id'. nit jiniiijr -i!r views about Sam Jo:-s. If I diidn't know more than von a ud ui 1 you dad-'ies I'd .juit pivii. hiu-r. yu old uiiillet-h -aded foul, VIM!.'- M--.S had a eh'.ii-e and that choice mad,.- Moses. If yoti il 1 make a righ; choice le-rc t-i-day, thai choice will make you the in.-st fragrant liower thiit ever bloomed in these air. Jon.-s jiimn.-.l mi ;!.,- blind tiger men and said that if he wa's to, go to :i blind tiger a id drink, every paper in he I'mied States' would publish i; in lie- m-'ruing.. "'ut you go there eyeiv day and nothing is said idxmi ii. The.! is the diller ence between a. dog and agvnileman. I'm tin- gentleman." Ileaid that t'no.-e who Imy !i.ii.ir at tie.- blind tig i- -vouid sv.cir li.s to keep tin-m out of jail, and t h;it it was as ivspee !:'!. m s'.'ear li.-s n" t- b'av blind '.-'a' '.iiior. The Worth Manufacturing: Com pany Receivership. The follow tug sp.. ia! from Ral eigh to the Chariot!.- Ohseiver dated dun.- 1 Hili, says-. An Oj i.e. .a r. ,-..-iVvd h. re tod ,;. tri.m ;.- Simo.itou, I'lsiicd Suites (':rm:i; ''" t oi Aopeal-:, decidiiig the 0f jlingham vs. Worth Mfg. Co. ia favor in.- ilefendaiils. The properties of the (oiporatiou were phu-ed. in the hands oi' a vec-ivor I : -1 .vin.ei' by Judge l?oy,! at t-'t ecus!, ore., ae.l t!;e ca -e wen! up on appeal. Si- :1:';"i"."i'" "' ' r-i - ' t: .it Hie oraer oi .i uog i'o-td in the- Ci'-enif -.'o'arl 1.. ix-vers. !:!! the roeem !f ''V!1: n ortl, ..og. t b, tc-stored la SI.U! ( I ee COi'p.'I'.iilOa S The 'V" i'i V is !.:sieiii ! v ;e,!!t a inies on Peep river, llaa- I i I h con nt . ;t a i ;) a i. (a a -. ii. ai. Worth. '-Ui ;:l o , V. lie folk i pnnv. K-ontr :-!-.- t- i n o;a i- vvs: ".p- I'!""' 1 ,' 1 1 ui' Couri of tlie he w. si- ru .list rii-t e mi.. i Xiadil ,ro,';,a. i'is cause came irau-eript of I 1 re aa-1 oi: r.-oo" ! I'l'.mi ! he rin-no Court of i the I'ldl'-l SMI,-- for ! il" V'fs! c j"l li-tric! ot Xoi-tli t'ii-oiin.i. i.ud was :rg'i;.l bv (..;ill-el. tin C"!t'iderjti!vl ii le-i. of. ii 'a , re o'd. .-,.; ,,- jll. I d, ;n-l d.-ioed ie. Ihi-- court, ' i.ai ri.e doe,- -,. - f i b. ' sidd Cir.-uit our! to is ia.-reb, iiiiS CiLi '. ca osc; .'. -ei l lie sS.no-'.'--; -I wi:!i cos!?.; and remanded to t be Circuit ( oar! ..f t a.- F nii d Spp. .: for : he v.'-.- ieia. dishie! ol' .Nort'i Car.'Iiii.i, i.f (ire-, as! om, w itl. diro,.-t:..ns . (h:it ibe r -.-elv.-vs be .lis: liaraeii and the prop- rly of ;la- Worth Mfg. Co. be res I ere: 1 to ibe po-sc-sion of the cor poration and its ollieers: and that the injuie !:.-.,! be di.--o!vi d,' and that tin bill 1-e di.-mis-fd. in caif irmity w ith l a.-..pinion of lib - cart, and that the mandate issue fort iiwivh. dune Pith, F'.ub" '1 be t.u.-rm vs ('...- the p-hduiili .v, re I'ao: Plais. !-'.-, , Hon. C. !!. Wa--.e,'C.l. d -!:;, N. St;.de-, ). P. vapp ;iit I for I in. Aorih Mi a'. Co., Col. d. T. ajorebcau, P. F. ' hon Kit g . Kimball, ,!; ., as il. Pen, W. t . I lamuioi'. ellas Pai: for w in an t he of j , jUlU. .,,-;. huiitina J month- '..r murder of for six or rivru Cis; v k Tie- - ! I : lie W I'O W U -lilbU-.'. !n a koife. lingered for u moiitii and du.-d. I: is .--..id to be a (old blooded nuerd.-r and occurred in )e t. ' '! ' ! o- e oi' P:ck Flemmi a; I i'-d at Fcr;i,.rv l.rm and o i. mne-it hang .Ini i b ibai ato-r ;i n:r spirit ua. wre.-iie, he nns 1m. eoni e.