T5he Courier. pen::; onk hollar a year. V.'rn. C. HAMMER, Editor. itt Hi- P.i o:ttoual Tnis t'ouituai returns tliunks to its esteemed contemporaries in Hit State for the expressions f hh1 will and references lo iu improved appearance. It is gratifying, in deed, to know that tho patronage is also increasing. The growing favor with which tho paper in received and the increase in advertising patronage is encouraging to us in our cffoits to improve the paper. Elsewhere in this issue we publish the new law as to rural libraries. Under its provisions six of the rural libraries in this county which have received no aid frjtn the .Suite, can receive live dollars from the .State if the community will raise live dollars, and thus ten dollars' woith of book. can be purchased and added to these libraries. Under the provisions of this law six new libraiies can be es tablished, the community raising ten dollars, the county Hoard of educa tion giving ten dollars frcm the d:; trict, and the Slate ten dollars, mak ing thirty dollars in nil. One material difference in the pai doning power under Kusscli :md our present Governor Aycock, is that tin former Governor granted his pardon? privately, lefusing to permit the publication of the pardons. Tho present Governor hoars all petition and if in his judgment tho pardon should be granted he giants it and then publishes the fact tothe public. The Cleveland Star, in referring to the (ovoruoi'V open, manly course, asys: "This is the brave, manly and cour ageous course to pursue, and tho par dons Ayeork has grunted do credit to his groat heart, ai:d his tender, loving and sympathetic iialitiv ;ii tributes that mark hiio as a man fashioned and molded after a litim model. Hut as a man of line sense suggested lo us tlie oilier day. who should the Kepul licaus kick ali't the number of pardons granted v. h- ri the huge majority have been to mem bers of their own party, or to those who were formerly members, before it got lo be a "lily whito'' alTair!' The Temperance Question Not to be Settled in a Day. The Virginia J - l.oiiie is strug gling over liijUwr icui.-Iaiion. It is thought the dispensary :-vni wi'l be adopted. Tic Itnlcigh Tinier edited by Mr. J. I . t addon, in leiVr ring to the ViigKiia sir:::' :!.-. ..-ay-: The dis)iens:.ry Miifiu is lot f.-n from obieetion.-, ;.!. ! ut ii n.;. be safely tifWtuI th.it i": ' Mi ' l-c.-t method yet n il ! f o- i e-.;.. iiii.g the whiskey businers. It is freijiiently urged that a Staio i;.is no light to engage in the Injin.r business. The primary object of the State, a .e understand it, is not t-i do bti-iness, but rather to take in charge what is generally regarded a dangerous uil and place about it the safest and b.si laws for the conduct of the Im-im.-.-. To be sure, the State has a right to provide the best method of shielding the people from a dangerous inilii- ence as much as it has to aid t hem, in their intellectiuil. mora! and char itable pursuits. Th ! again it is well to remember i hat the tenip-r-ance question is not one to be settled in a day, but will abide, in some form, until our more intellectual aud religious growth reaches a point to setlle it. Then it will be fettled to the satisfaction of all. Will not Get the Opportunity. Says the Wilmington Messenger: "V hen it comes J udge Ncal's term to ride this circuit and while bidd ing New Hanover superior court he scuds to the penitentiary for five years for stealing a chicken or a pig some uneducated, half-civilized ne gro, the Messenger wiii call his at tention to what he has said about the sentence of liisbop for the same length of time for slaving Wilson while the latter was in the act of protecting his wife aud children against the questionable conduct of this man Jiishop. Yes, if Judge Jieal, or auy other tutry for five years, a half civilized negro for the larceny of a chicken or pig, there may be opportunity given to criticise him, but as Judges do not impose such penalties on any one for such offenoes, there will not be op portunity for critical comparison Republican Extravagance Ai an evidence of Republican ex travagance in the nation we quote lrom the Ureensboro Christian Ad vocate, organ of the W. N. C. Con ferenoe, as follows: . "The Congress whieb, adjourned 06) March 4th, spent more money than any of its predecessors. - It spent 1 1,554,108,518, or about SL OW apiece for each person in NorthJ Carolina. - Unly a few yean ago our people vera talking ot a billion do lar Cougress; now it has pa-Bed the billion and a half mark." And yet the 2x4 Bepablican heel ers talk about extravagance of the !sgi Cegialatare, when the facts are that the appropriations were $200, 000 led than the' appropriationi of the preceding Legislature. Rheumatism is caused by an excess I competitors for the' cadetship at i f una and laciie in the blood, I West Point Mr. Covington is now t.!iou-.0, :-,th'stbhdpiruriT.j6denttCr7lligh&hool- We ! cv.i.ivc .'