m ami THK J1FALT.VI the HOUSEHOLD; j.i vt-rv i'liv. i.i;,.-. v.i.t .', s. VICK'.S !:::l.l!lU: i'A'-:!i." RKMI.'IHKS. Th-y "... ill t than unreliable GUllTE Ksnr !:;:. ; knt- t'or I.uUni.iT nil.! ivM-. ViN Yellow 1'! Sur.: S.V.. tli.-irv.-:tl.-l S.;;:;,..-ri I .'.' Thront iut,i r: i. V.- !.;;:. i.iui Tills. hi;! ! t. eY-:.,v,: .; liver i-; i ! n 1 1 1 .: 1 1 1 : Vi, Ti:nle i . .iniiii"itt, '-.'-V., i !,- l.uj .-: !.r ami hi. in' Kit. : ;' : tie..; m Vii-k' Ar.mi-i.:.- V in-.- m r.;, Oil, Willi M; !-, .. I '. ' '.i: Hypoph....,!,!.. -.;!.,;. , ami '.'lii.'ii'iii i.i.i,.' cii.l r-.-.-!!-. Trade sivviIulA t L. Richard son Sri'jOc (Vh.:.':!- only; Grcer.auotc, C. Furniture 1IUU1V, pi ... I! o, IV. t:r in A-;i . Undertake c ;iri,r HLNSIY V. TFX OP. 'l'W.'i'LVP V W (L ( ( flevon.u v. 1 Social Re-v.";';-., ( Sflorai :?-fo;t;;. arf.icl?f, b.-s -celancoue, bft-1 chile,' en's par- ?, vice, best uitu-if? of ovory'hhi'.;. By a SpecJiv! Vrrr.rer.n: ycu cr.n f;.'t ?5'jc Cg uricr r.na the WCF.KUY COltVltR JlH 1NAI. botli one yeer for OiCX.Tr tpl.30. This is for c:i.,li .-iil.-erii't i All sul-.-riptiniis nml.-r ihi nation oiT.-r in'.t.-t '-e s'-tit Tin-: A.siEi:ui:o Co fat Kit !!!. 4 ik oeeec ? BURNS & 4 JrJHhLbMiLLJU I , 4 REPAIRISHOPS. ? We conduct a firnt cl r.-paii ahop for W.'ona, BugKies, Carta T and Carriages, etc. Alo Horaa slioeini? aud 'Painl-J ing a specialty. We gouiuutee oar worli and t i and solicit yc Jr patronage. q I EUKXd & PIlESJfELL. J 7 A kidoey;. r Idaddor trouble can al wiyabo enred bj.naiug Foiey'a Kidmy Cure tima. RtindHid Drug Co. 0. B. Cox, Preatdeak W. J. ArmflsM, VioO'PrMidenl W.J. Atmfield, Jr., Caahier. he bi of mm. Asheboro, N. .0. CAPITAL $23,000 00 Wa art ao praparaJ to do a fen-ral banking baaiaaaal and aolisit the eaoaata i firau, orporatioca asd todlTidaala ol budoipk cad adjuiaio? oonUa. i t H Worth. W P WoeJ, P H Morr'.a, (1 0 Kt-C'rt, 0 Oo. W F Rod- ' l?n, A M Hankjn. W H Wnttiia, Ja Wk. P-rl Mctt O B Co. A W ami I... U B-l ft bl inloaUI'lttlKA Mar. .V? ' ' . fi Hraea IS 0 i; 1 1 '''' ! L.. m-e v.:!: .1 :r; it y tires Is-roiV sl drives mo : ; .i.:. I ; i: is lout suivelinv hypo- j 5. . . ; t - fttv.-.. h-is L.'on m-jtlr.g In : y " ., l i ' -a u W, :;. 1...-H i!nd tlmt llioro ' 1 "(!.: - '-t or two left In me yet." i i ;l ,rs ? n.'i'ii'.'a.lv hud no nppetlto for 1 tw' f : o 0 0 O O 8 STALL ON ANSI" 1 APRIL DAY" I By Peter Mr-Arthur q O (.M'.jii, IS"?, fy; Vfrr JlrJrl'mr $J .Y ISANDAU, lnul cried her j -.,; wny to a solution of her dlltl- culty. She Imtl washed out tho truth with tears, nnd. sep;- limitly i'i.mii. t.. an Ifrrvocablo .ni Hisifin, slir ilrli'il lire i-yrn au'l act I on lu'l- iU'r-M,i:i. "1 alway IIUi.l lliirrj'." "1p mH it, !. "Init lio wou'.l torment t!i" llfo .1 ,4 r.- if I i:;arri. .1 him. I liae no tr..: of l.lm liov, ami If I may Jmliio i (i... I'xpi'rti'i.ro of my married '. 1 would liave f till less ijfter I ::'!::, Mm. IVsMe.j, l.e never thluka .. !,tt. ;iil,.i::i that every vo- . I,::t Jiwt tal:.'! It for 1 that If lie ! sail-.tl.t I should .', ii l-i 1,1, i.vii t.inlt, aiul ho a' ti:e een ..il"iiL-1'a." tliU l:-.-"t r.-ia.irk she ultl a : i.jkI a.!':re ,-,l it t Mr. Ilen-..i-i!y. It4 contents vre about . ' t : . v ; H' ' ii.,wi,',li'v In tlip end i el .'ii:t' rla.,t. Hei'tnK ihnt you I.. h i C.-PCIJ r in- a Jrleu.l. I nm, ;,i..:. : , 0;p .uk-. ,,i:y, .MA V. TT . iitaint-.it this e'tielti.svt epla-k-.. ,. k another sh.vt of ..ii er and . 'a a U;t;i mi'.e v. iih tlio wonln: VvT'irlVBI- T'vt t.lil v r,s u Imnler letter to write ! i; i;:,. th.-r. flv i .l'l.i.-d at the end f I. r i. a r.'j l l.lm.:.. d furioiwly as sho iilutriil n she laid writ- e.ir-." pt'.e said to lier- "V.M11 hn att -ii' been co ider- iful never pre-.ithii'd 1 s.ititi.tltaes llioiiKlit . l:nn'.:.le as ho pre--s v,-i,it,dii't hurl, l.at 1,1 1, -vi:! his att.'iitl.ins uow l!!:e!y to irt down In n s nfter wo nro iimrrled. i a ;"...,1 home to MTer .'