ORO IER. Issued "Weekly. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. $1.00 Per Tear. VOL. XXVII. ASHEBORO, N. C, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 26 1903. NO J 5. THE ASHEB COUR BRITTAIN 6t GREQSON iTTOBNEYS-ATLAW, Ahfiboro. - North Carolina, Practice in ihi courts of RaiHlolph and adjoining counties; m ftat , i .i v,..rU I'rnnmt lit- mm reuerui v' tention to business of oil kinds, n n.mm.,. j.A.Bpeoce (Civil Praoilce OnlT.) HAMMER & 8PENCE, Attorneys - at Uaw, Aibebor'. N. 0. North t Court Hone.) Practice in a 1 the oourts. ' E. MOFFITT, Attorney - at - Law, ASHEBORO. N. C. Practice in all tlle court. Special atU'iition given to settlemcn of Estates. wOFricK Nrah Court House S. Bryast. Preiioent J. H. Cole. Cashier X5he Btvnk of Randlema.n. Randleman. N. C. Capital paid in, Protection to depositors. $20,000 40.000 Dibectoiw: S. G. Newlin, A. N. Bullu, W. T. Brvunt. C. L. Lindscy, N. N. Newlin, X H. Cole. S. Biyant II 0 Barker Hiid W IV Hansen. Courier--Journal. HENR.Y WATERSON. Editor. TEN OR TWELVE PAGES. Issued Ever Wednesday. $1.00 ( Revenue Reform, Social Reform, I Moral Reform. Best editorials, best political articles, best stories, best mis celaneous, best peotry, best children's page, best news ser vice, best market reviews, best of everything. By a Specie! Arrangement you can get 5e Courier and the WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL bolh one year for ONLY $1.30. Thin is for cash subscriptions only. All subscriptions under thin combi nation offer must lie sent through TlIF AshkiioHo CmMKit office. Sydnor & Hundley, Richmond, Va. H4quitra for Bridal Suites Our Raleigh Letter. Special Cor. The Courier. Huleigh, Feb. 23. In the Leg islature the last several days were what may be termed "liquor bills week," and the hall of the House and Senate Chamber have resounded with the oratory of Kcpresentatives aim nenators on the subject of tern pcrauce, prohibition and liquor legis lation. In the Senate a minority of the cuiiiiiiiucr nuviiig rue AUIi-suioou League bill (known as the "London bill ) in charge, reported a stibsti tnte for that measure, which iU ad vocates claimed was practically the London bill, except that provision is made so that the country people a ml residents of towns of leas than 3(10 population can vote on the nucstion of the manufacture and sale of liquor, as well us those in towns and cities of greater population. 1 Ins substitute bill was first taken up, and three days have already been consumed (including night session) cnieny in its discussion. A vote will be reached on it and the lon.lon bill at- noon Tuesday, that agreement having neen leached lv the Senate Saturday afternoon. The House has wrestled with the so-called "Watts hill" (said to have been drawn by Governor Ayeock und Senator Simmons), day and night for a week. .Mncudincut after amendment was offered and voted down. Finally the bill, after being slightly ultercil by gome amendments, passed its second rending by a vote of 71 to 38, and on Friday night it passed the third and bnnl rending by the vote of 48 to 30. It now goes to the Senate. It looks now as though the Senate might pass the Ixiiulou bill, with section 5 stricken out (its advocates agreeing to that I, and if it does, there will necessarily have to be a confer ence on the part of the two branches, through a conference committee, and agree on a compromise bill. And they'll have to hurry, if they get any kind of bill at all enacted in to law. ANTl-l llll.ll l.AHIIK LAW I'ASSKtl. The Senate has passed the "anti child labor bill" almost unanimous ly, and the House will concur in it, p"robably this week. The bill reported by the commit tee (as ugreed on between them and the representatives of the null men hire) was amended, however, before it was passed. As passed it allows adult ojhtu tives in cotton mills and workers in other mmiufiH-torira in iurkoci sixty-six hours a week, if they choose to. Hut minors under eighteen years cannot w ork