-I tome, ci rrs the disease! have not learned when or where or ! ' il .! me acids but of the blood. I by whom the axaaiinatioai will , be . .1 ". conducted. ----' 1 MONDAY'S STORM. Report of Much Damage Done Especially lAlon? the Coast. Elisabeth City, March 30. The schooner Edith left here Saturday afternoon, bound for Cape lUttoras. M:e luul barely eutered Albemitr Sound when overtaken by a terrilic ram aud wind storm, washing Her decks clean and currying part of her cargo away. 1 he ciew had given up :!! ! . pes, but were lighting for their lives. Another tremendous wave washed J. 1 C'opelaud, of New York overboard. He was saved by the crew throwing lines out to him. Mr. Copeland had chartered the schooner and was eu route with material to Cape flattens, where he is to take charce ot the De Forest wireless telegraph statiton at that point. The crew managed to get tin M diooner safely into Little river and landed at llixonton, ten miles from lure. Mr. t'opeland came by land to tiiis city and took a steamer for Ualteras this afternoon. Norfolk, March 30. The north r.st storm that swept down the Atlantic const yesterday and this morning, and played havoc among the shippinc along the coast has disappeared. The harlior is full of -ailing craft waiting a decrease in t no heavy seas running. At Cape Iletttv the winds reached a velocity of miles an hour and big wireless telegrapii masts at ocean view and Toil Monroe were blgwu down The naval collier Lconidas while attempting to charge her moorings in the harbor, colliered with the -choouer Minnie and Emma, of this poi t, aucored near her and carried awayteiii yawl and davits. The high tide prevailing in the harbor dooded the streets in the lower section if the city and for a time traffic was SUspeUllou. Abbeville, March .10. A ram, -::o'a and wind storm of unseasonable ioieuce prevaile 1 in the mountains ol western .Mirth Carolina yester day an 1 culminated dining the early hour, of (his morning in a gale that wiotighl the demolition of consider able property aud inspired a feeling of fear in people who lived ill light Iraine houses that shook ami swayed omitiouolv. At frequent intervals the lopvnts of rain would turn -mow-and i h! atmosphere would be ,;!led with great flakes, but the snow .hi not lie on the ground, as again and a-aiu the rain carried it away, t'n the liilt more estate the weath o'-er;itory was utterly destroyed. The apparatus belonged to the gov ;-n:i:i"it. bat the observatory, handsome structure mine than feet in heii'ht, was erected bv Mi Valid. -rl.i it. The hitrh wind did other damage around liiltmore. T wind mill near the home of Mr S II i; -. il was blown down, shin w civ wrenched from houses, trees were blow , i dov. u, Gin land Creek :'i:oo! bouse was blown down and gre.nt dani ig- done to number other l.ou-es. The Minsl'ine recorder was blown o'T th- government signal servi -taiiou 1:1 tbi city. Some (deplume Miu ; v.ere blown down tins tnoniin .in. I a In :-e ran into oueof the fallen v. ires, n liich became crossed with a liolley. and was electrocuted. The r.niuial was a valuable one belonging to the livery linn of Millard & 1-ns- Kiiled by the Train. W. A. Cool er and 1!. L. Bowland two prosperous fanners of Caswell eoiintv. were run oyer unit instantly Killed by an east bound passenger train at a crossing near Durham March Cilth. Thev had turn Durham w ith a load of tobacco which they hail just, disposed of and had -tin ted for home. The train was be hind time and wasi unning very fast. Pritchard Goes On the Bench Chief Justice liiiigbam, of the District of Columbia Supreme Court, b is retired, his resignation to take effect April 3oth. Associate Justice Henry II. Clabaugh was promoted to l-e t hiei .Justice auu ex-Senator J ('. l'rilehard was appointed Asso ciate Justice, the appointment to be come effective with Justice Hing li.Mifs retirement. The salary of Justice Pritchard is $0,000 a year for lite. He will qualify May 1st. Murder in Montgomery. The homicide record in Mont gomery county for the lost few years is something that should attract the serious attention of every good citizen in the county. No less than adozn murders have been committed within Ihe last live years, and the yearly rate is increasing rapidly. Ihe last 1Z of live, some of which were of the most deliberate natnre. This de struction of human lif j has gone far enough; it has reached that point where common safety dsmands a halt. Iroy Examiner. A Son J. I know not if her eyes are blue As any skies above me; 1 only know that this is so; My lady lives to love me! I know not if her lips lie red As cherries, branched above me; I only know that this is so: My lady lives to" lore me! I know not if Life's storms shall bend Rainbow s of hope above me; I know whatever Fate shall send My lady lives to love me! Atlanta Constituion, Janes E. Lambeth, the youngest son or nr. ana Mrs. t . a. .Lamoets. ot Thomasville, has been designated by Congrasaaiaa Page as one of tha competitors tor a cauetsnip at An napolis from this district Yoang 11 r. Laslicth it bow a student at Trinity Colletre, Durham. He has also nominated Mr, Plat W. Coving ton, or WaUeeooro, a one of the Will Stop 530 Stills. According to tho Commissioner of Internal Revenue there are now 630 stills in North Carolina. Most of these operate only a portion of the time, but they do enough injury while they do run. We have not the figures, but it is hardly probable that, of the 530 stills m lortu Carolina, as many as thirty of them are in incorporated towns. A few of those in the