.;r : ho will make mo ft and." Then she ttnlslnsj on: l--t et t:; slno our ivirir to t --It y,"i th.it st oJ. T.il th-n l-o- :..:il;-. MAV. I, -Iter liatTledlv lest h.-r ni'mt mid then ir. Willi,,..! Sir.iMt i miiM and s.Mit t.,.th fit flletit the r-elf , tl.o bed ii.iC ::. Harry Kenneily : :: il :, all at the lireak ; ,'ii ' ooetiod May's note uf ,:-."r I'Xiwtuney. he i .- i i'r.ieii rlK'id. ; i.ir.Lior came to his '..e iniiiniiliisl to himself, w.-ialil.sl iiis pareh, d Iip.s: :.i -o sudden:" ti.e l. tiii' over euivfnlly le, eiiiani(sl the le'.dress ,'ii n iViod of anijer swept this ho ....:-, !f 1. 'ly. "I vowel win le t, and I :im not up. She viil have to d! her own voleo and that a hill. WKAJ.r.n THIS I.tTTTT'-IU rush to liny to plead Ids case at that I, -,i:r he stall, il to walk to his oilieo In 113 l:d t-'Il-i er i,s c.e.ild well be Iiiuik l.ivd. I'.ut t t wan one of those foriu nnt mcu who arc apurrcd to higher nchluvt laent by every repulse and who never yield weakly to defeat, and, boat of i 11. lie was usually good featured ot.d did not lot things worry him. In coiiswjtiotiee tl:o rapid walk worked otf th savaprery of his mood, and he was a till to lieelti work without any outward aitra of his Inward displeasure I except perhaps a more caustic tinxa to the huiuor v.iOi which ho habitually gnol'd hw frleuls and custouiers. Be liiK busy rioat of the forenoon, ho bad no chance to think much of hla trouble or to lay down any plan for bis futura campaign with May, but he certainly was not expecting a call from his rlTal, and his surprise was (treat whon he was going out to luncb to have his en emy come along wearing a moat aa perior smile. "How do, Harry!" Strong exclaimed cheerily, extending his band. "Hello!" said Hurry with affected good humor, though Strong was about the last person on his visiting list that be wanted to see just then. "I thought I would come around and ask yon to come and have lunch with me," said Strong. "It ! a long time since we bare had a chat." "I am your man," said Barry cheer fully. "Lead the way." They were well on with their lunch before anything happened to show the andercurrent of feeling that existed b ttrri'D t! em. They bad confined the I j ir.t-r . laeakn.at, aud ns he eould not ; 1 . ;..! -I - I nil I 3 hjM ! g$m I HI! 5iU ! 1('. i ,r-- i& I svwMnaiMiistlJtMi4. . TfcSi titaatsm, cTmvcrsaTtbn 16 commonplace,' biit at Inst the nnme otfMny wna mentioned. I "The little fool!" psilnlmol Ilnrry l.etly, or be was so iic'iiaioiuod to ex- ' HE lltHlST VNTO A ROAR OF IiArOHTEB. orclsitiK lilt authority nm her that ho felt that what sho needed was a good old fashioned scolding. "I beg your pardon," said Strong with a preat assumption of dlpnity, "but I object to having yon refer to Miss Ran dall in such tonus." "l!y what right?" asked Kennedy In an ciaspornUng tone. "The right of an alBunccd husband," Bald Strong rashly. "Slnco wlienT asked Kennedy In tones still more exasperating. "Plnco this morning." 'Then yon have seen her this morn ing?" ".No, but I had proposed to her, and this morning I got this note." And be banded it over to Harry with an exult ing chuckle. The iuiek wlttert narry read tlio few lines that his rival showed him because tlio natural meanness of his disposition made him want to gloat over turn whom he had dcfeatid. As be road hla eye rested for a moment on tlio date Urn , and then a great Inspiration ciuue to him. Ilo burst Into a roar of laugh ter that nttractisl tho attention of the other dlnors lu Uio restaurant aud made Strong pale with anger. "Why-why." statu red tho self conscious hyiKicrlte. "what do you llnd so funny in that left. TV "How