longer than eleven hours a day, or an average of sixty-six hours in any one week. Children under twelve shall nut lie employed, under any circumstances. That's all, An amendment was offered to prohibit children lie! ween twelve and fourteen years from working at night, but it was rejected by an overwhelm ing majority against il, after Senator Dm ham, of Gaston, made a ringing simtcIi against it on liehalf of the operatives and ill their interest, he stated, though he is himself a cotton mill ollicial. It was a tine sjieech, tilled with arguments and facts, and turned the tide of opinion decidedly the other nay from that in which it had set. A Flying: Express Splits Open a Crowded Trolley Car. A fast express on the Lackawanna Kuiiroad cut through a trolley car Kill it Quick. A bill has been introduced in the Legislature to repeal tho law against giving tree passes as it applies to crowded with Kchool children .it. Clif. I State officers, ton Avenue, Newark, N. J., on Feb.' Tlu' thing do wit1' ;llllt uil1 l'Jth. Kightof the children were! kl" ,k 'I1'". State officers ought not to owe obligations fo any rail roads, they ought to accept courte sies from none, they ought tj pay their wav when they riue like other folks. 'Flie free pass method of bribery or silence has bcea put under ban in North t uiolina. Let it stay there, and let public officers who killed and a score or more of them injured. The liiutorinnn of the car, who stuck to his post, will die, and the engineer of the express was so badly hurt that there is small hoie of his recovery. Both the express and the trolley were on steep grades, going at right angles. The express was signalled, Ulke msSi' ' thereby come under and the crossing iratcs wort. lowered J obligations to railroads be known us while the trolley cur was yet halt "'"users oi me raw mey nine sworn way down the hill. The niotorman shut off the power and applied the brakes, but a1 most immediately the car began to slip along the icy rails. It gained tremendous momentum, and at the bottom of the hill crushed through the gates directly in the track of the oncoming train. The to maintain. News & Observer. Walter Pa?e at Chape! Hill. Walter II Page, the distinguished North Carolinian und editor of World's Work, spoke Friday night rco. zoiu, in iicrriirii mtu ou me locomotive plowed its wav through i new spirit of nationality, with esiie- the trolley, throwing the children in!ciul reference to the contribution of every direction. ' I the south to national thought and . j eliuracter. Justice Shiras Resigns. j Justice Shiras, of the United I Hon Jas M Hixon. recentlv States Supreme. Court, has presented 'elected Congressman from Montana, to the President his resignation as a j is a native of Aliinmnee county, this member of that tribunal, to take ef- State, and is now on n visit to the februarv 24th. ronner Secretary of SUite William R. Day, of Ohio, has been selected as the successor of I west twelve years ago nnu has risen Mr. Shims. rapidly. r place of his nativity. After gradua , tion from Guilford College he went The Old North State An old colored woman and child were burned to death at Nashvill N. C, last week. John U Pitt, a white fanner, com mitten suicide last Friday near Tar boro by taking laudanum. The county home keejier of Foi sytli, has been indicted for not proi erly keeping the poor of the county State Senator E. .1. Justice, of Marion, will move to Greens! oro af ter the adjournment of the Legisla ture. . Mrs. Nancy Taylor, aged about 21 years, was burned to ileal li at Lit graiiL"' last week. Her clothui" caught from a red hot stove. 