-biie:l to hi- taie v, ii b-ai j a ra , o 1 1 i ' oe i.a . I- : a re. Wiil Core Stomach Ache in civ, A'-.ea I ' I ! bo ! -. ,, i':. . i, am kin !!. ..,;(!.. in lb - i b ,.,11 .-.V ! U .-.ad-, --ni I - 11 vou an j , .1' .11 i jihii , i .: ti est luilie. OUR RALEIGH LETT R. i ; i'li'vvi . i . . : a ii-tlf Cor'cSj)or,cient at the Slate Capital. Ha t.i.MUt. as. '., ' in p.;. On:, ''''-in i..-i;!y fh.j Ti.-ni. State (.-!;' v. ii" r, ill j.-.- i.i'.!..- ;ii Crtfiu 1 :iv. i'P--.-'sf iiiii-aiiiiii- it vii! i-c a I.irp-iy .'.u.'n.l.il and lis.-lv tMinvni-)!), Bii!.luigt: an i-andiuaus i :vu (. M' -i-)'-; tuv t iiutiilnaieU i'.h:. war (V e.-nt Supt -f Kducaii.Mt "a (v.r.HiruHon Com - nii.vsjoiu j Hat (h.-c..- is suro to '!.. fsasiiK-iaoic ' namou.-" liJ'e inhttlci into the prot'ot" ling.s w :--; tlie'fait-s- .a V ; I .u i, one of the man v ca'aU-iaies ii,,;- i S. Seaat' r or if a !!.' u or.! -r anotlK-r .Mate ! naiary. Fi'oia ; in ii!!i iea: a at present aii efi'.ij-ti ai ;:.; lids Kiic are li;iijle, and i. ven dei, ;o '"ail. The parfv ii,i)H-a:'- to to Wuicil i(e i in rr "-i lell ei'. it .-lejlil uv-zen iiutl more prefer for this iv;-!:,.,! mi'X;u,i a id i' .vi.-.ihl !-, exceodinelv liiibeuU -na: ar to eel-irate a Ul) ijoi'itV of ' O e legates on eit !ier on- of them. 1'y the eiijue token it would be practically ifunossiliie to .select a can didate in a iHate ih'imary, even if th" cotiveiitioll (I'Hild I'C persuaded to or iler one wifuh is entirely improba ble, for INorfjh Carolina Democrats got. all and tore than - they wanted of "State Primaries'' during the Sim-nioas-Cyrr .,Ssle&r of Paoo. The 1-rol al r.'ii biM .-; ii-rlau'e, u n-paest hum bly point P e,iviii:.- t he entire matter o')en, KrHltUcd by the Deiuocrutie legislative fr;iu;us n-.-'ct w inter as liereiofcM'obaning the dep;irture of IftOO from he obi' paths. i'lura-MAKi) ft. h- (.'t;.!c;. It is uoteworthy in this connection that Senator I'ritchard has selected Hon. Locke Cnug; as his probable op ponent. While in Charlotte last week Senator 1 ritcharJ -tated that Mr. Craig would be the logical e-an-dbbdo jf Justice Chi! k is nominated fo ChU f -TitsPee- --aiiil tie expressed no i oubr af't';:- laii. r c: ntingencv -anl added Pad he she:: Id therefore ( hailenge Mr. Craig i :i joint dis cussion of public ouc-tions and issues during the coming fall. In com uif nt iiig on this opinion of the present .Senator from tlie-. West, a v,.Jl-versed .Pon.oo-i'at said to me that lhe fact I hilt dudge Cli.ik has be.-n gt-i'.eraliy tn.'diteil ith working up the impeach oieid proceeling-s against the Iwo Srpremc Court. Justices at the lust a-.sioti of .the Legislature, and Representative Ch'aig having b-eeu tlie leaumg jierseciitor in the House :n;?w. n iu;r the a 'd ides of impeachin'i! opera led" To"'l in IT'"" to gct'her The political fortunes of these I wo euiuia.jue- lor cue .eaaing omccs s V.'iir.' It 'uoei lit" .-.-ar, ii'ov.. er, that Mr. Ciaig W the ii't j)opn iar c;:;ii'id:e' eeri:;u:iv ll(e as yet -e.ccpt, pcrh.t-ps', iu s.'i'i. of the cx-n-eiiie wesfe.'ii counties. After kav .ng Asiicvide, --omingv-ast, ilisfouiid tliii' Judge lloke. L.eS. Overnuin, IJ. B. PleaiC C. P.. Watson, F. 1. O- boui, S. 1L Alexander, and one or two others are stronji candidate's in the middle wist ami Pk dmoiit coim- ti'v. Thei-0, U,tlethel' with ('Oil. J. S. Can, would eel tair.1 ivnlrol a ma loritv of ti'ie .'tes east of Crcensboro ami (.'harl'Hie, and it is related to tn.