many hats with bricks In them did you kick on your way down townY" Mi.rry asked, whllo hla eyes sparkled Willi laughter. "WVsjt do you iiKimV" "Have you picked np any purse with atr! axs tied to them?" "What nru yon driving utf "Have you overlooked the fart that tills is April fool's day and that this noto was written so tltatyou would got it today?" Strong's faco tnmed positively green, mid his attempt to poohpooh Harry's Insinuation was a Hat flillutv. He sud denly recalled all tho practical Jokes that May had ever played on him, but forgot tlrnt thoy had twen mostly In spired by Harry. "Well, you are easy," said Harry. "Now, I suppose you intend going up there t.'nlht to let her say April fool to you. I have no doubt It would 'In terest' you, as e!a: says." "But yon suroly don't think." said Strol l nervously, "that Miss IQlndall wonld Joat with so sacn.il a subject." "My dear follow, that only goes to show t ow llttlo you know of Miss Han tb.ll." "i:ut tnt" Harry eaw that ho had .his rtval.dls trcssed and resumed tho attack on otn, er lln.s. "If you have tho nerve to go up and eali ou Miss Randall tonight In tlio face of that. I'll buy yon the best din ner in town tomorrow," "Who said I was going to rail on her tonight?" exclaimed Strong hotly ns be Hung himself out of lha restaurant "Well, that pnts him out of tho wny for awhile," said Harry to himself. "Wild horses wouldn't drag him np there tonight." Early that evening Miss Randal! was shocked to be lnfonwd that Harry Kennedy wns In tho parlor waiting for her to come down; "What Impudence!" sho exclaimed. "Hut that will give mo an excuse to give him such a dismissal as bo de serves." When May entered the parlor wrth all the dignity she conid assume, Har ry greeted her with, a, teasing laugh and cried: "April fool!" "Sir:" she exclaimed frigidly. Harry laughed more loudly titan before. "Oh, you needn't think." he said, "that you could steal a march on me liko that I didn't overlook the fact that this to April fool's day, and your little Joke about giving me the mitten Is no good." "But I meant every word of ltl" she cried angrily. "Well, I haven't accepted it, and that's where I April fool you." May flounced across the room, too angry to make any reply. "You see, If you hndii't tried to April fool Strong, too, I wouldn't hare tried to get back at yon." "I April fool Will Strong!" she cried. "What do you mean?" "You sent him an April foot accept ance of his proposal, didn't yon?" "I did no such thing. I sent him an honest acceptance, and If yon were a gentleman yon would not atay where yon are not wonted. He may be here any minute." Dyspepsia Cure Diaests what yon eat This preparation contains all of thJ dlireatanta and digest all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and neve fails to cure. It allows yon to eat al. the food yon want. The mostsensltlve stomachs can take It. By Its use many thousand of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It Is unequalled for ailatooMCfe troubios. It ean't kola bat 4o you got lMiawoglyb r.ci. irrwrrr si. ,tht yi l. bnittlootUiaH atnoa ttiatoa. aaaa. Tor sale by W A Uniiirwood. . . sJ.V'J3.Ai,l:.i.il .-,1 7 IM I mm To Cure a Cold in One Day "Hf-eVlnK your pardon, mndnm. Will StronK will not re r.cio tLta overiintr. i0 )pll suppose bo wants to frtve yon ft to IiuikIi at him? 1 assure you i he Is t-Ki lor.iii've for that." "l!ov do you know so union about what he thinks?" "Wo had lunch together today, aud he showed me your note." "And lie believes I wrote It as an April fool Joke?" "Ho certainly did when xve parted." "Oh. I'll never forgive him!" "That's good," said Harry wllh mock humility. "But I am goiug lo bo better nntured. I am going- to forgive you freely for the shock you gave mo be fore I remembered it waa the 