1 he depot at Ilurusbitrg, a station 14 miles from Charlotte on the South cm Iuitlwuy, was burned one day last W"Ck. J lie lire was tausil by the explosion of a gasoline stove that wa need for heating purjioses. Ex-Senator W. 1. Wood, Chairman ot Hoard ot Examiners of Siale Insti tutions and Officer of N. V. etcran Association. Virginia's Leading Furniture House liegs to extend a happy New Year's greeting to our many friends and patrons in North Curolina, and to assure them that our stock of Fur nitnre and kindred lraiich will, ill the future as in the past, be STRICTLY UP TO THE TIMES. Sydnor & Hundley 109-713 C. BROAD ST. RICHMOND, VA. WOOD'S Garden Seeds Best foMhi"SunnT South" because they are specially grown and selected with a full knowledge of the conditions and require. menu of the South. Twenty-Are ream experience and practical growing of all the different vege tables enables u to knoj the Terr peat, and to offer ds t& Wl9 giye pleasure, Mttufuctio aw profit to all who plant thaw. Wood's New Swd BaiAfsr 1303 (Mailed on request) la full of (rood thinm, and gives the most reliable Information about all seeds, both for the Farm and Uardea. T.W.WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. woon-s tin boo im ten an bowl OraM rd CSmr UllS, SmS PlmM., nl M NO BOI'R FOK lll'TKIDE INSANE. I greatly regret to tell you that there is apparently no hope ut pres ent for the better care of the unfor tunate insane now couli"cd in coun ty jails and jxxir-hoiises. The legis lative committee on Anylums for the Insane have agreed to report against any extension of either of the hospi tals at this time, and appropriate only what is necessary for mainten ance ot the number ot patients now confined therein, with small appro priations for absolutely necessary improvements. OTHER" MATTERS. The disciples of Mrs. Eddy, other wise vclent "Christian Scientists." and tiie faith cure "doctors," showed up in formidable array (headed by Miss Harrison, of New Hern, and armed with learned counsel and fe male stenographicl) reporters i and stormed the battleuients of the Com mittee on Piiblio Health in an effort to defeat the pending bill which af fects them requiring all who prac tice medicine, or profess to heal dis ease, to stand an examination before the State Hoard of Medical f.xamin era. Jut they were signany ueicai- ed, the committee unanimously vot ing to report the bill lavoianiy. us- teonathv is also put nnuer ine oun but 'tinassage" trcat-ineiit (much the. same thing) escapes, Ibe bill is supposed to 'tdennc the practice ui medicine in JNorin uarouua. On Saturday eveiiiiiff the Senate passed an important bill in reference to improved public rouds. It allows the county commissioners to build a good road for three miles from court bouse and to levy a special as, u necessary, not to exceed ten cents on the 100. to pay cost of sa Some twenty-live or thirty comities are ex emoted from the bill. i'he-e is very little doing here, outside of the Legislature, at preseit oi general ntaie interest. . ut Suit Against the Southern for A RCarrick's Death. Mr Wade II Phillips, administra tor of A B Carrick, who was receat- lv killed on the Western railroad, be tween Salisbury and Asbeville, has brought suit against the Southern Railway for $25,000 damage for the death of Carrick. Mr E E Raper is the attorney of the administrator. Davidson Dispatch, A Horrible Accusation. Ann Pctree, a white woman, and Henry Ross alias Terry, are in jail charged with a serious' and horrible crime according to the story of Daisy Sink, a young white girl, w ho claims to have bceu their victim. The statement of the girl is that during last r air she came from near 1 loir son, Surry county. She is an or phan and was raised by a fanner of that section. Soon after arriving she obtained work in the R.J. R. Tobac co Co's factory und t4ok laiard and odging with the Petree woman. That she was forced by this woman and the negro to become the mistress of the latter and was threatened w ith death if she rejHirted the affair. That in the tight fur her honor her shoulder was sprained and so was compelled to ijuit wurk. The girl is Ignoiaut but has ine appearance ui iuuoocnco and her case is us pitiful as she depicts it. The Petree woman denies implication m the matter. The facts are being ferreted out. If the statement of this young girl is