7 THE AS HEBORO COURIER. Iesued Weekly. - ' PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. $1.00 Per Year. VOL. XXVII. ASHEBORO, N. C, THURSDAY APRIL 2. 190J. NO 40. BR1TTA1N & OREQSON ATTORNEYS-ATL AW. Asbeboro. - North Carolina, Practice in lbs conrtt of Rundolph and adjoining counties; in btuu nnd Federal Courts. Prompt at tention to business of all kinds. Wm. O. limit. J.a.Bpaacs (OlvllPraoiloaOalv.) HAMMER &8PENCE, Attorneys - at - Law Asbeboro, N. C. North of Court Honse.) Praotlo In all the oourta. E. MOFFITT, Attorney at taw, ASHEBORO, N. C. - Practice in all the courts. 3pecial attention given to scttleuien of Estates. fcarOrricrf Nrab Court House S. Brysat, Prctideat J. 1. Cole, Cashier Ba.nk of R.andlema.n, Randlemart N. C. Capital paid in, Protection to depositors, $20,000 4aooo DirtKCTons: 8. Q. Newliu, A. N, Bulla, W. T. Bryant, C. L. Lindscy, K. N. Newlin, J. H. Cole, S. Bryant II O Barker and W K. Hurtsell. Sydnor & Hundley, Richmond, Va. Hft4tuftra for Bridal Suites Virginia's Leading Furniture House begs to extend a happy Now Year's greeting to our many friends and patrons in North Carolina, and to assure them that our stock of Fur niture and kindred branches will, in the future as in the past, be STRICTLY UP TO THE TIMES. Sydnor Hundley 70S-J13 c. mono ST. MTRICHMOND. VA. J. F. Heitman, Has a full line of Groceries, llard- ware, Dry Goods, Notions, etc., and solicit a share of your patronage. Trinity. N. C. THE BEST LAUNDRY .n your Laundry to th OU IUUbW CHARLOTTE STEAM LAUNDRY. They are better prepared to do your work right than any Laundry in the State; and do it right, too. Leave vour bundle at Wood 4 Moring's store. Basket leaves Tues day and returns Fridays. W. A. COFFIN, Agent Machinery. For the A B Farnuhar threshing machinery, saw mills, engines, etc write or call on Willis L Fkkkman, Agent, Ether, N. C. THE S3 Rouble Daily Trains CarryU PaUmao lUapar. Cafe Can (a 1 warte) and Chair Can (seat irael Bectrtc Lighted Throughovf ITMtN Brabckua, MeapMi aid Kaasas City Teias, OkkfeMM a4 Udlsi Territories AMD TMC rar West aea Hfttwcst Tn em.T TMtotxm mewo car lm HTWim THB NUTllUH mimt KANSAS CITY , literature, ticket ar- ,upd and through reaerraUoaa mad apoa appucaaoa w W.T. aaaeiaa, a-t Aw. K!.lMll,Ta.M.A.. Anaara, W. T. SAUNDERS sal Afaat r DspaHwaat ATLANTA, OA. BLANKS. All kinds of blanks - for magrfitratoi t Courier Office, Std for pnoa. OUR WASHINGTON LETTER. From Our Regular Correspondent at tbe National Capitol the Political Nerve Center of Our Country. Washington. D. C.."March 80. The list of 800 trusts recently pub Hulled in the Congressional Record by Hon. Chas. E. Littlefleld, of Maine, the redoubtublo trust buster from the Pino lree State, and which was compiled for linn by Mr. Claud Mennctt, manager or the Uonares- siomil Information Bureau of this citv, must have hit the trusts a swat on the uose that they felt. The New i oi k sun, which is the recognized organ of Pierpont Morgan and the trusts generally, has been letting out a howl about this list that reverber ates trom Tadmor in the Wilderness to Yuba Dam. The Sun could not deny the accuracy of the list and the only defense it .could make was to make fun of the "butterfly" signa ture ot the honorable gentleman from Muine. The list is accurate and is orth hannt; and preserving. Mr. Bcnuctt did u lot of work lust fall for the Democratic Congressional Committee and I know that his work is well and carefully done. Write to lm ana gut a copy. The trusts are beginning to find out that the people are on to them and their methods and they are up against the real thing. The decision of the Missouri Supreme Court last week has attracted much- attention here in all circles and has been the subject of discussion as to its proba ble effect on trusts. It seems to be the consensus of Democratic opinion here Unit while the Missouri decis ion shows the earnestness of the Democratic States in the mutter of curbing the trusts, yet it shows con clusively that Suite legislation can never furnish the remedy for trust control aim lor trust extermination. Ihe members of the Beef Trust will sillllilv imv their ,r).O0O fim. In fho Stute of Missouri und proceed to the robbery of the people as before. The Democrats here feel that the only ay to control a beef combine is to take the tariff off cattle and then put the clumps down so that railroad dis crimination in freight rates will be an impossibility. The Railroad Trust must b killed before the Beef Com bino or the Oil Trust and a lot of other trusts can bo handled. It is also felt that the Democratic conten tion iu the tariff debate in the next Congress, which is sure to come, will be to remove the tariff from those tides controlled by the trusts und not enter into a general revision of the tariff, which might disturb the business conditions of the country. Of course, those tariff schedules will never be touched so long as there is a Republican Congress and a Republi can administration, but if the people see that the Democrats do not intend to tear things all to cussed smash, but to proceed conservatively about mis ousiness aim swat only