1st of April." "But I don't want your forgiveness. I don't want to talk to you." After a few minutes' silence Harry went over to the sofa where May was sitting and sat down beside ber. "May," lie whispered. nor ouly reply was a shrug of bet shoulder. "Can I never mako yon understand how much I love you?" "You love to boss mo and tyrnnnlzo over me." "Can't yon understand that I atn do ing that now because I will never have a chauco after wo are married? I am ono ot tho sort of follows that a girl like you will twist around ber linger, and It is because I know it tbat I pre tend that yon can't boss roe at all." "Oh, I know how you can talk." "Hut if I do torment yon I wonld never let anybody or anything elso do it" "If he took thnt for an April fool Joke, I'll Just let It be one for him," she exclaimed Irrelevantly. "That's right," said Harry. "It Is getting late now, nnd if he were com ing he should bo here now." "I'll give him until 0 o'clock," she said. "And may I wait?" Harry asked. "Yes, if you will not talk any more foolishness. Harry promised, but finally sn!d thnt there had been no prohibition aliout singing. Ho wont to the piano and be gan t- slug the songs sho loved in a clear tenor voice whllo he accompanied himself ou tho Instrument. Presently she relented nnd offered to play his ac companiment. He chose songs that "MAY," HE WHISPERED, were sweet nnd touching, and before the tltno limit bad expired they both felt Instinctively that they understood one uuoUior as never before. At 0 o'clock May roso and penned a note to Will, saying that since he had susieTtod her noto to be an April fool Joko ho might still continue to think It one. Then she canto back to Harry lu a way that showed that his strong na ture completely dominated hers. "Of course tbat settles his case," said narry plaintively, "but still you do not love me." "April fooir she Bald mischievously as she put up her face to be kissed. "April fool yonrself," said Harry rap turously, "for you wore sure yon did not lovo me." rte!pd Him Along. "Then there Is snch a thing as heart failure, Is there, doctor?" said the hai'.tbiome young widow. "Certainly, madam," responded the bashful young physician. "The record of tho profession are full of "It's a perfectly unnecessary disease. Isn't it, doctor?" On this hint he spake. Chicago Record-Herald. TO STAMP OUT RABIES. "Muizlc all the dogs in Chicago for a period of six months and there will be no more rabies," said Dr. A. Lagorio of the Fosteur institute of Chicago. "There could be no better time than the present for such a step, became it is during tho winter and early spring that rabies is most easi ly spread. Contrary to the super stition that the summer months are the ones during which a dog is most liable to become 'mad,' there are few genuine cases of rabies devel oped at that time. Warm weather seems to kill the rabies germ, while it thrives during the cola months. "It is not so mucb to prevent peo ple from being bitten tiiat I would suggest a muzzling measure, but to prevent the spread of the disease. A rabid dog is capable of inoculat ing another animal as much as eighty days before he show any pronounced symptoms, and during that time he may bite a great many dogs. "An absolute order that would provide for the muzzling of every dog in Chicago would wipe out every trace of rabies within three months. I am inclined to think that such move will be necessary within a short time." Chicago Tribune. Poets aa They Come and Se. "The great poets are born," re marked the sententious "person. "Yes, and they are also dead," re plied the editor wearily. Philadel phia Record. CarsaCr la Two Pays, wt ff THE HEWITTS AT SEA. The principal incident in Allium Hewitts life was in 1844 when lie ,l l-:,1u-,ir,l fooner were east adrift