substantiated then there should be double hanging in Forsyth and the sooner the better. At a trial before Justices U'linian and Robinson the negro was committed to jail without bail. The I'etree woman will be given a hearing later. Of couise there are two sidei to every question. We du nut lielievc id sensational vative consideration of facts and uis tice according to the same. Union Republican. J. A. Massey Arresterl. J. A. Massey, of East l.urliani, on whose trail the officers have been for several months, wanting him to ans wer for a charge of numerous insur ance frauds practiced in Guilford, Randolph, Johnson ami otiicr conn-, ties in the State, was caugl.t in Vir ginia last week and brought by Insur ance Commissioner Yuunjs to Ox ford where he was lodged .'n jail to await 'trial t next term of Granville Superior Court, failing to ive bond for 1 ,000. It was Mass. y s practice to go into a town and induce people to take insurance in one company or another oi some spu ial rate, take th.i application, pay the medical exami nation free, collect the premium, tell- tug the victim that the policy wonld come in ubuiit ten (lavs. He would work all he could in ft IcciCity liefore suspicion wits aroused, geUing all the money jiossible before the n jn-arrivul of the first policies bi-gau lo arouse suspicion and then he would skip out to pastures green, ilasfey is said to be a smooth talker, woi ng his skin game in many instances tj perfection. He has been agent for several dif ferent companies within tiie last five or six years. Several wan ants have been issued for him, ne of whioh was in this county for his otierations at vtorthville, where htiShiiincU sev eral ui Ins game of fmud. At Henderson last week Oli Smith, colored, was convicted of tenng the house of his employer while he was away from home ami stealing 25 and then attempting t burn the building bv starting a th in a trunk und closing the lid. The Washington corresiMUident of the Kaleigh l ost writes that paper that Marshall L Mott, Esii., of Uroenslioro, was presented to the I resident yesterday and is seeking a tederal apHiiitiuchl of some sort. A hog was on the market a fi lavs ago i hat had six feet, two be hind and four m front. A merchant in this city bought the hog and cut the two front legs off and had them on exhibition in his stoic. News & Observer. The Iliillin-is Beer Boiling Works, at Greensboro, was burglarized on the night of Feb. 19th. A Iwx be longing to A M Troxler was broken into and $44 in cash and a note for 9325 taken. Nothing else was troubled, which goes to show that the thieves were familiar with . tjie contents of the box. Rev J T Bagwell, D. I)., of South McAlisler, 1. T and at one time pastor of Centenary M K church, this city, is reported to have con nected himself with the Baptist church. Dr Bagwell is an able man but seems to have a hard time re gaining public confidence since his trouble while a resident of this city. t'nion Republican. leteuue oim-ers rrom tuts city made two big hauls not far fron h jine last week, capturing a line blockade still and over one hundred gallons of whiskey a few miles over the Guilford line in Randolph, and another still and two thousand gal lons of beer in southeastern Guilford, the latter belonging to a man named Coble. No arrests were made at either place, as the operators vanish ed before tile officers reached the stil Is. G rconsboro Patriot. Untile He Surprised Her, A Nebraska farmer recently bought a new suit of clothes. That is not sn unusuai iniug ior .u braska farmer to do, but is was nil usual for tiiis particular farmer. In fait, he hail worn tine suit so mug that his good wire grew asintm -u io see him leave home. Her hints to him seemed to fall ou deaf eais, how ever, and she became resigned. But the husband went to town with a load of produce and got a good price for it. Itoccurwl to him that he would buy a new suit and snrpnse his estimable partner. lie did so and late in the afternoon started home. Ihc