- bv several gentlemen who travel oxteiishiR through the State, that several of i hem o !eh have a larger following than M '. -il,. It would - hofcforc ap ..;' to be i.iterh i:.il,a''tiea.b!e T get the Suite Co.! vui'. y. t ead-oi-se .i r. (.'nag, or -on a' s.! t ingot, e value .-I it son or con- it and portent tons auvai K'ed and good. -ilimarv was ordered it i.s plain that there could not be a se lection, a- neither candidate could poll a majority of the votes east, and probably neither would hae one third of all the votes. For these and other reasons the legislative caucus and Fee General Assembly will don bi les handle the jo!.. May SiASONlo UttAM UJ-FK'I- us. At iia annua! co.minniiicat.ion of She cauid Chapter, Keva! Arch Ma,..a4held at Winston-Saiem, the follow 1 Jj-odioei-s were cl-'i'ied for the .!.. , log Vea!': eio.-r Jvvceik-at Cri.ei Pe'li Piicsi, John (.'. Pre wry, of belhig':: I. E. Je.J)ilty (irrtlld iliui: i'f lest, i leni v (5. SmuUlx -nes, of AVilnUngioti: It." P. fSraml Kifia, Wiiliaiii Ciulorsim. of Charlotte: ii. E. Graai ScMbe. daiu- s !. Clean, of !!: ;.-! -bero; P. P. Gnuul 'fix asurer. ' Hi;,!:,! Simp oii, ef ibtleigb: Ii. P. ( t : a lid K vi-ei a 1'V, dame- C. MlM. is. of W'bjiinao Fl. (1: ..id Chaplu'm', W. F. Hub'.a.d: F.ap-i,ud Caitaiu. ol ' Post, Piu Wiitiams, of Wilson; P.. , f '1 Piiiiciaal Sojourner, A. IP Audr -r,, --f Pakigh; E. C rand P.nai A ; b d-.tpti.ui, ?'. 11. Short, of Wt--i'ao.:'.--.i: M. t.riiud Ma.sU-r of the I'll-.-! , .1 . a. C. I.rasweii, of i'lii p. 1 1 : .11. -:oid Master of tlie Secoml V.e P .it. ( :!:'-.-, of Fu-abeth City; L. Grand Masi.-r of the First Veil, dame . i'diiiford, of liiekorv; K. (ii-i'aid Pei tiifer. F, P. Move, of Wilson: M. Grand S. idin.-l, j;. il. ; n.adley, of P.ib-'gh. I The Gram! Commaudery, Knights ! Templar, w h:e!i at-'o met at Wiiislon- Sab m, el.a '.-I P. ;. Sir John C. p;owi" G i. a ud Commander, etc. '! . oe ,-ade of 'be (Ireie! Comaiai.d- 1 "" iu their magiiiiieeiit ivnigh: lb nijd.ir uei I. .mis and . it. i,o-e,o ; ue S'.-t. .1 Ap.-tic ; u : -ion. Wii - 1 a, , e . ; nice V I, ears v. d b ' North t s riaaa.-r. Vedical So- Vi : i. ( .!' ! cicty, itf th.- annual jnt-vting at "Wit-1 inili'j'tuii, t-l(.'(-f.Mi Kl:.i Ciiv; (.'. A. Julian, 'J'lioiuu mII.-; W W. McKi-jisi-, Halisbnry; J. I.. iNkholson, Hichai-dnHviUi-; fScr-roiary. J. Itov.-.-l1. Vay, WiiVin-.-- ill.-; Tiviisurer, G. T. bikes, Uris s.ihi. lioai'ii of Jlediojd Examiners (to si'i-ve six ve;irs): Fri.uk 11. Jlia- soil, Wiiiniii-rton; M. U. Fletclie!-. Ashe iMi-; J."M. i'am.tt, Kinstoii; (''Hawaii, Orcviivitle; CJeo. W. i I'tcy. Chariot to; J. A. Kent. Ijfiioir; .! . I . iiati;.-, Or.-t iisijoro. 'l'iie next meeting- will U- held at lioi fsiiriiiirs. .!-.. I). I.atia, dr., ol (.diariolte, liaii ! sTi'a1iiiiKd at Princefoii IJiiiversuy, and was tirsl honor man m a class of :.58a sf udents. Some of i ho swindlers w iers wno oper- e f'hov-.-.r US-,.,-, ' ale.l the "Amos Owen Chcrrv Tree" I fraud ati'l deframled thousands of women out of $12 or nioj-eand sever al weeks of work each while "writ ing endless: chain letters" for them, Were tried in the Uiiited States Court at Charlotte last week. In ; this eooneei ion it is ink-resting liote that old man' Amos O wen (who was nr. sent as a w itness) was dire of the iirst two "Ku-KIi;." to be con-i'-ted and sent to the Federal Peni tentiary at Albany, K. Y., Capt. Pandolph A. Shotwedl being the oiher. 