in a leaky boat from the iineket Ala bama, which was wrecked in a liereo Btn. sono offer lenvino tho Med iterranean for New York. He show ed so high an order of heroism on h.it occasion thnt the f ooners took him into tho bosom of their family, the iovoiv oauy, aaugiuer 01 im house, giving hfm her heart nnd hand. It was that awful experience at sea that caused ilr. Hewitt in lat er years never to risk the lives of the several members of his family iu a single vessel when a voyage to Europe vm to be miulo. Wife, sons .,,1,1 Aioiditers would sail on differ ent steamers and meet on the other side. A few other heads of families have adopted these tactics in imita tion of llr. ICowitt. Two Old Proverbs and True Ones. Whon lw. returned from his first boxing bout in Portland, Ore., James J. Corbctt, tho ex-champion pugil ist, was asked by his father, ''How did it turn out?" Being told that i hi. il, -ht was a financial failure, he advised the youthful pugilist to re main ut Home iu mo iiituro. ne .,,.M,il.r mo lad." ho said, "there's mi old proverb nnd a true one, 'A rolling stone gainers no moss. Siv months later Corbctt boxed Kil- rain in New Orleans, and when lie came, homo his lather again ap proached him. This time he replied that he had made a lot of. money and paid him $50 ho had borrowed on a previous occasion. ''Well, me lm " mid Poo f'orhott. "remember there's nn old proverb and a true one, it s uio roving nee wm gvio the honey.' " Wouldn't Buy the Chair. When the new furniture was bought for tho cabinet room, tho president told the cabinet members they could have their old chairs for $5 apiece if thoy wanted them. Gov- awny, and tho president fixed tho nominal price on the handsome nm l..,,f,.nv ,-le.irs. thinkin? that for sentimental reasons the cabinet members would like to pot tho chairs as souvenirs of their service. All the members of tho cabinet re sponded with alacrity nnd sent their five dollar cheeks, except Secretary Hoot. Not being sentimental. Sec retary 1,'o.it said ho really was much obligi-il. but didn't think lie would invent in any secondhand furniture. Weak Baby, Tough Man. Though ninety-four years of n?e, Admiral ri.r llenrr Keppcl is still an indefatigable traveler and at present is traveling as Iar away irom nomo as SinuaDorc. His lona and active life started inauspieiously. At tho time of his birth he waa thought to be dead, nnd in hU ntito- biogrnpliy Sir Henry lvcppc-1 says that ho was "deposited in mv fa ther's foot pun to he interred iu u garden nt the buck of the house, not being entitled to a berth in conse crated ground." Fortunately before it was too late m.s nurse uiscovcreu that there was life in tho "small thing," and today at a great ago Sir Henry is still hale and hearty. Sorry He Paaaed Up the Student Dean Fuertes of tho College of Civil Engineering at Corncil, who died recently, was frequently gruff, though he had the kindest of hearts. A recent graduate tolls of going to tho ollice of "the Moge," as every one called liim, to see whether hu had been successful in nn astronomy examination. "The Moge" knew whet he wanted, and the student wan greeted as follows: "Wank, I passed you. God forgive me!" New York Tribune. A Family Event One of the largest families in St. Louis thnt of Arthur W. Becker is joyously celebrating the birth of a baby girl. This is tho first time in 140 years that a girl has been born in tho family. Tho grandfa ther, J. Becker, had five boys, nnd his father, Jacob Becker, four male heirs. The father of Jacob Becker had no sisters and no daughters, and none of his sons had any daugh ters, Elephants a Roadmakers. A new road for transport by auto mobile is being constructed in the Kongo 1'rce State, and at present it extends 450 miles. The method pur sued is simple enough. All