those trusts that are gouging the people the hardest, there will be no Repub lican Congress and no Republican administration uf tor the 4th of March 1905. It is felt here that that is to be the Democratic battle cry in the next campaign and is going to win. There is some amazement evinced here by prominent men in both po litical parties at the summary man ner in which the Secretary of War dismissed the charges filed by Estes ). uatiiuone, tormer .Director of 'oste in Cuba under American occn- ption, against Brig. Gen. Leonard Wood, the Uovernor-Uencral of Cuba during the same period. The gener- consensns of opinion here is that General Wood is the pet of the ad ministration and that no matter what or by whom charges are made against mm uiry win revive uo consiuera- tion at the hands of the President or any member of his cabinet. It will be remembered that Rathbone was convicted in Cuba of extravagance and embezzlement of funds ami was sent to prison and that he was par doned by a proclamation of general mnesty by the President of the Cu ban Republic. He came here and appealed to his good friend Mark llanna ana sought what be termed n vindication at the hands of the Amer ican people and asked for an investi gation by a beuate Committee into the methods by which he said he was railroadca to prison, tie claimed that be was unfairly tried and that Governor-General Wood had so ma- nipulated matters in the courts that his conviction was inevitable. He claimed that there were others equally guilty who should be shown up in their true colors, lie was refused an investigation by the Senate Com mittee. 1 he administration proved more potent than Senator llanna. It had no stomach for an investiga tion that would ruffle the fine feath ers of its pet. General Wood. Fail ing before tbe Senate Rathbone took his case to the War Department ana there filed his specific charges. The Secretary or War has simply maors ed on the back of 'them that they are without1 foundation, ' that no answer from General Wood is neces sary and that no action will be taken in the matter, natnoone. says ne will now appeal to tbs President and we all know what he will get there. He will get a swift swat in the neck and be told to get off the earth. Tbe neonle will all agree that that is a good way to hush up a scandal, but not a good way to pitman criminals. No matter how entity Rathbone may lie, and nearly every public man here believes him to be guilty of "all charges aguinst him, there undoubt edly are other equally guilty' and publio men here are unanimous in the opinion that they should be shown up and not whitewashed. I have personally seen a letter from an army officer to a distinguished United States Senator making the same and even worse charges against ueneral Wood tliau those made oy Rathbone. In this letter the oflleer said he was perfectly willing to go on the stand and testify under oath to all he charged provided he could do so unaer the protection of a senator ial investigating committee or a court ot inquiry. Where there is so much smoke there must be some fire nnd yet nothing will be done to bring the tacts before the public. This man aguinst whom charges are made will soon be sent to the Philippines as the high oiognl of those islands, aud it is even on the slate to place him at the head of the American army upon the retirement of Ueneral Miles by jumping him over the heads of his seniors iu rank. There can be uo cleaning of the Augean Biauies unui a uemocrauc uuminis- tration takes the reins of govern- ment and then it will be necessary for tho people to wear clothes pins on their noses. Democratic "harmony" dinners are lomine to be regarded as nuite the proper means of bringing together the hitherto discordant factions of the party, and uniting tin in in an effort to present a solid front to the political enemy in the next campaign. The recent "harmony" dinner at the Iroquois Club iu Chicago passed off well and wus the occasion of several good speeches by men like Hon. Ed ward M. Shepard, of New York, and Hon. David A. DeArmond, of Mis souri, and an excellent letter from Hon. William Randolph Hearst, of Npw York. Another such dinner is now being arrauged for by the Dem ocratic Club of Brooklyu, N. Y., and it is said that the wine aud the ora tory will be uncorked some time next month. All the eminent lead ers of the party are expected to be there and lend their presence in the interest of "harmony" in the party, Tbese leaders uro not expected to do 1 any of the talking at this banquet. I to the best possible advantage. I They are expected to do the listening'shall endeavor to use n part of it and the talking will.be done by the younger members of tho party from different sections of the country and who are prominent in the councils of the party in their respective sections. These arc supposed to represent the sentiments of the party in the sec tions from which they huu und those sentiments will be given to tho lcad- rs of the party and those leaders arc supposed to govern themselves accordingly. It is believed by some of the leaders of the party who still remain in Washington