'They were Sentenced to jiay ijiSd'Od each and to serve six years at hard labor, but were pardoned bv President (Irani at tlie end of two yc;..'f' lhe State Teachers Assembly which began its annual meeting at Morehead City last VvT'duosday, ad journed yesterday (Sunday) after the annual sermon by itev. T. D. Prat ton, of St. Mary's School of Puileigh. It was a most, enjoyable and success ful meeting, and Governor Ayeock, Mr. C D. Mclver, Governor Jarvis and a number of oth;r prominent and eloipient. men delivered addresses. President Tenable of the Unive slty was elected pivsideiit. for the en suing vera, and W. P. C'anaiehael, dr., secretary and treasurer. Governor Ayeock appoints tlie fol io wing to constitute the Board of Visitors t. State institutions, as pro vided in the act of the Legislature, anal they will inspect the charitable, penal and other .State institutions and report to tin- General Assembly at its next session: W. P. Y. ood, of Pandolph, 1. P. Jeter, of Burke, and T. W. Pat ton, of Buncombe. A State Master Printers' Associa tion was organized at Morehead C'ilv Friday last with ('. 1. Edwards, of ihiieigh, as president. Mr. Ilenrv Pago is out iu another letter attacking Judge Clark. Among other things he charges that Govern or iinii'r hittUio' letters, from the Judge that he (Page;) w ants To see published; and that Judge Clark wrote ;i letter to Superior Court Judge Y. S. O'B. Itohiuson "insti gating" the Wake county suit form erly alluded to, and which came be fore Clark for iinui adjudication, and adds that he is told that it "ex tols Marion Butler, discusses polities and religion in ;t mo-i interesting way and is signed in full," without a ret j ties i to burn or destroy. Mr. Page calls upon Judge Clark to au thorize the publication of this letter before the Pemoeraiie State Conven tion is held. Otherwise, he says, it will be use-.! by the Pepubiieaus in the campaign against Clark and the Pemoeraiie party. There is a good ilea! mote in the letter, but 1 have'nt the space available P outline it lure. T he Sac lord Cotton Mil! Plant to be Enlarged. At a meeting of the board of di rectors of the Siinfoai Cotton Mill i'o.upany h.dd here Ti;. sday it was decided to enlarge !e mil! by add ing three hiiiv.irvd more looms. This will make it- necessary to enlarge the building and make tin expenditure of S.-O,0uO, which has already been sub scribed. The force of operatives will be doubled and the mill run day and laghi. Some fifteen or twenty new cot iages will be constructed for the operatives. This is one of the liutst cotton mill plants iu the State and under the management of Mr. T. L. Chish.dm is doing a good business. Sanferd Express. His Parting' Benediction. A country minister in a certain location took permanent leave of his congregation in th following pa thetic manner: "Brothers and sisre;--'. J come to sav good-! .v. 1 don't think Cou loves this church, because none of vou ever die. I don't :'iiuk ou P'e one another, because I never nia-.