that is done is to drive a herd of forty ele phants three or four times over the track marked out ny me surveyors. They lovel down obstructions as ef ficiently as a steam roller. A Wlf. Freak. The following paragraph appears in a will recently lodged for probate in Melbourne: "I bequeath unto my dear son John the feather bed, bed stead and wire mattress used by him for his own nse absolutely, and he is to divide with his brother the oil painting of their mother's fa ther." Impulsive Nordic. There is a certain confectioner 'i shop at St. MoriU, Switzerland, which all the notabilities during the sea son are in the habit of visiting about 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Last summer Mme. Nordica went there one afternoon, and when the coffee for her nartv waa unreasonably de layed she set out to investigate the cause. To a man in front of the counter where every one helps him self to the kind of pastry he wants she said in German t "Why don't you bring our coffee? I im worn out with waiting." "Madame," came the reply in the suavest of French, "I would be very clad if I eould, but I have nothing to do with the place. He was a Banian count and in the course of thing was presented laser. Dramatle Olatlnetien. ,. "The Thespian savi he is leading man in revival ol Unci Toms Obia,'" "Yfl. I7e leads the bloodhoosda In the street parade." kineas CONOTOErstWf They Wanted to See a Bigger Mall Than the Prealdent. Representative Fitzgerald of New York had tho pleasure of escorting a bride nnd bridegroom "two con stituents of mine," as ho designated them about the city tho other day. They had como to Washington on a wediling trip from Brooklyn and were desirous of seeing all the sights. After tho rounds hod been nintla Mr. Fitzecnld threw out his chest wit'ii eomo pride that he could make such an oiler and men re marked with careless recklessness, "If you would like to sco tho presir dent of tho United States, I will take vou to tho White House and introduce you." Not the slightest interest was awakened by this offer. Tho brido looked at the bridegroom with a quizzical expression of indif fnrencc. and tho bridegroom waved tho offer asldo with a doubtful shako of his head. "We don't know who thn nrnsident is." he doclarcd in the broken English of a Norseman, "but we would mucn iiko to see oenaior ICmilo N'olson. lie. wo know, is the biggest man in tho government." Mr., Fitzgerald lost no time in call ing Senator Nelson into tho marble room, and there the bride and bride groom were completely hoppy talk ing their native tonguo wiin me ctotoomnn from the northwest. Washington Cor. New York Trib une. He Knew It Alk Ti, ,.ii. , m l.v the ntntne of Albert Tike, the father of Scot tish Iiito Masonrv, author and poet, thnt stands at tlio junction of In- -i f -i t T; u aitina avenue ana u euei-i. i mo wore long, flowing hair that is faith- "wot, na rrr ma dcftaloeb." fully reproduced in the bronzo. A party ol tourists under the charge oi a man who knew it all came by. "There." said the iruide, "stands the statue of William F. Cody- good old Buffulo Bill." "V, hat dul ho do tnnt no aeserves a statue?" asked a young woman in tho party. Do!'' repented the guide, with fine scorn. "Why, he fit tho buffa loes." Washington Cor. New York World. Feed pale girls on Scott's Emulsion. We do not need to give all the reasons why Scott's Emulsion restores the strength and flesh and color of good health to those who suffer Jrom sick blood. The fact that it is the best preparation of. Cod Liver Oil, rich in nutrition, full of healthy stimulation is a suggestion as to why it does what it docs. Scott's Emulsion presents Cod Liver Oil at its best, fullest in strength, least in taste. Young women in their " t jens " are permanently cured of the peculiar