thut these din ners will have a good effect and that in the near future a thorough under standing will bo arrived at and that real harmony will prevail in the par ty. Apropos of this feeling I will give the readers of this paper the benefit of an interview 1 had with a distinguished Democratic Senator a few days ago. The Senutor's name will not be used for obvious reasons' but it is authentic and is so full of good common sense, democracy and good politics thut I think it should be rcaa by the Democrats ot the country. There is a feeling of Dem ocratic hopefulness here in this, the political nerve center of tho nation and that hopefulness is engendered by such sentiments as are expressed by the man I will quote. U11A8. A. &LHVAKUB. Boom Your Own Town. When a chance arises to boom business, boom it. Don't try to get your chin below your waistband and look as though you had a sour stom ach. Hold up your head, smile and look for better things. Hide your little hatchet and try to speak well of others, no mutter how small you really know yourself to be. W hen a stranger comes to town show him the glad hand. Don't get your carving knife and attempt to uo omers. n shows your littleness. Help your self along py uoing wnai is nguu u is dead easy. No manjever helps him self along by knocking other people down either in character or business. No man ever got rich by trying to make others bolieve that he was the only man who knew anything. You cannot climb the ladder of succcsb bv treading on others corns. There is uo' end of fun in minding your own business. Yon will have more friends by so doing. Dula Succeeds Henderson. Thomas J. Dula of Wilkesboro has been appointed a United States commissioner to succeed J R Hender son, who resigned to become post master at W i.1 kesuoro. Advertising is to the merchant what plowing is to the tormer. im agine a farmer trying to raise a crop sitting on the lence, as ne iooks over a ten acre neiu, wisuuiii mat a mini crop of wheat or corn would spring up in it. Ridiculous isn't it? But no more so than the met chant who hiiliu ntK-.lc nt roods awav in store-room and then sit on the conn ter, hopiug that the people will come and buy. The Southern and Norfolk Western Railroads are to unite in building a union depot at Winston Salem. Andrew White, a Stokes county farmer, went over to Winston last week and purchased a hue pair ot mules and new wagon. On his re turn home he drove into a swollen stream. His mules and wagon were washed down stream, n lute and one of the mule swam out; the other mule wus drowned. Fred P. Ingram, the proprietor of the High Point Steam Laundry Com pany, Last week got his hand caught in a mangling machine which drew his arm through to the elbow. The wound is very painful. LOAN FUND FOR BUILDING COUNTRY SCHOOL HOUSES. Superintendent Joyner Explains the Purposes and Provisions It Is a Long itep Forward. A new departure was made school legislation in North Carolina by the last General Assembly, and this was in the act providing for building of school houses. The use of the Literary fund of the state was made available for this purpose. To such Couuty Boards as desire it, mo ney will be loaned to erect school houses, or repair those that need it, ample security being given the State Board for the money loaned. This money is to be repaid in ten annual installments and the loan is to bear interest at - four per cent. This return of one-tenth of the mon ey loaned each year will make some thing of an "endless chain" loan, that which is returned being availa ble for use by other districts. The matter is one of interest to every county in the State, and espe cially so to the rural districts, for this loan fund is to be used only in the rural districts, and not in incor porated towns. That an explanation might be given of the plans on foot to carry the act into execution, an interview was had yesterday with Prof. J. Y. Joyner, the State Super intendent of Public Instruction, from whom tho needed information was sought. The fitst question asked of Super intendent Joyner concerning the mat ter was this: "What are your general views con cerning the use of the fund for building and repairing school houses? "It is my purpose and desire, he replied, "to use the loan fund estab- lished bv the recent General Asttem- 1)1 y, for building public school houses first where the needs are greatest, and to help to secure through its nse as soon as possible a reasonably com fortable school house for every child of school age in our dear old State. 