-y any of y; ii. I don't think you !mc iue, bcea:;se you hays' not paid my salary: your donations are mouh'v fruit and wormy apples., and. by their fruits ve shall know them." "Brothers, I ran r-ang awav fo a j some oval. They are hollow and "letter place.' I have been failed iojare filled with a powder. In some oe a ebrodain of a p- niteniiarv. i t bis powder is purple, in some red; Where I I:'" ve can not come, bid 1 g. there may be other colors. These in prepare n "place for vou, and mav j rocks vary in size from a hen's egg ilu- Lord have uiercv on vour sou P. I to much larger dimensions. i oo ; O. ...- : t.l..ll. Good-I'V. Like Daisies Before tlie Scythe, P.ebv lives arc destroyed in summer bv cholera infantum. The attack oi tlie disease is .sudden, HS progress .s som-.dbeies terribly rapid. Mothers who have given their children IVrry Davis' Painkiller in water with a few drops oi brandy added can led how l h is I r.-a i lie lit has cheeked the diar rhoea and vomitine. and nut the Ft-j i tie paiieid out of dus:g.r. -ii ami -t j jccilis. I I .', ore -en'at i. e Si .... I' of the i-.ighih. X.iri ii rarollua d.is- i j triet is lhe old-," lepresciitaiive m! J Congress w ho smokesVtgarettes. I Makes the food more POVlL !Kti. i EDITORIAL COMMENT, 'idie 'North Carolina Bur Associa tion meets in Asbc-villc July Oth, Kali and ! Ph. ' . Robert A. Foard, of Charlotte, writes Tin: Ooukiek advocating a ,u-imarv for the purpose of electing 1 1 1 1 ii United States Senator. The attractiveness of home does not depend upon the cost of the house. Good taste and good sense transform ostentatious vulgarity to unobtrusive beauty. 1 The oti-page Educational issue of rhe News & Observer on June 4th was a most creditable and enterpris ing paper. A copy should be placed in the hands of every person in the State who can read. lii the Southern States the church property is from live to. ten times more valuable than the public school property. The school houses should be improved and if school teachers would take lessons from the preach ers in their zeal and methods in build ing churches, there would be great improvement iu school houses and school grounds. In the far away islands of the sea the United Sta-es are carrying on a war not on the principle of -self de fense, but for th-3 sake of trade; for the extension of empire; for the sub jugation of distant and unwilling peoples. And ail this iu the begin ning of the twentieth century, yet our good friends, the ministers, talk to us about sending missionaries to heathen lauds to convert and chris tianize those benighted lands and f ar away islands. J. J. Hill, the president of a great railroad system and a republican, in a recent jiddress in Chicago, express ed him ui' as to a high protective tariff as follows: "We have enjoyed all the benefits of a protective tariff for many years and whatever good it cam do in the wav of building up infant industries has already been accomplished. The growth of our enormous iron and steel industries, which are pointed out as the result of our protective tariff, can be more surely traced to our enormous resources in the iron mines of Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota than from all other sources. Punning with the hare and hold ing with the hounds is nothing new .for the republican party. Double dealing is the stack in trade of the revenue ring boss ridden party. Trusts grow and flourish under re publican laws, yet their platform will declare against trusts and reso