country will go to the towns, but most towus win not permit them to operate. Tha result will lie that by the operations of the Walts bill something like five huu- Ircd stills in North Carolina will go into innocuous desuetude. It also means almost as many bar rooms, because most of the country stills it her sell themselves or through a bar-room. There is no evil in North C'aro ina that, has done so much to de bauch the morals of the State as the little stills "kettles of the devil removed from police protection. That evil has been greater in North Carolina than in any other State ex cept Kentucky. While North Caro lina has 530 stills; Alabama has only 17; Arkansas 25; Georgia 70; Honda 1; Louisiana z; Alarviauu 40; South Carolina 30; Tennessee 80; Texas 9; lrgmia 125; while Mississippi has none. It may well be doubted if any State in the South is so wen governed as Mississippi. During the past ten years it has taken giant strides for education, temperance, progress, and has an ovei llowing State Treasury. In that State no man can sell liipior unless he gets a petition signed bv a ma jority of the voters in the community in winch lie wishes to sell tne stun and only in about half a dozen ounties can any person get license to retail. 2ews & Observer. Remarkable Meeting. If there is any doubt as to the growth of the temperance sentiment ii both Carounus among a class oi people, liinuentiai vei uereioioie lent out ot the churcn, we nave dv to pick up the local papers over the State and almost every week there is a demonstration on the part of these people against whiskey. Here was a remarkable meeting Wilson, N. C, March 12. our orrespoudent witnessed a glorious scene tonight Seated around the altar in the Kpiscopal church were the Key. Mr. Thomas, ot the l'lesbv- terian church; Hcv. Mr. Douglnss of the Haptist; Hcv. Mr. Iyer, of the Methodist; licv. Mr. Jones, of the Christian; and Eev. Mr. Gambol, of the Kpiscopal church. Ihese devot ed and consecrated men of God laid aside tor the time being all theo'.ogi ul differences and had but one creed tonight and that one creed is to save the boys of this fair city and com munity from the drunkard's life and rave and hell. One of the safe-guards that can be thrown around the boys is strict prohibition. You can not keep all f the hellish sum out ot a town but you can keep it on the run. A man don t have to be an extremist or oralis these uavs to oe in iavor oi local optiou. He has only to be honest with himself and neighbors and exercise good common sense. High Point haterpnse. The Effects of The Watts Bill. A corresiHindeLt from Wilming ton, N. C, to the News Observer, savHj The effects of the Watts limior bill when it goe9 into effect on Jnly 1st, will lie to rout four distilleries in the small county of New Hanover and about an ennal number in Bruns wick. About half the number in the two counties, it is said, will move inside the corporate limits of il minjrfcm and the other half will go out of business. A number of up country distillers have written to friends in Wilmington inquiring as to th feeling of the people with a view of bringing their plants to that city in the event of too stringent lo- al regulations at their present loca tions. A Republican said today that Senator Simmons bad one been Col lector of Internal Revenue himself and knew something of the big pat ronage the former system ot manu facture carried with it. The Watts bill will cut the business in about half and the Senator knew full well that meant a decapitation of the offi cial heads of several thousand store- keepere and gangers upon which the republicans have relied strongly in past elections. There are no professions mors use ful, more honoiable, more esteemed among us than the practice and com pounding of medicine, in north O 1: - a I . aopwhan who stand higher in their ooiumnn. itv as moral and civic leaders than our doctors and our druggists. Thev lead in right living and in right thinking. Hut as even in the minis try there are black theep among these noble men who contribute much to relieve tha diseases of men. In more than one oommnnity North Carolina prohibition has been made a farce, because some unworthy doctor or druggist, or both, give pre scriptions when not needed and dis pensed whiskey ad libitnm in viola tion of law. The Watts act is stringent with respect to that class of doctors and druggists. Mews and Observer. If the Watts bill will accomplish this much, it will have succeeded in reachinc an evil which nothing here tofore has been -able to touch. In onr opinion, one nnacrnpulons phy sician and on nnscrnpalous drug gist ia prohibition tow can do mors harm than all the blind tigers combined. And many physicians who are not unscrupulous are entire ty toe careleta ia gi vinr pren puons. Concord Timea. - 'TOO GREAT A JU. A n'laMe nmadv tot bfla eoot- oltfnti ahrM 'Hrayn b kpl iwmL Tbr!itak'ogTitforayHM Utxtta. Cbta t-r'uro' Colio. t-ilatr an4 !