disease of the Shod which shows itself in ;;il encss, weakness and nervous ness, by regular treatment with Scott's Emulsion. It is a true blood food and s naturally adapted to the cure of the blood sickness from which so manj young women suffer. We win ha glad to suaf a aaapw I any aunartr. R Mrra ttat Oil nfe1 la a uttm ot a labci n-rp-f ot every avnuHKM r 1 an. SCOTT A BOWNB, Chomlata, oq Pead St. Naw York. R oyal Blue Shoes! Stylish looking, good fitting and long wearing, $3.50. Plenty oi other styles all the way down to $1.25. W sell GOOD SHOES at low price, that is why we tire the largest shoe dealeo in this section. Yon it truly, W. D. STEDMAN CX CO TOK 8ALK 10ft bushel Wood's V, Miss Ida. M. Snyder, T uara a tke Brooblya t aa End Art Clah. " If women would pay mora atUntloe to their health wa would have ore happy wives, mothers and daughters, and U they would obterv reaulti they would find (hat the doctors' prexripuoni do not perform the many cum they an Jives credit for. - In consulting with my drugjbt ha ad vised McElrec'a Wins of Carduiarid Thed. ford's Black-Draught, and so I lock It and have every reason to thank him lor a new life opened up to ma with restored health, and It only took three months to cure me." Wine of Cardui is a. regulator cf the menstrual functions and is a most as tonishing tonio for women. It cures scanty, supprosacd, too frequent, irreg ular and painful menstruation, failing of the womb, whites and flooding, it is belpfhl when approaching woman hood, during pregnancy, after child birth and in chaiiss of life. It fro- Suently brings a dear baby to homes lat have been barren for yean. All druggists have $1X0 bottles of Wine ot larlui. Mortgage Sale. cd in a certain mortgage deed axeeutert io Wilev Ftueh mortgage by J ' Birk heau and wife Hattie Birkhead on the Jlst day of Feb. 1900, 'o secure the payment ol a certain oouu uranu u.- : -. 1 ... I. .t, -mlA iHnrl,aim fined IB duly .ecu. ded in the office of the Reg- n...,.l. for M.nHnlnh eonBIT in u..nl. n-i .ua iaa anrl ftjlfunlt havitia bi-en made, in the payment rf aid bond a provrieu id aaiu iuui,kk deed, 1 w.H sell at public auction to II1B11IRI1WI u.U'iw, -" , ' - " oomt house in Asbebore, N, l- on Monday. April oia, iuo, v Y j M. the lnaa ronveyei mm uumnum, in nin motiKBgtt aa ionw-, n. loll, ing the lands of W H Mormg, 1 1 .a . k.n;nnini, m atone on the south' side of the Vwharrie Koad, notihflOdeg 'ast. o i- poire w black oak, now down the Marsh onrn er; thence south on o'd line 23 dag eaat 71 poles to a stone; tnenee norm oi ueg west 40 1-2 poles io a atone on the John i ., ...... .n bbM linn north 3 1-2 w rt 4-1 1-2 poles to the beginning, containing 16 1 4 acr more or 1. as. y. i; waue, i Aommin'aiun J.-cn Kusb, ) Wiley Rosh, deed. Tin March Srd, 1903. Notice. FUvlnir nil . lifted aa rzeOutriX ot th last wlii arid tostament ol M. B. Leaoh, nil persons indebted to said estate are requested tuniaiaimuisuiB.1 jimjiuaui, and all iiersous holding claims agaiuat a.wl n.tHio are hereby notified to pre sent tbe same to the uu.lersigned on or bef. retbe 2Cth day 'f Feby. 104, or this not ce will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. Ilia i-iiMltm, itfw. Honoba K. Lkacii, Exroutrix. FINE CHICKENS. The Asheboro Toultry Yard, owu- ed bv J. M. Rich, has egg settings ot f 1.00 for 13 eggB of White and Bar red I'lYinotith Kock ana mack uinr- shang chickens. All these chickens took first and second premiums at the North Carolina 1'oultry Association J. M. RICH, Trop., Asheboro, N. C. GO TO J.W.TIPPETT WITH YOUR EGGS AND CHICKENS, Highest Market Prices for all Country Produce. Franklin ville N. O THE EVENT Of The Sea. son Will be Our Millinery Opening At R ANDLEMAN.N.C. ON APRIL 3rd. You are invited to attend this, our initial business