1 wish it to be distinctly understood that this is a loan fund aud not a ift fund. It will bo used, there- oip, to stimulate, as fur us. possible, self-help. It is just nnd right that those receiving help from it should return every cent of it that the ben efits of it may be passed ou toothers, and that sooner or later all who are entitled thereto may have an oppor tunity of helping themselves through its use. Many a district thut either has no fchoolhouse or that has one that is uncomfortable and sadly in adequate to its needs would be' com pelled to close its school or greatly shorten its school term for perhaps two or three years in order to pay for the building of a comfortable school ouse. By the use of this fund such istricts can borrow enough to pay their part of the cost of building their house, huvo the benefit of the bouse at once and pay for it m small annual iustallincnts. in full or in part by private subscription, nnd thereby prevent the necessity of ma terially shortcumg their school terms. Other districts that need larger und better houses to meet their growing needs will also be afforded an oppor tunity of helping themselves through this fund." "How arc you going to begin work n learning where the loans are want ed?" "In order to use the fund judi ciously, I shall endeavor to secure accurate information about the con dition and needs of euch county and accurate report as to the cendition of the school houses in the various counties. It will be my purpose, through the efforts of my new clerk and myself, to obtain as nearly as possible a personal knowledge ot these things iu every county before investing this fund in that county. 1 shall endeavor to conduct the busi ness in accordance with the same business methods controlling safe private investments. In the construction of new school bouses w ill any particular plans be followed.' "The new law provides that all school houses shall in the future be "nnstructed in accordance with plans approved by the County Uw.a r Education and the Mate buperintcn- denb of Public Instruction. I have had- prepared, in pamphlet form by skilful architects, excellent plans for public school houses, varying in size from one to eight rooms. These will be sent to school officers. They con tain full specifications and bills of material for every bouse, so that it will only be necessary to send a printed pamphlet to any school com mittee aud any intelligent carpenter can have erected a bouse in accord ance with any plan contained there- It has been stated that tbe public school house of the State are in fair ly good condition. Do yon think "It is a great mistake to suppose there is uo need for better school houses in North Carolina. My cent biennial report shows that there are 484 white school district in North Carolina that still have rude log houses, and that there are 625 white districts that have no house. In some of the latter of course the nnblic school is taught in coninnc- r. -- . , . J,. tion with some private school, i here are a' few counties in the State that do not have some school house that are neither comfortable or respecta ble. I need give but two illustra tions. Ih one of the poor counties of the State during the winter of 1902, twenty white schools had to be closed because the children could not be made comfortable in the misera- houses. In one of the richest coun ties of the State fifteen white school houses were reported, value of house, land and equipment at less than fifty dollars each. In counties with a small fund insufficient for a four- months' school when every cent of it is n -ed for that purpose, it is au attcr impossibility to get respectable school houses in every district with out, closing the schools or greatly shortening the school term for a number of years, unless some outside help can be made available for those counties. The time between now and 1908 is too short nnd too pre cious to take any chances about clos ing any schools or shortening any school terms in any county in North Carolina." .News & Ubserver. The May School of the State Nor- : mat and Industrial College for Women Teachers. ' The May School of the State Nor mal and Industrial College wns es tablished one year ago. The results were so entirely satisfuctory that the authorities have decided to make this school a regular feature of the Col lege. An excellent opportunity is thus afforded all women teachers of the State to strengthen themselves in scholarship and in the latest and best methods of prescntingthe differ ent subjects to classes. Those who contemplate teaching and for any reason have not been able to attend normal school cannot do better, as means of preparation for the work, than to pursue this special course. Instruction will be given in all the ubiects taught in the common schools of the State. There will al so be a course in methods and school management, conducted by lae De partment of Pedagogy here. In addition to the regular faculty of the college, the services of emi nent teachers from other institutions have been secured. Professors Stev ens and Biii-kctt of the North Caro liua (Agricultural aud Mechanical College will give lectures on 'ural science and kindred subjects. Spe cial lectures by city Superintendents and other educators will also be given at various times during the session of the school. We hare in connection with the Formal Department a Practice and Observation School, of four hundred children, conducted under the super- vison of trained and experienced teachers. Euch duy an opportunity will be given, those attending the May School, to abservc tho work done the Practice and Observation School. This will be one of the string features, as the teachers can see the practical application