- rhoer Bamedy mm tails 4 wka mdnnMl irU fe rWr In pMaat ta lakat- enin by maiMMt l)r(t l . sfa- boru. The New Law for Bird Protection. Another new law that has onr im- uualilied approval is the Audubon bird protection bill, which now stauds as a monument to the persistence and enthusiasm of Prof. T. Gilbert Pear son, of Greensboro, secretary of the Audubon Society. The following outline oi the new law is given oy the News & Observer: "The bill stipulates that only the following shall be considered game birds: Loons and grebe), swans, goese, brant river, fish aud sea ducks, rail coots, mud hens, and gnlliniiles. plovers, shore aud serf birds, snipe, wood-cock, sandpipers, yollowlegs aud curlews, wild turkeys, grouse, partridges, pheasants, quail, uove, robin, and meadow lark. It is made unlawful to kill or catch any other wild birds, or to destroy needlessly the nest or eggs of any wild non- game birds. The house sparrow, owls, haw ks, crows, blackbirds, jack- laws and rice birds are not protected by the act. It is made unlawful to purchase, offer for sale, or transport without the State wild birds, game md otherwise, except for propaga tion purposes by permission of the Society, or bv permit from the clerk of the court. The appointment of game wardens by the Governor ii piovidcd for, to 'see that the law is carried out. There is a provision requiring all hunters coming from other States to pay $10 for a license in every county in which they shoot, this money to go to the Society to nay the expenses of the wardens." Progressive Farmer. Ladies' Gallery" Opened to Ne groes. During the last few days the ladies gallery in the house has been open ed to negroes. This has never been the case before, and the innovation at this time, when the negro question is so prominent in the newspapers, is considered significant. The gallery in question is the one to the left of the press gallery. It is reserved for women and their escorts, and wben the gallery is not fuM men of respect able appearance who have no women with them are sometimes admitted. Negroes hate never heretofore been admitted. In some way it has ap parently become known among the negroes of V) ashington that tho nan has been taken off so far as this gallery is concerned, md they have lieen patronzing it very extensively. Many of them have come without bringing women with them. Parties of three and four have been entering the gallery. Today there were more of them in the "lailies gallery" than in the galleries usually occupied by them. ashington correspondence Courier-Journal. Criticism Was too Severe. Ihe News A Observer says there are 530 distilleries in North Caro lina, and that the recent temperance legislation will shut up nearly 500 of them. We are compelled to think that those of the temperance advo cates who have been saying harsh things about the Assembly for not doing still more in the line of pro hibition will, after, more mature consileration, conclude that they have been unjust and unapprscia tive. Rockingham Anglo-Saxon. At Home for Rest. V. P. Hammer, whose home about one mile north of High Point, arriied here Tuesday night fiom Washington where he has been con fined in the hospital for several weeks. Mr. Hammer who runs as postal clerk from Washington to Charlotte was in the terrible wreck near Alexandria in February. He was cut about the head and face and at first it was thought that his back was permanently injured. He ia re cuperating slowly. High Point enterprise. The Man Who Found Himself and His Work. The sou of an immensely wealthy American, having graduated from college went to Paris to study art He worked hard in the Paris studios for three years. One day he made up his mind that he would never be a great artist, and that he would rather be a successful farmer titan a fairly successful painter. Now al though still a young man he has a model farm covering iu.uuu acres in Illinois. He knows every foot of it, what it should produce, and he tees that it products everything it should. He has built a magnificent house, in which not an ornament jars the finest taste. He goes to Europe every win ter and studies European methods of scientific farming and cattle raising. He is developing the land as his fathers did before him. He employs score of men, he help the smaller tanners about mm; lie is iikcij tu u, a great factor in the development of the State in a few years. And this is the story of a young American who works for the love of it and who ia a great success because, anxious to do things, he knew when ha had not "found his worn." worm s wor. Crarctti Make Brave Boys Timid. "f have Men atromr bovs crow weak and pale an sickly, blight hoys grow dull; brave, honest, manly boy be come cowardly, dishonest lying boys after indulging in the cigarette habit for a few years," said Superinten dent of Schools C. E. Stevens, of Stone ham, before the Committee Pnblio Health at the State House. Boston Telegram to tha Few York Eveninr Telemm. This was while representative Brew ers bill imposing a license tax of xzuu on eacn cigaiwcta ueaior was being considered. AfajaattDcN.GR.it Mesa. S. Lea Wright uil A. 8. Heili? have entered suit asrainst the North Carolina Bailroad for $16,- 000 The suit ia instituted bv tha heirs of the late Walter Iddinga, a yoang man who was killed oa a mined eroasiag ia January. The suit will probably come mp at the Antreut term of Sowaa Superior, Says Negro's Head is . Deadly Weapon- Huntington. W. Va Saturday. According to a ruling in the Circuit Court nt Welch, ilcuowell county, a negro