venture in this county. Yon have probably seen larger stocks than we shall attempt to show, but you've never seen anything more up-to-date. Our stock is the cream of fash ions and it will pay you to attend this opening, if for nothing more than to post yonrself on what' what this season. Another im portant feature of onr millinery is the prioe it' right come to see ns, you'll be welcome. Miss Florence Owen. Land Sale. By virtue of aa Orel, r and dere of mv sitae uy . v. ."" Y.' in the special proceeding, pending In the Superior Ooart of Bandoiph oouaty, entitled B. L. Tomlinaoa A dm. ol D. If. Tomlinann deed. vs. Minnie Col- U1 lint BUliin. M, -""-- al. I wlU sell at public Motion to the Bigness, oiaaer oet ids. p , O'clook M. on Saturday April 18th lSOS, toe rouowiaajueiiui w w mmm T 1 in t hai eftsntf a Randolph Stat of N. O., n Mew Mar ket townaloa. adioinlng c Unda of W. O. Antnoar, Joseph Speooer and ouara, sum riu"is m " - i:J. Mi,a eeiMM M. 1A cha sua tt u w- m .iu (hn K. 1 7A nh. te a Stan, theiKO H. SS.W eh to a stocte, tneHae l a 9 en v m awate the ereoK. taenoe s, an an vaww oooraae of the a ak to a atnns, tketatoir B. .i0e itoaston), thenaa W. IM cb to a atoar, thne 8. 1 7ft oka, to a stone, theooe B. W. M eh to a aaona. tbrtto W. lt.83 est, to ti. t ginning, oontainirig 2S aoraa mora "T laa. Terms of aale ah. Title rtaarved nll approved by toe eomt. O. L. (Ure, K, h Tostxwsc-, AUv. Atlsar. and 0t. Thh Marsh Hihl, W. W. JONES, Dealer In GROCERIES, PROVISION'S AMD PRODUCE, Sewing Machines, Part and Attach ments. Also have a lot of good clothing that will be cloced out cheap. Produce bought ana soiu. lour nntmnatre solioited. Give niO a Cll and I'll treat yon right. W. W. JONES, Allen stand. Depot St. To the Ladies We have a choice line of Feather Bono Corsets which we will sell at greatly reduced prices during the mouth of March. We must cleni our shelves to make ready for out new goods. Very trnly, MRS. E. T. BLAIR. Three Times the Value of Any Other! One-Third Easier. X One-Third Faster Agent wanted in all uuoccupief territory. Wheeler & Wilson Mafg. Co ATLANTA, GA. For sale by MOFFITT A CO AfllieUoio, N. C. The Southern Railway... Announces, the opening of the winter Tourist Season und the placing on anlo of . . . Excursion Tickets to all prominent poiote in th , , . South.Souttot.We&tinules Mexico and Gailtornla. including Rt. Augustine, Palm Beech, Mifiml, JnckHou ville, Tampa, Port Tauipit, Bruuswlok, Thonv aeville, Churlenton, Aiken, AtV rus-t-a, I'iDehiirtt, Ashevllle, At Tania, New Orleana, Mamphia and , The Land ot the Sky. k eriect Dining and Bleeping 8n vlce ou all Trail ia. i See that your ticket reads Via SOUTHERN RnlLWfly. Ask any ticket agent for fall bt formation. or address B. L, TKEKOR, a Paaa. A ml kariottaT". d C, W. WKSTBCBT, District Pa, Irani. fUchssoad, fa. 8, H. BaRDWICiT, fleaaral Patsenge AJjaak, J. IL CCLP, Trafflc Maaaoer. WMhinertoa, P. . A, TURK, Aaera. Paaa. TraA Huif. WasOuBfltaa, & Ol : m axxMattaaicai J Taunet Maataa , .4V Deatona r'f ,t Coa-ntaxr As. km we aeaaolii ftaaaefiti and awCTtves tm mt aiuefclr aa ruia Mr oeio-en trmm wllw mm fn.mu t. probabl, plubl. p iia.M,-' -UooaatrMlTnTOM ttai. (tUfStKaa ralma sort frM. Ola t mmct for v-u Mbwif -Shu ta taai Ditnrt Itaaa ftVt, sewlf w wu, vnKca5wa. at tie Sdetttltlc Hceiittx ttanaaairt, em. tm waaatf. I a an aahtioft of anr mr leoua. -,'ml, f i, St a rwri 1nr aontAa, SU Ikjtli m Ma. M tajco'KJ3 ttmmcm OM, B f M. Waaktaalaa. i. 0. 0.L.BAPP,- Attorney-ttLw, Prate t la Ptata aa! rsetfat OmAkV OaerperakMa, OtmmmmA aa4 Fra iltTj.Tl llt OA ta Bats ft Bask BacltSha a,, trrmulr Man tl U. umt Sntn Hi -A 0eu4 men tu:t of 1 4. I C -i, Vr F BAibM, Jwsyk PW Kiwtt, Liberty, It, w C.'y JostoaI. Winnna

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