weather was pretty cold and he jolted over the mads at a nveiy gaip. n m-ii i fpw mill's of home ho sUmpcd at a lirhW atrimitid off the old suit hur- riulv. threw it into me river anu reached around for the new suit which he hail carefully placed in the wagon. It was gone had jolted out! And when he arrived at home with his teeth chattering it is said that his wife was surprised lieyond his wildest anticipations. News & Observer. Girl Gets Damages. A trial in the superior court ut Greensboro lost week resulted in a verdict of one thou -and dollars dam ages against A A .U,luisoiis a shoe manufacturer, and in favo.- of Miss Mattie Hegwood, on a suit for false arrest and, ilumlpr. Two years ago, Johnson, as she nb'.gei!, caused her arrest on a charge ot(teitiing a pock et book front his honui, v here she had sold some vcgAtahics. In spite of her protest- the was er.rrled to the police station, and wh.iu Johnson got a 'phone message from home say ing the pocket Lock had Ik en toiind in a bureau. Miss H cwi.. d proved excellent character, from the community ir. which she lived, and the liirv found cveiy istuc in ber favor. .The revenue officers under command of Mr A C Patterson, agent for this district, are iiuite live just now. A big blockade dis til lei y, with a daily capacity of M0 gallons, operated by Silas C Coble and others, near Lamotit, in .-oiith-eastern Guilford, has just been seiz- I, along with 2,11011 gal'ons ot still" lieer and a large qiiantitv of new corn whisky. Olliceis also rr. port the seizure of a government dis tillery uperated by a Wilkes county man bv the name of Adams. A serious altercation took place Tuesday morning between L. P. Mc Call and W. D. Hammond, two oper atives of the Wiscasset Mills. They had a dispute regarding some work in the mills which culminated in their going at each other ith knives. Mel all escuiied unhurt, w hile Ham mond did not fare so well. One of his Hands was badly cut and he came very near bleeding to death liefore a hvsician could reach him. He also received a serious stab in the shoulil- McCall skipped at once and has ot yet been ainl'cluhdid. Stanley KnterprUi., l no in One Week. Elsewhere is printed a special from Sparta, Alleghany county, to the effect that another Radical jist- master has gone wrong. I his makes two in one week. In the case of the Sparta post master, he WW ' Democrat a tew earn. The (tadical bosses "strucK him in the belly with a pone of bread." to uuote Governor v ance s apt expression, ami he liecame h howling Kadluul. ne became me editor of a radical paper that was tilled with abuse of everything Dem ocratic. At the same time he was iKNitmaater. Now he is a defaulter to the tune of 8011. Here is his evolution: 1. A IK-mocrat. 2. A Commercial Democrat, 3. A Radical Postmaster-. 4,. Uefaiilting QlUper-, .News & Cbserver. Nau A druukeii man named Jesse Holt was frozen to death last wcvk uear Newport, Teuu. There omie wus a man iijiii tucket. Who kept all his cash in r. bucket, But his daughter, uai-ie.1 Nan, Ran away w ith a man. And as for the bucket, N antucket. l'rmci.ou Tiger, But he followed the pair to Paw tucket Theman and the girl with Ue bucket; And he said to the c.::n He was welcome to Nan, But as for the bucket. Put. tucket. C bicagolTtibuua. The New Rrvenue Act, Changes, Etc. The revenue net us reported by the siib.cominiltee ot House and Senate makes the pull tax same as before !f l.2"; the ad valorem tax 21 cents for stale purposes ami 4 cents foi pensions ami 18 cents for public schools, making 43 centson the 100 value or real anil personal property; the corporation tax is, like the taxes above, the same as at present as is al so the inheritance tax. The income tax is 1 per cent, on incomes over $l,(iuo; derived from property not taxed: from salaries and fees, public or private, from annui ties, from trades or professions, and from any oilier sources, the incomes f.ioin which me hoi speeilii allv ex empted from taxation by law. The circus tax is s2in .,r each day or pari of a day un every exhibition of a circii., show, oi menagerie to which the price if admission including a rcsmc seat does in exceed ,10 cents. Exhibitions given for the sole benefit of religious, charitable nr educational objects, arc exemption from taxation. xeept that when operas, star courses FOR HARNESS ""aldle Sores Mexican Melting Link at once, aod you wUl be aitoiusbed to eee how quickhj ft heels sona. w & fP iy It's this way: Hon. l. V I'age, Congressiniin-eli i of 1th Congressional District, whose term of office begins March -Ith. l'.m.