s head is considered a "dan- eerous and deadly weapon." Frank Martin brought suit for $2,000 against J nines Knox, a prominent attorney nt Welch, for damages sus tained by being poiuuied on tnt head with a pair of steel knuckle-'. Martin is a colored man and bad a head of abnormal iproportions. The testimony in the case was that Mar tin became incensed at the attorney, while the latter was in his place of business, and that the negro bowed low and started to "butt" the attor ney out of his shop. The attorney swore on tho stand that he regarded the negro's head as a "tlnnfwrniiii mid deadly weanon." and that to defend himself and prob ably save his life, he dealt him a few blows with steel knucKles. evidence was adduced which went to show that Martin had at different times "butted" people out of his shop. The judge gave a verdict in iavor ot the defendant, ruling that under the circumstances he reguded the ne gro's head as a "dangerous and deadly weapon," and that the attor ney acted in self defense. The Blind Tiger Liquor Law. We learn from the Waxhaw En terprise that theie is some discussion about the liquor law in this county. The YVatts bill distinctly says that n previous temperance legislation shall be repealed by it. As for the specinl act for this county, it was made to catch blind tigers" and will molest no man who docs not want to lueak tho law by selling blind tiger whiskey. To catch these impudent violators of the law this act was made strong on purpose, and it will catch 'em too. The .law-abiding Ieople-of the country will now see to it that the festive blind tiger will nut his mean work or go on the chain gang for a rest. This business is coming to its row's end in Union county, as Judge Allen says. It has had a long and nourishing reign, tint the people of Monroe are going to end it, and the other communities of the county can do the same thing. If a man swears out a warrant against a suspected thief for larceny, the Utter s premises can tie searched for the stolen goods. This law gives the same right after a warrant has lieen sworn out by .some reason able person, who shall swear he has good reasen to believe that a certain person is selling liquor unlawfully, which reason shall be stated in the affidavit, and if is deemed sufficient a search warrant is given, and if the suspected party is found to have more than a quart of liquor in his possession, it shall be evidence that lie is keeping it for sale. Now, manifested, no man who is not giving evidence that he is running a blind tisrei can be searched, and those who are giving such evidence ought to be. We take it that any good citizen may keen more thau a quart of liquor on baud for his own use if he lesircs to and not be breaking tho law. It is the fellow who is de bauching public morals by selling liquor unlawfully that this law is after. Monroe Journal. The Hen. Alasl my child, where is the pen That can do justice to the hen? Like royalty she goes her way, Laying foundations every day, Though not for public buildings, yet ror custard, cake and omelette, Or, if too cold for such a use. They have their fling at some abuse, As wben to censure plays unlit Upon the stage they make a hit; Or at elections seal the fate Of an obnoxious candidate. No wonder, child, we prize the hen, Whose egg is mightier than the pen. Oliver Hereford in the Guilder. Grays Chaple Items- Farmers are very much behind with their work on account of sol much rain. Wheat is looking fine in this section. The Ailed gold mine tract of land near here, was sold at public auction recently and was bid on by m nr. Morgan for some thing near (1.000. Mrs T B Curtis wife of N B Curtis, a most estimable woman died Sunday morning. Her remains will be interred to-day, in Grays Chapel cemetery. Deceased had been sick for three or four months. A husband and seven children survive her. Why Not Items. The scnool here continue to in- otease in numbers. The following hluii L,e cu lured within the past two weeks: Mr J M McMillan. Oke- wemee; Mr C C Presnell, Michfleld; Mr Eddie Hancock, Why Nob Mr J A Dunlap, Long Leaf; Misses Jessie Asbary, Aabury; Swannie Lowder- milk and Blanche enrtaco, f ont Creek, and Pea'l and Alice Auman, Aaburv. Mr A S Lucas and two listen, Miese Hettie and Laura, entered a few days before onr last locals, but their name were not reported. Messrs T M Cheek, J C McNeill andJM McMillan, of Why Not Academy, spent Hunday at their homes. Commencement will embrace the 28th day of May. Prof Garner has pare hated the school property and farm adjoining from Mr J r Borough. Mrs J f Borough and Vaster Earl, of Aaheboro, are visiting here. Mr La tha Monro has returned bom after spending aearly two weeks at her son's, J A Monroe. Mis Etta King is spending a few day with her sister, Mr M T Vun caoBoa, near Eiisa. BevWCLMterA4 family we spending ome day with tnend at Eliae. Bet Daanter vat to preach here Sunday. . TO CUSS A COLD I If OK OAT Take Laxative Bmmv QnMaa Tabtatt AM rar rsw-a J eav "LlKJ 'rT " fail to ea easa a. Kie, Roads and Trade. Not only do good permanently but ways save the farmer, miner and pro duces from nature expense in trans portation, but good roads make per manent markets and keep prices even the year round, saving the