of the methods discussed. The session this year will com mence Tuesday, April 28th, and con tinue until commencement, May 24lh. The railroads of the State have granted greatly reduced rates. You should consult your ticket agent about the days on which these tick ets will be on salo. He will be able to give you all the information you desire. " We hope to refund to those- ho come from the most distant parts of the State all railroad fare in xcess ot Spo.UU. A matriculation fee of S5 will be charged, which will entitle each member of tho school to the use of 11 necessary textbooks and the pri ileges of the College Library. Board can be obtained in the city for 3 a week. Applicants for admis sion to the May School may send, in tend of letters of recommenduuon, teachers' certificates. For further information, or for College Catalogue, call on or address, UlIAKLKS I). MCI Vfilt, President. The Household No woman can be really handsome who docs not have a clear complex ion and every brguu of the body must be in good working order to contrib ute to that end. I he digestive or gans may be kept in good condition bv being careful as to the diet. Pas try and sweets are to lie avoided. Substitute for them vegetables and fruit in their season. Apples are especially good aud can be had al most all tne year. A daily batn is necessary w re move the' dust aud keep the pores ot the skin open, thus enabling them to cast off the impurities of the blood. It takes only a few minutes and tne amount of comfort it affords repays one for the time. Baths are espe cially beneficial to those who lead sedentary lives, uni me water ur lukewarm and dissolve a tablespoon- fnl of borax in a bucketful, After washing the body thoroughly, rub dry with a coarse towel. Sleep is one of nature s bcautihers, keeping one young and vigorous. It the sleeping room ce wen venti lated, keep the upper sash lowered a little all uight W admit tne pure air. At least eight hours sleep is needed tn Iwn the nervous system in perfect order. There should be plenty of exercise during the day to keep the blood circulating freely. The law of necessity, which compels most people to work, is one ot tbe wisest provisions oi nature, annougn it iimj worn to be a blessing in disguise. After the heat of summer the lace needs especial care to remove the tan A buttermilk lotion, such is our grandmothers used, will make it soft and wnite again, uisnoive ikw ennnnfill nf holll in tllllt OI Warm rainwater and add a gill of butteif milk. Bathe the face aud hands several times, allowing the lotion to drv on the skin, then rinse with clear cold water. This will not keep more than twenty-fonr hours, henoe only a small quantity should be prepared at on time. E. J C. MORE RURAL LIBRARIES. An Act to Paovide for the Estab lishment and Enlargement of Libraries in the Public Schools of the Rural Districts. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: Sectiou 1. Whenever the patrons and friends of any free public school shall raise bv private subscription and tender to the treasrrer of the county school fund, for the establish ment of a library to be connected with the said school, the auml'of ten dollars the County Board of Edu cation shall appropriate, from the money belonging to that school dis trict asking for the library, the sum of ten dollars for this purpose and snau appoint one luusmgeui, puiwu in the school dietrict the manager of said library. The County Board of Education shall also appoint one competent person well versed m books to select books for the libraries as may be established under the pro visions of this act from list of books approved by the State Superinten dent of Public Instruction. Sec. 2. As soon as the County Board of Education of any county shall have made an appropriation for a library in the manner prescribed, the County Superintendent of Schools shall inform the Secretary of the State Board of Education of the fact, whereupon the said State Board of Education shall remit to the treasurer of the county school fund the sum of ten dollars for the purchase of books. Bee. 3. Within thirty days alter the payment of the money to the treasurer of the county school fund, tho person appointed to select the books shall submit the list of books to be purchased and price of same to treasurer, who shall order the books at once. The treasurer shall receive no compensation except his regular commission. The Uounty jsoara oi Education shall furnish, at the ex pmse of the general county school fund, a neat book case with lock and key to each libiarv upon application of the County Superintendent of of Schools. Sec. 4 The local manager of every librarv shall carrv out such rules and regulations for the proper use and preservation of the books as may be enjoined by the State Superinten dent of Public Instruction. Sec. t: The local managers of two or more libraries may by agree ment exchange libraries: Provided, that no exchange shall be made oftener than once in iBix months and that no part of the expense of ex changing libraries shall be borne by the public. Sec. 6. Whenever the patrons and friends of any free