-J." or theatrical troupes are employed. ucli us usually appear in licensed halls or theatres, then the tax should the sinic u that imposed on trawling theatrical companies per- inning in uiilieeied halls. The sewing machine tax is SI.o. hucli icililler on foot lo for each county, ti ll peddler with horse, ;() for each ountv; each itinerary salesman who x poses for sale in a rented place or on the street goods or merchandise. 100 foi each county. Cotton coin rcsses 100 for each l.ooo bales. Hotels fioin 2.1 cents to ,1o cents per '"(Vl'lK I him- .-1..I ...... Iiliie.- Hie al lowed u liielt give a li ed or certain i ii rn : the operation of any others a misdemeanor punishable bv not ss than ;2iio or three mouths itit- irisoniiieiil or hoih. On stock bro- $.10. On dealers in futures from $.10 to :ino, according to popu- ition of place. I.l.ttor dealers slloo year, tor retailers, S4("i tor Itole iWs and rcctilicrs, $.1o for b.vr ,-alers. On grain dislilleties ,2.1 if under li bushels daily, ..ro up to 12 bushels, and soon up to 2oo up to 100 bushels. Half the liilllor license goes to the slate, the other half the counties for school. Tax on disieiisuries 2 per c ent, of gross receipts, to go to the Mate. .Met- huuts tax 40 cents on each 1,000 up to ;o,ooo and so on until on itles over ir42.i.ooo tax is -,'t) cents ich additional l,i00. Insur ance license lax .;Mo tor lite, S2UO iiccideiit niid marine companies. On emigrant agents in each county 100 for the state and a like amount foi the count v. Express companies i each mile of road or water on which business is done; for telegraph companies 2.1 cents on each mile of wire; for telephone companies 2 per cent, of the gross receipts within the state. You can burn yourself with Fire, with Powder, etc., or you can scald yourself with Steam or Hot Water, but there is only one proper way to cure a burn or scald ana that ibyuslng ' Mexican ' J Mustang Linimentv j It giros immediate relief. Get a piece of loft old j linen clots, saturate it with this liniment and. bind loosely upon tho wound. Yea can have no adeqnato I Idea what an excencntremody thJsigforabnrniuittt ' jon have tried it. , e - "04 A CflUri TID If ToohiTeabir 4fMSt wflE"Roim er am n il Ullb III . otuw poultry dBu em HiKh Maeti Uulmeat. It tt calld a STAaCAan waaedy by paullry brnitii, '. Fry, Prett. J. S. Cox, Yiet-Prett. W. E. Allen, See. Trtar. The Greensboro Loan tt Trust Co. Capitol Stock, $100,000. No Bail Allowed For Jame H. Tillman. The hearing on the. application for bail in the case of commonwealth of South Cuiolma agaiuM former Lieut. (io. .las. II. Tillman, eltarged w ith the murder of N. G. Gonzales, editor of the State, in Columbia, S.C.lan- l'o) (!-,' as begun'im' Pebl l'Jth. 5Ir. Iillnian was not present outwasrep- by bis counsel, I ongressman elect George W. Cr.'ft and P. II. Nelson, a leading criminal lawyer ot Columbia. Thirtv-si -.iH',.laii- piv.-euie.l by the pruseeitl inn in answ.-r to the sworn statements introduced by the lefenso at the luevioiis h.