furmcr from the clutches of the storage warehouseman who is on the railroad track, or ut the bout lading and to whom the farmer or producer must deliver when passable, borrow a little money pay high storage charges and finally, perhaps, sell at a loss at the will of his creditor. With good roads, the farmer can store his crops his own barns and haul to the lailroad station when ever he chooses to sell, taking advantage of market prices, which under such conditons are always better, save interest and storage and come out at the end of the year with a profit that will more than pay bis share of the cost of per manent road building instead of charging up losses on his lodger. x. Almost a Fatal Accident. A little child about two years old of Mr. M. E. Mills, came very near losing its life in a very singular way last Thursday evening. It was play ing in the Baptist church yard, and climbed upon the gate which had a small rope attached to it with a loop so that it could be kept shut, and the child ran its head througn tnis loop and fell. When discovered it was hanfrintr bv its neck and almost dead, but Dr Blair was called aud soon it began to recover and il all right no. Had it been a few min utes longer in being discovered, it would have been a fatal occurrence. Troy Examiner. Safe-Crackers Get $550. Safe-blowers visited the town of McColI, Marlboro county, S. C, March 27th, eutered the postoffice aud with nitro-glyccnne blew open the safe and obtauied Stsou. A nertion of the money . belonged to several local depositors, nut tne ma jority was postoflice funds. There is no clue. A DKONHTBHTIoN WHAT CUAM- BERI. iN's COLU', CHOLERA AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY CAN DO. "One af our cu.temc t, a highly eenroted citizen of this pWoe. had been lor in year ssufferer from onionio diarrboer," wriies Waldsn & Martin, drnggbt', of Enterpri-e, Air. "He had used varloun paient preparatious and been trea'ed by physit-iaat without any permanent benefit. A few muniue auo he commenocd taking Chamber! Collo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and in a short time wae entirely eared . Menycitiienss of hnterpriee who know tha irenilemaa will testify to the truth fulness ot this statement." For sale by Standard Drug Co., Ashenoro; Henry Newman, a well known traveling man of Willmingtou, was found ueau in neu at tne joniiz House in Wilmington March 29th. ilia death was due to hernial lure, GOOD FOR CHILDREN. The pleasant to taki and harmless One Minute Cough Cars gives immedi ate reliei in all eases of Cough. Croup end Laflnooe beaanae It Ooet not paw .mmediKt-ly Into the stomach, but takes effect right at the teat of the trouble. It draws out the lun.uima d"n, heals and soothes and cpras p-r mmenilf by enabling the hints lo eon tribute pure life-giving and lile-easrsin- in( oxygen w iob uiiwu mu iimuw.. A b'ndrrwood, kandleman. The towu authorities of Lumber ton have forbidden the sal of reru ns by the druggist of the town, be cause, it is alleged, some have been intoxicated by the medicine. For liver troubles and constipation There's nothlna- better In creation Than Little Early Rises, the fanotu little nilla They always effect a cur and save doctor bills. Little E.trly Risers are different from ail other pills. They do not weakea tbs system, but act as a tonic to the tiasnee by aroositig the seeretiona and restoring Ihe liver to the rail perform ance of its functions naturally. W A County Superintendent of Health, Dr H T Cbaoin. reports a full de veloped case of smallpox, 8 mile west of Pittsboro on the biler City road. A 8URE THING. It ia said that nothing Is sure eioept death and taxes, but that l not alto gether true. Dr. Kings New Die oovery for Conanmption is a sure enre for all umg an-i tnrcw trouoiee. Thousands can teanry to Has. aan. n R. Van Metre of BhrDherdon W. Va. eoya: "I had a revere ese of Brouohiiis and for a year tried every t.hla I heard oi. bat ant bo relief. "ae bottle of Dr. Kiug'e New Di-oov- ery then eared me abeolnteiy. u iara'Ubie ft troop, waoouing wa. (i.ln Pneumonia and Consumption. Try it It's guaranteed bp Htandard Drug Co., Aaheboro. Trial bottka free. tieg. siaee ooe. si.w. It 1 said 60,000 basket of let tuce, which will bring $100,000, will be shipped from Fayetteville. The Observer say the great bnlk of this amount ia grown within the city limits. Favetteville is becoming as famons for lettuce as Kalamaxoo is for celery." All WERE RAFFLED. Word eomes fnai Wake, Ark, that Rev. Joo. i Col bad a atrmara lady avo-mpaaied qv yellow Jaundice. Vor yarn, pbyawlana were aanus aua though everything kea to the pro- One day he began eea Etootne Bit ten and ia a week, a ehanr for tae better eea e and. at leatw aa waa - tliaJr eared, it a the must reliable medicine for liver aajd Kidney ttoablae Only 60s end guaranteed by Standard Draguo. Duke is the nam of the new cotton mill village on the bank of the Cape r ear in Harnett county. The Dukes, of Dnrhatn, who are having the mill built, have about 100 factory houses in con rue ox erection. This new cotton mill town was Incorporated by tb hist Leg islature. A THOUGHTFUL MAM. H. H. death), of Wiaeaeeter, lad. knew what te de In the hoar ef eeed liie wif bad aMb aa aneoat ease of atoaaaoh and liver eraejhie. ehyraani euld sat ain aer. Be taoegh ot aed tried Dr. Stag's Kew Lit fills aed u got react at o-e aad waa Anal); 01' RES BLOC)? POISON, CANCER, i:L'EIt.