lutions will be passed denouncing them. Yet. the trusts flourish and do not seem to be seared. The trusts llourish the more because they have the assurance that Ilanna still lives and controls and dominates the par ty. We have the Beef Trust, the Coal Trust and various trusts. They talk about the dignity of toil when starving coal miners are shut out in Pennsylvania bv the merciless Coal Trust." Attention lias been called to the fact that in Williamson's history of North Carolina, these words .ire found: "A small evplosion of a volcanic nat ure vans observed in the year 1193 in Anson county.'"' It is about ten miles j'n.iu V. adciboro where are tia e high hike says the Wiiniing t'.n Messenger, called tlie Gordon Mountains. Oa one side of these lolls and lying in the low lands at their feet are scattered many rocks of a peculiar nature, some round, ' i ,'iese sioaes an1,: uuiiiis.aKaoie on idene-e ot hav ing been suhjeeteu to T'he shell of the rock contains iron and the powder within is some composition of iron. We are not scientific enough to give the proper terms. These stones are easily broken open. When struck with a hammer iiu-y usually break half in I wo. "fhe she'll of one the size of a man's list is hardly over three-ipiar-ter- of en inch thick. Specimens a;-.- to l-.e eceii in the state museum and we think a iivntlemau in this city has .-ome of 1 1mm. i It is seal that tin fanners' wives d' thai neighborhood used to me the pwder iu these stones to dye the cloth ft om their looms. delicious end wi- .-lesoe cof on . vs. Lixtlies xnd Gents UNDERWEAR, Men Golf Shirts and Sweat ers, Overalls and Pants. The cheapest and best Umbrellas you ever saw. Godman's Shoes the best in the world w e sell lots of them. No matter what you want, you always want the worth of your mon ey; then always buy from W. D. STEDMAN 01 CO. A VALUABLE DISCOVERY I N m E D I C 1 N E ! For which mothers and children should be grateful. Vick's Perfected, Taseless Pure Castor Oil, 10 cent Bottles. Dose and bottle regular size. It is as palatable as rock can dy syrup and as efficient as the old Castor Oil. Trade supplied by L. Richardson Drug Co., (Wholesale only) Greensboro, N. C. PRODUCE ! I handlecountry produce of all kinds, and when you have chickens, eggs, potatoes, etc. to sell it will pay you to see me. Groceries! I keep in stock a line of fresh family groceries which I sell at hot tomj prices. Would be glad to have vour trade. " E. C. PEAKCE. 1 Richmond, Va., The greatest stock of fine and medium IN THE SOUTH. Correspondence Solicited. 70971 1-713 E. Broad St., RICHMOND, VA. Furniture Store ! i K. B. Kearns' Furniture 1 I Store is the place to buy fur- I l.iture, picture frames, rugs, etc. Be sure to see him when I in Asheboro. Undertaker's Supplies Such as cot'tins, caskets, etc. always on band and furnished on short notice at reasonable prices. Good hearse at your command. C B. Kearns. S. Bryant, C. L. Lindsay, President. Vice-President. J. II. Cole, Cashier. -THE- Bank of-Randleman, RANDLEM AN, N. C. Secl'hity We have the only tire proof bank vault iu the county and in it an improved Chrome-steel Burglar-proof safe with modern time ock. We solicit vour business. Puna sous; s. tJ. jNewlin, A. N. Bulla, W. T. Bryant, C. L. Lindsey, N. N. Newlin, J. 11. Cole, S. Bryant and E. In gold. I Or Hundley, Furniture for s Vtv; A AV