public school in which a library nas Deen estauuaueo. under the provisions of chapter 6C2, Laws of 1902, shall raise by private subscription and tender the treasurer of the county school fund the sum of five dollar for the enlargement of the library, the County Board of Education shall appropriate from the money belonging to that school dis trict tbe sum of $0. and tne oiaw Board of Education shall return to the treasurer of the county school fund the sum of five dollars. The money thus collected and appropriat ed shall be used for the enlargement of libraries already established under the same rule and restnctions as govern new libraries. Sec. 7. The sum $7,500 of the appropriations for the pnblic schools of the State is hereby apportioned aud set upart to be expended by tne State Board of Education under the provisions of this act: Provided that of this amount a sum not exceeding ijtf.OOO may be expended by the Stute Board of Education in the es tablishment of new libraries, and a sum not exceeding $2,500 may be expended by the State Board of Edu cation in tue enlargement oi ii urancB already established. Sec. o. jNotniore inau six new libraries in any county iu addition to those already established shall be en titled to the beusfitB of this act, and not more than sii libraries already established in any county shall be en titled to the benefit of section 6 of this act. No school district in any incorporated town with a population excetding one thousand persons shH receive any moneys uuua mo inns of this act. nor shall any school district receive the benefits of this act without the approval of the County Board of implication. Sec. 9. All laws and clause of bwb in conflict with the provisions of this act be and tbe same are here- by repealed. Sec. 10. This act shall be in force from and after it ratification. In the General Assembly,! read three time and ratified this 26th diy of February, A.;D1903. Saddle "actory at High Point. A irentleman from Ohio will locate a saddle factory here lie says, he leaves Ohio because ne does not wani qi children educated in the same school room with negroes, uch a is tbe case in his townand other towns in that State. Tott's Pills FOR TORPID LIVER. thai jrstaa, aa praauca SICK HEADACHE. - Dv$ipNepsia,fMtKeneKhQs Than I a kttar wmmr I r tam . caw ihimii ta pftjrvw'a UVB FILLS, a tfW B wa. TeMi No SBSSt-jra. Mexican flustang Liniment For a Lame Back, Sore Muscles, cj, in fact, all Lameness -md Sore ' -:3 of your body there is nothing ', tiiat vill drive out the pain and in j flanimation so quickly as MexScmim If 3-ou cannot reach the spot your self get some one to assist you, for it is essential that the liniment be rubbed in most thoroughly. Mexican flustang Liniment tnnroomm tho nil::iititii nf h"rwj ami nil riommtio anlmala. Tn fVa, It 'a a tWb uoai'-rc.'i.l totta fciilor 110 matter wlioorwhattoapatlentlft Reducing We are reducing our stock of Hardware, Cutlery, Ect. preparatory to moving into our new building the first of the year and we are offering some Real Bargains in all Shelf Hardware. If in ced of anything in the Hardware line, we advise Sou to call and see us while this reduction sale is on. lany articles are being disposed of at less than cost. McCrary HARDWARE Vt Fry, FretU J. 8. Cox, Vice-Prent. IP. E. Allen, See. ot Trta. The Greensboro Loan & Trust Co. Capitol Stock, $100,000. "Take .are of tbe Dime and the Dollars will take care of themselves." Start a savings acoount for yourself in your old age. Start a saving account for your wife and each ot your children and eoeonr- fre tnem to aav ana ma to it. Four nor cant, intaraat allowed on Saving Department, provided tbey first dy of mnj month succeeding the Heoii vour deposit or write for ion particulars va Greensboro Loan & Trust Co., GREENSBORO, N. O. Tbe eomnany alu dors a General Banking Business and set as Becalv er, Truttee, Guardian, Executor and BI Deposit uoxri 1 Bteei, Great Values. We are offering to our friendsland customers (some "great values" ln.Dry.Goods,tShoe8, Dress Goods, &c. We have a full aud complete stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Laces, Etc., which it will pay you to sxamine. In addition to a general handle the best brands of Ferterlizere and you will always find it to your interest to see us. Miller & Wood. Asheboro, July 30, 1902. Successors to.W. J. fliiler. COLUMBIA D!S&; $159.$2022&: $30 Tho bmmi Ogo F.lmchlno on tSm tflmrtml Enlertalna Everybody Evmryvrhoro m ... . Uaes Flat Indestructible Records which can be handled without danger of bclnf tnjored T-tadl fO-lacti A T 5Ts Th 63Ura)f1K)K aa4 COUMSU tfCOBOS wareawarosd the mm nox t t runs croar.; f tooo Columbia PhotacspmpZa C Wi E. Ealtinsre Stmt, CVIK : M2. Our Stock! - Redding COMPANY. df noiits of f 5.00 and upwards tn oar remain three full months from the deposit. Administrator of Estates. and tjnrgiar rrooi. v aim ior rent. Clothing, bnoes, rants, otc. We have on hand a full line of shoes for men, women and children. Also a nice line of men's pant. line of merchandise we also LOUD, CLEAR w BSULUAHt, ecsrrfa 50 eaata oarht $3 prf 4.7. tacarda $1 ct HO per 4oe.