-E ZEU , CARBUNCLES ETC. M tdl' INK KKEE. Robert Ward, Mmey', Oa., tayi. "I suffered fr m bio-d poison, my h.ad, (soe anil bonlilrin erione mass . f torrnpllou. a Jhi In Ii nes and Joints barnlnu, itching, punhbr -kin nil ran ilnw - v-i "Uoou -Hflfd, but Uotau Ic B ood Bl n curi d lun ie'f-. t'y, liml- d ail the sores and nave my skin the rchK1""1 hen1:!!, lilooil lliliu put uew i.f- into my bld nud new ambi tion 1 to my bmln " U o. A. Wil iama, Koxbury, lice eoieied -.villi pun ; le, t'T -ice s r o-i buck of head, ni tmrntiiiK swrllliiK oi ueok , v '. I- ulcer on luv, boue mum, lteinug f hi - ,oured perfectly by botanic Blooi Bl..' ores sll hvalrd. Bot-n-c Bl -i-b lialm -ure all malignant b o d iron 1m, mioh as eezem , MSbsa u seal . et-eples, running tores, corbunelet, c i-iula, etc. E-peolally advioetl for I nbulu ate oaw-s tfut hae ruacliei tl' i- "nil or third stage. Improves the 1 K" II i lengthens Weak kidm-ys V iu'i t-, tl. To rroe il cures, sample ef ill i nl Halm sent free and piepaid b) wri'inx Blool Balm uo.. Atlanta. Ua. I ribi trouble sod free medical iiviee fcM in sled letter. The following is being he.iililv "amended" by all the members of the fraternity: Uod bless our wives they fill our lives with happiness and honey: they mend our socks and rase our shocks, but Lord they do epend money." i!,x. A PROMINENT MINISTER BECOM MENDS CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC, CHOLERA AND DIARRHOEA REM EDY. Rev. Franois J. Davidson, paitor nf the St. Mattbee Baptist chuch ana mealdent of the Third District Dinnt AMOolanion, 2731 Second 81, New Orleans, writes as follows: "I have uwd Chamtier'aln s colic, cnoicra ana Diarrhoea Ren eiy for cramps and pains in the itomach and snnuil it eicelf It is In fsot tho beat eramp and colic ramadr I have ever UBtn. Also severol of mi i.arlshiouwrs have ni-d it with eeaally ea'Meutory results." For sale y man 'ata Drug 10 . Asneunro. The Greenville Reflector strikes this note: "The members of almost every other profession nro in a post tion to give the printer the little enci of the horn. The grocer can put water in the oil he sells us, the dry goods man sells us au all wool suit of clothes made from cotton grown in Pitt county, the doctor iaint8 his pills different colors and cans tnem different names, the lawyer Bells us a lot of second hand advice written in hog Lutin that won't stand a second wash, and soon ad inmutuin. now ever you fix it, the printer is up against it. A SWEET BREATH is a never falling eign of a bea'thy stomach. Wben the breath is had the stomach is out of order. There is uo remedy In th- world equal to Kodil Cyepei'lia cure tor cu'u.g luuigtmiou dyapepaia and all stomach disorders Mrs. Msrv . t no. oi wnue nam Ky writes: "I bve been a dyspoptic for years tried all kinds ot remedies but cimtinned lo grow worse, fly the. use of Kodol 1 began to Imp-ove at once, and after taking a few bottles am fullv reatortd In weight, health and strength and can eal whatever 1 like. Kodol digests what yon eat and makes the stomach sweet, W- A. Undorwooa Handltman, The men who harm a town may be found among those who oppose ini provements; those who don t adver tise; those who distrnst the public men; those who.run it down to stran gers; those who Bhow no hospitality to any one; those who hate to see others make money; those who treat every stranger as an interloper; those who asi two prices tor property; those who put on long faces when a stranger taiks of locating; those who oppose every enterprise jthat docs not appear to be a personal beuetit to themselves. DUE NOTICE IS SERVED. Dae notice ie hereby served on the nubile generally (bat uewitra witch Haxel Salve ie th-. only salve on the market tnat is maae irons me pure unadulterated wnon haael. Dew lit Witoh Haael Balve haa cored thous ands ot caeea of piles that wo-ibl not yield to any other treatment, and thin fact baa brought em many worthier. oounterfeitv Those persons who get the genuine De Witt's Witcn Hani Slv are never disappointed, becauae it cures. W. A. Underwood, Handle tan. A smartly dressed young woman waa rambling along a road, when she met a small, urchin lugging a i.:i. ;k n. ; Ii Kh hrnno-ht him no shamlv with: "You are a wicked bojr. How could vou rob that nesi? No doubt the poor mother is now grieving for the loss of her eggs." "Ob, no, she can care. I'm sure the can't" said the boy, edging away; "cause she on your hat. fix. QUESTION ANSWERED. Tee. Anna Flower sttM bear the lar oat sale of any medlolne ia tbe eivlli- ed world. Y onr mothers' and grand mothers' never thought or using any thing else for Indigestion or Bilious aeee. Doctors were searee. and tbey seldom beard of ApneedMtls, Nervous Prostration or Heart failure, eto. They need August Flower to olean out the system and atop foraraiation of nnd gested lood, regulate the action of tbe liver, stnxtaiata ine aerous ana organ ic aotioa of the system, and that ia all thev took when ftelinc dull and bad wile beadacbee and other aches. Yon only need a lew doses of Green's Au gnat Flower, in liquid f ra, to make