-aiing in Newhcrrv, S. ( a week before, cov ered the charges in details. The Slate was represented by Com nwialth Attorney r.X.Gun- ter, and the solicitor General of tin. county. The affidavits introduced by the defense all tended to show that Till man acted in self defense, declining that he had received messages aud information that Mitor tioli(lles in tended to, take, the defendant's life. In his sworu dK-laration, Mr.Till niiin stated that he had Ikvh repeat edly nrginl and warned to watch for his safety. Ho wished to avoid any altercation, bis statement says. As ho was aliont to retire from the office of Lieut. Gov., his tenn expiring two days after the tragedy,, Mr. Tillman was removing trom t ne omce nis per sonal effects, including two revolvers While carrying these up the street, he met Mr." Gonxalcs, ho, he stated, pushed his hand into his pocket. He tieving his lite to be in danger, Till man hurriedly said: "I got your mes sage, and bred, linng, ine auKiavu "Take c ire of the Dimes and the Dollars will take care of themselves." Start a Bivingn account for yourself in your old age. Start a Savings account for your wife and each of Vonr children enrl ancinr- nge them to save and add to it. Knur per cent, interest allowed on drposits of $6.00 and upwards In our Si.vinKs Department, provided they temain three full months from the (list diy of any month succeeding the deposit. -jt-uu i our uejioBii or write ior mil partitulars to Greensboro Loan & Trust Co., GREENSBORO, N. 0. The company also dors a General HunUini? rtiir.M nH R..i. er. Trustee, Uusi dian, Kxecuturand Administrator of Estates. auiB i.eposu uexes in steel, e anil Burglar Proof Vanlts for rent. Great Values. We are offering to our friends'and customers (some "srreat values" in Dry Goods.'Shoes, Clothing, &c. I Dress Goods, &c. We have a full and complete stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Ibices, Ktc, which it will pay yon to sxnmine. Shoes, Pants, &c. Wc have on hand n full line of shoes for men, women and children. Also a nice line of men's pants. In addition to a general line of merchandise we also handle the best brands of Ferterlizers and you will always find it to your interest to see us. Miller & Wood. Asheboro, July 30, 1902. Successors to'W. J. fliller. We Lead! (HIIHI We lead -others follow in both quality and price. visit lo our store will convince vou of this fact. Ladies' Furnishings. Gents' Furnishings. We have the most beautiful! line of Indies' Furnishings ever j displayed in Asheboro. Finej dress Silks, I,awns, Percales, Sr. I Also Trimmed Hats, Shoes, Ktc. In fact almost anything vou cuni We are acknowledged leaders in this line, and our new spring and summer stock well sustain! our reputation. Everything iu this line is new, nobby and up loUtn, TA'Accuig our noes. We also have a large stock of Shoes of all kinds, Cai pets, Rugs, Groceries, &c. Give us a call. Wood & Moring. IF YOU WANT THE BEST JOB PRINTING SEND YOUR. ORDERS TO US. FALL AND Clothing! Our stock of clothing is full and complete, and at right prices. Men's suits $4.15 to $14.00; Youths' suiU $3.5 to $9; Small Boys suit 6o v WINTER Large Otter Captured. Mr Geo Beck, of Conrad Hill township, captured a large otter ou l. i.-' i. i .. . ..,l- ti, ;.i was caught iu a steel trap, and measured three feet five inches from tip to tip. It was still alive and Tery yicious when Mr Peck went to his trap, and as he approached iunip: ed at him, striking right and loft like a rati lesmiko. Otters are said to lie quite ruenii- g,Ud, to save the deienuani s ine, ful on Rich Fork. Their hides arc I Affidavits introduced by tho worth from $10 to $12 each. Oavid-1 fense supported Tillman's statement I sop lJuspateh. ' in many details. ir, i rv xtr.n'a uil wool $1.50 suits at 10. ' OYKKCOATS. Handsome line at sacrifice prices: $13.60 Melton Overcoat for $10; $(1.50 kind u $5; $7.50 kind at $0.50; Yonthl' Over coats reduced from $2 to $3.25. SHOKS $1.25 to $3.50. We keep Hamilton-Brown shoe the best. UN DKltWF.AK. Full suit Derby Kibbed, 60c.; Fleece-lined ffXrO; Wright's Health Underwear $2.00. FERTILIZERS, "arme rs Fried, Star Brand, Roysters High Grade Acid, 4 and pel cent. Potash Fertilisers. Any of above bramla exchanged for wheat of com. A full line of Hardware stoves, heaters, tools, implements, Ac. Nozomi Falls Store Co. T. BUY ANT, Manager. ISANDLEISAN, J