yoe eatisflrd there is nothing serious tbe matter with yon. Yon oau get this reliable rena-ny as all druggist Price St and Tac. The North Carolina Teachers' As sociation will be held at Wiighte- nlle Beech June nth to 14th. DOES n PAY TO BUT CHEAP? A eheao reanidv foroosarh and oolda 1 all right, but yoa want something the will relieve and core we asorw re vere and daareroe reenlta of throat and taea- tronblee. What shall vou dot Go to a warmer and mere f-gular oli mataf Yes, K eoattbte; kf not possible far yoa, tkea la etaer eaae take the ealy remedy that baa been introduced ia ail atrilhwd enemtrles wtlk snooeoe ia sever ihrne aad tang trrublea, ''Boejfaee' OerauM Sjrap." It not ealy beats sad atimulatee tbe lisaaea to destroy ihe (ere) dleeeat, bat all in anaauttost, eaoeaaeaey expeotoretkMi, gme e goed Bight's reet, and eorcs the p.tteut. Try one bottle. RecOaimeBd- ed weny years bv all draeeiaie ia tha world. Too eais ! is reliable retaedy at all drngj'w. Frio Steaed LOOK. IN AT OUll window display next lime yu pons' this way and see that wo have made preparation for JC A S T E It. Colorings for eygs are prominent of course. The season would bo without interest for many if thecjrgs were not decorated. DYES of all shades and colors and dozens of beautiful combinations can he purchased for fie per package. Standard Drug Co. Depot St A.hoboro. N. C NEW THINGS IN CLOTHING! These cuts represent some of the new things that wo arc now opening un direct from the manufacturers. Cull in and flee the latest and best in men's wearables, THE MERITT-JOHNSON CO. 308 S. Elm St. f i reensboi o, N. C. Dr. W. A. Woollen, Will be in his offioe from 8 a. m. until 6 p. m. each day to exam ine and prescribe for any one who may de sire his assistance. Chronic diseases a specialty. W. A. WOOLLEN, M. D., RANDLEMAN, N. C. LAND SALE. By virtue of a decree of sa . ma le by Ibe Superior Court of Kandolph County in th.- special pro'-eed'tig enti tled J. C. Hammond et al va Mary J. Joms, I will sell at pnblio nno io i to the highe-t bidder for ctuiti mi Monday, April 13th, at 12 o'clock il., at tbe Court Honen door in Aaheboro, N. C. the tollowiug described land, lying and being in the county oi Kamiolpb, State of North Carolina, in Cedar Orore township, adjoining the lands o- Moses Hammond, U. T. Luck and others and beginning at a red oak in Hammond's line, thence north ion poles to two black jaoks and two post oaks, thonce west H poles to two black jacks, thence north 100 polee lo a hiokorr, thence west 33 poire and 3 1-2 links to a stake in saw mill road, thence north alone ssld mad to north end of saw mill dam, thence northeast to book's corner, thence annth along said Luck's line S3 rods to a blaok oak. thence a south coarse so-oss Little Itiver to a Spanish oak, Ihenoo south iy west If poles to a persimmon, thenoe south t? "t -l'1 i-les to a post oak. thence south 70- ea-t 14 poles to bank of brknob, thenoe up said branch to Mosaa Hammond's line, thenoe along said line to tbe beg-nuing, containing 126 acres more or less. Lxeept from Ihe above, tbe following lands belong, ingto Mary J. Jones, viz: A tract beginning at a hickory, Hammond 's corner, running thence west 83 poles end 23 1-2 links to a blaok gum, thenoe north 10 poles 7 1-2 links to a black oak thence an esst course 20 poles and 13 1-2 links to a stake iu the ride of tbe road thenoe south 20 polee to the begin ning, eotttoiniug 4 acres more or lets. Also trad No. 2, berinnlug at a hiok ory, the beginning corner aforesaid traot thence souih with her line 12 poles to s et'ine idle her corner, tiiouee a boat east 13 rods to a atone In the l-auk of the branch, theooe nor h 82 rods to a stone, theuce east 11 rods to a atone, thence north 12 d-g east IS rods to a atone, thence north 82 deg west 50 poles to a stirs in Mary J. Jour 'a line, thence south 2(1 dog west on her line 28 poles lo a stone lormer'y an oak ber corner, thence esst 10 drg north SI oies anu a nuke on her Hue to a atone ier corner, thence south 20 rods to the beginning, eontalning 10 acres more or leas, which makes 110 acres mora or lees to be sold as aforesnid. l'erroe ol sale : Cah . Title reserved tiU further order of the court. this March wo, ltios. O. U bAPP, Commr, Mortgage Sale. By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a eertain mortgage eieouted to the undersigned on the 7th day of March, 102, j John T. Saunders and wire K L Hannders aad recorded fa book 101, page 153, Regie. ter's office of Kandoloh eoontv. I will eell at pnblio auction te the highest bidder for cash, at tbe court bona door In Ashtboro, N. C. on April 20, 1203, at 13 c 'dock M, the following de scribed real aetata, situated in Mast rl rower township sad bounded aa fol lows, viat Beginning at a atone. K A Brady's corner thenoe raaaing alb 11 chains and 74 links to a red oak by the side of the road, invace along said road its rarioas ouarses in a westerly direction 10 ehains and 30 llnka to a post oak on the north side ef road. lh-m-e U dee. south of west I chains and 60 'inks i a small pine, thenee 17 de. raat bf sonu chains ana ao iinka to a syca- aaid Un IS chains and W links t" tit beginning, ecBtaintng IS sere more or lew. T. A.WKKNN, !!'" 7a. Thai U areh K, 1U0S. atorigsgre.